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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 1280x720, kda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50173815 No.50173815 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on kadena and why isn't it the blockchain of the future

>> No.50174165

the redpill is that it is not the blockchain of the future

>> No.50174179

it is
congrats on being redpilled
and a few years early
fun fact
kadena and monero have something in common
hint: check google translate

>> No.50174360

It literally is the future of blockchain aka crypto 2.0

>> No.50174379


>> No.50174595 [DELETED] 
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k-killing myself

>> No.50174691

retards are too dumb to even attempt giving a reason why

>> No.50174708

my bad dawg meant to reply to >>50174379

>> No.50174722

cute coin cute coin babena babena

>> No.50174823 [DELETED] 
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>no (you)
>was a garbage scam all along
>so much time wasted for nothing but utter meaningless

>> No.50175003


>> No.50175017


>> No.50175025

can this shitcoin stop dumping for 1 day?

>> No.50175094

>not selling when the price was at two

>> No.50175197
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>> No.50175271

it is a centralized ghostchain
nobody develops for it for good reason
creators control mining emission
scaling the network is done manually

>> No.50175273

This peeps ain't ready

>> No.50175291

one pool can already easily 51% attack kadena
all mining equipment comes from one company
cross-chain transfers are slow and clunky making kadena's scalability more of a meme than anything
the creators look and sound like jews

>> No.50175314

pow is simply not the future. only btc will kinda survive as digital gold.

>> No.50175318
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Fucking give me that Blockchain of the future with Elrond which is capable of 1000x throughput than most existing blockchains. Now I see why RIDE and UTK are doing exceptionally well in the ecosystem.

>> No.50175341

Well then lets watch and see how this blockchain turns out.

>> No.50175407

beats ETHs premine and switch to POS...

>> No.50175420

because it is bad

>> No.50175451

does it matter?

>> No.50175495
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I'm going to make an ASIC resistant fork, but the scalability is unsolvable

>> No.50175506

kadena shillers are pedophiles

>> No.50175534
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I dont hold anything because one pool can already easily 51% attack kadena, all mining equipment comes from one company, and cross-chain transfers are slow and clunky making kadena's scalability more of a meme than anything
but I like hags as well

>> No.50175565

is that a loving fart?

>> No.50175631

i made all the posts in this thread

>> No.50175664

does this mean i'm talking to myself now?

>> No.50175852

yes of course, how could i ask myself such a stupid question?

>> No.50175897


>> No.50175946

you are pretty stoopid

>> No.50175969

It's a ghost chain. No dapps.

>> No.50175981

The real redpill is that 90% of nu-biz will get filtered again by this project. It truly is the ultimate IQ test.

It will, in a couple years, the next "we had it in front of our eyes the entire time, how could we be have been so stupid?".

>> No.50175983

why are you writing this again you posted it already

>> No.50176031

They already had years to make it work, and it just doesn't.

>> No.50176033

your ID literally says Cunt and we already had this happen
Kadena got its 15 min of fame it's over

>> No.50176209
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>and it just doesn't.
They made a working + scalable blockchain within 1.5 years meanwhile ETH had decades

>> No.50176298

>thousand of 0 tx tangles
>no one is using it
>no apps
And you think it will compete with eth, Literal kek

>> No.50176385

Name one problem Kadena has solved for anyone anywhere in the world.

>> No.50176532

Actual real world scalability, imagine a world where blockchain really takes off, paying $500 in fees for a single ETH tx can never work. This is what kadena solved and no other L1 can claim the same.
If you think blockchain itself is useless then just fuck off because clearly you're wasting your time on a crypto board

>> No.50176602

They 'solved' scalability by pushing the complexity to the developers which is why there is no apps. Complexity never goes away, it just gets shoved around.

>> No.50176646

They solved it by giving devs the tools to scale in the first place, those being a base layer that retains security. You don't have this anywhere.
Look at cosmos or polkadot for an example. Not pretty

>> No.50176668

this man's ID is ok

it's a cartoonesque depiction of the reality
it's not nearly as smooth as you present it as

>> No.50176717

If it had any use, people would use it.

