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File: 116 KB, 640x762, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50162349 No.50162349 [Reply] [Original]

It should be illegal to fire people on the bases of salary discussions. Change my mind.

Protip: you can't cause you know I am right.

>> No.50162381

I would immediately discuss salary so they'd fire me and I could collect unemployment and then get a new job when unemployment ran out. Then again, I have a useful STEM degree so I can easily find a new job without much effort.

>> No.50162393

Remembers me when I was working in the office

>Be working at IT company for 4 years
>Owner is a literal jew but I thought we were friends
>One day after finishing a project which took fucking months and I thought I had a great part on ask for a meeting in his office
>Sit down end of the morning in his office, he has one of those leather couches
>Discuss how I enjoy working there, the years of devotion and my skills on the last succesful project
>Carefully drop that I would like a raise in pay
>He seems to agree, tells me to come with him to the hall where everyone is working in cubicles
>Tells me to stand up on a fucking stool and that everyone should be silent and pay attention
>I stand there like a fucking retard
>"Hey guys, this is anon, he didn very well on >the last project> and would very much like a raise in pay."
>"And this selfishness is why he cant work here anymore"
>I stand there completely flabbergasted
>He just goes back in his office, closes the door
>People stop looking at me and continue their work
>I see some people feeling sorry for me but they just hard pretend to ignore me
>I get off the stool, pack up my shit and leave

yeah fuck companies, being a neet ever since and no regrets

>> No.50162395

Not your company, kiddo.

>> No.50162413

How fucking easy are your spirit?
Holy fuck, even writing this..
why are you even here?
Weak retarded fuck.

>> No.50162423

Probably should have done some DD on the company before you agreed to work there. You are likely not the first one to be jewed by the kike boss.

>> No.50162460

It's illegal to prohibit us employees from discussing their own salaries. There's very few exceptions. As long as it's done in your own time you have a sure lawsuit if they fire you over it.

>> No.50162471

Gas him on glassdoor and LinkedIn.

>> No.50162497

>How fucking easy are your spirit
Whats your first language shitskin?

>> No.50162502

Retard, you don't negotiate for pay raises, you jump ship to jobs offering you higher pay.

>> No.50162519

What would you have done differently Mr. Tough guy?

>> No.50162539

Is that legal?? How could your boss just do that?

>> No.50162543

I would forgive you for chimping out.

>> No.50162556

Tell me about this please. I've heard several times about how people job hop to get better wages and make more money somehow

>> No.50163135

I got a $20k pay bump my last job hob. Stay somewhere 2-3 years I guess and then switch to something better paying. They initially offered $10k more than what I was getting paid and I just said nope, I'll need $20k at least pay bump to make it worth the risk of moving. They instantly agreed. I work half as much and wfh now. Next jump should be similar hopefully. Unless you want to be CEO, partner, etc. staying somewhere forever is dumb.

>> No.50163195

>duuuude just "jump" to another job
Have you tried looking for a job? It's half a year long buttfucking and then in the end you get way shitter conditions than you were promised

>> No.50163326

we don't know OP (or whoever took that screencap) is American.

>> No.50163337

I did. That is how I jumped from $58k to $144k in 3 years.
I had to jump a Total of four jobs. I worked 6 days a week (Mon-to-Sat), 11 hrs a day (0800-to-1900) with a shitton of OT, which was a pain in the ass to claim.

My advice? You can start small but do not stay small. Get certified (CompTIA N+, currently working towards CCNP).

Negotiating for higher salary never ends well, you will learn this the hard way.

>> No.50163357

It's already illegal for them to fire you. Look up "NLRA". It's been law since the 1930s.

>> No.50163366

>As long as it's done in your own time you have a sure lawsuit if they fire you over it.
You can discuss it at work. The law explicitly allows for it.

>> No.50163510

We're no longer a nation of laws. It's easy to find some other reason to fire you anyway.

>> No.50163523

Problem with corporate America is 99% of the leverage is given to employers. That's why this country is a joke and why I'm a lazy shit with jobs. Can't take any of this shithole seriously.

>> No.50163671

You should kill him unironically

>> No.50164233

dude thats not cool, sure getting fired sucks but

>> No.50164251

Talk to your coworks anyway and all of you walk out when all of you have new jobs, leave on the spot.

>> No.50164262

Hello Jew. You’re next.

>> No.50164265

>>"Hey guys, this is anon, he didn very well on >the last project> and would very much like a raise in pay."
>>"And this selfishness is why he cant work here anymore"
Lmao, you're American aren't you.

>> No.50164269

Shut up nigger.

>> No.50164285

This. Fuck it go after whites and Jews both, either way it's the same.

>> No.50164290

Doesn't this fall under free speech or some shit? I would sue them to bankruptcy.

>> No.50164475

You can't get unemployment if you're fired for cause

>> No.50164483

employers should be allowed to fire for any reason at anytime with no disclosure required

>> No.50164503

>It should be illegal to fire people on the bases of salary discussions
I thought it was? At least in the US

>> No.50164767

Amazing how pathetic cattle like you lack the self awareness to just kill yourself so you'd stop wasting everyone's time
Atleast in Rome thay had the common sense to retain some of their honor by throwing themself on their swords wbhen they were defeated

Your boss should've died in a "car accident" a week later

>> No.50165198
File: 6 KB, 250x228, 1655442041669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change my mind
>protip: you can't cause I'm a 1PBTID niggerfaggot and won't be reading any of your replies