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50149949 No.50149949 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>no driver's license
>Just graduated from HOMESCHOOL of all places.
>basically didnt learn / remember anything from it besides some history and bible stuff.
>work experience is only 1 internship
>not many friends
>both grannies demands that i go to college in august.
>"Son, I feel like God told me that you should become an engineer. "
>only $250 in bank account.
I know it could be way, way worse, but it feels awful. Like being 32 and still being on r9k kind of thing. I never really had a normal teenage life like everyone else because my parents were schizos who sheltered me. I don't know any math after multiplication. Idk what degree i should get or job. All of my friends are gonna get 6 figures as engineers or computer scientists or whatever. Im behind in life and no one is taking me seriously. I just want to own a business then live in Patagonia on a homestead and never talk to anyone again. How can I not be a loser and get rich, and be normal. Happy 4th of July BTW.

>> No.50149959
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you're literally 18

>> No.50149981

so just do community college for 2 years then figure out what you want to do, I was in your situation at 24 onions you still have 6 years of doing nothing and still being able to make it

>> No.50150002

Bully your parents in to paying for your college or take out loans. You will do a lot of growing up there if you don't spend all your time alone and make an effort to learn socially and just be open about being a home schooled square. Take the easiest classes you can.

Or get a job at best buy or whatever

>> No.50150008

Chill out, I ran away from home at fifteen and used to rob ppl for money are 18. I’m 41 and mid figure millionaire… let life happen and enjoy it.

>> No.50150012

>>"Son, I feel like God told me that you should become an engineer. "
Time to become an engineer.

>> No.50150042

i'd give everything to be 18 with no prospects
you simply won't understand the limitless energy and potential you have at that age until you're much older
yes, hormones suck but damn. just get off your ass and do something, you can't lose

>> No.50150046

Also I only got my driving license three years ago. Missed out on so much over the years so get it sooner than later. It really opens your options and your mind

>> No.50150062

get a general labour job that pays 15-20 while you live at home until you figure out which trades are good for you

>> No.50150077
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But i can't even do long division

>> No.50150080

>I don't know any math after multiplication
yeah you're fucked. might wanna go through khan academy courses before you even try applying anywhere.

>> No.50150217

im gonna be honest with you Im a computer science graduate and completely forgot the method for long division, dont need it though computers just do it for me

>> No.50150234

>home schooled
ngmi unless you start a cult

>> No.50150242

surely you had to re-learn it for polynomial long division

>> No.50150252
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when did that stop engineers?

>> No.50150253

Thanks ill check it out.

I am doing things. I am learning woodworking. I am a volunteer for political events. Idk what i should do to get actual skills though.

Sounds fulfilling. What did you do to get all that money? What skills did you get as a runaway homeless kid?

A degree in what?

I need to make $5 million dollars before im 35 though. Or at least make 6 figures when i am 30.

I think college is free for me. Because my dad was in the army

I will try to get that

>> No.50150273

18 is supposed to feel like OP, he has to build something worthwhile of himself

>> No.50150301

What do you even do with that.

Might do that. I had experience with public speaking and i am a decent writer. Any tips on leading a cult /biz/raelis

That was probably just a female engineer's fault.

I aspire to do great things. Become a owner of a construction company, and own a homestead. Then die.

>> No.50150332

If it's free what are you even asking? Your grandma telling you to be an engineer is just this generations doctor, disregard them they'll still be happy you're going to school at least. If you learned as little as you say engineering would be a horrible idea

>> No.50150349

Don't do engineering it's a dying field

They will have a chink replace you in like 5 years

If you can start a mechanic business it's very lucrative and people will rely on you a lot. If you have an analytical brain it will help you too

>> No.50150352

Be a man.

>> No.50150378

I feel like God told you to become my femboy. Let me take care of you, Anon. <3

>> No.50150431

i suggest studying philosophy and psychology on how to influence and control your own mind, find a connecting with god. all the money, puss and status wont ever fix the gaping emptiness material things provide. have a balanced mindset, try not to give a fuck what other say or think about you, they will do or say nevertehless

>> No.50150434

I was homeschooled, its more of a benefit than you think... it means you get the benefit of not pissing people off early in life by doing stupid shit in school that will come back and haunt you.

