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50197681 No.50197681 [Reply] [Original]

i thought the vaxxed were supposed to be dead and dropping like flies by now. im looking like a retard out here bros

>> No.50197713
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we were lied to
there are no vax deaths, only Sudden Adult Death Syndrome victims
antivaxchudbros... we lost...

>> No.50197726
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2 more weeks.

>> No.50197764

Yeah it’s weird. I thought if they weren’t dead they’d at least be infertile. Oh well, they still took it for no reason.

>> No.50197775

To be fair, many unvaxxed people are also doing just fine. My enlightened centrist opinion is that one dose was enough if you're young and have a strong immune system.

>> No.50197853
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This. The media's push about "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" was the clear evidence of vaccine deaths.

>> No.50197864

I quit going to /pol/ after I realized 90% of the threads are blatant shilling of unvaxx narratives to no end.
I was there a lot last summer and the unvaxxed community was a major factor in my decision to not come here anymore. Vaxxtards did to an extent as well but UNVAXXEDtards are worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for the Vaccine to even kill a hundred thousand and why it was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>stay vaxxed
>when you know you know
>he doesn’t know
>keep coping faggot
>you'll drop dead by next month
>100% eoy everybody dies
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random bitchute posts there explaining how by the end of year deaths we'll be in the billions.
Here we are.
After seeing the dump in cases today I went there just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s beyond EOY, the vaxxed didn’t die (fortunately), no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not the AIDS apocalypse, it will not be the End Times Zombie apocalypse. The world will not be dropping dead (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going on as usual with no major happenings or events.
I will enjoy watching unvaxxtards burn every step along the way.
Because you fucking idiots deserve it all.

>> No.50197941

>To be fair, many unvaxxed people are also doing just fine.
This. If you took the vaxx you got psyopped and if you didn't take the vaxx you got psyopped. The only chad move is/was to remain completely apathetic to the whole thing and remain unvaxxed, not out of principle or paranoia but simply because you can't be arsed.

>> No.50197991

I think I made the right move to no get vaxxed just because I thought it wasn't medically necessary and may cause more harm than good for someone my age and health.

I never thought or spread ideas about it killing a bunch of people or any shit like that.

>> No.50198020

keep coping faggot vaxtard

>> No.50198036

>covid will kill everyone!!
>vax will kill everyone!!
As always, both sides are easily excited mouth breathing retards.

>> No.50198076

what kind of retard spends so much time on 4chan that he gets more annoyed by antivaxx shilling than the constant vaxx shilling everywhere else?
the unvaxxed didn't all die. there was no winter of severe illness and death for the unvaxxed. extremists on both "sides" look completely retarded at this point, but at least the antivaxxers didn't run out to get injected with an untested rushed product and then try to ruin the lives of everybody who disagreed with them. if you got so caught up in the red deer wellpoisoning psyop that you think antivaxxers are more of a problem than rabid mandate pushers, you're the retard.

>> No.50198178

Wait 5 years. Not only will people not be dropping dead from the vax, but you won't be able to find a single person who ever suggested that they would.
It's amazing how hard it is to find people who made and supported retarded predictions, after they didn't come true.
I remember a YouTube video from 2015 saying that Obama and the UN were using FEMA camps to prepare for the fact that Obama wasn't going to hand over power, and that the NWO would be instated. The comments were full of panicked retards who were certain this was going to happen. Then it didn't happen. Now try and find my one single person who would admit to thinking Obama and the UN and FEMA were going to take over the world in 2015. They all disappear like smoke in wind.

>> No.50198247

>he visits /pol/
get a load of this loser

>> No.50198304
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wow sort of like how covid fanatics have already memoryholed CFR and unvaxxed death predictions
it's the conspiracy theorists who are the problem!

>> No.50198330

fucking lmao
two more weeks bro

>> No.50198355

What's your timeline for the hundreds of millions of vaccinated people to suddenly drop dead? At what point will you reassess whether vaccine mortality is in line with your catastrophic predictions? Is 5 years enough? 10?

>> No.50198390

10 years

>> No.50198404

10 years after I die

>> No.50198406

This post BTFO any vax pushers.

