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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50143943 No.50143943 [Reply] [Original]

The normies know about every major crypto now, and you gave them legendary entries where riches could be easily made.
Thus, the old roster has been scrapped. The bluechips of yesterday aren't the mooners of tommorow.
In fact, we know that every L1 falls the fuck apart when faced with high traffic. Fees soar or it breaks.
The mooners of tommorow will be the coins which reach innovations in scalability. No less.
Think Fantom's FVM, a complete successor to EVM, which is horrendous at this point in time.
Normies will be accumulating the performers of old (Solana, Shib) while smart money pays attention to innovations in scalability.
Also worth noting, that which ever L1 CAN scale, will moon beyond the wildest imaginations. Just imagine if Ethereum had been able to scale.

Before this however, we may see a preliminary DeFi bullrun. And bonus coin: (RLC)
Data IS the digital oil. And RLC is making it possible to not only tokenize data, but share/lend data, while preserving privacy.
(You can rent an AI, BUT you will not be able to see how its coded.)
This will usher in a whole new NFT bullrun. But it won't be only JPEGS.

Other things to consider: Russian gas exports (over 100M DAILY in revenue) to be denominated in BTC.
Also Mexico adopting BTC as a legal tender.
Good luck with the next bullrun, as it is the GBR and will be fueled by Wave 2 investors (TradFi)

>> No.50144017

Definitely won't be that absolute garbage RLC

We already have something that innovates on L1 and scales but it causes /biz/ to seethe like nothing else because they failed the iq test

>> No.50144029

Introducing a layer 2 chain that doesn't even inherit the security of its L1 is not an innovation in L1 scalability. It's cope.

>> No.50144040
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>Crypto is one big Ponzi scheme. Tokens go up only when there are enough suckers to buy more of them
>Crypto has no intrinsic value. Unlike fiat, crypto isn’t backed by anything
>Crypto is killing the planet
>Crypto isn't safe. People keep getting hacked
>Crypto is for criminals
>Bitcoin was invented in 2008 and has failed to take off
>Blockchains aren't good for anything
>I still can’t buy my cup of coffee with Bitcoin
>Web3 is clunky and too hard to use

>> No.50144046

us mtv bros are hella comfy rn...

>> No.50144233

Wow you really don't know which L1 I'm taking about do you. No shit L2 is trash

>> No.50144240

Your scam is going to 0 as we speak

>> No.50144638

Moon man pls

>> No.50144714
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The best L1 already exists you absolute mong. Holy shit, get it through your thick fucking handsome scull. It's always been Bitcoin and it will always be Bitcoin. Read the fucking whitepaper, do some fucking research. Stop being a retard. Get a piece of the global unit of value before you're utterly priced out. PLEASE FFS, it's like $60. Become 1 in a million for $1,260.

>> No.50146616


>> No.50147325
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Former rlc top 100 wallet here
There are actually L1s doing new shit but they are so far down the top 1000 rank that most miss them

RLC will literally never peak above its ATH ever again.
If you didn't sell a combine coinbase/bithumb listing at the peak of the 2021 everything bubble you are retarded

No amount of super tranne deluxes will save you from the fact that gilles has 0 users, and 0 use cases for RLC (ticker runs on NO computers)

Oh, you were talking about iExec? The successful private blockchain consulting company? Yes they are doing great. No relation to the erc20 token RLC however. Move on brainlets

C'est fini

>> No.50147381


>There are actually L1s doing new shit but they are so far down the top 1000 rank that most miss them

Name one and post their daily txn volume. Let's see.

>> No.50147429

>RLC shill
Genuinely pathetic. Sort your life out.

>> No.50147480

The institutional Shiba Inu.

>> No.50147504

For me, its XRP.

>> No.50147532

>how to receive copious amount of hate in one short sentence

>> No.50147592

Kadena. Midwits got filtered like no tomorrow. And they will, again. As it should be.

>> No.50147998

Ckb chads unite

>> No.50149113

Definitely not fucking icy pee lmao

>> No.50149268
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Scalability keeps prices low, so if you mix adequetely low prices on Layer 1, there shouldn't be a problem. Normies and governments will adopt what is stable, and w e aren't quite there yet.

The problem with cryptocurrencies lies completely with its current concept, and that by its very nature, it is completely unstable - and that is why it is lucrative. When CBDCs start rolling in, or even starts finalizing, that would be the death knell of most of crypto speculations, and would begin adoptions, but it will certainly not be Tether.

