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50137180 No.50137180 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50137200

Europoors are low IQ. Worse than chinks. Heck they're borderline spic and nigger retarded economically. Superior American White genes wins again

>> No.50137212

fiat is gay.

>> No.50137228


>> No.50137260

European average IQ has been going steadily downhill for several decades, the best scientists in the world can't figure out why, the working theory is that it's somehow due to global warming.

>> No.50137308

I wish we were just retarded. The truth is worse, we are lead by traitors.
Every politicians who thought we had the strength to attack Russia should be charged with high treason.

>> No.50137311

America bros... All according to keikaku.

>> No.50137313

I'm buying yen for my europoor currency because it so cheap now and nips are smart
trump wants a cheap Dollar for export and work
2024 maga

>> No.50137322

Swinging shitcoins, eh?

>> No.50138535
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The price of democracy in Ukraine

>> No.50138561

imagine making more gains from stable USD coins against the € than from bitcoin, fucking state of the market

>> No.50138579

>Ohhh nooo my commie money is becoming worthless
>who could have predicted this

>> No.50139069

Most european politicians are center right, you're just a completely delusional american retard whose 2 parties are moderate right and far right fascist.

>> No.50139220

>Most european politicians are center right
top fucking kek nigger

>> No.50139263

Not sure if you're joking, but yes, they use that excuse to import low IQ Africans, thus lowering the average IQ.

>> No.50139296

A good example is Merkel, she was moderate right wing, but ignorant Americans like you often claim she was far left.

>> No.50139305

lmao retard

>> No.50139320

Euro is fucked and all fundamental metrics and indicators say that the euro might loose another 20%.

It’s about to be a fucking shitshow in euroland

>> No.50139328

>the best scientists in the world can't figure out why,
>the best
kek they fucking cancelled a noble prize winner for telling why

>> No.50139372

>our parties make your lefties look like moderate right wingers
>this proves we aren't commies

>> No.50139460

It's the opposite, the overton window has shifted so far right that you unironically believe US democrats are left wing.

>> No.50139470

du dumme missgeburt die nigger hure die millionen an nigger importiert hat und die wirtschaft nach china verkauft hat nennst du moderat rechts?
geh dich erhängen du schwuchtel

>> No.50139636

>kek they fucking cancelled a noble prize winner for telling why

sauce? i never heard of this, kind of need a laugh.

>> No.50139639

Brent Johnson dabbing on those yuro faggots

>> No.50139663

assume that >>50139328 is talking about James Watson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Watson#Comments_on_race

>> No.50139768

yeah what happens when you import millions of people south of the equator.

>> No.50139783

Murican here, it's a price we're willing to pay

>> No.50139802
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Basically everyone in Western Europe scores higher then freedomland. The rest of europe are borderline muds anyways so they don't count

>> No.50139819
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It's over.

>> No.50139849

And where is Frau Merkel now ?

The Overton window has been shifting further and further to the left for decades, not sure if redditard or completely delusional

To clarify, we don't believe Biden and his DNC buddies are left wing; it's the progressive radical democrats, who are the voice of the party and whose toxic rhetoric is advanced by every major news outlet in the country except Fox News, who are left wing.

And, you know, if you listen to a word they say they're way further left than the sozis. They just have no power lol.

Yeah Biden is about as "center right" as the conservatives in Europe.

>> No.50139943

This is you coping with biden as president and niggers and trannies shaping your political climate

>> No.50140130

huh the US still scores that high with all the spics and groids

>> No.50140342

Yep but we imported all the sandniggers so its fair game, that's what those chinks got going for them compared to the west. wished we where more nationalistic in that regard

>> No.50141219

They think they're smarter because they don't believe in God

>> No.50141227

It is over

>> No.50141551
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it's lonely

>> No.50142034
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EUO call...i never understood why they were so cheap....better investment i made in last 6 month

>> No.50142851

Don’t give a fuck about Ukraine, also fuck immigrants and love Christianity so prefer putin over zelensky.

I’d prefer my economy to ukraines bullshit ‘freedom’ to become a bunch of trannies. They fucking started it, they can fucking deal with it.

>> No.50142939

>insert rouble relative strength chart

>> No.50142986

Russia is a Muslim country

>> No.50143510

what the ever loving fuck???

>> No.50143648
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 1655483745440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Euro is crashing Argentina style before EOY. You've been warned.

It simply can't recover. It's ogre. I wonder what will be the implications for the rest of the world, in particular the US and China.

