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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50129655 No.50129655 [Reply] [Original]

You will shift to electric vehicles and you will be happy.

>> No.50129663
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We tried to tell you.

>> No.50129668
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Yu vill drive ze buttplug

>> No.50129688

Actually yes.

>> No.50129698

it will be just like today but better because there will be less pollution.

there's no problem with electricity supply for all these new vehicles.

>> No.50129709

powered by? they don't have enough energy now, how will they account for gws of extra energy.

>> No.50129720

ITT : poorfags who can't afford electric cars

>> No.50129724

Electric vehicles are the most suited vehicles for the urban environment: fast acceleration/deceleration, quiet, don't pollute air nearby.
Outside of the city you will obviously need a regular or hybrid car.
Also Tesla is iPhone in the world of electric cars: claim to be the pioneer, expensive as fuck, and less efficient than the analogues by other companies.

>> No.50129734

>Electric vehicles are the most suited vehicles for the urban environment: fast acceleration/deceleration, quiet, don't pollute air nearby.

you dont need a vehicle in a city

>> No.50129743

bicycles, buses, trams and trains are vehicles.

>> No.50129746


inb4 trumptards come in and push ridiculous talking points (read: concern trolling) about:

'how can the grid handle them!?' - like they want to socialize the grid and actually fix the problem
'they dont drive far enough for me!' - like they regularly do 500mi drives
'where is all the lithium coming from?!' - like they care where their petroleum comes from
'what happens if they catch fire!?' - like they cared about the ford pinto and myriad of ICE car fires
'they achually create more emissions during production!' - implying that over a long enough period they aren't better for the environment

all in some imbecile attempt to justify continually using gas guzzlers. none of those demands are real or relevant. they are based off like one tesla catching fire or some rwnj talking point about power grids. electric cars are faster, quieter and overall better. realistically all cars are bad, and walkable cities with good public transport should be the main priority with ecars used for longer trips when appropriate.

>> No.50129760

>poorfags who can't afford electric cars
Just don't buy Tesla and you will be good.
Even if you don't need a personal vehicle, there is still need for commercial vehicles: trucks, taxis, buses. All of them are better electric (maybe trucks can be hybrid, they do occasionally have long range travels).

>> No.50129771
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Already switched.

>> No.50129774

>how can the grid handle them!?
this is a legitimate engineering question tho. generation and grid capacity is nowhere near high enough to accommodate a 1v1 replacement of ice to ev. public transport infrastructure wouldn't have the time to replace any slack either.

>> No.50129790

Already did and am happy

>> No.50129791
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Wont Africa be drained of all water if they need to mine that much lithium?

Also wont we run out of lithium as the batteries are useless at 8 year mark?

Their claimed range is like 450 km, But they actually do like 320ish. And this is at launch.

After 8 years their range will be like 100-150 km max on a full charge.

>> No.50129794

Any good hybrid hatchbacks bros?

I'll need a second hand as it'll be my first and I'm not paying for new

>> No.50129800

>electric vehicles
coal vehicles*
"EV"s are simply a convenience.
the particulates and carbon emitted from coal-generated electricity are worse than petrol.

>> No.50129803

EU won’t exist in 2035
hey look, it’s a gay nerd

>> No.50129804

prius is apparently indestructible

>> No.50129810

>'how can the grid handle them!?' - like they want to socialize the grid and actually fix the problem

how will it handle them? it would need to be many times the size it is today. i see no signs of any such radical expansion.

>> No.50129812

>everyone switches to electric cars
>demand for power goes through the roof and so does the cost
>running an electric car becomes just as expensive as a combustion one
but hey at least it's green* !

>> No.50129814
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you will buy the GoyCar with Goy combustion engine and buy our GoyPetrol
you will enrich and invite more brown people into your country in exchange for GoyOil

>> No.50129830
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>> No.50129835


They should of started moving the grid over to more sustainable or renewable systems years ago - but that would of required YOU to have actually cared about it, and not pretend to care about it as a problem now. Energy grids have scaled way faster in the past as electricity was adopted, and can once again scale. It isn't a difficult task, it just required people who pretend to care to actually give a shit about it and start building it rather than continually 'just asking questions' about how it 'could' be done.

The second best time is to start today. Solar panels on roofs, battery banks on homes. Wind/solar/nuclear for power generation.

>> No.50129839
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non issue

>> No.50129844
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basado. earth aint doomed yet.

>how can the grid handle them
this is true tho

>> No.50129845

I wish sand niggers suffered and had to modernize instead of just sitting on their oil, but oil is absolutely critical for the chemical industry.
Unfortunately, we can't BTFO them just by switching to electric vehicles everywhere.

>> No.50129862

>but that would of required YOU to have actually cared about it
tbf i've been aware of grid limitations due to increased use/population growth/the inevitable ev market since the mid 00s. it has been talked about a lot. politicians who run the grids have dithered as usual.

>> No.50129863

>hydro/thermal/nuclear for power generation.

>> No.50129864

>thread about EU
>US coal production/consumption
Germany has been closing their nuclear power plants is more dependent on fossil fuels now, specifically natural gas.

>> No.50129868
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K? So I won't buy a new car then?

>> No.50129874

Electric cars should be pretty good in 2035

>> No.50129881

imagine being so autistic

>> No.50129900

storing large amounts of electrical energy is still an unaddressed issue.

modern fusion reactors would solve a lot of the problems but people are reeing about them as well. There is no pleasing the green crowd, they took the tedpill and want to return to monke

>> No.50129906

>tell industry new fossil-fuel cars banned 2035 onwards
>industry stops developing more efficient and thus cleaner tech to burn fuel starting from now
>still poor EV adoption by 2035 because the second-hand market is not developed
>all this new manufacturing and mining demand spikes carbon emissions
>increased demand on the electricity grid forces turning on more "dirty" energy capacity like coal
>by the way, the grid still burns coal
10 steps backwards because they believed their own "green" and "renewable" energy propaganda.

