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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50190520 No.50190520 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to become a wagie, look at a job for a line cook that pays $11/hour. They want 3 years of experience. How can they ever hope to fill this position. Wendy's starts 1t 10/hour if you had 3 years of experice why would you ever even apply for that position. I thought there was some massive worker shortage

>> No.50190704

The irony of a 4channer crying about labor conditions after spending the last 15 years in their favorite nazi financier image board forum deepthroating the boot, fighting tooth and nail against any and all labor rights and calling everyone lazy, entitled, subhuman and degenerate and worshipping any and all authority figures, the establishment, powerful institutions and the status quo

Maybe if you didnt dedicate your whole lives spreading the same capitalist neoliberal propaganda and living your lives in maximum bootlicking mode maybe jobs wouldnt be just glorified slavery now. You will reap what you sowed boomer wannabe parasite and you will be an obedient, compliant, submissive and insecure modern day slave and you will suck your bosses dick real good and real clean and you will pull on those bootstraps anon.

Any time any movement or protest happened to enact change it was always rightoid parasites and 4channers such as yourself OP who were on the front lines alongside cops and soldiers to maintain the status quo, property relations and private property. Why cry now? Why are 4channers like this

>> No.50190786
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>> No.50190790

My brother just got a raise in Europe as a chef, his wage is not well above the average. I think you just need to ask for more when applying.

>> No.50190810

read the first few words, this is great bait that will get a lot of replies

>> No.50190826

is now*

>> No.50190854


>> No.50190955

>The irony of a 4channer crying about labor conditions after spending the last 15 years in their favorite nazi financier image board f
stopped reading here. also anynoe who has been here for more than 5 years is rich now. like me. i dn't need to work anymore. seethe and cope. the nazi fiance board made it

>> No.50191935

lol if you think you could just hop on the line you fucking queer get in the dish pit piggie

>> No.50192132

they want you working at a dead end job like wendy's and mcdonalds instead of a place that you can build a career

>> No.50192170

just apply the years required is to filter people like you are getting filtered right now. the most ideal situation is you have it if you don't it doesn't mean you get trashed right away. I can tell you're some underaged dumbass or worthless NEET but just apply anyway. the worst that could happen is you get a call for an interview then you start making more dogshit threads about interviews instead of using a search engine.

>> No.50192654

Then why is the pay so low if a line cook requires so much prior experience.
Which they are we talking about
College drop out neet trying not to be though

>> No.50192749

>nazi financier image board forum deepthroating the boot
Antifa is protected by the state.

>> No.50192763

>you will suck your bosses dick real good and real clean and you will pull on those bootstraps anon.
Trannies like you always take things to a sexual and quite homosexual level.

>> No.50192814

most places don't make very much money and either you're a complete fuck up with nowhere else to go or you're trying to get experience to get a job at somewhere nicer so you'll take whatever you can get

>> No.50192838

What places could you go from being a line cook

>> No.50192897

Is this the Geiger counter loli, wish Quzilax would publish more stuff

>> No.50192905

>rent free

>> No.50192918
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>> No.50192964
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>> No.50192966

never mind, you are beyond hope
just go get a job at mcdonalds, its your destiny

>> No.50193039

Wtf. Nigger if you're so butthurt about the pay then don't be a line cook, because you'll be making the same salary 10 years down the road anyway no matter where you work. If you're so concerned about money then educate yourself to do something better.

>> No.50193041

what did I say?

>> No.50193057

Not sure what you mean. You can go to any type of restaurant you want after you get enough experience. You can end up an exec chef somewhere making 70k if you're a sadist

>> No.50193091

I'm just confused on how a job can demand 3 years of experience yet pay less than jobs you can get off the bat. I never planned on taking the job I just don't get how they can expect it to be filled.

>> No.50193123

Would being a line cook really prepare you for that though. Wouldn't you just be making the same few dishes over and over. I would think you have to go to chef school to be an actual chef with the poofy white hat and everything

>> No.50193185

idk man obviously you've got a better grasp on things compared to everyone else itt

>> No.50193369

I don't though
Thats why I'm confused, the pay seems too low for the job required since you can find higher paying jobs that don't require the same experience. If it was a stepping stone on the chef's career then you'd think they would face constant shortages from people leaving to work at higher end places. I get that they're people who have no other option but my first job was 9.50 an hour at Mcdonalds does 3 years of cooking really only get you 1.50 in pay raises.

>> No.50193458

the zoomer mental retardation is unmistakable

>> No.50193491


>> No.50193604

Good goy. Keep sucking circumcised micropenis

>> No.50193768

I am a zoomer but don't see how I said anything retarded
Which generation in america is the most intelligent

>> No.50193780

Lyin ass in tucson wendys and mcdonalds are paying $15.

>> No.50193805

this guy is fucking hilarious
FBI, definitely check this shit out, potential school shooter right here. maybe you could convince him to do two in one day

>> No.50193810

Just lie on your resume, if it makes it past HR you’re good to go

>> No.50193900

That's advise I always hear but if everyone just lies on their resume then what's the point of asking for qualifications to begin with. If they get someone who had 0 years because he said he had 3 then they wouldn't they believe that 3 years wasn't enough. And then ask for more again and again. Will future generations need a decade of experience to work at Mcdonalds. Where does it end

>> No.50193940

First pasta best pasta

>> No.50194013


>> No.50195194

Jews get the rope

>> No.50195225

>I am a zoomer but don't see how I said anything retarded
It's the fact you don't even realize it.

>> No.50195422

woah hold up buddy, wwe dont know the OP is a Nazi or libertarian or whatever.

>> No.50195472

Illegal immigrants grifting welfare for 60k annual benefits who wants a little extra pocket change.

>> No.50197412

There is no such thing as a free market, humans are emotional retards. Look at the property and renting costs in NYC. Renter scum prefer to literally keep losing money rather than lowering their prices.

>> No.50197813

Honestly this, no way this redditor is not blowing out Americans within a year

>> No.50198658

Weird cope considering most shooters are polfags

>> No.50198666

you will never be a woman

>> No.50198839

> deepthroating the boot, fighting tooth and nail against any and all labor rights and calling everyone lazy, entitled, subhuman and degenerate and worshipping any and all authority figures, the establishment, powerful institutions and the status quo
I fully admit this described me for about 7 years but I have repented, please forgive me

>> No.50198962

Restaurant work is shit, you work for some boomer trying to jew you over petty shit. Work third shift as a stock clerk if you can't find a trade job, it will pay enough to live maybe.

>> No.50199210

This dude really sits here all day posting these schizo rants for attention? Because I've seen him around in other threads posting similar ones

>> No.50200281


>> No.50200469


we're all just here to be silly on the internet anon calm down

>> No.50200514

Which powerful institutions are on /pol/s side?

>> No.50200811

None. But the conservative stance is to defend capitalism against any criticism, so this often results in defending corporations, billionaires, and crony capitalism. It's also the contrarian stance, among people their own age in a social media context.

>> No.50200893

Years of experience != value to society

>> No.50201193

But if thats the case then why would anyone take that job. I once worked a warehouse that payed 14/hour. They didn't care that I had no experience.

>> No.50201825

That's all nice and cool, but cops always support commies against the right wing.