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50158725 No.50158725 [Reply] [Original]

>completely shatters and then reshapes your worldview, while lighting a fire under your ass like nothing else

is this book the most significant, perspective-changing piece of media i will ever consume? probably

ill post random text grabs which i think are pertinent in the comments

>> No.50158760

>If the Information Age demands higher skills both at the top and bottom end, everyone except for the top 5 percent will be relatively at a disadvantage, but the top 5 percent will gain tremendously. They will both earn a higher share of income and keep a greater share of what they earn. At the same time, they will do a greater portion of the world's work than ever before. Many will emerge as Sovereign Individuals. In the Information Age,the turnip of income distribution will look more as it did in 1750 than in 1950.

>Societies that have been indoctrinated to expect income equality and high levels of consumption for persons of low or modest skills will face demotivation and insecurity. As the economies of more countries more deeply assimilate information technology, they will see the emergence-so evident already in North America—of a more or less unemployable underclass. This is exactly what is happening. This will lead to a reaction with a nationalist, antitechnology bias, as we detail in the next chapter.

>The Factory Age may prove to have been a unique period in which semi stupid machines left a highly profitable niche for unskilled people. Nowt hat the machines can look after themselves, the Information Age is pouring its gifts onto the top 5 percent of Otto Amnion's turnip. The Information Age was already looking far better for the top 10 percent, the so-called cognitive elite. Yet it will be the best of all for the top 10 percent of the top 10 percent, the cognitive double top. In the feudal age, it took one hundred semiskilled peasants to support one highly skilled warlord (or knight) on horseback. The Sovereign Individuals of the information economy will not be warlords but masters of specialized skills, including entrepreneurship and investment. Yet the feudal hundred-to-one ratio seems set to return. For better or worse, the societies of the twenty-first century are likely to be more unequal than those we have lived in during the twentieth.

>> No.50158770

its pretty great
combine with chainlink for rugpulling the banks

>> No.50158771 [DELETED] 
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>what is the Stalag Edition

> This is the only complete, unabridged, and officially authorised English translation ever issued by the NSDAP, and is not to be confused with any other version. It was printed by the Franz Eher Verlag in Berlin for the Central Press of the NSDAP in limited numbers during the years 1937 to 1944. Most copies were distributed to the camp libraries of English-speaking Prisoner of War (POW) camps, and became known as the “Stalag” editions (Stalag being a contraction of the German word Stammlager, or POW camp) because they all carried a camp library rubber stamp on the title page.

> This official translation is not to be confused with the “James Murphy” or “Ralph Mannheim” translations, both of which were edited, abridged and ultimately unauthorised. The Murphy and Mannheim editions both left out major sections of text, and contained long, clunky, badly-translated and almost unintelligibly long sentences.

> In sharp contrast, the “Stalag” edition contains none of these complicated and unnecessarily confused constructions, and is extremely easy to read, as anyone familiar with the other versions will immediately notice. Most importantly, this authorised edition contains the full text of the original German—and none of the deliberately-inserted racial pejoratives used in the Murphy and Mannheim versions (words which Hitler never actually used in the original).

>> No.50158799

>Inevitably, this new cybermoney will be denationalized. When Sovereign Individuals can deal across borders in a realm with no physical reality, they will no longer need to tolerate the long-rehearsed practice of governments degrading the value of their money through inflation. Why should they? Control over money will migrate from the halls of power to the global marketplace. Any individual or firm with access to cyberspace will be ablet o easily shift out of any currency that appears in danger of depreciation.Unlike today, there will be no necessity to deal in legal tender. Indeed, in transactions spanning the globe it will be likely that at least one party to every transaction will find himself dealing in a currency that is not legal tender to him.

>> No.50158820

great book
they do a great job of predicting the upcoming tech boom

>> No.50158830


>> No.50158850

>lighting a fire under your ass like nothing else
Yes. The dark future this evil book invokes is to be fought against with everything, absolutely everything. I've never been so disgusted in my life as when I read this shit.