>> No.50129921

Dont forget you need to drain an entire Lake to produce 1 EV lithium battery

>> No.50129927

>>industry stops developing more efficient and thus cleaner tech to burn fuel starting from now
interesting point here with the current energy situation.
>we're essentially going to ban your industry in a decade
>but ffs why aren't you investing in more oil extraction/refining capacity people are freezing/starving

>> No.50129957

Surprise, right wingers are low IQ morons who suck sandnigger cock. No wonder america is becoming brown - it's because right wingers oppose progress.

>> No.50129958

Unfathomably based

>> No.50129960

>Energy grids have scaled way faster in the past as electricity was adopted, and can once again

because we had cheap coal to burn after we switched to oil for transport. that can't happen again.

the electric grid is a product of fossil fuels. wind and solar are just decorations.

>> No.50129969

>second hand market
this push is backed by car manufacturers precisely because you can only choose one of the above.

>> No.50129970

>cut off new nuclear plant generation for a decade because you had retarded green gommies in your government
>no power when putler cuts off the gas
>quick, better put twice as much strain on the electric grid

what is their problem

>> No.50129976

how do EVs run in hot days?
i drive a toyota hybrid and the whole electric system refuses to work if the outside temperature is too hot

>> No.50129980

something I rarely see people asking about EVs is the EM radiation.
I know low dosages of EM radiation do little to nothing but there is quite a bit of power going through an EV's electric motor, I wonder if this will have any long term effects on people

>> No.50129986

Dubs confirm, looking forward to it.

>> No.50129993

>what is their problem
they just hate you, your family and everyone you care about and want to see them hurt preferably dead

>> No.50130009

you just know that the wealthy will get opt-outs to continue using fossil fuel vehicles, the rural poor will not be able to afford 20k second-hand electric vehicles with a 10 year battery life, and the concept of the 'shitbox' cheap second-hand car will become non-existent. The only way you'll be able to travel to and from work will be to move to a bug city where they'll just dump all of their earnings into massive rents.
once again, modern government policy is just going to punish young people. Cars are pretty negligible in terms of CO2 emissions compared to electricity generation which is still like 50% non-renewable in europe.

>> No.50130021

>sorry citizen you’ll just have to use our public transport, linked of course to your identity so we know where you hop on and where you hop off!

>> No.50130037
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>Post unpopular opinion on Twitter

>> No.50130042
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Depends mostly on air conditioning. Last weekend I've made a 700km trip (only highways) in 7,5 hours with one longer and one shorter charging and eating, drinking pause.

>> No.50130045

kek and even then token not needed

>> No.50130046

>it's a bit cramped though

>> No.50130053
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Petrol in comparison is an inexhaustible resource compared to lithium and cobalt.

>> No.50130062

I hope GM makes another Chevy Volt again
Shit was actually affordable, I prefer hybrid because you won't get fucked if you have to travel 500 miles. Only $27k with federal rebate
You can also buy an old Toyota Prius and replace the batteries for like $2k

>> No.50130118

thank god I'm american

>> No.50130126

just ban cars out of cities then. nobody wants to live around cars anyway

>> No.50130131

I dunno man, you have the same agenda going for you...

>> No.50130133

you'd be retarded to not notice a similar attempt to force EVs in the US
>'If you filled up your EV [electric vehicle] and you filled up your gas tank with gasoline, you would save $60 per fill-up by going electric rather than using gasoline but it's a very compelling case, but again, we want to bring down the price at the point of purchase,'
>Jennifer Granholm, US Secretary of Energy

>> No.50130349

>wasting money on bullshit
stay poor

>> No.50130363

your not taken into account batteries have to be replaced every 8 years

gas is still cheaper

>> No.50130372

yes, batteries are much worse for the world than gasoline

>> No.50130383
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>> No.50130469

>implying that more resources won't be found once there is enough demand to look for them like with oil in the 70s
you are retarded

>> No.50130480

I mean, if you have problems not with ICE, but with gasoline, then just switch to ethanol.

>> No.50130524
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Never buying an electric car. Current car is pic related. My next car will be pre 1982. I'm thinking a de tomaso pantera

>> No.50130538
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germany really is just better than the rest of europe combined, isn’t it

>> No.50130554


>> No.50130560

How is their electric grip overhaul coming along? On track to support everyone's new electric car in 2035?

>> No.50130618

What you failed to see is that the concept of the car is obsolete. There will be no mass adoption because the EV is only meant for the rich.

>> No.50130619
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Sweetie I really don't you understand how integral fossil fuels are to our modern economy. What this and give it a good think


>> No.50130643

Electric vehicles are so dominant.


>> No.50130682

A diablo is your only car and a daily driver?

>> No.50130707
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> " Warning citizen 1001984, you're inbuilt car audio recorded you saying prohibited speech at 09:24 yesterday. Your social credit score has been reduced and you've been deducted 10 credits. Any future violations of social purity code 666 will result in reduced benefits. You're bug meat stipend has also been reduced. This is an automated message.

>> No.50130727

>implying that more resources won't be found once there is enough demand to look for them like with oil in the 70s
>you are retarded

the whole planet has been explored.

>> No.50130814

>noooo humanity must continue to fuck up the planet in an unsustainable way with fossil fuels

laughing at retards that think like this lmao

>> No.50130826

If if see dinosaur juice cars after 2035 it’s going to be keying, tire puncturing, breaking mirrors and windows.

>> No.50130829

>but that would of required YOU to have actually cared about it
well it's fucked then, might as well scrap the idea and move on

>> No.50130853

EV batteries are a scam but in total, this is good. anything to deprive fat dumb gorilla niggers of their disgusting pollutionmobiles.
>NOO!!!!! MUH WAY OF LIFE!!!!!!
your way of life is an aberration. for the past 250,000 years, modern man has WALKED HIS ASS everywhere, or, more recently, ridden a horse.

>> No.50130868

>muh pollution
how are you going to power these EVs exactly?

>> No.50130874
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>imagine accepting literal cuckoldry because a jew told you that it's le bad for the planet

>> No.50130883

Why is immigration the result of oil consumption? Surely supporting their economies would be making it more viable to stay in the desert?

