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50132130 No.50132130 [Reply] [Original]

>be born
>already in debt

>> No.50132144

>what is slavery.jpg

>> No.50132165
File: 1.85 MB, 500x395, 1637165037042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao this cant be real

>> No.50132179

I wish my dad gave me his mortgage

then I'd at least have a house

>> No.50132202

>Take the loan
>have no kids
>die and burn the house
>kikes seethe

>> No.50132215

>old man
>reverse mortgage house and travel
>burn down house
pretty based

>> No.50132218

I would totally do this.

>> No.50132238

Arent mortgages already inherited?
I mean when you inherit the house you also inherit all the debt if it is mortgaged. You can refuse to inherit it, but you wont be refunded and house goes to the bank.

>> No.50132267

Japan has had 100 year mortgages for decades.

>> No.50132273

US children have been born into debt for the past 40 years

>> No.50132291

Why even pay off principal. The gov should hand out 99 year old generational mortgages with just interest. Would massively increase home ownership. Families with these mortgages agree to have 2 kids or less.

>> No.50132311

Now I don't wonder anymore why they currency is collapsing

>> No.50132323

yea, and they have generational homes too

>> No.50132366
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>parents die in a car crash when i'm 8 years old
>bank says too bad and forces me to get a job in the coal mines to pay my debts

>> No.50132378

>line can only go up

>> No.50132380

Have you ever lived in Japan?
Nobody likes the idea of being unable to have kids and occupying 10 sq meters for the better part of your adult life.
They are different in many ways from North Americans, but fundamentally they are not happy forgoing children, living space, and community.

>> No.50132405
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>> No.50132432

Why is it so hard to get housing in Japan if they have 100 year mortgages?

>> No.50132442
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>> No.50132452

That's the point though, they won't give you loans if you don't have a family. You will be homeless.

>> No.50132470

Correct, retards think there is any benefit to them taking one of these out. Burn the house? Bank gets paid insurance. Don’t pass it on? Bank takes possession for free after being paid for decades and sells it again at an even higher price. Pass it on? Bank still gets paid for decades more.

>> No.50132486

i have my own house anyway but i would be cool with that. taking on a mortgage that's already halfway paid off, or more, what's not to like? you numpties just don't get it, do you?

>> No.50132488

>buy home
>refuse to have kids
>set on fire at end of my life

>> No.50132489

You are renting but also taking on all financial and maintenance responsibilities of a landowner. Sucker.

>> No.50132557

That nation is shit for a variety of reasons, bug-like worker mentality and debt slavery are only the tip of the iceberg

>> No.50132570

No wonder those filthy fish-people have a forest dedicated to killing themselves.

>> No.50132746

>education too expensive? Student debt
>house too expensive? Mortgage
>car too expensive? Credit loan
>find anything too expensive? Pay in installment
I feel like the rich actually own more than what we thought they do, we only manage to prevent ourselves from being deprived of resources by putting us further and further into debt. Everything gets more pricey and to keep the illusion that they are still affordable for us, we just keep increasing the length of our debt

>> No.50132826

Japan's birthrate is one of the highest in Asia and comparable to native Europeans. Japan has an incredible amount of space to live if you look past the cities, just like any country. They also have a much higher sense of community than most countries. You are literally brainwashed.

>> No.50132827

If you don't take out debt you'll be left behind and priced out. Housing will go to 10 million per house while you're saving up to buy with cash

>> No.50132842

lawyers living under bridges!
orthodentists 15 to a room!
shut the fuck up you tard, learn how prices are set

>> No.50132851

Japan sounds like a paradise. I guess I should move there

>> No.50132860

this is the signal that the UK is going to collapse.
they can't raise rates in 24 days when the Fed raise.
this is the smell of pure desperation.

>> No.50132871

If you meet the criteria for being allowed to move there and you're willing to learn the language and accept that you'll always be seen as a foreign parasite, go for it.