>> No.50158851

>In order to optimize their advantage in shopping among jurisdictions, individuals must be willing to exit the nation-state and entrust their personal protection to security personnel motivated mainly by market incentives in areas that may be distant from where they were born and reared. This implies a significant advantage in being multilingual and cosmopolitan in culture rather than jingoistic. And it further implies that anyone who is serious about realizing the liberating potential of the cybereconomy for himself and his family should begin to stake out a welcome for himself in several jurisdictions other than that in which he has resided during his main business career.

>> No.50158856
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Dfinity shills on the loose again

>> No.50158861

>This will create an obvious dilemma for most Western governments. They will face sharp drops in revenue from taxation and the virtual elimination of leverage in the monetary system. At the same time, they will retain the unfunded liabilities and inflated expectations for social spending inherited from the industrial era. The result to be expected is an intense fiscal crisis with many unpleasant social side effects that we will consider in later chapters. The economic consequence of this transition crisis will probably include a one-time spike in real interest rates. Debtors will be squeezed as long-term liabilities contracted under the old system are liquidated, and concessionary credits dry up.

>> No.50158931
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Welcome to the future

>> No.50158937

>books claims governmental power will be almost eliminated by 2020
>2020: government forces mass injections for a common flu

>> No.50158940

It's a good book, but the ideas were not completely original. A lot of people were predicting crypto back then.

Here is one publication that predates Sovereign Individual by a few years.


>> No.50158945

>1. Citizenship is obsolete. To optimize your lifetime earnings and become a Sovereign Individual, you will need to become a customer of a government or protection service rather than a citizen. Instead of paying whatever tax burden is imposed upon you by grasping politicians, you must place yourself in a position to negotiate a private tax treaty that obliges you to pay no more for services of government than they are actually worth to you.

> 2. Of all the nationalities on the globe, U.S. citizenship conveys the greatest liabilities and places the most hindrances in the way of becoming a Sovereign Individual. The American seeking financial independence will therefore obtain other passports as a necessary step toward privatizing or denationalizing himself. If you are not an American, it is economically irrational to become a resident of the United States and thus expose yourself to predatory U.S. taxes, including exit taxes.

>3. Based upon the history of other dominant systems facing collapse, those who opt for the ultimum refugium and get out early will be better off in the end. The dangers of a nationalist reaction to the crisis of the nationstate make it important not to underestimate the scope for tyranny and mischief. You should never leave your money in any jurisdiction that claims the right to conscript you, your children, or grandchildren.

>4. Whatever your current residence or nationality, to optimize yourwealth you should primarily reside in a country other than that from whichyou hold your first passport, while keeping the bulk of your money in yet athird jurisdiction, preferably a tax haven.

>5. You should travel widely to select alternative residences in attractivelocales where you will have right of entry in an emergency.

>> No.50158964

6. Violence will become more random and localized; organized crimewill grow in scope. It will therefore be more important to locate in securephysical spaces than in the twentieth century. Protection will be more technological than juridical. Walling out troublemakers is an effective as well astraditional way of minimizing criminal violence in times of weak centralauthority.

7. If you are financially successful, you should probably hire your ownretainers to guarantee your protection against criminals, protection rackets,and the covert mischief of governments. Police functions will increasinglybe filled by private guards linked to merchant and community associations.

8. Areas of opportunity and security will shift. Economies that havebeen rich during the Industrial Era may well be subject to deflation of livingstandards and social unrest as governments prove incapable of guaranteeingprosperity and entitlement programs collapse.

9. The forty-eight least-developed countries, comprising some 550 million persons with per capita income of less than $500 per head, will havewidely divergent fates in the Information Age. Most will become even moremarginalized and desperate, providing a venue for only the most intrepidinvestors. But those that can overcome structural problems to preserve publichealth and order stand to benefit from rapid income growth.

10. Jurisdictions of choice in which to enjoy high living standards witheconomic opportunity include reform areas in the Southern hemisphere,such as New Zealand, Chile, and Argentina, which boast adequate to superior infrastructure and many beautiful landscapes and are unlikely to betargets of terrorists wielding nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.

>> No.50158976

>11. The fastest-growing and most important new economy of the nextcentury will not be China but the cybereconomy. To take full advantage ofit, you will need to place your business or profession on the World WideWeb.