One could easily argue neither side has dropped dead like the other would say, but there are a lot of weird health problems now happening that they will never attribute to the vax.
For the sake of argument, lets say both sides are equal, it would be better to NOT take an unnecessary injection. You can't deny this logic.

>> No.50198409

You can't discern who died from the jabb from those that died in the last two years.
More than a million amerifats died. Some of it is flu, some of it is genuine cardiovascular illness from corn syrup and sugar. But lots of those written off as coronachan and heart attacks are jabbed fags.
>inb4 1 million is not a lot

>> No.50198436

How many covid shots are you gonna get before you say enough is enough? What would it take for you to stop getting them?

>> No.50198439
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>> No.50198453

Do you think that Obama will hand over power in 2016 or do you think he will use the UN to put everyone in FEMA camps so that he can bring about the NWO?

>> No.50198455


Yeah, true. Pol is a true shitshow.

>> No.50198479

I'm not scared of needles or Western medicine, anon. Maybe I haven't watched enough YouTube.

>> No.50198491

Ah yes I remember this happening. Fun times.

>> No.50198504
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67% of America is vaccinated, if people were dropping like flies then society would by completely dysfunctional

Even if we ignore that we can model how many people are typically expected to die every year, the range of deaths for people expected to die from the flu, etc. This is actually the biggest reason why the COVID deaths when they first broke out are likely not fake, because there were over 400k more deaths than expected that were attributed to COVID, and this was before the vaccine was publicly available

>> No.50198556

You didnt answer the question.
Will you get 1-2 shots per year for the rest of your life? Even if the unvaxxed continue to not die?

>> No.50198582

what's your timeline for all the unvaccinated to drop dead
Do you think covid has an IFR of 3%? Will the vaccines be 100% effective in preventing transmission and allow us to achieve herd immunity after 70-80% of the population has had two doses?

>> No.50198586

Why is it hard for you illiterate retards to write /pol/ correctly while seething about it? You know it's obvious you're a fucking newfag outsider right?

>> No.50198641

the chosen ones of the coof psyops are the ones who didn’t force their beliefs of the vaccine on each other

>> No.50198653

Glowniggers repost the cap of one post some glownigger made that like majority of people will die. Glowniggers do not repost the other billion of posts saying tens of millions will die, millions will die, hundreds of thousands will die, no one will die, many will be resurrected by the magical "vaccine" and everything else in between.
0.3% of all mutts dying in a period of one year is a nice culling.
I wanted it to be like at least 1% personally so you know like in 5 years a city the suze of Boston is culled. This way it will take longer.

>> No.50198680

I never suggested the unvaccinated would drop dead. I never exhorted anyone to get the vaccine. I never made any substantive statements about ideal vaccine rates or herd immunity or anything. But you didn't answer my question at all.

>> No.50198709

All I know about the vaccine is it did not impact my sexual performance, mood, etc in any way. My left arm is always a tiny bit sore since the injection, but I think the nurse just injected me wrong and fucked up my arm for life. Oh well. I only have 97iq anyway so why even waste time thinking the issue? It happened and I have to play the hand I was dealt

>> No.50198718

Sounds like a personal choice my freedom loving friend, that I am free to make, no?

>> No.50198755

I actually know a few people who died within weeks or a couple months of their boosters from blood clot and heart related issues with no problems in their medical history. One of them did J&J which was pulled from the shelf about two weeks before she died suddenly while taking a nap. Read the Pfizer docs. Death is a side effect. All the war news came out right when they were starting to dump their documents after a court demanded it.

>> No.50198772

lol mobilefag. I never suggested Obama was going to put anyone in FEMA camps, retard. Just pointing out that you can either criticize a small group of online conspiracy theorists for being wrong, or the ever-present and overwhelmingly powerful media apparatus, and you choose to pick on schizos because you're such a faggot pussy.

