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50165190 No.50165190 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when trump told Germany they were cucks to their faces and said they were totally dominated by Russia and they needed to shore up their energy dependence? In response, they laughed at him. Who was right? Enjoy the hot water rationing TOP KEK


>> No.50165206
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Based Trump

>> No.50165220
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Yeah, Yeah we do.

>> No.50165227

Trump pointed out that Germany depends on Russian gas.

He suggested no alternative options because there are none.

>> No.50165228

IB4 some advisor told him this during a briefing and he just regurgitated it and took all the credit.

>If Dickstain Donnie really did say this all on his own, I’ll give him credit.

>> No.50165244

Biden was quick to propose to buy american gas that needs to shiped over the fucking pacific first

>> No.50165245

restart and build more nuclear reactors duh

>> No.50165254

>Biden was quick to propose to buy american gas that needs to shiped over the fucking pacific first

useless, it could never provide more than a small percentage of Germany's needs.

>> No.50165256

Max. Cope. Watch the video cucklords. TO. THEIR. FACES. didn’t even let them respond. Watch the kraut squirm after he’s asked a question and not allowed to respond. The alternative was to BUY AMERICAN. How fucking retarded are you euros? WE ARE SENDING YOU GAS NOW. Literal zero iqs.
Kys share blue shill

>> No.50165258

Literally everything out of every presidents mouth comes from their advisers.

>> No.50165262

>restart and build more nuclear reactors duh

takes at least 10 years to build one and they need refuelling every 2 years.

the fuel mostly comes from Russia.

>> No.50165277

>The alternative was to BUY AMERICAN.

that's not an alternative.

>> No.50165276

Cope. Trump was speaking of his own mind. No one could ramble off a diatribe like that without being the originator. Cope hard cucklord.

>> No.50165287


So tell me cucklords, WHO WAS RIGHT?

>> No.50165291

That was my point, useless, expensive and just retarded, just like biden

>> No.50165304

>never an option
Only in principle because muh orange man bad, stupid npc. You’re doing it right now. Holy fuck are you stupid. Enjoy no gas then. Top fucking kek.

>> No.50165305

>because there are none
yeah, let's keep shutting down nuclear stations across germany because muh fukushima right? (while at the same time keep importing the deficit electricity from french nuclear power stations).

germany politicians are the most cucked politicians of all europe.

>> No.50165316

>yeah, let's keep shutting down nuclear stations across germany because muh fukushima right?

they are old and worn out anyway and the fuel comes from Russia mostly.

you cant get away from dependence on Russia.

>> No.50165327
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>IB4 some advisor told him this during a briefing and he just regurgitated it and took all the credit.
>Actually thinks Presidents/Head of States come up with shit on their own

>> No.50165336

Austria, germanys direct neighbor isnt depended on russian gas, there are alternatives

>> No.50165344

>Austria, germanys direct neighbor isnt depended on russian gas, there are alternatives

yes it is.

>> No.50165345

Put down the koolaid kraut. The shroud has fallen. You are permacucks. NWO faggots gutted the energy infrastructure to make money for themselves and now you are forced to shill blatant lies.

Buy American or go without. You actually chose to go without. I hope the krauts rise up and chop heads off, they deserve it.

>> No.50165351

Keep shilling the side that works against your interests and grifts all your money from you, faggot.

I could play you like a violin while fucking your wife at the same time if I was on Red side and told you what you wanted to hear.

You’re a fucking NPC. KYS Nigger

>> No.50165361

It’s really not hard. His adviser tells him in a meeting “make sure to talk about how Russian gas is putting Germany in a difficult position later down the line”.

Anyone with a bit of public speaking ability can go off the cuff with just this knowledge alone. If you can’t you’re either terrible at improvising or an dumb

>> No.50165381

you don't get it retard. Saying to Germans they depend on Russian gas and how horrible it is is the same as saying to a Oregonian that they depend on Canada for their syrup. They were doing nice living together nicely. It wasn't until your God damned jews started their war with Russia through their jew puppet regime in Ukraine when all of a sudden yeah it became a fucking thing. You cowards are making war by proxy and sacrificing Europe. Last days of fucking Rome, enjoy it because when this is over, the whole damned world is going to line up to spit on your grave.