>> No.50130922
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>> No.50130928

I want one

>> No.50130934

perfect solution fallacy

a mix of renewables and fossil fules is clearly preferable to 100% fossil fuels

>> No.50130956

What fallacy? I simply asked how the EVs will be powered

>> No.50130977

with electricity


a significant proportion of this will be generated via renewables

>> No.50130984

Don't worry with inflation and wage stagnation you won't have to worry about powering your personal transport as you won't be able to afford one anyway

>> No.50130987

That's the power step down from the grid, the little kiosk is just the consumer friendly side. Truely, try to use some brain cells before they atrophy altogether.

>> No.50130988


>> No.50130993


What are tides?

>> No.50131007

An electric is a massive upgrade from the rattling inline 4 attached to a whiney CVT in your standard car these days. At that point why hold on. All the soul has been gone for a long while.

>> No.50131013

literally just perfect solution fallacy again

you need to understand we are choosing the least costly option from a set here. none of them are ideal

>> No.50131014

>muh tides
nigga plz also explain why jews are still paying top dollar for beachfront property

>> No.50131030

This im never changing from our 90's bmw's

>> No.50131031

shut up WEF shill

>> No.50131035

>the least costly option

>> No.50131039

electric motors are far more energy efficient than combustion engines you dumb fucking nigger. average EV converts 80-90% of its battery energy into useful energy that propels your fat ass forward. internal combustion engines in consumer vehicles manage about 20%.

yes, and those large scale natural gas, coal, etc. plants have massive heat recovery systems that push their net efficiency closer to 50%.

>> No.50131043

>a significant proportion of this will be generated via renewables
'significant' isn't a number
also every power grid is currently not having to bear the weight of a society where the only vehicles are electric. 'Renewables' would be a drop in the bucket of power generation in a society where every single vehicle demands electricity, coal generated electricity would quickly soar to the top to meet the insane demands. Environmentalists are also crying about fission so you can forget that too.

I have seen nothing that would indicate that switching to electric would lower pollution, they would make less noise though so I guess that's cool.

>> No.50131045

>faced with real arguments and logic
>turns to speculative character assassination

lmfao you retards are so predictable. go back to blaming the jews for all your problems dumbass

>> No.50131051

>long enough period.
useful working life

you sure eliminated the bottlenecks in this chain..
how long was that period again? is it a practical number or is it an infeasible figure in reality? i know, but id like you to find it.

>> No.50131073

Lithium is not a "renewable" resource.

>> No.50131076

It will be less yeah

but it will still be an improvement over 100% fossil fuels. gotta start somewhere.

>> No.50131083

because this is less about peak loading than it is about average usage.

most cucks charge their buggies over night in local grids, which is loading off peak.
most peak usage is in the crossover of industrial and domestic usage peaks.

infrastructure developments for increased peak loading isnt difficult, it just need to be managed and forecasted properly. like a dam or similar regarding rainfalls etc.

besides. nuke plants n sheit will need a reason to be a hotbutton topic again soon.
invest there.

>> No.50131096

>we are choosing the least costly option
ok you are baiting

>> No.50131124

the batteries aren't one and done, retard. they can be refurbished. and like everything else, electric vehicles are just another progressive step. there will likely be something better in the future.

>> No.50131159

California has enough lithium for the entire US market + 40% of the world market

>> No.50131160

>electric motors are far more energy efficient
only if you look at how the use the energy they're given. you're being disingenuous by ignoring everything else required to get electricity in to batteries, and how we even get batteries in the first place. Even the best forms of storing electrical power are shit
>large scale natural gas, coal, etc. plants
convert materials into electricity. electricity that has to be transported and stored and then used by motors which as you mentioned aren't even 100% efficient

>> No.50131161

>'how can the grid handle them!?' - like they want to socialize the grid and actually fix the problem
This is literally a fucking engineering problem, not a Government problem. Sucking that much current all at once is incredibly dangerous, and without the right infrastructure, planning (impossible to not have done half arsed by current "politicians") and execution, you'll end up with sections of the grid literally being fried at the physical level.
This doesn't even take into account the fact that all of that power needs to actually be generated from somewhere. There would no longer be an "off peak" time.

>> No.50131171

>they can be refurbished
you're some retard that thinks lithium can be recycled like plastic or something? What just melt it down and make a brand new battery? lmao

>> No.50131172

>there will likely be something better in the future
So, invest everything right now because of the "climate crisis" on the least efficient tech, the least efficient manufacturing and mining processes, all producing additional carbon emissions in the process, while jettisoning the energy infrastructure we currently rely on and spiking energy prices. Brilliant. This is what global central planning looks like.

>> No.50131187

so.. what makes fossil fuels burning so bad?
>climate change
but what if i told you global warming is effected to a greater degree and more directly by the refraction of concrete surfaces?
or what about aerosol maps?
we could have everyone who drives stop tomorrow. because hypothetical miracles, and the problem still takes us to the end days with barely a blimp as a speedbump.

the solution is in harnessing this. not by mining the earth.

check it out, look close and you can see the amazon die.

that wasnt the climate son.

watch the regrowth everywhere else and the cyclical nature. that was deforestation.

im saying, if you wipe your ass properly. you dont need perfume to cover that stank.

>> No.50131196
File: 61 KB, 1170x658, CongoleseCobaltMiners-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work faster Niggers,
Europe needs batteries for electric cars!
Should Congo become Belgian again BTW?

>> No.50131200

you are so fucking stupid people like you need to face a firing squad.

>> No.50131206

reminder that people said the transition to electricity was not possible because you needed to build a dangerous electrical greed. reminder that people said the transition from horses to cars was not possible because you needed to build roads.
the same retards say now it's not possible to transition to EV

>> No.50131212

>but it will still be an improvement over 100% fossil fuels
Doesn't matter how many times you tell yourself that, I have seen nothing to indicate that switching to EVs would improve anything other than noise levels in densely populated areas.

>> No.50131214

*electrical grid

>> No.50131219

final note about this and to provide a framing context now.

use this map to find the congo. now compare the amazon destruction directly with the congo.
you see that pattern there?
what do you propose cause that?
im open to suggestions from anyone. i have a hunch though.