>> No.50176747

thats nice and all but can it stop dumping for 1 fucking day?
or can kaddex finally do a release?
i heard emily said she can code eth 2.0 faster than whole of ethereum team, but can she make pact to be less of a pile of shit so actual devs could make apps on her ghost chain

>> No.50176775

Ethereum had use in 2015 and people didn't use it.
Bitcoin had use in 2010.
Your mother has use, but no one uses her.
She's working very had on it, no bully emily she is a cutie

>> No.50176864

Does she? last time i checked her twitter all she was doing was posting tranny propaganda.

>> No.50176909

yes, In between tranny propaganda posting.

>> No.50177078

i love emily, great person (non-ironically)
to be that good at category theory and haskell, worthy of immense respect

>> No.50177118
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>actual devs

>> No.50177180


meds, now

It's happening all over again. Screencap this. 2023 /biz/ will have threads like ">missed btc at $50 >missed eth at $8 >missed bnb at $1.5 >missed kadena at $1" plastered all over the catalog.

Again, do not buy any. Save that money for when your impotent rage leads you to FOMO in at $300

>> No.50177193

its been a year since eth bridge was promised, where are all those stable coins? why isn't a single big token bridged to kda? why is most innovative chain on the market losing to retards from arbitrum and matic?

>> No.50177240
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oh my god yes please
what meds
gimme advice
i like eating pills and seeing what happens
also too late, i already bought
i was shilling it 1.5 years ago

>> No.50177253

>single big token bridged to kda?
Bridges are not secure and centralizing them like, ALL L1s DO, will lead to massive hacks and even worse, reulatory problems

>> No.50177320

wow, great reply, gee i wonder why kda is a ghost chain with nothing developed on it, maybe because chain accessibility is the issue that will never be solved which renders kadena to be nothing but a fun experiment by a bunch of geeks, no can't be that, surely

>> No.50177344

You know a coin is shit when its bagholders resort to generic fomo shilling.

>> No.50177349

they will still be build by other people because they provide value, just not by the team because it's a dead end and a bad idea.

>> No.50177432

so far "other people" can't even get amm exchange up, but it doesn't matter really if they can or not cause theres no stable coins or bridged eth/btc so trading will be done in kda which is losing value every day so anyone doing trading there will be accepting a loss from the get go and not many people are willing to do that unless they are retarded

>> No.50177481

>some people are retarded therefore every dev is retarded
you are an idiot, the kdx guys are exceptionally incompetent don't comare real devs to them

>> No.50177507

>don't comare real devs to them
kadena has any real devs?

>> No.50177524

they have pretty fucking good ones, let's be honest

>> No.50177525
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you done?

>> No.50177548

> you done?
no i'm not
what are those "real devs" building rn?

>> No.50177565

lucrative sex games
you can fund them on patreon

>> No.50177595

ye, maybe i should send some ass pics to emily, looks like its the only way i can make money on kda

>> No.50177599


>> No.50177608
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i-its easy to write an amm in less than 1 hour in pact

>> No.50177621

is this bourg or thanos

>> No.50177647

why didn't kaddex scammers do that
vet gang vet gang vet gang vet gang

>> No.50177674

post archive

the actual in-depth technical discussion took place while it hovered at 0.3 last summer. glad you missed out, and will miss out again. not spoonfeeding your tranny prolapsed ass

>> No.50177703

as if i could find it
it's like a 7 post thread with just the kadena logo saying
> why the fuck isn't anyone talking about this project?
> am i missing something or is this shit the best project released in a long while?
followed by some dudes saying
> shut it i'm accumulating
feel free not to believe

>> No.50177749

>the actual in-depth technical discussion took place while it hovered at 0.3 last summer
I read those "technical discussions" - they were nonsense. A dumb person's idea of what smart people invest in.

>> No.50177777

> in-depth
was just about repeating whatever Will says in the Discord

>> No.50177807
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>> No.50177821

pink ID, confirmed homosexual

>> No.50177841

It let a bunch of people who wanted to transition enough money to do so during the bull run.