>> No.50133134

Dude these are fuckign statistics, what the fuck are you talking about?
The brthrate is 1.3, the population is about to turn over (there will be fewer japanese going forward), and ffs they even kill themselves at the highest rate in the developed world.

For denying math, you deserve what is coming to you. I fully believe you deserve the life you are living but more importantly the one you will be forced to live.

>> No.50133429

Just build in the green belt around London. Anyway it only exist so rich people can have mansions.

>> No.50133438

Can you elaborate anon? I’m very interested in this.

>> No.50133540

there are many solutions
they don't want to solve it because appreciating house prices is how the UK stays solvent.
the Fed rate rises are ending that dynamic, hence extending the term to allow more credit creation as rates get tighter.
if you borrow 400k at 2% before, now rates are 4% you can only borrow 330k, so they have to increase the term to even it out or asset prices collapse and with it the uk

>> No.50133592

they aren't ending anything, except maybe our democracy.
Don't print money in excess of growth. Ever.

>> No.50133618

Bongolian innovation

>> No.50133633

They also had one of the worst real estate market bubbles in human history.

>> No.50134044

>Japan's birthrate is one of the highest in Asia and comparable to native Europeans
While it’s no longer the lowest in asia, japs are still near the bottom in terms of birthrate
>comparable to native Europeans
It’s comparable to the worst cases of native europeans
>Japan has an incredible amount of space to live if you look past the cities
Japan is one the most densely populated countries in the world, and the bugmen don’t want to live in the rural areas, much like in every other country.
And while admittably europe isn’t far behind, japan’s population has already started to decline (it will take finland 30 years for the population to start properly declining despite having comparable statistics to nipland).

>> No.50134087

The problem is that real estate is all we have on earth. The idea of a bubble, or even demand itself, has been skewed.
If you print money, and you deliver that temporary purchashing power to a bunch of monkeys, the smart ones know to buy things that last forever, and are scarcer than the money.
If you take worthless paper money which more and more has an expectation of further decline, and you dump trucks of it into peoples bank accounts, the demand will be there for everything.

>> No.50134100

>Grear Britain
Not surprised in the least. Classic bri'ish, soon enough they'll be sending their wee lads into the coal mines they will

>> No.50134141

>doesn’t realize he’s been born into a prison himself

>> No.50134297

>Don't print money in excess of growth. Ever.
yes this is the key, the UK has been doing this since 1997 if not before

>> No.50134448

The UK, like Canada, NZ, Australia etc have been following the US's lead, for the most part.
The issue is that there are serious reasons to move capital from the United Kingdom, and the declines we have seen in the UK are likely to continue, and accelerate.
It is unfortunate, but it's the luck of the draw in terms of natural resources.
Empires are almost over.

>> No.50134585

No the UK has not raised rates like Canada/USA
The UK is declining faster than the EU also.

>> No.50134640
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Have a child and make him baghold your McMansion that is now in an area 80% non white.

>> No.50134658

they're literally talking about how Japanese will be extinct in a century, the fuck are you talking about? Highest in asia? higher than indonesia, vietnam, phillipines, and india?

>> No.50134662

except travel dish shit sucks

>> No.50134860

I need a quick rundown please

>> No.50136293

You are literally lying.

>> No.50136308

And who benefits, anon? Who benefits from spreading that information anon? Could it be the people insisting Japan simply MUST accept millions of immigrants to continue existing?

>> No.50136337

>white people forced by banks to have more kids
wtf i love central banking now

>> No.50136684

the fuck do you mean who benefits? nobody is forcing japan at gunpoint to have kids. its merely a fact that their population and economy are stagnating hard.

>> No.50136726

Check’d and kek’d.

>> No.50136786

At this rate I'll be a foreign parasite in my own country in like 10 years. There's already shariah areas downtown that white people can't go without risking being attacked

>> No.50136836

Exactly what it says: Who benefits, cui bono, are you going to pretend to be retarded suddenly? Who benefits by spreading the lie that countries that don't accept millions of refugees can't survive?