>> No.50198783

Well gee, I'm sorry some random shitposter on /pol/ said "yep, 10 million people are going to die from COVID, trust me" and you fell for it. If we're talking about the actual scientific community though the number of potential deaths ranged anywhere from 200k to 2 million, with the larger numbers like 2 million being absolute worst case scenarios if the government did literally nothing

I'd like to point out though that if you think 400k dying in one year is no big deal, you can't complain about anything else without being a hypocrite. You can't complain about, for example, black murder statistics, or war, or terrorism, because COVID has killed more than all of those

>> No.50198816

I pick on the schizos because they're the ones insisting on going on incessantly about their fucking retarded failed doomsday predictions while I'm just trying to talk about investing. If Pfizer were here astroturfing I would call them faggots too.

>> No.50198820

Your tone makes it sound like I implied you shouldn't be able to, this is simply you projecting your internal state onto me.
I was asking the other poster what it would take for them to change their mind, relax pal.

>> No.50198825

Died (((with))) CoVid. This has already been clarified. Thousands died of other causes, but it was recorded as CoVid if they tested positive.

>> No.50198836

>I remember a YouTube video from 2015 saying that Obama and the UN were using FEMA camps to prepare for the fact that Obama wasn't going to hand over power, and that the NWO would be instated. The comments were full of panicked retards who were certain this was going to happen. Then it didn't happen. Now try and find my one single person who would admit to thinking Obama and the UN and FEMA were going to take over the world in 2015.
Sounds just like media brainwashed libtards with Trump. Only difference is they still think this.

>> No.50198865

And that has already been addressed, that doesn’t explain how over 400k more people died than expected the year of the pandemic. If COVID had nothing to do with those deaths where did they magically come from?

>> No.50198878
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oh no not the 400,000 people with an average age of mortality equal to the average life expectancy. won't somebody think of the diabetic octogenarians.
excess deaths from non-covid causes exceed excess deaths from covid by 50% since the start of the lockdowns. every step of the official response has been a public health disaster and a godsend for tech and medical corporations. basically you're a bootlicking retard.

>> No.50198892

>I pick on schizos because I spend too much time on 4chan and not enough time literally anywhere else
yes, that was what I said in my first post ITT

>> No.50198906

They do mysteriously get covid all the time.

>> No.50198946

>this pasta is guaranteed replies no matter how many times it gets posted
God 4chan hasn't been good for years, sad times

>> No.50198947

You're a fucking retard

>> No.50198950

Literally nothing

>> No.50198954

Okay how do I do business or make finance from this?

>> No.50198979

Already addressed, see
We already have models that take into account the people expected to die of things like old age and it was over 400k more than expected. If you don't think that matters then guess what, you can't whine about anything. You can't whine about murder, you can't whine about war, you can't whine about terrorism, you can't whine about Antifa, because COVID has taken more lives than all of those. But I'm sure you will hypocritically complain about those too when this thread dies

>> No.50199030
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I didn't take it because I'm young and a complete introvert. If you're an old bus driver or flight attendant who have to be around travelers all the time, then by all means, get it. It'd be pointless for me because I don't hang out with people.

>> No.50199040

The one thing the vaxx helped me with is giving a clear indicator of who I can immediately ignore. Vaxxfags are emotional npc faggots that will panic sell at the drop of a hat.

>> No.50199054

I don't know, what else happened during the year of the pandemic that could have caused excess deaths? Certainly not furloughing hospital staff, limiting capacity, delaying elective procedures, mass unemployment, spikes in drinking/drug use, or unprecedented social isolation? These things aside, nobody cares if 400K retired care home residents died a couple years earlier than expected. Look back at the last 20 years of data, several have had higher excess death than 2020. When a contagious illness pushes some people on the threshold of death's door through it, it's called a harvester event.

>> No.50199074
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I guess I'm a true gigachad then. Literally didn't get the Vax because I didn't like sharp pokie thing, too scary.

>> No.50199079

>criticizing people for spending time on 4chan
>on 4chan
yeah ok

>> No.50199105
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>criticizing people for using stupid arguments
>with a stupid argument
Is that supposed to be a btfo?

>> No.50199140
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>> No.50199202

Stopped reading at 10 million.
Jabbed fags didn't stop dropping dead.
Maybe by the time its 2025 there will be 2 million dead, maybe 4 million but maybe there will be 12.