>> No.50131221

do you think that the lithium salts inside the battery evaporate into the ether? they undergo reversible chemical reactions that can be carried out during the refurbishment process. regardless of the chemistry (lead acid, nickel metal hydride, lithium, etc.) no one except an uneducated layman retard throws batteries in a landfill. they can be recycled. in fact, if you've ever bought a replacement lead acid battery for your shitbox gasoline car, you've literally purchased a refurbished battery.

>> No.50131224

>like they regularly do 500mi drives
I drive 100 miles every fucking day fuckwad.

>> No.50131281

stop calling people idiots when you have no concept of economies of scale nor power functions. please.
duh, thanks.
and we can scrub atoms aeros too, but its about what is efficient. if it was actually about throwing money at the problem someone would have nutted up and done it.
the problems are the consumer habits and lifestyle choices. but these are what are profitable.
when kids are taught permaculture and aquaponics in the home as a common practice. maybe we could reduce waste.
but theres no techno-bandaid outside of nuclear power that case save us in your doomsday sim scenario.

>> No.50131288

Oh well I'm sure this 'refurbishment process' doesn't create any extra chemical pollution of any kind and is extremely cheap, right?
>lead batteries
the reason I said lithium earlier is because lower forms of batteries like lead acid Ni-MH and NiCd are horrendous in comparison. All of the figures people use to say EVs are usable include lithium batteries for a reason.

>> No.50131290

atmos* (atmospheric)

>> No.50131314

How do I switch to electric if I’m a poorfag with a $5000 dodge caliber? I just want to help preserve fossil fuels.

>> No.50131326

>we can scrub atoms aeros
doubtful. they're massive and prone to failure and drops in efficiency. source: used to clean and maintain a gas scrubber in a factory.
>the problems are the consumer habits and lifestyle choices. but these are what are profitable.
if it was still up to the nigger cattle and their love of cheap nigger cattle trinkets, we'd be swimming in toxic waste like the chinks do.
>but theres no techno-bandaid outside of nuclear power that case save us in your doomsday sim scenario.
i support nuclear, not sure where you got the idea that i didn't. but like anything else, it's only as good as its weakest link. our grid sucks cock and outdated and horribly inefficient.

>> No.50131361

plug a power bank into your car usb charger and then plug the output of the battery into the second car usb port. instant regenerative braking mod lifehack and you can add as many as you like up to chevy volt levels, thats why teslas are good cause they found a way to adfd more. youre welcome

>> No.50131390

do you feel good, putting these transparently low IQ gotchas out there?

it's like any other industrial mechanical/chemical process in that it unavoidably generates process wastes. the point is that you're recovering the comparatively rare materials and recycling them. over time, the process is refined to be more cost efficient and safer for the environment with less waste, and less dangerous waste. you've experienced this countless times in your own life. fossil fuel extraction has become more efficient and safer, despite being ultimately bad for the environment. was it always profitable to drill for natural gas in shale or oil sands? absolutely not, which is why it didn't happen until fairly recently -- when technology advanced such that it became economically viable.

>> No.50131402

People don't like change when it will arguably drop their Quality of Life, not improve it.

>> No.50131415

>The people crying about fossil fuels want to switch to EV
>EVs require power
>Currently the only realistic way to get power without releasing carbon is with nuclear fission
>The people crying about fossil fuels start crying about nuclear fission
>They say they want to power their EV with a windmill a solar panel
>a fucking windmill and a solar panel

>> No.50131418
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>inb4 trumptards come in and push ridiculous talking points (read: concern trolling) about:
>'how can the grid handle them!?' - like they want to socialize the grid and actually fix the problem
>'they dont drive far enough for me!' - like they regularly do 500mi drives
>'where is all the lithium coming from?!' - like they care where their petroleum comes from
>'what happens if they catch fire!?' - like they cared about the ford pinto and myriad of ICE car fires
>'they achually create more emissions during production!' - implying that over a long enough period they aren't better for the environment
>all in some imbecile attempt to justify continually using gas guzzlers. none of those demands are real or relevant. they are based off like one tesla catching fire or some rwnj talking point about power grids. electric cars are faster, quieter and overall better. realistically all cars are bad, and walkable cities with good public transport should be the main priority with ecars used for longer trips when appropriate.
When the oil stops and mad max petrol oil diesel wars kick off im Gonna he the white cunt in a au falcon melting your body down in my combustion woodgas stove for extra hp thanks mate get nice and fat and yep I'll adhere to your final wishes you wrote down when you starved to death and leave your foreskin on but take the signed engraved guilded cage off and send it back to Klaus

>> No.50131446

>plug a power bank into your car usb charger and then plug the output of the battery into the second car usb port. instant regenerative braking mod lifehack and you can add as many as you like up to chevy volt levels, thats why teslas are good cause they found a way to adfd more. youre welcome
Can confirm this I keep my cars battery topped up this way

>> No.50131453

driving a gasoline shitbox 150 miles round trip to shekelstein's wage cage and spending your leisure time idling in a mcdonalds drive through/parking lot while you eat goyslop assembled from the 4 corners of the world, brought together by the magic of cheap fossil fuels -- this won't last forever. fossil fuels naturally replenish but if you consoom at a rate faster than which it is replenished, you will run dry.

>> No.50131459

>over time, the process is refined to be more cost efficient and safer for the environment with less waste
zero reason to assume that even once it gets more refined it will cause less damage to the environment, professional seether

>> No.50131472

and every chemical plant ever used for recycling CHEMICAL processes has had a leak.
is it dark water (the movie)? you might like it.
speaking of cattle.

hmm? hardly, where do you think the demand for organic comes from? or hell the demand for the green energy movement?

its not top down. but the pollution is.

i have to pay for plastic bags i dont want to use to "reduce waste". when the packaging has only gotten more wasteful.

im using far less, even if my neighbors were all 10x factors of consumption higher than me, its still literally nothing relative to industry.

all i want is a fair and reasonable discussion on the topics because they are fascinating. and passionate karens are just that, fucking annoying unless youre them.
you arent wrong on the final point. its a general assertion to the green wokeisms.

my point is one factory needs to stop or slow when the initial solution to one factory being a problem was to make another factory.

like say tesla, great. megapress, great. megabatts, great. but if it isnt stopping ford and GM on a production level then at the end of the night NET production is still doubled.

i dont think gambling the environment on the choices of the west is wise.

also see the above aerosol maps i posted.. like i said, we could change tomorrow entirly and still be fucked.. most of the world does more in a day than the western mindset can fathom. we could stop all western culture hubs tomorrow, forever, and the impact is negligible.

pumped storage and flywheel energy chad pog. old tech will win out.

