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50164773 No.50164773 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else bullish on Microsoft stock?

>> No.50164779

The elites are literally just a giant orgy of degeneracy aren't they? Holy shit.

>> No.50164795

Bag alert major bag alert

>> No.50164796


>> No.50164814

Bill Gates proselytizes about wanting to control the world population and keep "undesirables" at a minimum and he literally can't stop his daughter from fucking niggers. Trying to lecture me on how to live and shit. Lmao

>> No.50164828

Toll will be paid.

>> No.50164835

In their mind humans mixing will bring peace to the world

Along with firstly using it as a ways to diverge from real issues

They obviously push for it, in movies all the media people see with their eyes and gets impregnated into their unconsciousness

Then they just repeat what they see and feel proud of it

It is basically religion and manipulation of the masses sure, they have always done that, its impossible to not do that in fact, but they chose to influence the collective conciousness their own way

Sounds like a fucking sci movie but less than 1% of humans are inmune to this

Funnily enough only less than 1% of humans are above 130IQ

>> No.50164897

embrace, extend, extinguish applied to the white race

>> No.50164902

> In their mind humans mixing will bring peace to the world
That’s just what they tell the goyim. >>50164814 is right. They can’t stop their own preaching from backfiring. Bill is getting cucked massively. His future generations will be markedly dumber. His linage basically ends after him.

>> No.50164908

Kek the west will become an africanized slum full of retards in one generation. Asia is the future. "Le science" is to blame ironically. Women aren't attracted to boring science babble and rationality. They want aggression and passion and love not faggots like Bill preaching about tolerance and peace.

>> No.50164916

Bill is a gentile. A smart gentile but nevertheless never part of the club.

>> No.50164918

They have never told the goyim that you fucking retard lol

Is goyim cope

The real elites are far above bill gates, hes nothing more than a servant

Youre so retarded its unreal

>> No.50164929

Wrong. Holy shit lurk more newfag. Bill is 100% kike.

>> No.50164936

>huh im an elite and i rule the world
>my daughter is dating a nigger
>uhh guess my propaganda it backfired Im so dumb, the goyims are laughing at mee!!

Its almost cartoonish the way you see reality, fucking insane nigger

The real elites are far above bill goyim gates

>> No.50164956

Bill is one of the richest and most powerful people in the world you’re fucking delusional. He’s also a kike ethnically

>> No.50164957

Hes kike cattle you fucking dumb retard

Do you think jews arent servants aswell?

There are castes, you dont know a single name of an actual elites

You only know public servants, theyre basically scapegoats

>> No.50164963

Long term I think MSFT is solid and I'm going to throw some money in.

Github was a good purchase and they're cornering the developer market with their toolchain. They're still in the cloud technology game and it will allow them to host whatever AI god they're currently creating.

Gaming is also going to continue to be profitable, the next generation will be completely sedated by them. Microsoft is like the borg, it can take on a company like Activision/Blizzard and replace all the cowboys with xi/xir managers to make it palatable to the mainstream. Line will go up.

>> No.50164968

So this is why he said he's not leaving his inheritance to his children.

>> No.50164969

No he's just another autistic nerd playing tech games. The old school Jews eat these kids up for lunch.

>> No.50164974
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Hes doesnt call the shots you mentally retarded sub-human

Real elites dont have their image and names out there

Youre so retarded its insane, almos makes me think their acts are justified

Youre basically a retarded animal with little more than a mental impediment

The way you see and interpret things is that of a child

>> No.50164989

>huh im an elite and i rule the world
>my daughter is dating a nigger
>uhh guess my propaganda it backfired Im so dumb, the goyims are laughing at mee!!

Its almost cartoonish the way you see reality, fucking insane nigge

Im just gonna copy paste this again and let yourself judge how mentally retarded you are

The way you percieve reality lol

>> No.50164998

Elite are far above you

And you little IQ niggers make their acts agaisnt you ALMOST fucking justified lol

Nothing else to add

>> No.50165032

giving women rights have been disastrous for the human race

love from Khazakstan

>> No.50165035

>multiple subsequent posts
>numerous grammatical errors
>copies the same post twice
>rabidly calling others retards as much as possible to make himself feel better about being retarded
Post IQ test results

>> No.50165044

Clever move of her. Let him think he's something special and play a bit with his fragile heart. While letting the whole world know how open minded and morale you are.

>> No.50165064

whos that black man?

>> No.50165090

It’s a low IQ schizo. Sadly there are many of them here. More than there used to be. I guess they came from /pol/? It was harder to notice them over there because the board moves so much faster.

>> No.50165108

As a MSFT holder, I'm actually selling soon because they forced me to migrate my Mojang account and that made me hate the company

I might wait to sell my US equities though since the pound is also imploding ..

>> No.50165112

This board has id's retard

>> No.50165118

We need an actual IQ test as the Captcha.

>> No.50165139
File: 35 KB, 612x407, D470CBB6-A4D0-491C-8D4E-D920C83A4369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jews are merely pawns to the jesuits. You should know this by now.
> humans mixing will bring peace to the world
This is literally all they say. How retarded are you kek picrel retard.

>> No.50165148

I'm above 130 iq (actually. Not because of a shitty 10-question quiz on Google like most people here). Am I immune to these phenomena then?

>> No.50165161

Microsoft stock?

>> No.50165171

Also as a 130+ iq white man, if my daughter dated a nigger I would disown/disinherit immediately.

>> No.50165180

After the recession is officlal and some heads are cut, yes

>> No.50165181

How do you know its the Jesuits? There are like 3000 possible groups from demons/archons to inter dimensional entities to freemasons that can be at the top. Why jesuits?

>> No.50165334

They are Jews anon, that's their narture