>> No.50150441

I would suggest chasing your childhood dreams and becoming serious about it. I always enjoyed playing guitar growing up and wanted to be a musician all of my life. I've dropped out of 2 art institutions because I thought I'd never get to where I wanted to be. At 26 I'm planning on going back to school strictly for guitar. There are professional guitarists that make 6figs and I'm going to be one of them. There are areas in life specifically cut out for you and what you want to do. Everybody wants to own a business though. Find something more specific that you actually want to do. I doubt your true passion is firing and hiring people. You'd be a great businessman if that was your passion though. Don't waste your time on things you don't want to do. A lot of my friends that went to college are now trying to make youtube content because that's what they truly enjoy. One of them went to trade school and is now a twitch streamer. Other 2 guys I know went to school for engineering and business and ended up making an anime podcast. Right now is your chance to stop beating around the bush. You can also wait until you feel like it's too late. It's never too late. People still tell me I'm young.

>> No.50150463
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He's only 18 you sick fucks.
Stop grooming him into becoming some kind of engineer so he can be molested by you at college

>> No.50150477

What do you know about construction?

>> No.50150581

Start out by taking CLEP tests. Go to your local community college, enroll. But don’t take any classes yet. Ensure your local community college accepts and offers CLEP tests. If you’re half way intelligent you can just use quizlet or Wikipedia for study material. Some other websites like free CLEP prep have good material. I took about 30 credit hours worth for free, though chances are you’ll pay 125 to 175 for the exam. Which beats paying 300 per credit hour or whatever the ungodly rate is these days.

You go in, take your 15-30 credit hours worth. Then take your paperwork and go enlist in the military for two to four years. Take evening classes. Finish your associates minimum. Military did up until recently ensure GED/homeschool had a minimum of 15 credit hours prior to enlisting so they weren’t getting the absolute dregs NEETs of society who got kicked out of mommies tendy hut. But that also may have changed since shit is insanely bad

Then figure out if you want to stay or enlist if you like it and Joes recession doesn’t fuck the country. But you’ll be around 21/22 and you can then go finish university then get your meme degree and go do something else.

>> No.50150611

Kill yourself

That's why i am working out. I want to work at a farm this year too. Itll help me become physically stronger.

You have to make a blueprint to design the building project, some big brain guy to know where all the electrical wiring and plumbing goes. Then make a foundation, some wooden frames. Fill it in with stuff. Idk. I know you stack the bricks and put on the concrete stuff to make it stick.

Not a benefit for me. Waste of time. Way less stress tho. Basically didnt have to worry about stuff.

Any philosophy ideas. Ive only read machalevili and heard a summary of Nietzsche ideas. Some enlightenment stuff. C S Lewis.

I have 0 experience with cars. I know my friend's dad is a mechanic. I guess i can learn from him.

Thats how i feel. People dont think im smart or capable of thinking. I think they'll only take me seriously if i was successful and attractive.

I dont know my passions. My friends say i have sociopathic tendencies. I feel like nothing. I however do like taylorist ideas about trying to improve efficiency. Drawing. Geopolitics. Philosophy. Wood working. I am trying to make a business plan

>> No.50150645

It must suck to be you since no matter what, people are going to perceive you as socially maladjusted. You never had the same experiences the public school did, and you never got bullied into not acting like a spaz. You probably have hygiene issues since you weren't forced to go outside your house everyday.

Brie Larson is a typical example of a homeschooled weirdo with her nasty fungus toes and irritating behavior.

>> No.50150648

>I am learning woodworking. I am a volunteer for political events. Idk what i should do to get actual skills though.

Heres an idea: woodworked sculptures of charicatures of local popular politicians. Should sell hard af if they are funny

>> No.50150695

If you have any balls at all you will enjoy being a mechanic, building/fixing something yourself is very satisfying

>> No.50150696

No. The military is awful. They did electric shock "therapy" on my dad so he is weird now. Zoomers in the military are worse. I know someone who put their army uniform on a sex doll and posted it on Snapchat. Plus i wont get the vaccine

>> No.50150714

Stop losing a hell of a lot and join the Secret Agent program you silly young faggot. I'll initiate the fuck out of you.

>> No.50150768

You could definitely be a woodworker making 6 figures if you start working on your craft RIGHT NOW. Find other woodworkers that are making the money you want to make and follow their lead. Also don't stop learning. There's always going to be something you didn't know about woodworking.

>> No.50150770
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You're so mature for your age.

>> No.50150787

This is just a no go space for new jeets. Unless you want your mind to get completely wiped out. Why not stay in crypto, make that money in peace during the bull; the only suffering is waiting for the bull cycle while living through the bear cycle

>> No.50150791

It is unless you plan on moving away from where you grew up. People remember things. I know multiple people that fucked up their lives early and now are pigeonholed to where they do not have the resources to move away and nobody here will help them better their lives.

>> No.50150804

Don't tell him to go to the military you idiot.

Just join my discord hehe