>> No.50136871

you're the one who said japan has one of the highest birthrates in asia. im merely saying thats obviously not true.

>> No.50136900

What's the opposite of generational wealth?

Generational slavery

>> No.50136913
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They're one of the lowest because their cuck society elevates women to supreme whore status.

I've literally dated Japanese. Best looking but total fucking degen. If you think White women are bad then you're in for a fucking treat.

Most Jap men are happier single with their anime girlfriends

>> No.50136933

This is your brain on anime

>> No.50136936

>mother died of cancer
>father killed himself
>Have to sell my left kidney, my right eye, one testicle and work as a hitman to pay off 1/1000th of the mortgage
I've seen this before

>> No.50136976

A 50 year mortgage is only the beginning until they realise 75 years will be accepted, along with 100.

>> No.50137041

The mortgages are for the land, most traditionally built japanese homes are rebuilt every 20 years or something.

>> No.50137071 [DELETED] 

Total degen? We're you dating literal brown Poppongi whores? Japanese women are all different depending on the regions. Yokohama, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido women are pretty wholsome. Never met even met a degenerate in Japan, but I've always been in nice areas.

>> No.50137090

Marxism-Corbynism now
Cromwell did nothing wrong

>> No.50137133
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Weebs are so fucking stupid. The future of asia is in china and vietnam. Even the jap elite know this.

>> No.50137153
File: 381 KB, 850x850, 1oz-debt-slavery-850-obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debt bondage is defined as an individual’s pledge of their labor or services as security for the repayment of a debt. If an individual was unable to repay a debt in their lifetime, said debt was passed down from father to son to grandson. This inheritance would continue until the debt was finally extinguished. The subjugation of generations of individuals “born into slavery” for the debts of their fathers is immoral of course; and as a practice, it has been universally outlawed in the western world.

>> No.50137174

>"marry" one of our new arrivals
>she consensually and knowingly agrees to your antisemitic plot
>acquire home
>get annulment
>enjoy home ownership
>burn it down l8r
seems like I've beaten you again

>> No.50137175

> been outlawed in the west
except the boomers sold our land to foreigners and sold debt instruments to foreigners that continues well into the next generation

>> No.50137199

This nigga unironically blaming the jews / wef Kek

>> No.50137264

What happens if we fix the birth rate and suddenly people are having more than 1 kid again? The line can't go up forever you fuckin greedy boomers you're just gonna have to accept your houses aren't gonna double in value every 10 years forever

>> No.50137393

>omg I got a house what a bad thing!
>I have to pay for a house? I'd rather rent!

>> No.50137416

Horseshit. You can legally refuse your inheritance.

>> No.50137432


>> No.50137449


another reason to never have children

>> No.50137450

You don't even save that much on your monthly payment on a 50 year mortgage. Remember that insurance + property tax + PMI are wrapped into the mortgage

>> No.50137629

>ask who benefits without naming anyone
>anon immediately names jews and the WEF

checked, but also keked

>> No.50137662

That's literally who is at fault.

>> No.50137984

no, life insurance is a requirement for a mortgage, thus when the holder dies the life insurance pays it off

>> No.50138020

for now
Remember how you used to be able to get rid of student loan dept though bankruptcy? Yeah, that got "fixed" real fast. I would bet big money that if these type of loans take off then then we see the exact same thing happen.

>> No.50138101


>> No.50138103

>here, my son, your inheritance, 500k$ worth of debt
>thanks dad!

>> No.50138135

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.50138470

apparently not everwhere. I know of a particular case in the USA. he died, no life insurance for the mortgage family is still paying it. they didnt even notify the bank lol and every time they need to talk with him someone calls them up and says its him.

>> No.50138637

Stop dodging the sanswer, JIDF.

>> No.50138661
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>> No.50138766


>> No.50138771


>> No.50138819

Burn the insurance buildings

>> No.50138912

>buy home in central London on a 95% mortgage
>when you retire you sell-up
>pocket profits minus banks remaining slice of the mortgage
>move somewhere cheap

If you've got big balls and a bigger deposit you could make it work.

