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File: 120 KB, 1834x1029, 4chan gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50189500 No.50189500 [Reply] [Original]

We’ve seen those projects we fucking call solid fall to this bad market as well, kind of looking like stablecoins are the only invisible assets we got left. Invisible but with no rewards … kek
That’s it anon, I’m switching to gold though it’s looking fucked

>> No.50189520

Gold is one of the shittiest assets to buy. Better off with usd at that point

>> No.50189638

The whole US stock is down .... Nothing is exempted from this crackdown... Gold, silver.... Nothing can hedge another now ...

>> No.50189720
File: 226 KB, 1834x899, The-Circles-Homothetic-Centers-Model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bull run is just around the corner senpai.

>> No.50189784

I really hope it is round the corner.

>> No.50189789

The whole financial market is a shitshow and it's pretty sad for investors right now.

>> No.50189838

>2017 ATH: $13k

HOLY FUCK at this revisionist cope history.

>> No.50189847

Its looking like a continuous downtrend we're in?

>> No.50189920

let the retards believe it
let them think 400k is possible, dont shatter the until the deadcat from 90k to 105k in 2025

>> No.50189947

Words of a pajeet, sounds like you live in under a rock jeet schiff.

>> No.50190037

USD sure is, for me its because i can stake them with a smart contract that connects me to several yield generators, with my choice, and would stay with stable coins.

>> No.50190050
File: 2 KB, 104x125, 1655201952472s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is working again... The world economy built by trans is coming to a halt. Need an ass to die on when everything is over...

>> No.50190062

That's what the charts says anon, we are in a deep shit!

>> No.50190098

Stop larping fag, there is no signs of reversals yet.

>> No.50190153

Every financial asset is gettng fucked right now.

>> No.50190173
File: 67 KB, 379x488, 1655527114699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bahahahahah the cope is unreal

>> No.50190183

Everything here is just imagination... We are living in a fake world. Can We crash it until Elon musk becomes poor again...

>> No.50190199

I'd much rather prefer USDC, anon

>> No.50190339

>kind of looking like stablecoins are the only invisible assets we got left.

Nothing is stable stfu. Everyone is confused now... Hide your money under your pillow and sleep on it ...

>> No.50190381

Not true, kek. Hide under your stablecoins, make your assets work for you. Work smart, not hard, you retard.

>> No.50190401

2025... ? Probably nothing will exist until then. Can you survive 2022?

>> No.50190408

yeah, but not me though ... I'm not in shit with you guys, do you know what is called stable coins?

>> No.50190449

Aren't stables always depegging, what do you think happens then?

>> No.50190471

That's just another name of thesame illusion coins asshole... Stay away here!

>> No.50190554

I do think DAI and USDT are as good as well with BUSD coming very close too.

>> No.50190589

USDC and BUSD are proven to be well collateralized, so you could place your bets on them.

>> No.50190618

typo error over there, USDC was what i meant typing.

>> No.50190658

you're lying cause i know some stable coins... USDC DAI BUSD

>> No.50190725

Yeah then I'm with you on it. Yield generators or yield aggregators and stablecoins are a win win right now

>> No.50190758

Gold is fucked, better stay calm with crypto and be on the watch for cool projects

>> No.50190809

what interests me is the security of funds... unlike CEX where you have to log in to see your funds, Spool is DeFi an is connected to your wallet, which only you have the keys to

>> No.50190828

Is this the one plugged into Aave, Harvest and the likes, if I'm not mistaken

>> No.50190829

haha anon, he won't know until he's being raped kek.

>> No.50190856

you're right ... still like a dream for me.

>> No.50190929

DeFi is getting a brunt of the century, security and privacy is a concern, how does this SPOOl shits tackles security against attacks

>> No.50190939

Gold has been within a certain price range for 10years, Crypto has changed lives within same period

>> No.50190976

It depends on each person, pajeet. I usually like less risks. And only ever stake USDC. But that's just me

>> No.50191028

they currently have their bug bounty ongoing with $1.5m on the line... I'm sure the available devs will do anything possible to spot loopholes where there is.... this is one way they're pushing for a solid security.