>12. Encryption will be an important feature of commerce on the Web andthe realization of individual autonomy. You should acquire and begin usingstrong encryption immediately. Just as the church attempted to ban printingat the twilight of the Middle Ages, so the United States and other aggressivegovernments bent on control will seek to bar effective encryption. Ashappened five centuries ago, this may merely drive the taboo technologyinto areas where the writ of established authority is weakest, assuring that it Appendix 1: Implications and Strategies 375 will be put to its most subversive use in undermining state control everywhere.

>13. Where possible, all businesses should be domiciled offshore in a tax-haven jurisdiction. This is particularly important for Websites and In- ternet addresses, where there is virtually no advantage in locating in an on-shore, high-tax jurisdiction.

>14. Corporations in the Information Age will increasingly become "virtual corporations" —bundles of contracting relations without any material reality, and perhaps without physical assets. The virtual corporation should be domiciled with an offshore trust to minimize tax liabilities.

>15. Incomes will become more unequal within jurisdictions but more equal between them. Countries with a tradition of a very unequal distribution of incomes may be relatively more stable under these conditions than those jurisdictions where strong expectations of income equality have developed in the Industrial period.

>> No.50158992

>16. As a relative performance becomes more important than absolute output in determining compensation, an ever more important occupation will be that of the agent, not merely for the highly paid performer, like a football star or an opera singer, but also for persons of modest skills, who may welcome help in landing a paying position.

>17. "Jobs" will increasingly become tasks or "piece work" rather than positions within an organization.

>18. Many members of regulated professions will be displaced by digital servants employing interactive information-retrieval systems.

>19. Control over resources will shift away from the state to persons of superior skills and intelligence, as more wealth will be created by adding knowledge to products.

>20. As Professor Guy Bois observed in his history, The Transformation ofthe Year One Thousand, "in a period of increasing difficulties, the weaker elements in the social body tend to polarize around a rising star." ' In the transformation of the year two thousand, the rising star will be the Sovereign Individual. As the nation-state system breaks down, risk-averse persons who formerly would have sought employment with government may find an alternative in affiliating as retainers to the very rich.

>21. You should expect a slowdown or decline in per capita consumption in countries such as the United States, which have been the leading consumers of the world's products in the late stages of industrialism.

>22. Debt deflation may accompany the transition to the new millennium.

>> No.50159006

TLDR: Klaus Schwab rules, wagies drool. Enjoy your pods, plebs.

>> No.50159008

>23. The death of politics will mean the end of central bank regulation and
manipulation of money. Cybermoney will become the new money of the
Information Age, replacing the paper money of Industrialism. This means
not only a change in the fortunes of banknote printers, it implies the death
of inflation as an effective means by which nation-states can commandeerresources. Real interest rates will tend to rise.

>24. While the experience of the nineteenth century proves that long-termgrowth can proceed apace even while deflation raises the value of money,business and investment strategies must be adjusted to the unfamiliar realities of deflation—that is, debt should be avoided; savings and cost reductionsshould be pursued with greater urgency; long-term contracts and compensation packages should probably be drawn with flexible nominal terms.

>> No.50159022

>25. Taxing capacity in the leading nation-states will fall away by 50 to 70percent, while it will prove far more difficult to reduce spending in anorderly way. The result to be expected is a continuation of deficits thatplague most OECD countries, accompanied by high real-interest rates.

>26. Technical innovations that displace employment should probably beintroduced in jurisdictions that have no tradition of producing whateverproduct or service is in question.

>27. Cognitive skills will be rewarded as never before. It will be moreimportant to think clearly, as ideas will become a form of wealth.

>28. Thinking about the end of the current system is taboo. To understandthe great transformation to the Information Age, you must transcend conventional thinking and conventional information sources.

>29. Because incomes for the very rich will rise faster than for others inadvanced economies, an area of growing demand will be services and products that cater to the needs of the very rich.

