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5017220 No.5017220 [Reply] [Original]

We are in a massive bubble fueled by rampant speculation. There is simply no denying reality at this point. All the normies and their mothers are making absurd crypto profits. They've found the magic money machine that can quadruple their money in a matter of days and they are dumping their life savings into it.

I've doubled my money in the past few hours alone doing absolutely nothing besides buying a run-of-the-mill crypto and waiting. I don't deserve this kind of success.

Neither do you, and you know it.

Sooner or later, this bubble is going to pop. It happened in 1929, it happened in 2000. We will have our Black Thursday, too.

Blockchain technology value will increase in the long run and it will change the world. But not this quickly. You're blinded by greed and in denial if you cannot see this.

>> No.5017236

I'm early so I don't really give a fuck. Bitcoin would have to drop 90% for me to lose money.

It's normies' problem, not mine.

>> No.5017242

Who gibs a fuck brah just have fun while it lasts

>> No.5017246

Stop trying to apply stock market logic to the crypto market. Crypto is an entirely different animal. We haven't even begun to reach bubble territory yet. So stop being a faggot and buy more.

>> No.5017273

I'm glad to be a part of it

>> No.5017307

>being alive to see it

Feels fucking great

>> No.5017309

Dumbass... check the logarithmic growth curve of crypto.

We’ll see a bubble, it just hasn’t happened yet.

>> No.5017341

Yup, cashed out 70% and sitting on comfy gains right now. If it goes up? I'm happy I have some gains, if it goes down? Happy I saved my gains.

Remember anons:
>Be fearful when people are greedy

>> No.5017353

Yeah that's why I never put in money that I can't afford to lose. Of all the people jumping from their 2nd story windows, I will not be among them when it pops.

>Stock market logic
And houses
And lots of other things

>> No.5017362

>nobody actually uses crypto, steady gains
wow look at these gains, this coin is definitely valued correctly
>people actually start buying crypto and price jumps
OH nah dude this is a bubble

>> No.5017366

countries are starting to back crypto, to give a finger to the american dollar.

>> No.5017391

It's not free money. Everyone is risking what may be a little or a substantial amount of money in something that may or may not have a huge impact on the future of humanity.

So if you're risking this money and come out ahead, why isn't it deserved? The flip-side is that your money gets taken by someone else who had just as much of a chance to lose theirs but didnt.

Would you still feel the same way if you were making good money in traditional stocks? What makes you feel this way? Higher returns than are historically expected in traditional markets? This is not the same.

Don't feel bad.

>> No.5017406

>All the normies and their mothers are making absurd crypto profits.
prove it

as far as im concerned people are talking about it, but nobody is taking action. when the normies actually do have no other choice but to dive into this, these cryptos arent going to be valued in 4 digit or 5 digit USD. they will be unaffordable to mostly everyone other than upper middle class and above

screencap this for all future FUD similar to this

>> No.5017479

You do realize that if bitcoin gets that expensive then you won't actually be able to buy any everyday item with it, right? It'll be worth too much.

>> No.5017504

moneys money. for those whove made enough i suppose they can take the risk free road.
the bubble doesnt pop at the first sign of danger, it pops when the danger is so deep everyone believes its normal

>> No.5017535

>being this dumb

>> No.5017552

It's a digital goldrush. Literally all of us are aware that it won't be this easy to make money off crypto for a very long time.

>> No.5017556

Bitcoin is already worthless as a currency. What's the transaction fee at nowadays?

>> No.5017604

Paying with bitcoins is like paying with stacks of gold and paying with satoshi is like paying with pennies. There is no comfortable way to list prices:

>Shoes: 0.00032 bitcoins!
>Shoes: 543044 satoshi!

I didn't actually do math to make realistic numbers but it's going to look like this.

>> No.5017611

when the value of each country's fiat goes down, the price of commodities goes up. that includes crypto, gold, houses, cars, fuel, food, living essentials, etc.

in case you already didnt figure it out, there will be a lot of poor people stuck with where they are in life for the rest of their life, if theyre lucky. or they will just be another casualty

>> No.5017683


Secretary at my work (in her late 50s) was asking how to invest in bitcoin with her retirement money. I told her not to do this and only risk what she could lose.

There are alot of normies like her that will get burned when this thing goes and wonder why they didn't double their money in a month.

>> No.5017712

Use fucking stops people.

>> No.5017790
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>> No.5018621

>Sooner or later, this bubble is going to pop. It happened in 1929, it happened in 2000. We will have our Black Thursday, too.

Nigga we ain't in no stone-age, if people support buying the price like some supply and demand shit, we're set for good, this is not stocks

>> No.5019551

>surely this time is special
this is what losers think every time

>> No.5019663

hold ur wealth on a centralized exchange? no thanks

>> No.5019682


>> No.5019768

>>surely this time is special
>this is what losers think every time

Just you? i mean look where we are at in history lmao

>> No.5019782
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No. You thinking your asset is special which makes you invest at ATH causes you to be the biggest loser when it drops by 90%

>> No.5019826
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>> No.5019838

If this market collapses onto all the normies piling in right now, it's going to create a lot of redpilled people... mass redpilling event..
might be for the best.

>> No.5019841

You are clearly white because only white people would feel guilty about being so successful.

Stop posting ugly niggers

>> No.5019843
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fuck. text isn't the best way to convey sarcasm

>> No.5019859

on a long enough timeline, everything is a bubble.

You just have to know when to get in and when to get out.

>> No.5019871
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>> No.5019875

I got jungle fever now

>> No.5019912

Over half of black women have herpes. No thank you.