>> No.50138957

It's a supply problem rather than a money problem. All this does is raise prices which is great for the cunts who give money to the Conservative party.

>> No.50138994

yes it's definitely going to work when the govt are trying to double the mortgage term because GBP is going to shit and the wheels are coming off.
> it's free money
so why aren't the banks doing it?

>> No.50138997
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>dad takes loan
>has kids
>my credit is destroyed by my parents before I am 18

>> No.50139014

not my problem
the underlying collateral will default first
the OG bankers have cashed out already

>> No.50139020

>I mean when you inherit the house you also inherit all the debt if it is mortgaged. You can refuse to inherit it, but you wont be refunded and house goes to the bank.
yeah, here in my country it's like that, if you want to inherit from parents you also inherit the debt, but if you choose not to inherit then the state inherits ( it's not the bank that takes the loss, it's the government )

>> No.50139332
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>generational debt

>> No.50139903
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>tfw you realize the bloated managerial state has already done this to future generations on a scale that makes it so hard to comprehend that everyone just pretends that it's not real

>> No.50140122
File: 114 KB, 552x960, 107075165_10218656722830381_1874699522883792634_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking about this a couple of days ago. This is the logical next step. Just have a kid and disown him, debt disappears into the ether. Eat shit banks

>> No.50140160
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I maek website. There, three words :3

>> No.50140443

>Japan's birthrate is one of the highest in Asia and comparable to native Europeans
So a shitty birthrate?

>> No.50140479

Are you talking about 借地権?
Cause that's not exactly a 100 year mortgage, it's a leasehold.

>> No.50140712
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>extinct in 100 years because of an art most 35% below replacement reproduction rate
You see the dumbest blackest gorilla goynigger

>> No.50140743

the insurance price raises

>> No.50140822

>pay parasite for shelter
>pay parasite for shelter but have choice of where that shelter is
Nigger, multi-gen mortgages are literal unironic serfdom

>> No.50140846

boku no google

>> No.50140975
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Not if my shitshow of a country has anything to say about it...

>> No.50141159

Mate I fucking lived there and this is cope.

>> No.50141204

Concern trolling niceeeee

>> No.50141303

that's dumb, the guy probably had an insurance policy and they are just paying it off like tards

>> No.50141415

Just marry an inmigrant, she will auto-divorce after getting her citizenship.

>> No.50141458


That's nothing. Homes in Tornado Alley are built every year

>> No.50141696
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>The brthrate is 1.3, the population is about to turn over

>> No.50141701
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>They're one of the lowest because their cuck society elevates women to supreme whore status.
This guy knows

>> No.50141714

The only time Japan actually had those was before the housing bubble popped. Like, right before the pop, and the excuse was "it makes property affordable for everyone!"

Sound familiar?

>> No.50141894

that screencap is so great.
the elites only want birthrates over 2 so they can run a pyramid scheme

>> No.50141943
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ngl, nip bitches sound pretty based

>> No.50142078

That's because of a horrendous bubble
Housing in Japan is actually stupidly fucking affordable. Although Japanese salaries are pretty weak.

>> No.50142085

Who's "they"?

>> No.50142102

Having more children increases economic throughput though...

>> No.50142112

You can get houses for free in Japan.


>> No.50142171
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>when his dick is less than 2.5 inches and his height less than 5 foot 3 and he doesn’t make 8 figure salary

>> No.50142179

No, increasing production of a materials and products increases economic output

>> No.50142195

yes ie per capita increase as opposed to "oh fuck we need to add another broader base to the pyramid scheme".

>> No.50142203

I wonder when we (Freemen / debt free) will get to witness the 21st century Diocletian reforms and indebted wagies are literally made to do corvee labour for Amazon-Uber-Walmart-Doordash intergenerationally in perpetuity.