>> No.50177842

what a gigantic waste of quints if i say so myself

>> No.50177874

>as if i could find it
copy the IDs into the thing, you are smart and will figure it out

>> No.50177887

>was just about repeating whatever Will says in the Discord
Which was somehow x100 more interesting than 99% of posts here.
Everyone in crypto should have read what he posted on discord and this was one way of doing it

>> No.50177908

because at the end of the day (or a few years down the line) when ASIC manufacturing for KDA hashing has taken off and the current miners represent 1% of the networks capacity
the fud of $50,000 KD6 miners will be less
sure insiders are likely buying them for $20-30k
but you have the option to
and its slower emissions
itll take 50 years to get to 70% tokens circulating
where as it took ETH 0 seconds
meanwhile KDA has better tech

if only you knew how much i hate pedos...

>> No.50177937

777.77 eoy checked and confirmed

>> No.50177940 [DELETED] 

yessir, gonna be funny

lol that run from $0.15 --> $28 was a warmup
this thing will balloon if it has more dApps by the time next bull run starts
and the ecosystem is growing
main problem is wallet adoption rn
need metamask support desu

>> No.50178019

yeah he's great

i can't find it, what do you mean with
> copy the IDs
i'm stoopid

unironically yes

shut it i'm accumulating

>> No.50178051

>need metamask support desu
kadena's main problem is it has 0 interop with other chains
legit no point having metamask on kda rn, what are you gonna do with it, buy flux, lmao?

>> No.50178115

At least Kadena isn't suffering from H1 hacked bridges and unbacked bagholder assets.

>> No.50178157

because it isnt?
lmao get the fuck outa here with these shitcoins.
why dont talk about something with actual utility like MATIC for once

>> No.50178158

yet still performing 10 times worse than eth
sometimes you gotta have a shitty solution to have any traction

>> No.50178241

>yet still performing 10 times worse than eth
This wasn't relevant to the post.

>> No.50178385

sometimes you have to read the entire post not just first line

>> No.50178457

> what are bridges

You do know there is wKDA and kETH kBTC already, right?

Take a wild guess what’s happening next. Hint: the most complex challenge your tranny brain can put together was already answered years ago, and solutions are already on production.

>> No.50178459

>> copy the IDs
>i'm stoopid
simple pattern recognition

>> No.50178481

A shitty solution can kill a chain and completely rug half the users.

>> No.50178638
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>why isn't it the blockchain of the future
If it's not built on the Dotsama ecosystem like subsquid is, ngmi.

>> No.50178665

Look at the lips as well. red. Confirmed gay

>> No.50178713
File: 140 KB, 512x353, F57EF4A8-694C-4A1C-AA03-76F5256B01DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u calling me stoopid?
i can’t believe u would say something like that to a fren

>> No.50178753

Just like I don't hold anything too. Instead, having fun while earning in the Open Ocean Council program

>> No.50178780

Being a cunt and a liar is too much for you to handle, pajeet.

>> No.50178922

Guess you're here to catch cruise and move on with your miserable life. I'm here for a serious business though

>> No.50178972
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, AHHAHAHAHA FAGGOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for my 1pbtid
Do not reply to kda tranny shill threads or shill posts
Regardless of how many times they are disproven, their mental illness prohibits them from doing anything other than regurgitating the same information repeatedly. Pure insanity, copy pasta'ing everything from inexperienced novice devs as they are incapable of understanding tech fundamentals themselves.

