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50175303 No.50175303 [Reply] [Original]

Money can't buy love.
I wish someone truly loved and cared for me

>> No.50175323

Me on the left

>> No.50175336

uhm you are a disposable male
enjoy your 0.6% match rate

>> No.50175345

we want to escape the wagie cage it has nothing to do with roasties.

>> No.50175350

>whaa whaaa whaaaaa
Modern white """men""", ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.50175358

you can only feel lonely if things are good
it is similar to depression, motivator to seek risk
either be in control of your biology
or be an animal and breed with the first ape you see

>> No.50175370

Find someone you idiot

>> No.50175372

Why would you buy love? No use case, high volatility, shit returns, it's a fucking scam. Ngmi.

>> No.50175389

>muh true love
no such things

>> No.50175400

It’s a fucking scam

>> No.50175403

Video games, porn and food. That's what I live for. I know no woman will ever be sexually attracted to me and that I will never be loved, so I'll just indulge in the cheapest pleasures available until I die alone.

>> No.50175408

How do you know op is white you fagget?

>> No.50175414

yes it is just chemicals and OP in not in control of his biology

>> No.50175469

Because he's a whiny bitch?? You don't see Black and Arabic Men acting like that, instead they go out into the world and work to get what they want. Little white boys don't know that life, lol.

>> No.50175482
File: 124 KB, 1284x1434, Alexi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill warm your bed sailor. Rubic will take your money and deliver less tokens then promised. Then we will peg you.

>> No.50175484

You may not like it but this is what the perfect relationship looks like.

>> No.50175494


>> No.50175497
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Literally me.

>> No.50175502

>black men

>> No.50175549

I am good looking and buying love seems to be a fair deal to me. Most times the prostitutes want to smoke a cigarette and talk a little after sex. I really enjoy it.

>> No.50175695

I wish I was him so bad

>> No.50175781

Niggers and mudslimes lol, without your kike handlers you'd be panhandling.

>> No.50175844

He had a point
>White guys: I get no sex, I’ll mope and cry and post on /pol/
>Muslim guys: I get no sex, I’ll just rape someone, problem solves
>Black guys: I get no sex, time to ask white women, they all fuck me, problem solved

>> No.50175881

In reality shitskins just turn to rape, while White men either write about it or build something like Coral Castle.

>> No.50175900

Arab men are the most charming and intelligent men I've ever met, bar none <3

>> No.50175930

Most incels are black. Cope and seethe.

>> No.50176030
File: 67 KB, 678x1024, 95F51AD1-2F5E-44CD-B8A7-6CB027E0BB41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is much safer to be feared than loved if you cannot be both. For love is preserved by a bond which due to the failings of men is broken at every opportunity to their advantage, but fear is strengthened by the dread of punishment which is always effective.

>> No.50176363

Based Machiavelian dark triad pscyho anon

>> No.50176812

Asian pussy has always controlled white men since the WW2 days

>> No.50176854

The irony of you whinging about White men is beyond your IQ level of understanding.

>> No.50176871

>that numale beard to cope for the weak jaw and chinlet

kek. gets me every time

>> No.50176900

i wish that were me

>> No.50176919

You sound like a massive pussy. When you realize all women or even men are largely the same people you value their time and affection far less. Seriously though, there is nothing else to women except their holes, porn is literally the superior alternative and I'm not joking.

>> No.50178515

pick one

>> No.50178546

money buys you time, and if you're smart, you'll use that time to fix the other things

>> No.50178558

If you want to be loved, just love your self. Problem solved.

>> No.50178563

why do i feel like this? i just want a quiet life

is it exhaustion? depression? what do you think is causing this nihilism

>> No.50178634

Love myself? Have you met me?
>*laugh track*

>> No.50178967
File: 21 KB, 800x450, 1657062164485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope women are easy that's why we take them, we just dont shame men to be masculine and patriarchal. I feel bad that the Jews really indoctrinated you guys to be cucks and betas, and to be afraid of women. Value a girl but not so much that she is on a pedestal above you, if youre smart you can't mold a woman into what you want. Unironically learn a skill(master it even), stop fapping daily and see the sunlight-- and once you have figured out your routine, then you can be yourself. Dont "be yourself" while you're a fucking loser. And also we have arranged marriages which is like a fail safe for the shy people and stricter people. Whites should have arranged marriages. But white women have become meaningless whores