>30. The growing danger of crime, particularly embezzlement and undetectable theft, will make morality and honor among associates more crucialand highly valued than it was during the Industrial Era, particularly in its waning years

ok im done grabbing for now

>> No.50159040

pretty much except its giving u an explicit plan to avoid the pod.

i will take a look at these and didnt intend to suggest that theyre the first to predict cybermoney/crypto, however the way they tied all this up to an extremely dystopic, yet accurate, worldview and provide advice is extremely impressive to me

>> No.50159046

Good thread, but we're really heading for something akin to the Bronze age Collapse.

>> No.50159066
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This is better.

>> No.50159101

describing it as a blackpill would be the only approriate way. if you really get what the book is saying, and understand that we are just embarking upon this transformation, it is truly disgusting.

>> No.50159146

Individualism is the opposite of globalism, as the size of the jurisdiction goes from a one world government to "a thousand Liechtensteins".
>it is truly disgusting.
It will unironically be a much better world.

>> No.50159173

>It will unironically be a much better world.
i 100% agree this will be the case after the crisis. however, i think its very possible i will die before we get to that point

>> No.50159216

>however, i think its very possible i will die before we get to that point
I agree
Appreciated your thread

>> No.50159275

Localism is the opposite of globalism. But you’re probably still in your libertarian phase.

>> No.50159433

Is that what TSI is about? I first heard of localism from Taleb. My basic understanding of it sounds like it is the best point along the axis between full globalism and full anarchy.

>> No.50159486

>Localism is the opposite of globalism.
In another context yes of course that makes sense.
In the context of the size of the jurisdiction, opposing klaus shwab one world government and individualism (tiny governments or even ancap) also makes sense. (As the narrative of the book is absolutely not predicting the former)
There is also nothing opposing libertarianism and localism
As there is nothing more local than an individual...
>But you’re probably still in your libertarian phase
>u know kid, i wuz like u b4

>> No.50159502

>books claims governmental power will be almost eliminated by 2020
>2020: government forces mass injections for a common flu
The son of the author, Jacob Rees-Mogg is fully onboard with that in the UK government. This is the part the libertarian fairy tales leave out: human nature dictates that some people will always seek power for power's sake and they would rather rule over peasants on top a rubbish hill than be enlightened citizens among a great equality, and to nobody's surprise concentrated power can project it's values better than a decentralized collective of like-minded individuals.

>> No.50159689

>human nature dictates that some people will always seek power for power's sake and they would rather rule over peasants on top a rubbish hill than be enlightened citizens among a great equality
Isn't that an argument against big governments ?
> and to nobody's surprise concentrated power can project it's values better than a decentralized collective of like-minded individuals.
And then you end up with "2020: government forces mass injections for a common flu"
Or this for example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward

Now as the book suggest what if you have sufficient technological advancements in the right direction to prevent this ? (As an example: hypothetical future widespread adoption of monero as an organic response to tyranny)

>> No.50160594

>Isn't that an argument against big governments ?
It is, the problem is that human nature at a societal scale will result in centralized power to emerge and game theory dictates that a centralized power is stronger than a decentralized loose collective of like-minded individuals.
Libertarians surrendering the state to whomever feels most compelled to seize power for power's sake is one of the reasons why I disagree with libertarianism, while I do admire it's idea of rules based order among equals.

>> No.50160650

"Rules based order" is a glowie phrase though you may be using it unintentionally. It is meant to imply but not explicitly say "international law" which the US government routinely breaks and would be hypocritical in trying to uphold as a reason to fuck with other powers.

>> No.50160687
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chainlink fixes this

>> No.50160806

I see, then a society governed by the rule of law and contractual relationships between individuals? How would you summarized that?

>> No.50160897

Mein Kampf is just a political pamphlet and nothing philosophical about his worldview. Read his second book. You can say a lot of things about him, but he really did wholeheartedly believe in his perspective unlike many in the ruling class today.

>> No.50160926

I consider the covid psyop to be a death throe of the state and a desperate power grab in response to the changes outlined in the sovereign individual. they've flexed their power but in the long term severely damaged the credibility of their bureaucratic academic/medical apparatus

>> No.50161316

great thread. thanks anon

>> No.50161376

Only reasons state exist is competitive pressure from other states ironically. If you look at communism in Russia and China as defense responses against western imperialism it makes a lot more sense. Bascially they became so backwards the only way to compete and not become colonies was to completely direct all the energy and resources of the people to state. Massive amounts of industrialization in soviet union was essentially performed in the absence of capital but requisitioning forced labor through terror.