If they ever bring up price discussion which some of the trannies often do, just remind them that they have been fudding;
>Eth since $300
>Sol since $3
>Avax since $0.50
>Ada since $0.20
Going straight to zero anyday right? AHHAHHAHA
Meanwhile Kadena is currently -95% from its ATH

>3 years since mainnet
>no smart contracts
>ghost chain with zero developers wanting to build on it (for a reason)
>80% hashrate belongs to a single mining pool
>completely centralized miner manufacturing / distribution monopoly
>unsubstantiated claims like infinite scalability, tps and decentralization. Glueing chains together all the while believing sharding to be the ultimate solution
>abysmal time to finality, 30s block times with cross chain transactions requiring 3 confirmations and wants to become nasdaq (lol)

>Stuart Kikejoy Founder/CEO: JP-Morgan Executive, Haskell (kek)
>Will Kikeino Founder: JP-Morgan engineer, Haskell. SEC
>Emily Kikemore: Sundaeswap labs, CTO Haskell
>Doug Kikesly Lead Engineer: software engineer - Takt (oh no no no)
>Emmanuel Denigger: diversity hire
Advisor =/= team. The above is who has direct control of kadena, not to mention the kike founders 'reserve the right' to alter emissions as they please (lol lmao)
and that's that.

>> No.50179027

Because Polkadot ecosystem is far better, fag. You should have caught the warm in FireSquid in the last Polkadot Decoded conference

>> No.50179091

>>Emmanuel: diversity hire
Emily said he's a great engineer, kda fudders are curing my racism

>> No.50179105

Never seen a professional crypto FUD like this. It's obvious you're paid to FUD

>> No.50179428

>professional crypto FUD like this
are you retarded none of what he said even makes sense and some of it is just insulting things instead of arguing about it.
I could shit up high quality fud for kda without even trying half as hard as this loser

>> No.50179553

haha yea me too buddy
my name ? jeffery bezos

>> No.50179622

>me too buddy
go on Mr bezos

>> No.50179683


>> No.50179714
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d-do it

>> No.50179737

Icp doesn’t use bridges- they use chain key cryptography- check it out- btc integration end of this month. That also means private and anonymous native btc transferring! Pretty cool, anyway- what we’re mmm more we talking about?

>> No.50179742

Oof you fell for the fud didn't you

>> No.50179804

he's been in this thread for 5 hours, he obviously doesn't have the capacity nor the testerone to do so

>> No.50179959

>btc integration end of this month
Remember that time ICP shills spammed down about eth integration and that eth would be hosted on ICP? And then nothing.

>> No.50180383

Name 3 working dapps in rhe KDA network

>> No.50180416

I used to regularly spend 8h posting, sometimes over 24h in threads were they ended up staying up after I woke up
thanos cloud mining

>> No.50180514

>why isn't it the blockchain of the future
Because Hedera is a thing
All institutional money is heading towards it as Google, IBM, Boeing, LG and many others are working with HBAR foundation to expand the Hedera ecosystem and build new projects on it

>> No.50180725

why would they pump your bags?

>> No.50182778

I went through a lot of the tech discussion crap at the kadena site, which was often times image grabs from their tranny discord.
The redpill on why this technology is shit is they have poor finality and have only solved for throughput. And hilariously, the way they've solved for throughput is by 'braiding' multiple kadena chains together, and each chain has their own account balances. So sure, you can get unlimited tps in this manner, but it's pretty impossible to leverage this throughput in any reasonable manner. The breakthrough they've come up with is beneficial for proof of work MINERS. Since a miner can mine all the braided chains together and it 'saves energy'. But for USERS and DEVELOPERS it's shit.

And guess what's the most important thing for a blockchain to get adoption? DEVELOPERS and USERS?


>> No.50183102

wow you are really fuckin dumb aren't you

>> No.50183142

Please enlighten me tranny. Say something useful

>> No.50183573

i dont give a shit about you, read the archives

>> No.50184042

hehe.. babeno

>> No.50184200

Hey bro I'm trying to click on the links at this site but none seem to be working. Can you help me out?

>> No.50184242

LOL I did read the archives you fucking tranny. Too low IQ to debate, got it

>> No.50184893

>But for USERS and DEVELOPERS it's shit.
because one chain with 100k times higher gas fees is way easier for users and developers

>> No.50185075

eeh, you first

>> No.50185433

Did I say I like eth?
Anyway, none of you trannies can refute my argument. I'm done here.