>> No.50131479

if it's left to retarded nigger cattle (c.f. this thread) then yeah i agree. there's a reason why regulatory agencies must exist.

>> No.50131490

Can this pollack join you? I want to murder

>> No.50131491

>the batteries are useless at 8 year mark?
If by useless you mean at 80% capacity

>> No.50131495

No one said non whites have to drive

>> No.50131502

not that anon but help me>>50131314

>> No.50131516

>What you failed to see is that the concept of the car is obsolete. There will be no mass adoption because the EV is only meant for the rich.
>Can this pollack join you? I want to murder
Technically it's corpse destruction at best he already laid put his wishes in the aforementioned signed letter. I am just abiding his wishes the friendly 31 yo Aussie virgin legend that I am

>> No.50131517

youre not listening because youve got the blinders on.
its a question of comparative recovery efficiencies acting like youre some kinda of quant AI on the issue wont make it so. if you think thats the case bring the data and lets have the chat about the birds and bees.
some situations lend themselves to recovery with "renewables" those that do should be recovered. great. only to the point of net benefit. thats it.
but it always goes one step beyond stupid. coz greed.

>> No.50131518

for that much money you can't. buy an old hybrid car. have a garage that specializes in hybrid vehicles look it over before you purchase it.

>> No.50131537
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That has nothing to do with what I said. The central planners that want everyone driving around around in EVs will invariably fuck up when they attempt to implement their "solution" (as is the case every time with central planning). At present, they are absolutely obsessed with pushing this onto everyone as fast as possible. Attempting to do this so quickly will result in blackouts as the grid is strangled by everyone charging their car at different times. The obvious next step that central planners tend to take when their plans fail with a resource is rationing of said resource, in this electricity. There's literally 100 years worth of recent history of this occurring. Considering how electrified everything is, that's about a 90% drop in Quality of Life for most people in the developed world.

> fossil fuels naturally replenish but if you consoom at a rate faster than which it is replenished, you will run dry
Well, it's a good thing that Humans discovered fission, but leftists made sure to nip that one in the bud pretty quickly didn't they.
Yes, let's project Communist incompetence and poor geographical choice onto everywhere on the planet.
When the electricity stops flowing, people like you are going to have their teeth smashed and heads caved in for the last can of beans at the store.

>> No.50131541

next headline:
>oil companies halt all investment in EU countries

>> No.50131548

>people live in ways I disagree with
>I will remove their freedom and then they will be better off as I know what's best for them.

This is just another power grab, an excuse to further tighten the chains of enslavement in the name of the environment.

>> No.50131554

Had to click in to the actual article. Max proven reserves are 300000 metric tons (that’s only 15-25 years of production available from the Salton Sea) A single year of ev production will require 7 million tons if all vehicles produced are electric vehicles. That’s seven million tons needed every year going forward indefinitely. You would need at 20,000 tons a year 350 mines of this size to meet demand. The size of the reserves and our ability to meet demand do not make any sense which is what everyone keeps saying. None of this math is adding up which is what is bothering the average man trying to understand this.

>> No.50131556

Not for long buddy, we’ll travel from city to city, kill npcs and rape (non-vaxxed) females

>> No.50131557
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>European Union electric grid
Where do these people think their electricity comes from?

>> No.50131561

It's the classic case of technocratic central planners like the dickhead above thinking they know what's good for everyone on the planet.

>> No.50131562

i'm not anti-nuclear. stop falling for good jew vs bad jew culture war niggerdom.

>> No.50131569

>npcs mocking god for decades destroy their lives for climate religion

>> No.50131572

norway will be fucking furious.
imagine trying to divest all of it between now and then.

5 years from now there will be another energy peak. besides were already sucking dick to try and get south america to play ball.

everyone raise your hands if you think russia was the problem.

>> No.50131575

I think greed might be a bigger danger than 'niggercattle' but regardless we still have zero reasons to be convinced that even without greedy faggots or retards it won't be more damaging.

>> No.50131576

>restricting a fat poor brown retard's ability to dump hexavalent chromium salts down his kitchen sink is reducing his quality of life
>you are WRONG for restricting his ability to do so
spare me your nigger cattle platitudes. like i said, if it was up to the nigger cattle we'd still be swimming in toxic waste.

>> No.50131579
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>> No.50131582

What’re the cheapest entry level EVs assuming I know absolutely nothing about them? Lived in the midwest all my life so I don’t know a single soul who has one.

>> No.50131585

>technocrat central planners
They’re psychopaths anon, and yes it’s old as time

>> No.50131586

I didn't say you were; I was stating that you're one of the same old tired technocratic idiots that want to project what you think is best onto "the unwashed masses", which is what leads to rationing, starvation, and genocides. Forcing people to not buy things instead of them deciding what's best to be is a type of this.

>> No.50131591
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>> No.50131597

watch as electricity prices for charging cars becomes the same price per km as standard petroleum cars because reasons

>> No.50131599


>> No.50131600
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>> No.50131628

>lower classes would swim in toxic waste
Good, middle and upper classes would do fine because they’re not niggers

>> No.50131627

when youre the one who sold him the chromium salts.
then yes. you pay. from the billions you make.
not me. i already did.
go chat to your lads about it. it'll be one of the steins or bergs. i dont even need to know the particulars.