>> No.50191049

some dumbass still compare this nonsense to BTC.

>> No.50191119

A lot of projects are opting for bug bounties with hefty rewards recently. Especially because of all the hacks recently

>> No.50191145

This sounds huge.. 1.5m is lots, devs should be on the watch out

>> No.50191160

they better get their fucking ass protected on time.

>> No.50191180

I'm sure they're giving their most, cause we fucking talking bout a life changing money here.

>> No.50191188

Chad as always, kek still doesn't appreciate crypto

>> No.50191300

Lmfao yeah I did see even the Harmony bridge hack. Nothing is safe anymore

>> No.50191494

That's huge Anon.
Not sure dev would skip it

>> No.50191610

You retards just aren't looking at fully audited projects

>> No.50191631

Not all of them are risk free either way

>> No.50191694

they sleep, they loose...
i'm not a dev, but i got my eyes and nose in there, waiting to smell the smallest of bug

>> No.50191704

Even fully audited ones have a slight risk. Like for staking stablecoins on a specific platform you have a low risk genesis spool and a higher risk genesis spool

>> No.50191742

How does the reward work though, how is it divided into the users that spot a bug etc.

>> No.50191772
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Most platforms usually have a note stating that although fully audited, there may be some unforeseen risks. This is crypto, after all. It's going to be volatile regardless.

>> No.50191899

I don't know, all i know is that $1.5m is a huge money for me not to do anything.

>> No.50191956

Am I the only on that doesn't understand how yield generators or aggregators work

>> No.50191991
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In simple terms, they leverage different DeFi protocols and strategies to ensure maximum profits for a user. But you usually have to lock up your funds or "stake" it and get a dynamic or fixed ROI back.

>> No.50192038

I'd have asked him to check what google got to say... just me being hilarious.>>50191991

>> No.50192052

Is curve one of these

>> No.50192078

Lmao it's cool, might as well educate people. Half of them don't even understand the concept of crypto and then run for the hills the minute the market starts looking red.

>> No.50192116
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Curve Finance, yes. Beefy Finance, Harvest, Aave, Vesper, Spool Fi, PancakeBunny, Idle, Alpaca Fi and bEarn Fi. Keep in mind that some of these are yield generators and others are yield aggregators.

>> No.50192120

thinking crypto is dying, you could go old school and invest into poultry or better still oil and gas... i'm sure you'd get your ass burnt from there as well.

>> No.50192151

give them to me for training.

>> No.50192323

It's an all round hit, every area got affected.

>> No.50192379

If they are the best, then what can you say about USDC.... Just don't be fooled enough to save on tether. HODL, stake or trade BUSD or USDC...

>> No.50192388

surviving this year is like the most important for now.

>> No.50192495

Gold is less volatile than crypto desu. More people are getting rekt by crypto... Imagine buying Bitcoin at 60k... Cryptocurrency is the cause of the whole economic crisis ...

>> No.50192562

Harmony One was hacked .... What can you say about those ones that just crash for no reasons with the CEO packing people's funds.... Do kwon did it ...

>> No.50192650
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1651571772624s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how yield generators or aggregators work

They are no different from one another. Thesame class of new ponzi trap for new fags... Never risk your funds in any of them; from an insider....

>> No.50192772

Just stay with your money and live your life ... Fuck any greedy af telling you to invest in anything rn ...

>> No.50192830

I'm tired of all these Fairy tales. Can we just pause everything and start all over again... Nothing is working

>> No.50193299

Think of how to get over this inflation first and not enriching those crypto scammers ... Every crypto will surely fail someday...

>> No.50193340

Those things are used as a bait... They are never gonna give it out. The earlier you note this, the better for you ...

>> No.50193413
File: 30 KB, 439x699, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bull run...

>> No.50193553

Hopium of the highest order..... BTC to 10mil eoy... All crypto fags suffering from schizophrenia..

>> No.50194328

Only a Chad thinks this way

Bitcoin outperform Gold, Brent & silver by far margin, argue with your keyboard

>> No.50194357

Never gonna happen, this not hopium, you just weird new fag