>> No.50185828
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>have poor finality
30s finally for a network is pretty much lighting in traditional finance, if you need something faster you would need sub second finality which a public Blockchain will never do.
>pretty impossible to leverage this throughput in any reasonable manner
what is map reduce the post

You are indeed done here, stop making dumb posts.

>> No.50186764
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>> No.50186928


>> No.50186943

>what is map reduce the post
map reduce for mutations?

>> No.50186970

Map reduce for atomic operations, jesus you are retarded
Like I said, Kadena is great for MINERS. For USERS and DEVELOPERS it's GARBAGE.

>> No.50186971
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.77777 eoy confirmed

>> No.50186985

>this thread still up
stop bagholding this garbage
even radix performed better lmao
kadena is -95% mtv tier scam

>> No.50187061

>jesus you are retarded
You are retarded, it's an example to make you realize that resource utilization matters and that it's possible to leverage said resources

>> No.50187433

30 users each do a swap, each swap takes 30 seconds to complete.

Network throughput 1 transaction per second
User throughput 1 transaction per 30 second

Map reduce doesnt do shit
Your framing is illogical

Stop it

>> No.50187447

Nothing you said makes sense, point is you can utilize all chains. Simple as.
Meanwhile you said " impossible to leverage this throughput "

>> No.50187472

Impossible for a USER to leverage it.
Likely Impossible for a DEV to leverage it.
Miners mine the braided chains in parallel.

Individual users operating on a single chain are still throttled by 30 second finality.

Kadena solved for THROUGHPUT by 'braiding' but this only benefits MINERS as they can mine parallel chains.

Users, Devs, Dapps all live on a single chain, it does NOT benefit them.

This is why KDA is shit

>> No.50187549

Sorry I should clarify, it is likely impossible for a DEV to develop a DAPP that can span multiple chains to take advantage of the throughput provided by braiding. It's a benefit for Miners, and for performance tests that measure throughput of the entire braided chainweb. But not for the practical performance of Dapps.

>> No.50187555

Blocktime/finality is reduced as kadena scales and because of braided hashes finality can be leveraged differently per application. Every single reported review of pact says it's harder in the beginning but then there is a eureka moment which people have, and it's way easier than solidity. Users only have to care about chains/balances they interact with and as wallets improve that literally won't be a problem anymore.

Fuck you retard you didn't read SHIT

>> No.50187608

>Users, Devs, Dapps all live on a single chain
This is pretty obviously not the case anon. KDA coin lives on all chains and it's also an example of a cross chain dapp since it's a smart contract.
>likely impossible for a DEV to develop a DAPP that can span multiple chains
it already exists. Not sure what to tell you. Keep up grandpa

>> No.50187867

How does this improve performance?

>> No.50187876

Not sure what your question is, which part of this blog are we talking about

>> No.50189392

No I am not going to buy your bags

>> No.50189448

pretty please

>> No.50189480

pls pamp it sirs

>> No.50190295

For me, the reason is simple, it doesn't offer enough security and its transfers are slow when compared to other blockchains like Secret Network.

>> No.50190443

This is an accurate response. It is nothing compared to my experience in Subsquid. The environment is more friendly for one to create and deploy their dApps.

>> No.50191078

so many pajeets, fuck off

>> No.50192237

KDA cope is off the chart. You guys still have time to buy Radix

>> No.50192258
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o-obviously this is from the point of view of a dev isnt it

>> No.50192403
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>> No.50192479
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can you faggots stop arguing and just tell me whether or not to buy this shitty coin?

>> No.50193035

Baby, baby, don't look so sad
There's gonna be a better tomorrow
いつでも 青空さ

>> No.50193097


>> No.50193297

see >>50164999

>> No.50193305
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thanks for the (you)

>> No.50193359
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lmao, it's still the funniest shit to me that rdx went from 10M mkt cap to 1B just because they changed some supply values and holders basically made 0% gains despite massive mkt cap movement

>> No.50193398
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t-this is exactly how my scam works

>> No.50193406
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>> No.50193409

because it was a pnd. everyone still holding was massively dumped on

>> No.50193430
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>> No.50193439

No you don’t understand crypto. Shit pumps because a small group controls the supply. be lucky and buy in low and sell high or be part of the group.