>> No.50165387

YOU ARE USING AMERICAN OIL RIGHT NOW, npc. Kek Russian gas with your chancellors pipeline worked well for you! Some alternative. Get down on your knees and suck the American cock. Absolute cucks. You’ll need to shower first though, so save your water. Kekekek /thread

>> No.50165400

>alternatives aren’t alternatives because we can’t let the orange man be right
Maximum coping. Top kek.
The orange Cheeto was right and now you all are sucking cock. Enjoy the load!

>> No.50165409

So whats wrong with it? At least germany got cheap russian ressources, the current stupid gouvernment fucked this all up. Now we are all doomed, fucking ukraine, hope they all die

>> No.50165418

>fuel comes from Russia mostly
hey retard, have you ever considered the possibility that germany can buy uranium from elsewhere like australia? The problem with gas is you're stuck with geography (it's fucking expensive to ship gas from indonesia for example than from russia). That's not the case with uranium.

Or keep closing your ears & keep pretending nothing you can do anything about everything at all while your ass got fucked by the world. It seems germans are good at that.

>> No.50165423 [DELETED] 

i can't wait until these krauts suffer
i'll go back to america during the winter since i have 100% remote contract LOL

>> No.50165427

>hey retard, have you ever considered the possibility that germany can buy uranium from elsewhere like australia?

good luck with that. they'll need it in 10 years, not today.

>> No.50165428

God damn these muh America jew slaves. Fucking euphoric because some rogue billionaire told them how things worked. I'm a cuck? You followed the biggest cuck this and last century. Look around you and look at your country, you had a shot and you cucked so God damned hard you probably are still trying to get the jew jism out of your clothes.

>> No.50165430

>I just say trump got this information from his advisors
>I somehow get tagged in a mass reply about something completely different
You’re either dumb or a troll. Either way you’re getting no other response from me. Here’s your (you)

>> No.50165432 [DELETED] 

why are the jews instigating this crisis?

>> No.50165436
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>Keep shilling the side that works against your interests and grifts all your money from you, faggot.
And you shilling the side that's currently destroying the world economy and values of the US. Gas at a long time high, going to hit a recession, but your side is the good guy side. Fuck off faggot, you couldn't handle a woman even if you wanted to you nigger loving troon. Go rope yourself lol

>> No.50165444

>Kek Russian gas with your chancellors pipeline worked well for you!

it worked great until America engineered the war in Ukraine. The war is really an economic war of the USA against Germany.

>> No.50165459

Literal what?
That’s nato, bitch.

Max cope itt. NO HOT SHOWERZ FOR YOU! The Cheeto was right just like he’s right about everything.

>> No.50165474


I thought Russia was supplying coal (which is what Germany is buying) I'm sure Russia has excess granite supplies but do we not have hydrogen rods ready to go?

>> No.50165483

Trump is an idiot

>> No.50165486

yeah, and if germany listened to common sense 10 years ago you should get good leverage in this kind of situation.

That's why everyones' laughing at you now. You've passed the point of no return a long time ago because you prefer to virtue signal all day rather than sit down & search for a reasonable solution like what good adults do.

wokeism is the problem with europe today, not russia.

>> No.50165495

And there is the energy you lose during liquification. LNG has the same CO2 footprint as brown coal that we can dig up in germany. And there is also this magical technology that does not require sun or wind and has a tiny CO2 footprint. If only people here were not so retarded.

>> No.50165501

>literal npc

>> No.50165505

>Max cope itt. NO HOT SHOWERZ FOR YOU! The Cheeto was right just like he’s right about everything.

he wasnt wrong but had no solutions.

>> No.50165516

>I thought Russia was supplying coal (which is what Germany is buying)

no they arent buying russian coal. they are reverting to using highly polluting German lignite (brown coal)

>> No.50165532

>yeah, and if germany listened to common sense 10 years ago you should get good leverage in this kind of situation.

not really. you either have affordable pipeline gas and all the industries it supports, or you don't.

there is only one option, Russia.

>> No.50165549

>all our neighbors are having shortages too!
Enjoy the rationing retard. Should’ve bought American. We ship oil worldwide. American oil was always a solution, but your globohomo solganeering prevents rational decision making. Like I said enjoy the rationing the world is laughing at you.

