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50202987 No.50202987 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking pathetic wagies cant even make a sandwich!
Karen is pissased.

>> No.50203019
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“Full refund” lol

>> No.50203021
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clean it up wagie

>> No.50203028
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Ahahaha get fucked idiot ahahahahaahahhahaha what are you gonna do about it, CRY AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA

>> No.50203169

Oh no, now the have to get a towel before moving the cup to get their tip. Like 15 extra seconds of work...

>> No.50203191

>he doesn't understand the intricate trap

>> No.50203200

>person is literally making your sandwich
>if you don't like it you can just start over
>don't like said sandwich
>pays for it anyway and eats alone in car like a pathetic virgin

>> No.50203321

Without workers you all would die immediately. Low life helpless neet parasite scum

>> No.50203347

This is top retardation

>press glass against table
>clean ketchup
>easily solve the issue of the upside down glass
>get the money

Why not just pour ketchup everywhere in the table, then pour water, and don't leave a tip.

>> No.50203386
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>that will be $24.99, plus tip

>> No.50203433

>Get bucket, paper towels and spray
>drag glass along table and empty into bucket
>wipe ketchup and water then spray clean

10 seconds work

>> No.50203465

That’s all on the driver

>> No.50203468

This. He probably said thanks and gave a 20% tip too.

>> No.50203530 [DELETED] 
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if i see a nigger working at a restaurant, i don't go. simple as.

>> No.50203582

>be me
>go to vocational school to get my life together after HS
>have to work in campus kitchen for a week to finish onboarding
>the entire time some 4" faggot is fucking with me
>won't hit him because if I fuck this up I'll end up homeless
>wiping tables
>bunch of ghetto ass kids doing this exact some thing
>I'm getting fed up
>some nice guy asks whats wrong
>share this kid is fucking with me and I can't afford to retaliate
>he says something like, "I gotcha man"
>faggot manlet working the dishpit, theres 2 windowed counters where people put their dishes after they are done
>all the sudden shit everyone on campus starts fucking with him
>people stacking cups full of juice and nasty combos as high as the can. Every now and again someone comes and smacks them towards manlet
>people making their dishes as nasty as possible
>dudes actually bouncing silverware off of the wall to hit him
>this goes on for like days straight
>end of each day he is covered in nasty shit
Good times. Fuck you manlet

>> No.50203591

they always put stupid amounts of sauce on at Subway
If you say a "little" or "tiny amount" of sauce they will proceed to put two full lines on completely smearing sauce all over turning it into a creamy mess like you never said anything
also if you say a little bit of everything for the vegetables they will proceed to ask you if you "also want jalapenos" or "also want carrot" and whatever like they are retarded and then also end up not actually putting everything on leaving stuff out like green leaves when you said put on a bit of everything
and then they forget asking for salt and peoper and you end up with watery tasting vegetables when you remember after they probably didnt even put on salt

>> No.50203636

Wypipo think mayo is too spicy now fr no cap

>> No.50203640

wait a minute, don't you pay AFTER you get your shit finished?

why did he pay after seeing the black woman dump a whole bottle of mayo on the sandwich?

>> No.50203852
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Holy fuck look at all the wagies you got with this one

>> No.50204048

>upside down glass full of whater

>> No.50204069

I have a comfie wage job where I baby sit a house full of tards all night. I can game, coom, watch tv or sleep the whole shift. Make money to invest in this crypto crash brotha.

>> No.50204090
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complaining on 4chan about subway

>> No.50204114

>he fucking paid for it and probably said thank you
You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.50204116
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Ice ice baby

>> No.50204469

He's a scared little bitch.