>> No.50193801
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>> No.50193862
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My fault

>> No.50194091

don't buy, its going to 0
theres 0 incentive to buy token while miners are dumping nonstop cause they suffered massive losses buying their worthless mining equipment for $50k

>> No.50194104

So you're saying buy at zero?

>> No.50194128

well you're not gonna gain anything, miners are still gonna be dumping to cover their losses

>> No.50194348

Yawn. Cope. Scrypto shits all over pact. Even your trannies cant obscure that fact

>> No.50194398

Scrypto is a joke

>> No.50194557

>Rank #99

Uh oh, almost out of the top 100

>> No.50194599

its been out of top 100 for months what are you smoking

>> No.50194748

>it already exists
Which dapp?

>> No.50194766

kda token contract, retard

>> No.50194773

Motherfucker read the post

>> No.50194823

>points against radix are cope!

>> No.50195545

So far no one develops on it. For almost a year the price has gone down. Ghostchain is dead.

>> No.50195578

There are more and more projects popping up every day but yeah
no devs
no smart contracts
no gf

>> No.50195627

>> There are more and more projects popping up every day but yeah


>> No.50195646

see >>50193097 literally just today

>> No.50195801
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>> No.50195820
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What does this have to do with what we're talking about

>> No.50195856

>redpill me on kadena and why isn't it the blockchain of the future

>> No.50195869
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What does this have to do with what we're talking about

>> No.50195980
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>> No.50196029
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You think you are funny? That meme is insanely forced and old. It never actually made sense, since she's one of the characters with the most screentime. I actually rewatched the series and took the same. She's the number one character, far ahead of anyone else. So think again if you want to call her "invisible". I know that success breeds jealousy, so that's probably why you want to make the most popular character in the series not exist anymore, because your shitty favorite "waifu" lost against her, but she won't go away. She will be forever the best character in the series, and your shitty character will live in the shadows, like you like in the shadow of your basement. There's nothing more idiotic than some fucking retard trying to pretend that who's clearly the most likable character in the entire series suddenly has no relevance and can be ignored or ommited or force an epic "she has no presence" meme. The only thing invisible are your girlfriend and your job, you utter failure at life. If you ever saw a girl like her, you would build her a shrine and worship her like the goddess she is. Not only you are disrespectful towards all the legit fans of the series, you are also disrespectful towards the creators and animators when you pretend that she's invisible. You can pretend all you want, but she's basically the main character whether you like it or not. She has the most air time when you take into account the quality put into it. There's just no argument to sustain the invisible meme and you are a fucking retard shit tier opinion for forcing it. It's been fucking years already, let it die you pathetic moron.

>> No.50196192

price is your indicator of quality? lmao

>> No.50196319
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Better luck next time. Remember to spay and neuter your pets.

>> No.50196395
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you should have replied with
>What does this have to do with what we're talking about


>> No.50196489
File: 495 KB, 698x882, d78195fc4a312d988ad67ea2ac76a491d6d79b64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kadena holders are obsessed about price
Kadena fudders:
- mtv anon pnd spam
- eij8YEof
- MAwIoAN7
>Kadena has no devs

>> No.50196826
File: 43 KB, 939x473, Truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kadena coin prices has systematically fallen since 11/10/2021 at a high of 24.16 to today 7/6/2022 trading price of 1.51. You can see from the graph that even after Kadena releases updates, and "exciting" news the price continues to fall.

So remember folks, remember to spay and neuter your pets. Brought to you by CoinMarketCap, for all your coin price needs.

>> No.50196985

wow good shit there's like 3 devs fighting over funding & grants fucking kek

>> No.50197093
File: 61 KB, 720x809, 0a67b548d210e5966141de3d4f20ab35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened with the zero devs fud?
>there are no devs
>there's only 1 project
>there's only 3 projects
>there's only 10 projects
(You are here)
>there's only 100 projects and only 3 of them are used a lot
>there's only 250 projects and only 10 of them are used a lot
The ghostchain will come to haunt you... ooOOOoooOo.......