>> No.50165562

>And there is also this magical technology that does not require sun or wind and has a tiny CO2 footprint

nuclear power does not have a tiny CO2 footprint. it requires a huge fossil fuel powered industrial infrastructure.

nuclear power is a product of the oil powered economy just like everything else.

>> No.50165563

lignite balls

>> No.50165568

kek this.
Do they think mafia DONS spell it out any more clearly than this?

>> No.50165583

>10 years to build a reactor
>Russia is the only answer
You are so fucking stupid, zogshill. The world is laughing at you.

>> No.50165585

>Enjoy the rationing retard. Should’ve bought American. We ship oil worldwide

you ship the trash oil you produce worldwide because american refineries dont want it.

buying american LNG is not a solution. too expensive and more importantly it would not cover more than a small fraction of germany's needs.

>> No.50165604

>>10 years to build a reactor
>>Russia is the only answer

what dont you understand about it taking at least 10 years to build a nuclear plant?

what dont you understand about Russia being the only possible source of pipeline (not LNG) gas for Germany?

>> No.50165638

Okay, let's see Biden. Or maybe IFIFIIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIFIF...IF Obama tried?

Cope with an orange cheetoh being far more competent than anyone you ever voted for.
I already coped with it but haven't voted since 2012 anyway.

>> No.50165644

Never forget dumbfuck, you imposed this on YOURSELF. top fucking kek
>according to globohomo ALL legitimate energy production means are bad for muh environment
>thus no means exist
>also American oil is not an option because trump
>also we will ban ourselves from purchasing the oil because muh globohomo
>also we simply had to use Russian oil and become totally dependent on it, it’s irrelevant that our chancellor owns it, and it’s also irrelevant that neighboring countries are not dependent on Russian oil
The krauts are truly the most cucked npc globohomo nwo country in the world. I’d often heard rumors, but listening to this midwit play max defense only confirms it.

Enjoy your rations, chud.

>> No.50165665



>> No.50165671

The problem isn't even building new ones, IIRC Germany just shut down a brand new reactor recently (might've been a few years ago at this point though, I don't really follow news concerning this shitheap of a country anymore).

>> No.50165697
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>nooooo we can’t refurbish existing sites. It MUST take 10 years
>minimum time for reactor 5 years, noooooo it must take 10 years
>we simply had to pay for Russian oil with our chancellors pipeline and noooooo we can’t pay with rubles we must go without and nooooooo it doesn’t matter that neighboring countries are not dependent on Russian oil
We simply had to o-ok, because we just did! I hope the rise up and chop each one of their heads off.

>> No.50165753

>not really
>we cannot
>no other option
>we can only depend on russia
might as well change your flag into ruskie, kraut.
I bet when shit really hit the fan & russian army marches again from poland into your cuntry you'll fly white flags at day-0

It seems submitting to jew for 3 generations will produce something like this


>> No.50165779

>might as well change your flag into ruskie, kraut.
>I bet when shit really hit the fan & russian army marches again from poland into your cuntry you'll fly white flags at day-0

why would Russia invade Germany? it doesnt have any resources. better to let it collapse on its own.

>> No.50165793

You must understand that Germans like to endlessly argue about what isn't possible. We call this 'palavern', not getting to the point and not being interested in solutions. We're fucking experts at that, let me tell you. German energy politics for the last 3 decades was mostly highlighted by virtue signalling in 3 different directions, building wind turbines and encouraging investments into solar, while shutting down coal, gas and nuclear power plants and filling our energy deficit by buying it at premium prices from our neighbours. Naturally, it's a fucking mess and is not sustainable at all, especially with geopolitics taking a turn for the worse.

>> No.50165794

>we simply had to pay for Russian oil with our chancellors pipeline

its a gas pipeline you utter mong. not worth talking to you as you clearly arent able to discuss the topic.

>> No.50165805
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lel this fucking cope

>> No.50165837

The US government never encouraged Germany to start sucking Russian gas before Trump.
Trump correctly told the rest of NATO to increase their defence spending, but not because of Russia but because of his own narrative that the US was being ripped off (while having loads of bases in said NATO member-states.)
Trump also tried to extract political concessions from Zelenskyy in return for aid.
I'm not American and I don't hate Trump, but you can see why he only had one term (inb4 election fraud).