>> No.50131629
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>> No.50131633

>Not for long buddy, we’ll travel from city to city, kill npcs and rape (non-vaxxed) females
Based I'll meet you in Brisbane kekeroni let's do it

>> No.50131640

>and walkable cities with good public transport should be the main priority
Had me right up until this, there is no way to have "walkable cities" or "good public transport" under democrat-enforced anarchotyranny

>> No.50131645
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>> No.50131654

How about this anon, ask me:
>ok well what would you do?
And then I'll tell you and then you can dismantle everything I say if it truly is so unreasonable.

>> No.50131656

So an electric car with 300mi is perfectly fine for you, you absolute brainlet

>> No.50131657

i mean, you say we should take responsibility. so when will you?

>> No.50131662

Why do they want all the dino juice for themselves? What are they planning to do with it?

>> No.50131664

you're creating a scenario in your head that will never exist. if we transition to EVs it would be realized through ceasing the manufacture of new internal combustion vehicles, thereby giving the country and its citizens the better part of a decade or two to figure shit out as the existing stock of functioning internal combustion vehicles dwindles while electric vehicles slowly work their way through the used card markets. notwithstanding the retarded cash for clunkers program, it's not like a government would ever waste time and resources to rove the countryside in search of rogue gasoline vehicles to confiscate and destroy.

>> No.50131669
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>> No.50131671

I’ll be waiting for you at every moon in the middle of the city center. Our code word will be nigger

>> No.50131673

Only the bottom level fools think they are doing this for the good of the planet. The people who push it know it's a sham, they are just exploiting it for all it's worth.

Which bring us to the point of this board. How do we profit off knowing this? As this boils down to forcing people to buy electric cars we could just buy stock in car manufacturers who are going to electrics, like say Ford. This is foolish however as we know politicians are doing this for their own gain, they don't care much about companies they do not stand to profit from. A much better pick would be one of the plethora of small companies they will quietly start to profit from the laws they are passing. You just need to find them.

>> No.50131681

how did you lads stay virgins?
i thought being in brisbane/australia had already fucked you. yeahnah fuckme whatashithole

>> No.50131701
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No one is looking for that level of cultural enrichment.

>> No.50131705

supply chain and logistics.
global labour market prices.
contracts and agreements with open tenders for large corps and states.

its boring but reliable in non-clown markets. which we will see again soonish

>> No.50131723

>you're creating a scenario in your head that will never exist.
You really think the people that have printed more money than it cost, in real terms, to fight WWII to lock everyone up for two years straight are really capable of doing this without fucking it up?
In Australia, our solar rebate is the lowest in the world because if we feed too much into the grid it will literally cause it to explode. But sure, lecture me more on how the wannabe central planners will "phase them all out" instead of just taxing the shit out of people to force them to buy an EV out of necessity.

>> No.50131726

fuck that man I said I live in the midwest not jew york, we have to actually drive to get to work out here in indiana

>> No.50131728

This is the real reason they are pushing so hard for electric vehicles everywhere. Mandatory killswitches in electric cars, etc. it’s all about control.

>> No.50131741

I think e cars are fucking gay and that's why I won't buy one

>> No.50131740

Invest in companies that are doing R&D with EV related tech, not specifically EVs. The EV tech will most likely be used in batteries that aren't used specifically in cars.

>> No.50131743

Hello vatnicks it's nice to see you take some time off from being laughed at on /k/ and from dying trying to invade a sovereign country but here's a few pointers.
Stop with your anti western gobbledegook.
Stop with the anti white propaganda.
And stop thinking you have anything of value to add to a conversation.
;D enjoy your time off.

>> No.50131748

remember how elon pulled the press stunt and the amazing battery catching fire in SA?
a little like that. thats how the bread is baked. you add shit into it and knead it

>> No.50131749

You said affordable. Anything actually car like will run at least $50k.

>> No.50131778

I am much less interested in what the company does than I am in who's on it's board. You are still thinking like this isn't a rigged game while watching them change the rules before your eyes.

>> No.50131780

What gaem ?

>> No.50131784

Have you seen women in the last 30 years?
Muh nigger

>> No.50131794

they said that in 2001 (eu) and 2004 with the can bus and electronics.
they werent wrong.. and youre kinda not wrong now. but its an incidental aside rather than the main intention. like a stand-alone more so than collusive.

>> No.50131795
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Yes, but it's also about dollar dominance. Russia is already showing the world what it looks like to walk away from the USD. They want to limit Russia's power.

>> No.50131796

What is this low IQ mentality of equating electric cars with computer control shut down. The modern car has been infested with computer controls for decades. The power delivery to the wheels has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.50131817

Man made climate change is a scam
Green energy is double the scam
EVs are triple the scam

If you believe in any of these, you fell for predatory globalist capitalist schemes and the only thing you're saving is their pockets, not the planet.

>> No.50131837

i was just saying australia itself fucked you.
oh no, i can sympathise, i was very lucky. i cant survive nowadays, stacies be vicious as fuck and im allergic to that bullshit. 3 out of 5 have had the shit smacked out of them supposedly. thats broken goods. that and id hate to be the one who has to tell them twice.

in all seriousness though, fuck this country.

>> No.50131842
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Russia is already showing the world what it looks like to act retarded.

>> No.50131848

>that nigger who thinks the earth is a static entity incapable of being influenced by man
i hope a forest fire reduces you and your family to a pile of white ash

>> No.50131851

yeah, but people have been murdered by alphabet agencies with car hacks.. it is a real thing. but as i said, incidental rather than the objective.
ask george hotz

>> No.50131860
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>> No.50131865

Is there an electric car built without it? I can very easily imagine laws being passed requiring remote kills so they can help you get your 9th covid shot.

>> No.50131867

Why would you build a house in a tinder dry pine forest that catches fire every year?

>> No.50131874

>from oil to lithium
Imagine going from one finite resource to another

The solution is sugarcane ethanol, but America got wrecked by the Iowa corn cartel and makes corn ethanol instead, which is literally THE WORST POSSIBLE WAY TO MAKE ETHANOL, IT POLLUTES AS MUCH AS OIL

>Full backwards compatible, every single car ever made with minor modifications (thicker hoses and such) can run it without issue
>Nearly zero emissions overall
>100% renewable

Ethanol is great, but instead we chose to make obsolete 100 years worth of perfectly usable vehicles, how is that sustainable?