>> No.50142216

Also Millennial's and Zoomers make fun of Boomers being bad...
If they do this shit their kids are going to smother them with pillows in their sleep.,

>> No.50142217

If you produce the same amount of stuff and have less children you have higher per capita output though.

>> No.50142237

>If they do this shit their kids are going to smother them with pillows in their sleep.,
That won't change the fact that they'll still inherit their parents' debt.

>> No.50142239


>> No.50142285

what do people think national debt is?
this is already happening. you already signed up for it courtesy of the boomers

>> No.50142294

Even if national debt topples and the whole country goes bankrupt, if you manage to OWN land without debt, your still somewhat safe.

>> No.50142335

at that point it's just a piece of paper and nobody gives a shit, you'd have to defend the land to assert ownership.
in any case that's an extreme situation that says nothing about my very real point grounded in the current day

>> No.50142350

Could there be anything more selfish?

>> No.50142359

i'm pretty sure the boomers will think of something in a minute!

>> No.50142383
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Lel, this kind of thing led to the Magna Carta

>> No.50142521

this is more like serfdom

>> No.50142574

lol, feudalism IS BACK

>> No.50142947

You're a faggot Jew aren't you? No Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. In Asia only Korea is lower. This takes five seconds to google you lazy kike. There's space... in the middle of buttfuck no where. Good luck to any salaryman looking for a job anywhere outside the major cities, there's a reason everyone moves to the cities, and it's not because they hate space, it's because they need jobs and education. Their 'sense of community' is more like a hidden hand that makes sure no one causes any problems for the 1%, through ostracization and social excommunication who have a tight grip on their wageslaves. no one but the shachous benefit from this 'sense of community'. And no, Japan isn't a paradise and they don't need foreigners to help their economy or birthrate.
Post nose.

>> No.50142973

I was memeing about this a year ago. everyone thinks housing prices are going to come down in the US...but it's more likely they just start selling us 50year mortgages

>> No.50142999
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In Japan during the 1980's economic boom you could get 100 year mortgages. put your great-grandkids in debt.

>> No.50143156

If banks don't offer longer term mortgages, house prices fall and their returns per loan are negated. They won't do that. The only option is longer term debt contracting.

>> No.50143624

I've lived in Japan for more than ten years, and have a family here. That's simply not true in the least, mate.

Going Dutch is pretty much the norm here

>> No.50143741
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i lose money

>> No.50143757


>> No.50143763

Switzerland too

>> No.50143786

>foreign parasite
You say that like this board isn’t full of autists that hardly contribute to society.

>> No.50143808


honestly just an incel take. dated multiple jap girls. generally they like sex yes (we all do) but are weirdly shy/anxious about it (even as theyre doing it) and are very subservient. now i'm white so cant claim i know how they treat jap dudes (probably not as well, bwc power and all)

>> No.50143834

Honestly this sounds good, inheriting your parent's mortgage is better than having to get approved yourself. Cheaper than rentoiding. Unless it's forced then it's commie shit

>> No.50143837

What you want us to consume your pozzed media? No thanks.

>> No.50143852

Good goyem. Let the immigrant in.

>> No.50143871

Jews want immigrants and fags,nice try though.

>> No.50144291

>And no, Japan isn't a paradise and they don't need foreigners to help their economy or birthrate.
illiterate brainlet or ESL?

>> No.50144381

Hence why arguments to push gun control and bans have been so loud lately...

>> No.50144508

It’s a really strange coincidence that every civilization seems to associate Jews with predatory finance. The misguided anti semitism must be rooted in genetics.

>> No.50144521

Look at their stock market. If you invested in Jap stocks 30 years ago you STILL havent broken even KEK

>> No.50144615

capitalism is voluntary. nobody is forcing you to buy a house.

>> No.50144617


We are turning into China, not Japan. We are a single stone toss away from going full slavery where even dreaming of a good life is impossible

>> No.50144655

Mother nature is. And the cops.