>> No.50204564

>adding salt to a sandwich with 2000% the daily intake already

>> No.50204716

>wagie crackhead passive-aggressively adds too much Mayo to Sammie
>”it’s ok bro I’ll wipe it off :)”
>receive sandwich and unwrap at counter
>use glass sneeze guard to wipe Mayo off sandwich down entire length
>”Aw shoot I guess I gotta throw this away now :(“
>remove drain gate from soda fountain
>shove entire sandwich into 1.25” drain hole
>”ah I’ve got it now”
>hold down soda button and ice lever until you are physically removed by raging wagies or police
>loudly shit pants and scream n word
>get committed to mental hospital for 72 hour hold
>steal as many grippie socks as possible

It’s called living the hustle lifestyle sweetie

>> No.50204908

You forgot to
>>Frisbee the cookies and pita bread at crackhead while they squeegie down the sneeze guard. All the time, soda and a torrent of icecubes are flooding onto the floor.

>> No.50205980
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Why do you hate wagies? We didn't do anything to you.

>> No.50206048
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I've seen this stupid post before with the same stupid >>50203021 shit with the same replies. This some sort of whale signal?

>> No.50206053

The only thing worse than working at a fast food restaurant is eating from said fast food restaurant.

>> No.50206067
File: 173 KB, 1024x575, 1654121106705m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better clean up my mess you stupid wagie!!!!

>> No.50206071

Wagies on suicide watch

>> No.50206091

Yeah the whole story is probably fake.

>> No.50206115


America is not a functioning society

>> No.50206129

ngl I prefer this to more people complaining because memecoins are not making them rich (shib, qom, etc)

>> No.50206521

imagine walking by and seeing this shit being set up, I would assume you are retarded.

>> No.50207246

You just know

>> No.50207434

Say “one shot” and mime one squeeze line

>> No.50207472

The glass is full of water you blind tard

>> No.50207504

Looks tasty to me desu. People are way too afraid of mayo nowadays

>> No.50207518

the ketchup sealed it in

>> No.50207545

>bullying wagies who make your food
bet you can't make scrambled eggs to save your life

>> No.50207572

Dude missed out on a blowjob

>> No.50208105
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>guten appetite

>> No.50208120

why is american mayonnaise white
it looks gross

>> No.50208140
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>> No.50208151

How do people do that?

>> No.50208157
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>> No.50208168


>> No.50208174

>talk finances with literally anyone over how we’re all hurting from the bullshit in DC
>get to credit scores
>mention what mine is and how I got there (AKA in the 700’s and by not being a retard)
>almost every time without fail I get the whole its a scam spiel
Funnily enough everyone I could actually talk about this shit with was young like me.

>> No.50208225

> He doesn't know how to flipped it back without throwing the water


>> No.50208229


>> No.50208241

This is your average American by the way, am over sized child.

>> No.50208258

What are Robots

>> No.50208274


>> No.50208283
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>> No.50208322

Imagine her parents

>> No.50208334
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>> No.50208363

he got arrested

>> No.50208407

Based, everyone should start doing this but without leaving any tips. Fuck wagies

>> No.50208409

wtf is going on there?

>> No.50208419

It's more work to do this than to clean it up

>> No.50208930

there is a shortage of unqualified workers so right now those low IQ wagies feel like they're bosses. wait till the labor market goes back to normal and those morons will be fired

>> No.50208969

this was during peak cancel culture. mentally ill/autistic woman is realizing she will be all over the internet or probably fired if the black qveen uploads the video on social media. being a social retard she doesnt know how to act in this situation

>> No.50209016

mentally ill incel living in a van walks up to girls to insult them

>> No.50209022

This and being a white chad is why i cant trust service personel, they are jealous of my genes and they have been taunted too many times

>> No.50209112

is there a news story on the cunt? I want to know who he is

>> No.50209180


>> No.50209628

A miserable pile of memes
But enough of that, have at your "A.I."

>> No.50209653


>> No.50209697

wagie hate threads are always just nigger hate threads because white people don't treat each other like this

>> No.50209736
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>10 seconds work
Holy kek

>> No.50209739
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>> No.50209755

America is not for human to live in.