>> No.50162468

interesting perspective thanks,
they need to make us want to give money to the state, ie kill all non whites

>> No.50162521

No, this is. The Sovereign Individual got published, which means the ideas in it are not worth suppressing.


>> No.50163038

Started reading it yesterday. Cant wait to finish it.

>> No.50163165
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>You were born too late to explore the world
>You were born too early to explore the stars
>You were born just in time to see neofeudalism rise and guide humanity to the future
Feels fucking amazing lads. Unironically, I am pumped for the future.

>> No.50163291

This. I fail to see why a rootless, extractive elite class with no loyalty to any people or society is something that's desirable for anyone other than an extreme minority. The prospect of such a future fills me with nothing more than complete disgust. At the very minimum you might say the aristocrats of old Europe had their destinies in some way tied to the land and its people, and thus had some reason to invest in the common folk. What this promises is a global favela lorded over by a psychopathic elite class with no interest nor reason to invest in any people.

>> No.50163318

did not read any of this faggot shit, the sovereign individual raps to fire beats, makes hella lit tiktoks fr fr and is doses up on ssris

>> No.50163347

its good, which i first read it when i turned 18 and not in my mid twenties
2030 is going to be great if we get there
he was off by 10 years i think. the book actually predicted that governments would "release" epidemics as a way to justify restriction of travel

>> No.50163359

interview with the author

>> No.50163526

would expect loyalties to still exist but be focused more on family/tribe and less on the piece of land you live on. More akin to nomadic cultures

>> No.50163539

that is not the conclusion of the book
allegiance by nation state is completely artificial, the book concludes that the initial move will likely be towards regionalization and blood identity

>> No.50163638

>Just remove sovereign borders bro there will be no repercussions for that like a one-world government.

What's this guy's ethnicity?

>> No.50163686

The guidelines assume borders will still exist. I align with approx ~85% of the book's intent. The civilians won't be happy eating cricket powder and living in a pod they don't own as they already have seen a glimpse of luxury.

>> No.50163765

you're not wrong, the sovereign individuals of the future are zoomers today

>> No.50163933

Interesting just read the 1st chapter

>> No.50164084

Nice science fiction. It has nothing to do with what is happening and what will happen in the future.

Democracies will vote in populists and lefties who will both start increasing the labor share of the pie. The pendulum starts going back from capital to labor for some decades mainly because of demographics and inequality.
Authoritarian nations are going to have a really hard time coping with deglobalization and the ever decreasing global trade. Various places will have autarchy, dictatorships, war and famine and that is unavoidable due to the rigidity of authoritarian governments.

No one will be interested in enforcing the rules that would make these sovereign individual fantasies viable.

>> No.50164616

Only thing that matters in this world is power. Whoever controls the flow of energy gets to decide the outcomes. If a small rootless elite is more capable than the masses, they will decide the fate.

>> No.50164637

from what i remember the version you're posting is the second one, and people said that content was cut in that one.

>> No.50164670

Couldn’t get through it. I can see why you fags like it though
>muh digital revolution
>muh sovereign citizen
>muh plot of of land ok buttfuck nowhere
>muh ted kacinszki
It’s a pol fags wet dream

>> No.50164707

one thing i didnt like about it is about the author's cucked view on nationalism, race and ethnicity, i remember cringing through that part.

>> No.50164800

I had never heard about this book until now, but everything it says, I had figured out by the second year of my NEEThood after graduating from high school in 2018

>> No.50164810

You are just a libturd normie bro.

>> No.50164882

sounds like ancap wet dream

>> No.50164941

Just answer me this: am I being detained? Or is my person being detained?

>> No.50164967

self help books are for soccer moms and zoomer losers

>> No.50164975

Ancapism rules the world, everything else is just poorfag seethe and cope.