>> No.50144960

fuck off commie retard
you can rent a room for $20/mo

>> No.50145219

I bully autists

>> No.50145779

yh they are retards. they wont buid homes in mountains because higher spirits live their or some gay shit. I live here. Japanese people are fucking retards sometimes in what they believe like americans (Im not american)

>> No.50145828

Asians in general do that salary entitlement thing seen it happen to a white guy i know with his bangladeshi gf

My own personal mantra is no female gets a penny from me, im in profit on women so far. Provider male mentality leads to you being cucked if you dont provide and be selfish and keep it all in assets they just want you even more

>> No.50145846

they are weird cunts in general i live here.

a lot of the women remind me of autistic sperglords on here if they like anime and if they are the trendy fashion wearing type they remind me of the most vapid white girls you can imagine

>> No.50146577

Israel I'm afriad

>> No.50146781

american asteroid mining debt colonies when?

>> No.50146840

Disgusting boomer mentality

>> No.50146962

>The only option is longer term debt contracting.
gassing these kikes is another option, among many

>> No.50147006

how about we kill usurers?

>> No.50147045

jews know everyone wants them dead and exiled for good reason, that's why there are so many hate speech laws, especially those protecting juifs.

>> No.50147047
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Sorry I'm just gonna squat is all

>> No.50147862

>japan rejecting immigration
>muh based tranime cuntry
I wish dark hours and suffering upon weebs.

>> No.50147906

Those were only offered briefly anon. Turns out they're just ways to skip taxes.

>> No.50147924

bug people live in hives
that small drone cell has an insane price due to other cells being filled and bubble/speculation.

you could buy a fuck huge piece of land in the country side for the same price but then you'll live like a thirdworlder...

>> No.50148116

What if the kid get´s shot? does the n.... inherit the debt?
thrust zhe plan, with that money you would vhe able to afford zhe bug

>> No.50148132

are you mentally retarded? Fucking idiot. Offspring shouldn't inherit debt, cum muncher
what a fucking retard

>> No.50148188
File: 1.71 MB, 360x360, Your.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third thread whining about housing prices

it sure sounds poor in here, imagine being a rentoid lmao

>> No.50148214

>have parents pay a big part of the mortgage
>i pay the rest and own a house

sounds good to me

>> No.50148268

have a sibling so I'm not a maladjusted man-child
have to sell the house

>> No.50148571
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>> No.50148720

I fire you.


>> No.50149558

Does that mean house prices go up or down in the UK

>> No.50149601

The issue is that most people still won't be allowed to own a house because housing will continue to rise if this happens

>> No.50149662

I didn't knew the japanese could glow.

>> No.50149787

Sweden and germany are worse for shariahshit than us bongs but he's probably a fellow bong.
Don't pretend america doesn't have them. They have special laws for all sorts of ethnics including the orthodox jews. They just keep it off the media.

>> No.50149938

This will raise the price of houses thru the roof.
Most of the cost is how much debt the average person is willing to take on.

>> No.50149941
File: 42 KB, 302x240, satanpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grossest asshole I've ever seen. Post moar.
>for science

>> No.50149974

>have no kids
>thinks he's winning

>> No.50149998

lol no it isn't
>t. homeowner

>> No.50150023

>government gives out gibs to not have children
yellow hands typed this

>> No.50150068

>buying a cell in the hive for an insane price means you're first world
pass. rather poop in a hole and have space

>> No.50150087

i suck cock
woo that was a close one.

>> No.50150340

house prices in the uk will literally never go down

>> No.50150547

the government are shitting it about prices going down, that's why they are floating this idea
this announcement is not a position of strength

>> No.50150676

Stop it already, no one cares about those shiny stones.

>> No.50150844

I kinda like this idea. 500k house over 50 years. Means you pay flat 10k a year without interest.

With the slow rising wages in 30 years your average 60k salary should be 80k. Lol

>> No.50150898


>> No.50150936
File: 1.87 MB, 640x1136, 1656837979487.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is already a thing
if your parents have a mortgage and then die before they could pay it off, you will inherit the house AND the debt. you can always decline the inheritance, have no debt but also no house

>> No.50151000

Lmao marriage rates are what you need to look at, massive decline. Mortgage turnover rate? Massive decline. I live here and the government has been desperately bailing water for decades, much like any other first world country.