>> No.50165863

In the OP vid, Trump is basically saying Germany is paying more money to Russia than to Nato (which is there to protect them from Russia).

Trump is extremely correct, and you're a seething retard.

>> No.50165868

why doesn't europe get oil/gas from Iran?

>> No.50165885

>you can see why he only had one term (inb4 election fraud)
Are you stupid really?
He won an absolute landslide and fraud is the only reason he lost.
I'm an American who would never vote for a dude like Trump, but it is DELUSIONAL to think he lost on bad policy.

>> No.50165913
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>> No.50165952

Thank you for this, seriously
>found his exit
Take your shame with you
But seriously massive election fraud:

>> No.50167798

So what? He hired the advisor. Trump had the best advisors, the best people, the best administration. Nothing ever comes close.
You couldn't even play a pan flute.

>> No.50167857

Australia and Canada has greater uranium reserves than Russia.

>> No.50168171

They were absolutely right as Russia has made it clear they have no problem selling gas to Germany.

>> No.50168205

The funny thing is they were right to assume that Russia would not cut them off. They were wrong to assume they themselves wouldn't cut Russia off to virtue signal

>> No.50168234

nice b8 m8

>> No.50168241

Couldn't have said it better.

>> No.50168416

Irony being that Trump was the biggest Russia cuck of all

>> No.50168514

>nice b8 m8

Not baiting. there is no alternative source of pipeline gas and LNG cant be supplied in anything like the needed amount.

Germany can either use Russian gas or it can collapse. Those are the choices.

>> No.50168522


>> No.50168546

go back to plebbit

>> No.50168608

Liberal retards are coping hard lmfao

>> No.50168612

There's something off about Germany, it almost seems like there has to be Russian agents in pretty high up positions in the government, their decisions make no sense otherwise. Why would anyone want to cuck themselves voluntarily to Russia? Makes literally no sense, it's only a matter of time until they stab you in the back.

>> No.50168812

The literally aren’t. Why isn’t this true for other neighboring countries? Why is Germany scrapping recently built nuclear reactors? Why is Germany only shipping small amounts of American oil? Why is Germany refusing all of a sudden to pay for oil in rubles?


You sir are a low grade shill. That you’re still desperately spewing nonsense in this thread suggest you may be one of the nwo beaucrats themselves. Never forget, Germany did this to itself. Enjoy the rations cucklord. You are a literal npc.

>> No.50169094

But he isn't telling them that they shouldn't depend on Russia for economic reasons. He's saying that it isn't fair for America that they're buying so much Russian oil

>> No.50170400

>stop counting votes in the middle of trump landslide
>wait until everyone goes to sleep
>”woah we found 100,000 joe biden ballots, he wins every swing state!”
you dont seriously believe this shit do you? if you think the 2020 election was legitimate after these africa-tier shenanigans you are an NPC

>> No.50170511

The thing about truth is inevitably only it can win. And Trump was just saying the truth. Even though he himself knew that all establishment would laugh at him and all msm would crucify him for calling out the corruption of their owners, Trump just knew truth eventually wins and so here we are.

>> No.50170588

>shipping gas to europe through the pacific
this is your mind on reddit

>> No.50170797


>Election day, Trump handily leading in every swing state
>Swing states like Florida which finalize their voting on the same night Trump handily wins
>Suddenly 4 swing states pause their voting right after midnight, all for independent reasons.
>voting resumes by 4-5am
>Suddenly Biden begins to surge
>People call this out, MSM immediately silences them

This was straight out banana republic tier fraud. Something I'd only expect to see in some south american or african dictatorships.

>> No.50170881
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>Anyone with a bit of public speaking ability can go off the cuff with just this knowledge alone

except Biden literally can't read his teleprompter half the time

>> No.50172245

>to their faces
Thanks for the reminder OP and well said President Trump. MAGA, forever.

>> No.50173248

>the pacific
The fact that only one anon has caught this so far is beyond embarassing. If it's bait, it should be getting more bites than this