>> No.5019919

Literally every asset follows the same trend, mouth breather.

>> No.5019927

There is going to be a crypto winner.

And many cryptos for many uses.

I don't seeing bitcoin being used for anything other than large purchases in the future.

I see litecoin being more of cash, due to the coin size, speed, and transaction cost

I see ETH being something more in line with apps, and a marketplace around it. But they're doing some pretty great things right now.

Then you'll have country-backed cryptos, prob like neo.

99% of coins will fail. hedge your bets, do your research on what you think will win, and don't bet more than you can afford to lose.

>> No.5019931

bubble will pop right before christmas.

think about it, most people are fucking poor.

they need to buy christmas presents.

they have made some good profit in coins that can be used for presents.


>> No.5019935

>implying you wouldnt risk herpes for a lightskin girl this hot

>> No.5019941

stay mad coinlet

>> No.5019944

Doesn't matter. It's become the crypo standard.

>> No.5019964

I have thought about that as the CME plan.

They are the big dogs folks, they're the bears and the bulls. Both bears and bulls make money, and pigs get slaughtered.

I have wonder if their plan was to launch cboe first, do a massive run, then when the CME launches the week of xmas, they do a massive dump.

Sort of the bankster's way of saying "don't fuck with us"

I'll be keeping my eye on my wallet, but I also imagine a lot of people are getting $500 btc xmas presents too

>> No.5019966

it's gonna be different this time................

>> No.5019969

>Doesn't matter, Myspace has become the social network standard.

>> No.5019997

what is the transaction fee associated with paying for anything in gold, if it was legal tender?

Factor in storage and transportation fees.

BTC will be the standard 'holding' currency, while all other will have their own direct and specialized uses.

>> No.5020024

>(my bubble) is an entirely different animal
you know how i identify bubbles? by people like you
each time you fail to grasp one simple truth
bubble is about people and people never change

>> No.5020037

not really comparable.
MySpace failed for a variety of reasons, not related to economic forces.

Plus, it was purchased at 580 million.

Wouldn't call that exactly a failure

>> No.5020102

if you're going to compare it to a bubble, the dot com bubble would be more apt.

Lots of people throwing money at something they know nothing about.
> I cut hair. I NEED A WEBPAGE!

massive user adoption, without technical know-how

massive economic boom around the market.

All the businesses, governments, etc all have a stake in making sure it grows, at least for a while.

I agree it's due for a massive correction. But where you and I differ is I see that a long way from now.

Lots of money was made in the:
housing bubble
dot com bubble
Stock Market Bubble

>> No.5020111

Absolutely. What cryptos are you planning to hold when the bubble pops, or did you chicken out? I've avoided btc for a couple of months because it's the most obvious bubble, but the normie money flowing into the alts as well is slightly worrying.

>> No.5020146

i have an pretty even spread of coins.
45% BTC
25% ETH
20% LTC
10% Alts (neo, xrp, xmr)

Also, an ICO of something tomorrow that's going to be huge.

>> No.5020159

Ico of what

>> No.5020161

Also, set auto-panic sells on all of your coins around xmas, in case there is massive fuckery

>> No.5020214

I'm pretty sure we can pull out in time either way if a crash clearly starts happening. Slow bleed is more likely imo

>> No.5020217

>did you chicken out?
until fundamental issues are resolved one way or another (bitfinex/tether and south korea ban mainly) or we have at least some resemblance of a normal correction that last more then a few days, i currently only daytrade pump of the day
the rest is in cash, because i started stressing too much over loosing it, more then missing out
also it was already a great year, so better get fearful when everyone else is greedy

>> No.5020227

There's actually a few coming out. I really cannot say right now.

Vaultbank looks promising. Lots of talks going on with many companies.
ETH tech backed by secured credit assets

>> No.5020306

Sound plan. I hope staying out of btc will suffice for me, there's still a couple of alts I trust and hold

>> No.5020346

I don't care. I started with $2000 and currently have $70000, and took the original $2000 out three months ago.

>> No.5020383

Question to all who have doubled or tripled your gains.

Did you just throw all your value into a Alt and then the alt mooned?

Cause I am so risk adverse, I feel its just safe to stick with BTC.

Why throw your value into an Alt for a slightly higher rate of increase, when BTC's rate of increase is steadily upwards?

>> No.5020412

"New paradigm!"

>> No.5020477
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I cashed out when Bitcoin reached 9k and I feel pretty bad about it.

>> No.5020488

Well I’m hoping for one last pump this afternoon.

>> No.5020648

you feel so bad about it that you've become a pink-haired commie?

>> No.5020703

That’s why ripple is greatl

>> No.5020711

>What are millibitcoins
>What are bits

>> No.5020770

Le bait

>> No.5020787

He’s not wrong it has happened.The issue is that nobody knows what’s going to happen. But something has to give because this shit can’t go on forever and ever. I’m just wondering if people are abandoning ship on bitcoin because of the CME and the 17th. Or if they are accumulating money to make a huge push that day. Right now it’s extremely risky to invest in all time highs, but crypto from like August to now shows that things never dip back to a normal amount.

>> No.5020865

This is smart. I just wonder how much of the market is actually comprised of your average person. I came in a week ago

>> No.5020902

NOBODY has made a profit until you cash out.

Not all bitcoins are worth 17k, only the bitcoins cashed first. When this shit inevitably collapses, it is gonna be one of the lulziest re distributions of wealth in history.

>> No.5021032
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This was made a day before the rise to 20k. Why does nobody believe we've reached the pinnacle of this pump?