>> No.50209756


>> No.50209766
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You take the menu or whatever other piece of paper/laminate plastic, cover the water tightly with your hand holding the paper, flip it, then when it's on the table you pull the paper out from underneath and wallah, instant suction. Physics is so cool bruhs

>> No.50209816

Thanks, ill try doing it the next time i visit a restaurant

>> No.50209894

>T. Made this whole story up
Get fucked nigger fraternizer

>> No.50209940

>go the cheapest, shittiest franchise sandwich shop with the lowest barrier for franchise ownership
>literally everything on the menu tastes the same, none of it is good
>get treated like a bitch by a literal minimum wagie
>cuck out and pay full price for a sandwich the wagie deliberately and maliciously fucked up in real time, in plain view of your line of sight
>go to car, unwrap sandwich, take a picture, and cry about it online
imagine being this much of a retard.

>> No.50209999

Some subways have drive thrus now.

>> No.50210051

I haven't eaten anything that wasn't prepared by myself, my girl or my family in over 10 years. Why would I deal with all this bs? Kek

>> No.50210090

This. You pay at the very end, they could have just left

>> No.50210092

>Americans when they don’t get their hourly high fructose goy slop.

>> No.50210973


>> No.50211444

Syscon remains dedicated to being the ultimate solution for applications that need security, decentralization and scalability, but without the compromises. Every advancement of syscon is built on the base layer of security that only bitcoin can provide and that is why we stay on Proof-of-Work through merge mining.

>> No.50211618

Based. Faggots need to learn to be independant and prepare their own food. Wagies always fucks up everything, even when they get paid 15.00 per hour. You can buy a few lbs of meat/cheese/bread and produce more burgers at better quality for a lower cost. Fuck McWagies.

>> No.50211682

what a faggot coward.

>> No.50211705


>> No.50211712
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Wagies need to understand that they are expendable. A lot of younger wagies don't like their jobs because they think they have more potential. I have heard one story of a cart-pusher at Lowe's who made around $10/hr and quit saying "I felt like I am worth more." The problem with this is that, statistically, he isn't. He has no education, no corporate background, and no quantifiable resources. Why the fuck would you be worth more?

>> No.50211752
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id spray her boobs if you know what i mean

>> No.50212042

>Karen is pissed
That's a man's hand. Look at the arm.

>> No.50212121

The NEET will inherit the Earth

>> No.50212147

Wagie, stop and think. I know you feel like you have good ideas and that you should be in charge, realistically, you don't and shouldn't. You cost the company money to hire. You have to be trained, uniformed, and insured. There is a huge risk even interviewing you. You need to feel privileged to be a part of the establishment.

>> No.50212206

Imagine consuming food made by a poor person.

>> No.50212344

I'm a contractor, so I work when I want. By the way, just took a huge fat shit and feel amazing.

>> No.50212384
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what a hyper-sensitive faggot you are.

>> No.50212566 [DELETED] 

you literally never leave your house.

>> No.50212624

>white people don't treat each other like this
thanks for confirming you literally never leave your house retard.

>> No.50212691

I don't even understand how it's possible to do this. How was the vacuum seal between the borders of the cup and the table created?

>> No.50212730

A multiple blows to the head job maybe.

>> No.50212792

Is that the black dude from Malcolm in the middle. Fuck is this ever a deep cut.

>> No.50212798

Kek based nigress documenting whypipo foolishness
>i just came to get my free panty...

>> No.50212840

It’s basically like getting paid to have room mates in every major city. How do i do it? I was wondering if it’s possible to combine with wfh

>> No.50212848
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Why does he keep fucking Jesse up?

>> No.50213203

I cook better than almost all of the resteraunts I've been to. You're all completely trash and put no passion into your food. You're all shit trash scum of the earth talentless shit. Then you complain while begging for money from customers like a homeless person at your job.
If women didn't exist all resteraunts would be out of business in a day because only women can make a man let some degenerate begger loser cook their food for them.