Most cryptocurrencies are backed by the promise of fundamentals, not laid fundamentals at the start... because the market is built on speculation and hype. So building speculation and hype becomes the inherent goal, as opposed to building the central fundamentals necessary to sustain a project or business.

>> No.50149733

Nobody cares, Rankesh

>> No.50150358

>In fact, we know that every L1 falls the fuck apart when faced with high traffic.
Not every L1 fumbles moron. Secret Network is an exemption after they finished their Alpha shockwave upgrade bringing 500x improved network performance.

>> No.50150742

>We already have something that innovates on L1 and scales but it causes /biz/ to seethe like nothing else because they failed the iq test
Based and cardanopilled

>> No.50150997

I care, and you should too. Keep seething though, you low IQ mongoloid

>> No.50151101

indians are retarded, and so are you
1 tps is not going fucking anywhere lmao
he's low IQ but so are you for following a schizo

>> No.50151162

>thinking crypto has any real-world use value and the technology behind your shitcoin matters

>> No.50151451

>Normies and governments will adopt what is stable, and w e aren't quite there yet.

Nobody is adopting any of this crap because it's completely unnecessary, we already have a financial system.

>> No.50151615

But introducing a L2 that does inherit the security is.

Fleshed out ZK Rollups have no competition

>> No.50151689

"Top 100 wallet". Dude there are users where have you been. Stop fucking lying. Sorry your too poor to buy in.

>> No.50151939
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Sure, bud

>> No.50151984


>> No.50152046

>RLC is trying to build the things Oasis protocol already does efficiently


>> No.50152067


>> No.50153119

L1s are technically better than L2s because they don't have high fees and there is no delay when bridging on or off chain whereas there can be a delay of up to one week for L2s. I'm bullish on the following sidechains: MATIC, CNDL, FTM.

>> No.50153273

>Other things to consider: Russian gas exports (over 100M DAILY in revenue) to be denominated in BTC.
Russia would use gold before BTC, there is no economic advantage to them to use BTC.

Biden would just go "LOL, exchange ban in the US" and BTC would go to single digits instantly.

>> No.50153336
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>> No.50153513

>we already have a financial system.
The digital payment system is total crap. It's a combination of delays, high fees, extra-legal censorship, terrible UI and the ever looming threat of getting completely fucked as a small vendor for completely bullshit reasons.

SEPA is the closest to something usable, but the UI sucks because the EU did not mandate banks support the standard QR code in their apps.

Everything else is censored to shit, with large fees, large escrow delays and arbitrary account freezes for small vendors.

>> No.50153720

Sounds like they don't know about Oasis, ticker: ROSE

>> No.50154349

Bitch, I got that Algo!

>> No.50154523

STAS layer 0 is already here and you live under a rock.

>> No.50155210

Why would anyone buy this above 30c ?

>> No.50155293

Name three users

>> No.50155447
File: 86 KB, 422x646, 4BC39AD0-19D6-4ED8-90C1-89B3AD38BC05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we know that every L1 falls the fuck apart when faced with high traffic. Fees soar or it breaks.
Avalanche works fine and can actually scale since they solved the Blockchain Trilemma with their new leaderless consensus mechanism and Subnets are superior to L2 and shards and other trash ideas.
Try using a dapp on Avalanche and then go do it on other chains, you will notice Avalanche has sub second finality while the others dont.
In other words while it takes you half an hour and a fortune in gas to manage your DeFi loan position I can do it sub second and pay only 10 cents.

>> No.50155549
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>thinks shib is an L1
>focuses on FTM which has a collective of 3 nodes centralized dogshit nobody takes seriously
I despise faggots like (you)
Eth isn't the future, and RLC ticker: (dogshit) is built upon it, it also isn't an L1 you mong

>> No.50155608

>poo id

>> No.50155641

meanwhile tezos has been doing just fine.

>> No.50155712
File: 291 KB, 870x495, 984B94AE-013E-4E3D-8A23-3202E04F14F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon, these newbs are insufferable.

>> No.50155955


Moonman is that you? You conned everyone by shilling that scam ICP. Nobody believes a word you say but welcome back niglet.

>> No.50155976

>i dont know what avalanche is the thread
kek you had two years

>> No.50156315

Shhhhhhh don't tell the normies

>> No.50156550

Retard did you miss the part where I said NOT ICY PEE

>> No.50156592

>a larper is still gets mentioned because he left anons bagholding trash