>> No.50197234
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, MV5BYmM1NDdmNzItNmVlNy00NTc5LTg1MmEtOTI5ZTlhZmI4YzdjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI2MzA2OTE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didnt make it in the list of real devs

>> No.50197318

I thought you gave up (this time for real (for real))?
It's not a comprehensive list, I didn't include KDL/KDX/BABE either, and especially not all the NFT scams.

>> No.50197402

what anime are we watching this season, for me, it's all of them

>> No.50197438

Holy shit you actually think there's only 3 devs lmao

>> No.50197502
File: 1.51 MB, 2480x3508, 7b32f934a1a1c158c2aa66977d1faf65740a0f01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun
<The Devil is a Part-Timer! Season 2

>> No.50197862

for me, it's My Stepmom's Daughter is My Ex

>> No.50197927
File: 39 KB, 500x82, Screenshot from 2022-07-06 22-34-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had me at the title.

>> No.50197974

You are not cute, you do not look like that, you have a penis and body hair, you are ugly and smell bad, you will never be a woman.

>> No.50198004

Who are you even talking to?

>> No.50198498

It's actually pretty fun.
also started
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
Lycoris Recoil

didn't start
Call of the Night
My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class a..
Engage Kiss
Vermeil in Gold

and already watched s1 and excited fgor s2 of Classroom of the Elite, MIA, overlord, parttimer devil, rent a gf

>> No.50198523

thats all very nice and cute but when will kadena pump?

>> No.50198622
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I'm gonna wait for them to get more air time. It's better when I can binge 3-4 episodes immediately to get a good feel for the show, and then watch the rest on release days if I don't wait until it's already finished airing.

>> No.50198691

thats all very nice and cute but when will kadena pump?

>> No.50198743

The answer is eventually.

>> No.50198761

sounds interesting

>> No.50198776

thats a non answer

>> No.50198860
File: 20 KB, 240x270, Satania .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I stake kda?

>> No.50198887

send it to my wallet :)
I will send % back

>> No.50198940

it does, but >63d...

Eventually, kalend for probably 0.5-1% APY similar to AAVE rates on btc/eth/usd because demand is historically low on anything that isn't a CeFi lend ponzi blackbox. Bridge bonds are dead. You can stake them on babena but you won't get KDA in return which I assume is what you're after.

>> No.50198958

what did she mean by that I'm not a weeb

>> No.50199000

>Ep 1: 63d 17h 39m
2 months wait.

>> No.50199008

I don't get it

>> No.50199033

>Ep 1: 63d 17h 31m
>Not Yet Released
>>Release Date
>Sep 9, 2022

>> No.50199143
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no further word from coinmetro?

>> No.50199222

What the fuck is going on with their website anyways? New design, SSL error, broken pages.
Modern websites were a mistake.

They can't do anything if Kadena doesn't have bonds, otherwise they're just losing money. It's not up to CM to restart bonds and it doesn't look like Kadena is going to.

>> No.50199258

Bullish for kda
Not so much for xcm
I do have a gut feeling that they'll make it through this liquidity cascade just fine

>> No.50199280

It's bullish for kda to have millions which were staking for 30% apy not in staking anymore?
They got scammed, if only they had a cool site like solana or cosmos

>> No.50199769

All me.

>> No.50200829
File: 610 KB, 828x663, 0BB7AC8F-A27D-43C7-A773-462F90FD6521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KDA will see heights that most people would be baffled at in this very thread

Rich Sisters™ coming out near you Soon(∀)

>> No.50201812

i dont think i will be baffled but i am also expecting near a trillion market cap by end of next bullrun
i do hope it stays low for awhile though because im getting a jerb
captcha: SHATJ

>> No.50202003

Supply is gonna go up a fair bit, but assuming next bullrun ends 2025/2026 that's around 400m supply which would be $2500 per KDA, after a 2x token inflation from what we have now.
If it hits a new ATH and enters price discovery again even with decent adoption I think maybe $100-500 is a bit less delusional.