>> No.50131878

>forest fire
delicious touch. i'd say it was witty if i knew you thought of it ahead of time.

>> No.50131880
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>> No.50131900
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>> No.50131906

hey look it became infeasable right around the time we wanted oil from the middle east.
funny that.
it'll take off again when we switch back to south america as a primary energy supplier.

>> No.50131925

because thats where i like to fug.
but i only use it when i fug and its cold. so fire death is a low probability

>> No.50131953

>Russia is already showing the world what it looks like to walk away from the USD
A 95% recession of the auto industry, gigantic exile numbers and a fake currency with imminent collapse after any potential windblown on the house of cards? Truly 500iq

>> No.50131957

Hey buddy, you should forward your concerns to multinational billionare companies that polluted the planet for decades then started selling you the "green plan" last week.
Of course they expect you, the customer, to carry the investment costs for this "green transition" :^)

>> No.50131960
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>you vill drive ze clit car
Why do they insist on making 'electric vehicles' so fucking ugly and gay looking? I keep seeing more and more tesla cars on the roads and they piss me off simply because they're fucking ugly as sin, as well as being a globohomo meme that only backwards fags fall for.

>> No.50131980
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Mmm I'm sick of Aussie women their all vaxxed tattooed slut trash who don't want kids same as other women in western countries I should just go os at this point and fuck cute non white girls and non westerners.
I'd love a big black/asian/non English speaking gf

>> No.50131990

>7,5 hours
>eating, drinking pause
KEK I bet you are fat

>> No.50131994

My car gets almost 40 miles to the gallon, you tell me on what fucking planet an expensive, wasteful meme battery that requires slave labor to create and that takes 80,000 years to degrade is more environmentally friendly than using God's fossil fuels?
I will never drive your clit car and I will continue to guzzle gasoline at a sensible rate.
Fuck you and your globohomo buggies.

>> No.50131997

they're fuck heads tho. nobody can afford a 45k electric car right now. in this recession?

>> No.50132017
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There are people ITT right now who think the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with economics.

>> No.50132026
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That is a generator you stupid nigger. Theres a muffler on top, and a vent for the radiator fan visible in the picture.

>> No.50132056
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>> No.50132061

good goy commie, cars are actually freedom, I can go anywhere the fuck I want, I should at least, and your faggotry leftism which is in perfect tune with global reset will stop that, just like the covid bullshit

>> No.50132088

His name was Michael Hastings

But it's true, if they can get a CBDC working they can geofence your wallet anyway.

hope is for the weak

>thereby giving the country and its citizens the better part of a decade or two to figure shit out
This is your brain on leftism. Rather than assuming that people will adopt a superior technology and happily embrace a greener future, you cut the legs out from an existing industry and tell everyone to work things out because you haven't got the answers but you have the power.

>> No.50132111
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>cars are actually freedom, I can go anywhere the fuck I want
yes goy, the de facto requirement of purchasing and maintaining a car to participate in modern society is freedom.

>> No.50132115
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Do you expect honesty from commies?

>> No.50132114

i think thats the way.
even if you get the ideal girl now. chances are you'll be divorced long term. for real its fucking bleak here. even the old blokes who found a good wife look like theyve both been through hell in the last 30 years with them and by 50 they hate each other. kicker is neither of them left fucking caboolture or whatever other cultural enrichment centre you want to choose.

my brother is marrying a japanese girl and they both seem genuinely happy. hates being called a weeb though. dont want to plan the wedding coz im a cheap cunt.

>> No.50132152

>low IQ
>culture war victim
>muh gommunism
>only capable of expression himself through nonsensical, schizophrenic pol memes
really makes you think

>> No.50132187
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>i think thats the way.
>even if you get the ideal girl now. chances are you'll be divorced long term. for real its fucking bleak here. even the old blokes who found a good wife look like theyve both been through hell in the last 30 years with them and by 50 they hate each other. kicker is neither of them left fucking caboolture or whatever other cultural enrichment centre you want to choose.
>my brother is marrying a japanese girl and they both seem genuinely happy. hates being called a weeb though. dont want to plan the wedding coz im a cheap cunt.
Indeed some Asians niggers and mixed girls are max qt and love white boys. Even autistic incels like us could get laid just by talking to them

>> No.50132206



here you go bud. im not saying its attached, its just a funny photo.. right?

>> No.50132228

talking alot of shit from someone who has spilled non-stop bullshit the whole thread. seething and sneeding

>> No.50132230

>pic tel
This is actually an interesting point I never considered

However if you wish to travel long distances, automobiles still grant you more freedom than the walking man

>> No.50132252
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Richer then you
Doesn't surprise me you can't read English.
>>low IQ
I only buy a new phone every eight years does that count?
>>culture war victim
>>muh gommunism
>>only capable of expression himself through nonsensical, schizophrenic pol memes
You kinda lost the plot at the end there friend from meaninglessness buzz words to thinking/k/ is /pol/.
Ease off the copuim friend.

>> No.50132270


>> No.50132278
File: 149 KB, 999x497, 1533091693176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you do know you can get a reasonable amount from car batteries for scrap value right? which means fuckers like you have literally NO idea your throwing away money and the divers that go looking for lost property are making MINT on your dumbasses, no wonder /biz/ is shilling crypto, you suckers will do anything short of research to earn money.

>mfw I realize you guys are legit retards

>> No.50132284

>throws batteries into a landfill
Ehm. Wtf is the ocean for then?

>> No.50132292


Underrated post.

Most newer cars ive been in have some sort of lo jack and tracking installed. Good luck driving your car if you miss a car payment. Kill switches and total control is coming.

>> No.50132312

Nah, people won't drive electric vehicles, the point of banning petroleum run automobiles is not to promote electric vehicles.

As for why electric vehicles will never become mainstream :- their price has only increased, the resource and supply chain problems make it only worse, they are very costly to manufacture and maintain. Not to say they are kinda cool, but very expensive, one thing to understand is that Electric vehicles have absolutely nothing to do with muh pollution, fossil fuel replacement or saving the environment.