>> No.50145350

they don't add those into the IQ calculations, they're done on natives.

>> No.50145380

If US would pick their IQ test subjects only from universities like China, Korea and Japan does, they would score 105 too.

>> No.50145803

this is good for our exports, so we can finally export all the mudslimes and nigs we loaded up on 7 years back.

>> No.50145834

So is France, Netherlands, Belgium and soon Spain Italy and Germany …. Fucking traitors

>> No.50145847

Putin is our open enemy, Ukraine or not.

>> No.50145856
File: 489 KB, 1284x648, BB982C3A-1F84-4AF8-97C2-D9B5D855D7E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So the Euro is fucked, Europe is fucked and we are all fucked…

Can we all just agree never to let a woman do a man’s job ever again… nice fucking experiment

>> No.50145857

Russia: 15% muslim
EU countries: 4-8% muslim

>> No.50145884

>The Euro is crashing Argentina style before EOY. You've been warned.

Tfw all assets are commodities, RE, BTC and USD, all liabilities in EUR. It should be illegal to be this comfy guys.

>> No.50145885

Honestly the entire European blue blood meme has been a total lie. They haven't achieved shit throughout history. Only Meds achieved great things. Greece led to Rome, Rome led to Renaissance which also started in Italy, this greatness merely trickled down to eurogoblins and then they've built their "empire" on Med's gibs but of course those empires didn't last because they're retarded. But those heroic Meds are gone now, replaced by eurogoblins too

>> No.50145893

I'm sure you know the difference between those two cases. You may pretend not to, but you do know

>> No.50146001

The Roman empire lost out to empires in other parts of the world in basically every metric. The only time Europe was really on top was the British empire, but it was so massively dominant euros are still worshipped in the rest of the world

>> No.50146061
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EU hasn't even begun the monetary tightening yet. We are still living in fantasy land in that regard.
Even if the war somehow end tomorrow, the sanctions would remain some more years minimum.
Who knows what this does politically.
It's going to be a really shitty decade.

>> No.50146162

But the best of US university students ARE chinese, korean or japan

>> No.50146219

>high iq europeans leave to america asap for 5x pay and lower taxes and bigger houses and bigger cars and guns
big think

>> No.50146262
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>the working theory is that it's somehow due to global warming
Yeah, sure, that's exactly what's happening.

>> No.50146272
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>the best scientists in the world can't figure out why, the working theory is that it's somehow due to global warming.

>> No.50146386
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Continental eu - anglos/eastern eu split.
Continentals France, Germany want the war to end, don't care that much about Ukraine. Eastern euros and anglos first and foremost want Ukraine to win.
Conflict can be prolonged indefinitely by giving military gear to Ukraine. US keeps doing this as long as the war remains popular.
Even with all this there is no interest in Germany for nuclear or fracking. Feels like nobody understands how fucked the whole continent is.

>> No.50146434
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>> No.50146608

Isn't this a good thing tho? It means things cost less in europe right?

>> No.50146650 [DELETED] 

IQ testng in itself is a fucking meme you stupid brainlets. You can literally train on many older "I"Q tests and then score higher on a new one; if you give IQ tests to mathematicians who deal with logical problem of a similar nature 24/7: they'll score on average very high.

Same goes with stupid countries like the US who have the delusion IQ tests aren't a meme; they put their childs into the system so they train for them; of course they may score higher on average.

Countries who understand that mundane concept because they are not stupid fucks may actually score lower because nobody gives a fuck to ever train or take them.

>> No.50146665

IQ testng in itself is a fucking meme you stupid brainlets. You can literally train on many older "I"Q tests and then score higher on a new one; if you give IQ tests to mathematicians who deal with logical problems of a similar nature 24/7: they'll score on average very high.

Same goes with stupid countries like the US who have the delusion IQ tests aren't a meme; they put their kids into the system so they train for them; of course they may score higher on average.

Countries who understand that mundane concept because they are not stupid fucks may actually score lower because nobody gives a fuck to ever train or take them.

>> No.50146669

Absolutely not. Your average econobox costs 25k€ here, while the wages are MUCH lower than in the US. A lot of people don't even earn 2k€ with a full-time job, and taxes are much higher than in the US. People don't realize the wage gap between the US and EU.

>> No.50146726

shut the fuck up brit, you're just another failed empire who has the delusion it was the best

every stupid fuck around the world has the same delusion because almost everyone "we wuz empires"

same goes for the stupid fucks in the US who see their own empire showing the first signs of collapse.