>> No.50151384

go look on craigslist

>> No.50151483

In what state? In what city? In what neighborhoods?

>> No.50151924


>it’s a bubble

>> No.50151994

Just like the jews like it

>> No.50152138

figure it out, dumbass.

>> No.50152154
File: 55 KB, 500x385, 1381207483957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double interest rates from the start of the year
>it's ok goyim, surely you can afford this monthly payment under this brand new plan
the worst part is that people will take these and think they're making a smart move

>> No.50152173

This must've been conceived of before massive inflation was even on the radar of economists, I can't think of a worse way to get JUST'd by inflation than by having a 100 year mortgage where you are getting paid back principal and interest that has massively lost it's value

>> No.50152207

I've never said I was winning, I alredy lost but I won't play their rigged game YOU fucking jew

>> No.50152646

mental gymnastics, the post

>> No.50152670

source: my ass

>> No.50152821

So there's no way places that will let you rent for $20 a month? Is that why you're resorting to ad hominem?

>> No.50152954

>dies and burn the house
How you will burn the house dead?

>> No.50153006

You don't have to take a 50 year mortgage if you play your cards right and invest in cryptos that are going to pump during the next cycle like CNDL, 0xMR, and DRC. Just make sure you actually sell this time.

>> No.50153015

>take the house
>sell the house
>use the money to pay of any remaining debt
>keep the money that's left over

what hard to understand?

>> No.50153279

>be born
>already in debt
are you implying this already isn't the case? the debt we pay is in form of taxes and intentionally shitty monetary policy.

>> No.50153956

If you can't afford where you are, move to a cheaper area and/or get a better job. Nobody owes you a downtown penthouse on a McDonalds salary.

>> No.50154033

Your line will die out anyway, dont be myopic.

>> No.50154057

Notice this one is ignored.

>> No.50154073

>>I have to pay for a house? I'd rather rent!
Like either if affordable you fucking dumb fuck.

>> No.50154173

the sons she would give you would look like the emperor of mankind

>> No.50154216

idk I gave up on women but I still save pics/webms of pretty girls
I know I will never have kids but the thought of starting a family is nice

>> No.50154268

Not how it works dumbass. When someone dies all their debt has to be paid out of the assets they had when they died. This is against the estate. This applies to all debt. You can simply choose not to take it if the debt is bigger than the assets.

>> No.50154314

I mean that's a real job, you make websites, that's something concrete that people use and which benefits people's lives and businesses.
The bullshit starts when you need to involve buzzwords.

>> No.50154352

Fuck, is that skewed by cities? Surely somewhere like smalltown Queensland would be affordable

>> No.50154674

Well, the shit that I make is barely used. I don't know how many people actually benefit from the work that I do. But hey, I'm getting paid, decently I might add, so I couldn't care less. That, and I get to work however much I see fit, at least for the time being.

But man software deving is a pain in the asshole

>> No.50154742

I would say this is serfdom, but I am pretty sure serfdom actually demanded the Lord guarantee a few rights Landlords don't even protect nowadays lmfao

>> No.50154783


>> No.50155103

Deadman switch tied to your heart rate monitor. Only runs slight risk of burning your house down with you in it if AWS goes down for a full day.

>> No.50155476

Greater than 30yr mortgages has a quickly diminishing return on borrowing capacity, e.g. The difference in borrowing ability between 2.5% and 5% mortgage rates is about 30%, the difference between a 30yr and a hypothetical 40yr is only a few percent, and the different between a 40yr and a 50yr is smaller still, going from a 30 to a 50 won't even give you an additional 10% borrowing capacity

>> No.50155737

the UK is fucking desperate, they would do it for 2%

>> No.50155810

shut the fuck up communist

>> No.50157449

what the fuck is this dude on about hahahah