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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50137758 No.50137758 [Reply] [Original]

Uh ooooooo wagie, better get to bed soon you don't wanna oversleep for your shift tomrrow.

What's wrong, you only got an hour or two of free time left before you got to sleep, what a shame I think i'm gonna makes some tendies and then have a whiskey while I stay up playing vidia till 3am

Anyways see you tomorrow nice and early wagie

>> No.50137787

It's 3pm and Tomorrow® is the Greatest Holiday in the World™

>> No.50137793

i'm on PTO tomorrow since it's the fourth of jew lie. taking a much deserved day off from my $160k/year job where i do 25 hours of work per week, from home, on average. anyways, how's mommy's cooking? buy any new video games with your $1100/month SSI disability checks lately?

>> No.50137799

I work tomorrow

>> No.50137817

>not using PTO™ to celebrate his Freedom®

>> No.50137818
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There is a world outside of burgerville incase you were not aware.

>> No.50137824

damn bro that uhhh...sucks I guess

>> No.50137837
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nobody cares about irrelevant 3rd worlders, or Africans or south Americans kek

>> No.50137840

Ehh. Could be worse. Federal holidays pay time and a half

>> No.50137864

Really? Are they celebrating their freedom tomorrow too?

>> No.50137873

Same, but I'll at least get time and a half and there will be nobody but the occasional hobo to cause issues. I'll just chill and watch movies on company dime.
t. Security for a shopping center

>> No.50137884

>160k a year
>Has to use PTO for the fourth of fucking July
Lmao larpers on /biz/ are out of control

>> No.50137888
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Oh I forgot its July 4th

Oh what's that wagie you still have to in for your shift, very much the land of the free wagie, don't for get to dance for all those freedom loving customers

>> No.50137897

Bong here, you literally just had nigger day and now you get another holiday kek. Looks like you don't need them vacation days after all.

>> No.50137906

i'm not a technigger/codenigger and my company doesn't have unlimited PTO.

>> No.50137974

You're a coward that has given up.

While you’re wasting your precious years away someone is laboring to free and extend their bloodline, they are leveraging friendships creating original memories and shifting reality to their views.

Vidya sucks your brains juice, and bestows invisible insignificant fruit.

Your inability to do something to fix the micro and macro problems of your life is stunting your development as a human and soul because you are greedily denying kind souls of your benevolence and foresight.

I hope you can look God in the eyes when he shows you what you could've been.

The weight of labor in intervals is more potent than the endless NEET path of inorganic freedom

>> No.50138094

>people who get the 4th off paid are niggers
Holy cope. I make like 70k doing working hospital appeals and even I get the 4th off on company time. Work on your larp

>> No.50138450
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seethe more

>> No.50138687

>mfw burgerbro
>mfw married with 2 kids
>mfw make $275k/year WFH working no more than 30 hours a week
pretty great desu. God Bless America

>> No.50138829

>You're a coward that has given up.
Projection is a dangerous thing anon I hope you get better.

>> No.50138869

>micro and macro problems
Please get raped and get your throat slashed.

>> No.50138920

I'm working that delicious OT tomorrow

>> No.50138947

Not a world that matters

>> No.50139357

I hate American wagies so much it's unreal. You were blessed to be born in one of the best countries in the world, but still you can't get benefit of it.

The only one whom I hate more is myself. Non-white east European, who barely managed to move to Germany just to donate taxes to socialistic shithole called European union. In order to move to US I need to put so f*cking much effort it's unreal, FML KMP. F*ck wagies.

>> No.50139400

It's double time tomorrow. I don't have a girlfriend or family that'll be celebrating tomorrow anyway, might as well make some pocket change for next weekend.

>> No.50139580
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>> No.50140604

Sounds coomfy

>> No.50140673

Imagine only making 70k hehe

>> No.50140811

Could be better, its a 20 minute commute for $13/hr paid weekly. I spend most of it on gas these days. I also have to sit for 8 hrs in the Texas heat in a shitty little golf cart and deal with druggies trying to swipe shoes. But most of the shift I just fuck around on my phone, so its not all bad.