>> No.50146770

>You can literally train on many older "I"Q tests and then score higher on a new one.
You're supposed to only take it once and when you're a child, that is the most accurate measure. Not train and memorize it like leetcode pajeets retard.

>if you give IQ tests to mathematicians who deal with logical problems of a similar nature 24/7: they'll score on average very high.
Well yea, they can do math because they are smarter (high IQ) than the average person. Brainlets hate and can't into math you fucking retard.

I hope this is bait because holy fuck you are fucking stupid never post again and cope in silence brainlet.

>> No.50146788

>Every politicians who thought we had the strength to attack Russia should be charged with high treason.

they never really thought it, they are just controlled by the US.

>> No.50146803

You are stupid. The way a child is raised can easily raise its "I"Q precisely because it is trained in logical thinking that is needed.

If you weren't a monumentally stupid piece of shit: you could easily prove it yourself anyway by training on your own.

>> No.50146875

The intention of IQ tests is to measure innate intelligence which can only come from genetics, you can learn or train all you want, it doesn't matter. If you're born a genius then you're a genius it's that simple. Keep coping shitskin go KYS already, your life is not needed.

>> No.50146919

Given /biz track record regarding macro and micro economics as an tourist on this board and Europoor I say: EU superpauer by 2030.
No really, you guys NEVER seems to predict the correct outcome.

>> No.50147024
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tfw paying capital gains tax on stable coins this year

>> No.50147145

Stfu you can’t even solve 6/2(3+4) you fucking burgers. Thank god we have good education.

>> No.50148344

This is true.
Anyone with any brains or brawn left for the US in 1700-1800s and the final few decent ones fled to Argentina after WW2.
It's a wasteland or retards and human debris.

>> No.50148456

I think you probably are a literal person and don't even understand what biz is saying 99% of the time.

>> No.50148516

We literally have no fucking influence about this shit, it's managed by unelected bureacrats.

>> No.50149264

kek. its fucking over

>> No.50150320

EU is more or less green party/socialist hell

>> No.50150399

Translation: america are happy to fuck up Europe and make them pay whilst begging for protection from their us

>> No.50150426

Stupid cia shill, we are all beginning to see through what you did

>> No.50150471
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fuck off kike, we have eyes

>> No.50150480

Take ur Meds

>> No.50150483

Enjoy this moment of victory while it lasts, mutt

>> No.50150498

Based and burgerpilled

>> No.50150516

Why all of Latin America speak Euro? Why is it “2022” in every country?
Why are there 7 days and 12 months everywhere?
The list is almost infinite and I can continue all night

>> No.50150520

IQ changes every second you dumb fucking nigger

If you take an IQ test while drunk youre probably gonna score 20-40 digits lower depending on how intoxicated you are

Same applies with how awake you are or how tired you are

Thats why mensa does their IQ testing on a morning while being well fed and well rested

You dumb little nigger

IQ is not a static number

And to be fair it is a fairly well indicative of someone level of intelligence

You are a deluded nigger if you have not realized this obvious truth

>> No.50150532

Jesus read a book

>> No.50150550
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>> No.50150551


By this an average burger would score between 97-109

A liberal midwit faggot would score 110-120

An actual human would score 130 or above

And a smart person would be able to score around 140

Just take the fucking test, it is a good indicative, retards ALWAYS score low

Smart people ALWAYS score 130 and above in a regular day

Midwits always score something around 110, it is a good enough test

>> No.50150584


The EURO is fucked and Europe is fucked… is that the conclusion?

>> No.50151963
File: 397 KB, 828x734, 1645693444877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, but the US isn't in very good shape either, it could follow the EU soon after. It's astounding how the West managed to shoot itself in the foot with COVID lockdowns and Russian sanctions. Not purging the economy after 2008 was also a big mistake. Now it's too late to avoid the iceberg, and yet the boat is still accelerating. What a strange time we live in.

>> No.50152296
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Holy fuck what the hell is going on with Europe

>> No.50153498
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Short it now!

>> No.50153560

>merkel right wing

>> No.50153841

Russian here. This is what you deserve for attacking Russia. You have a chance to say sorry to me for your evil European behavior and maybe I'll forgive you. Come on, I'm waiting.

>> No.50153980

I've taken several IQ tests and the highest I've ever scored is 88.

>> No.50153994

Dude its our leaders, i would trade scholz out for putin!

>> No.50154064

Are in that graph included student olympiads and other bullshit ?