>> No.50165077

no, jews and their money system does, anything else is cope

>> No.50165179

>You should expect a slowdown or decline in per capita consumption in countries such as the United States, which have been the leading consumers of the world's products in the late stages of industrialism.
The relative strength of the dollar right now is embarrassing everyone who made these kinds of predictions.
Interesting ideas, but they're the kind of thing a reasonably intelligent teenager would come up with rather than the product of any sort of deep research.

>> No.50165465


So basically Africa will continue being a complete shithole and I need to get skilled and get out

>> No.50165653


>> No.50166188

nope everything I posted here is from the 1999 version

>> No.50166285
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checked, just wanted to make sure everyone knows to go for the original

>> No.50166301

>piece of media i will ever consume?
Say 'read' not 'consume' please mutt

>> No.50166338

Higher inflation than in decades.
Bitcoin shit the rug.

>> No.50166362

they are ancaps when you think about it - they make the rules and do whatever they feel like doing.

>> No.50166368
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>the author's cucked view on nationalism, race and ethnicity
Look how people behaved during the coronahoax. I'd rather be surrounded by Indians and Africans who respect my right to breathe freely and not take experimental drugs than by my fellow gingers who help the government treat me like a lab rat.

>> No.50166409
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you do know that indians and africans are even bigger lemmings than the gingers that followed the cabals order to collapse the global monetary system right?

>> No.50166414

gladwell is a complete hack

>> No.50166445

Same in the west but through land
> Oh sorry you have to work for 30 years for a home
> Oh it's now 40 years "because we as a society are richer"
> Great news guys, we got richer! 60 years now!

>> No.50166536

apologies nonmutt, I just meant it's more impactful than anything I've watched / listened to as well, not just the best thing I've read

>> No.50166552

No. I just picked a couple of groups who looked different to me. I didn't know they were even worse mask Karens than my people. I'm sorry to hear that. I've found that it's more of an urban/rural thing than a racial thing. I visited SEA a few months ago and the cities and big towns looked like a Twilight Zone episode with everyone wearing those stupid surgical masks but in the countryside everybody was normal. It was the same story with Richmond vs. rural Virginia back when we had mask cuckery here.

>> No.50166606


Non inspired non enlightened profanes who dont seek to control the power of the warrior on the block to become part of the upper class (they've given you an open invitation) detected

>> No.50166615

What's the difference?

>> No.50167120

dont know really, i just remember this being mentioned from last year when moonman brought the book back into /biz/'s attention.

>> No.50167304
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The authors are definitely just angry libertarians. Maybe Anarcho capitalists.

I enjoyed the book. There are several prophetic moments. I doubt half the things they predict will come to fruition. They don't understand the power of the US.

I think cryptocurrency will succeed on the business side. Will it succeed on the privacy side? I have doubts.

Business side crypto just makes sense and the people who get in early enough on the right projects will undoubtedly be rich.

>> No.50167348

You need to learn what "long term" means before it's too late.

>> No.50167434

This was undoubtedly the worst part of the book. They are basically cucked libertarians. It was funny when they were shitting on blacks for like half a chapter. But soon after they were like "nooo we're all the same, nations are fake and gayyyy"

Does anyone know if there are still more blacks in prison than college?

>> No.50167489

People really believe the state will hand over their monopoly on violence peacefully. Just lmfao. Half of what bitcoin maxi’s believe will happen is absolute science fiction.

>> No.50167864

>only the top 5% will make it
>HR roastoids, tiktok zoomers, only fans prostitutes, diversity officers, and crypto bros block your path
This book reads like it’s just tech fags smelling their own farts.

>> No.50167908


>> No.50168049

>They don't understand the power of the US.
What power of the US? Sending golems to kill you? Do you think they're going to start drone striking random civilians who choose to emigrate?

>> No.50168074

Looks interesting, thanks

>> No.50168254

The author of this is a schizoid black guy

>> No.50168664

Based and correct. They may have predicted crypto but they failed to predict LINK

>> No.50169402
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>Individualism is the opposite of globalism
turbo cope

>> No.50169637


>> No.50170777

The invisible war

>> No.50171304

>Good thread, but we're really heading for something akin to the Bronze age Collapse.

people actually think the government is going to provide them with food and housing.

they think they'll be playing video games all day in a pod.

>> No.50171501

Brainlet doomer take.