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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 592 KB, 908x900, 1654825611505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50202363 No.50202363 [Reply] [Original]

>Dominic betrayed
>YHVH betrayed
>Gokubro betrayed
>Munman betrayed
>ICP Truther betrayed
>Sunman betrayed
>Veri doctores betrayed
>Tyler's gang betrayed
>Mari poster betrayed
>ICP is a scam and moonman is a scammer poster betrayed
>NFT shills betrayed

It's over. It was a pleasure hodling with you sirs...

>> No.50202414

ICP is the endgame of crypto. You can either purchase some other bullshit tokens, or you can get rich with all of us ICPee marines next bullrun.
>in b4 fuck yo piece of shit blogchain dominique

>> No.50202462

finterest didn't betray though

>> No.50202702

>verification bizchad betrayed
>vito poster betrayed
>icp schizos betrayed
>dicklord stole memes and then betrayed
fuck this shitcoin

>> No.50202730

By "betrayed" you mean didn't stick with you in financial collective suicide?

>> No.50203633

Huh? It's at a 7 day high

>> No.50203750

>judges by weekly performance
You are the best kind of bag holder. Have fun buying peoples bags for the rest of your life

>> No.50203767

>Choi betray
>Raj betray
>Arwald betray
>Kay betray
>Larry betray
>Timmy betray
Ghost saved my life savings

>> No.50203770
File: 418 KB, 1070x601, 1652581654575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, fuck this piece of shit blog chain
I have had enough of being conned by dawnmonique and his not even half of 420 cyberjannies that do sudokus and call it cryptoesniffagraphy. I am tired of that chink Manmun turbulent schizo posting and subliminally shilling Tyrone, making twerking videos and charging a 500$ onlyfags tax to send copy-pasted BuzzFeed cryptoe articles and in between shilling his private Snapchat
I am tired of that bitch nigga doctor with his weeb twin peaks shit youtube, schizo editing his titles and descriptions in a desperate attempt to try and remember how numbers are supposed to work, while constantly disassociating stuck between ghosts and shells
I am tired of Motoko as their faggot programming language, nobody knows it and nobody will use it. Their documentation is nonexistent so developers, even if they tried, would have no idea where to begin because this Motoko scam doesn't even compile shit. I'm switching back to superior Haskell, and don't get me started on those .png nfts, these are the most retarded looking, low volume stinking bags of shit. I download .pngs from here all the time, why would I pay money to "own" a hyperlink to a .png I don't even want to download for free??
fuck off with your icp ponzi scheme, wow 20 year old roadmap, NO FUCKING THANKS, you can lie to other brainlet Redditors; omg amazing lock icp and stake for 8 years, surely our cloudservers will pay you dividents and dominic dicpic nfts, muh disruptive technology, me farting in a tranquil lake is more disruptive than this computer crap. literally 2 dapps, cloned from cardano's superior code & ecosystem
what fucking conmen have the nerve to lie and reassure "investors" (LMAO): yeah bro just 20 more years for smart contracts, web speed bro
real men set sprints to achieve the impossible quick and always deliver like my idol, the scrum master Charles hoskinsan. 2 more weeks and I know something big happens, never missed one deadline unlike that icp scam

>> No.50204809
File: 157 KB, 1885x529, Spoonfeed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you whiney faggots are spoon fed bits and pieces of good info every week and you chose to ignore it.

>> No.50205103

lmao that retarded faggot was responding to me in those posts.
It’s a completely not needed token.
Everything ICP can do, can be done already with legacy systems for far cheaper.
You are delusional. You are suffering from bagholder cope.

>> No.50205258

Saved this to the “notes” section on my iPhone thanks

>> No.50205408
File: 631 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20220706-050013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>muh mass adoption because..... Because it just will happen OK!

>> No.50205804

The goku betrayal hurts most.

>> No.50206387

no u

>> No.50206397 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 244x253, 1636569956307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ICP is a scam and moonman is a scammer" poster is the only one who didn't betray

>> No.50206541

>>ICP Truther betrayed
He did say Boris Johnson would resign tomorrow. Didn't he? Things aren't looking to good for Boris.

>> No.50206632

lmao this. ICP is a fucking astroturfed wasteland.
i really truly wanted to believe in the project. it has so much potential.
but potential doesn’t mean SHIT in the real world.
it’s fake and gay and it makes me sad, but it’s the truth

>> No.50208046
File: 222 KB, 640x960, 1657067069906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but why is the price still going down?