One thing that will happen is that the automobile industry in EU will be completely over, it will totally shift to China, this has already been happening over the years, in fact biggest market of German cars is in China, most cars of companies like BMW and VW are made in China, by Chinese Engineers.

>> No.50132321
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I drive a Tesla now. It costs me $10 a month to keep it charged. I will NEVER own a gas car again. The pros far outweigh the negatives.

>> No.50132325

EU Parliament main goal is to pretend that we have democracy in eu, they have no power to make decisions

>> No.50132338

Don't worry it will completely breakdown in line 5 years and then you will have to buy the new model.

>> No.50132352
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>> No.50132355
File: 1020 KB, 640x1003, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you can sell it for scrap value but you don't get the fun. To me the adrenaline rush of throwing car batteries in the ocean is worth it.

>> No.50132368

Actually that sounds great and I will be happy when we all use electric cars and more when they are fully automated.

>> No.50132383

its you that changes.
some are more desperate, but mostly it seems like the guys it works for are the ones who just open up to them instead of the inevitable fear of judgement the environment here and the domestic women seem to expect.
that being said, dont write them all off. someone is out there for you.
i met a fine lass tonight, a whole train of issue. but a nice lass who needs a man like yourself to nut up and find her.

>> No.50132407

That's cool anon but adrenaline isn't going to pay your mortgage, meanwhile I literally make $50 a week selling free books from a community book depository because people are too dumb to know you get money from them, $200 per month is no joke I then invest that money right back around into cardboard in the form of pokemon.

>> No.50132418
File: 1.81 MB, 4096x2555, media_FU78XPdXoAAM4bX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do think? Maybe 2 more weeks?

>> No.50132451

Thanks mate I've asked girls out and being put off by rejection and ghosting. Never non whites so I'll have a crack at them seem to be more flirty and less stuck up

>> No.50132484
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>> No.50132498

that is one ugly grill mate

>> No.50132541

>YOU are responsible for the governments failures
>YOU are in charge of "saving the world" despite being institutionalized from the momemt you were born
>YOU are at fault for everything the multi billion dollar car companies have done

>> No.50132560
File: 61 KB, 800x533, https___hypebeast.com_image_2021_02_audi-e-tron-gt-rs-variant-unveiling-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BMWs are the ugliest German cars, and this is coming from a German. Pick something like picrelated if you have money

>> No.50132572

lose weight mate

>> No.50132586

wind farms are literally unlimited free energy

>> No.50132599

love how you left out for how long tho

>> No.50132620 [DELETED] 

no mate, im on a fucking watchlist from occupy days and pine gap.
its your turn you degenerate hippy. i live my values. you keep buying shit. stop that.

>> No.50132628

>Pic of landfill full of balsa wood and fiberglass wind turbine blades

>> No.50132644

You’re not going to drive electric cars. You’re going to be riding a bike and maybe an electric bike. Only the rich will get to drive electric vehicles.

>> No.50132646

Over a decade

>> No.50132652

i made a retarded post to reply.
i deleted it.
you right.

>> No.50132669

found the redditor guys!

>> No.50132687

>fusion reactors
Were 100 years away from those if it’s even possible to do on earth.

>> No.50132688

You don't already have an electric bike?
Very good desu the powerful ones
Electric cars are here already

>> No.50132737

Want to hear a fun conspiracy theory?

Big oil are suppressing a combustion full efficiency boosting technology that cuts fuel consumption by 99% using power from rechargable battery that operates for thousands of miles on a battery charge

>> No.50132740

We are just 30 away from fusion power!

>> No.50132743

>would of
Nice bait,stopped reading kek

>> No.50132770

The planet is fine, we’re the ones that are fucked.

>> No.50132773

>30 away from fusion power!
It's 30 now? Was twenty when I was a kid

>> No.50132775

And what are we going to do with all those unrecyclable batteries that have a 20 year life span?

>> No.50132787

based planet is based

>> No.50132795

Recycle them into bullets or bombs and fight a world war over the last of the oil

>> No.50132807

just imagine what else you dont realize youre being a retard about. holy fuck and people like you have the "power" to vote...we're doomed

>> No.50132822

Planet is very sick with fever but it will recover eventually
Puts us in a bad place though

>> No.50132835

im working on a proposal for an initiative to put to a committee in charge of agency decision making in energy sectors.
we're talking about making batteries larger, both in capacity but also in size and we're currently in the minutia of it all. long story short, were making longer and wider batteries so their end of life plan becomes a brand new fully functional dildo for your exclusive usage.

>> No.50132861

trust me, its fine.
humans only care about the human usage of the planet.
this bish has been covered in fire and just chilling as it should be. all things shall pass. including humans. were here a long time, but its just a different timescale.

>> No.50132863

The good times are over.

>> No.50132883

imagine sitting here giving a lecture.
lemme tell y'all a story all about how
this retard kettle jumps in and picks a fight with a pot.
lemme ask a question. are you jesus?
are you literally holier than thou?

then just quietly
shut the fuck up son

>> No.50132895


>> No.50132945

somewhere around 45million tons by 2050 (waayyyyyyy more than that now)
good luck on the next gen though. its all promising.

pumped storage and flywheel batteries are the way to go.

>> No.50132987

so recycle them

>> No.50132990

>From there," he continues, "we were able to develop a solution and build partnerships with a network of cement manufacturers interested in using wind turbine blades as an alternative raw material. Now the blades are no longer just shredded and burnt to recover heat, but are in addition transformed into raw materials and fed into the cement manufacturing process."

also, we're now back full circle to asbestos. it really is onions green

>> No.50133010

do you have any idea what oil refining does to your drinking water?

>> No.50133026

how about you make a decent design and guarantee its lifetime usage, with no guarantee of bankruptcy, before spending public funds.
also, how about you incentivise these cunts, its your idea you love to support.

im for homesteading and small scale generation with georgia stones rules. fuck your kin.

>> No.50133042

The actual thermal efficiency of a modern thermal power plant usually ranges between 35% and 49%.
Most of them probably operate in the high 30s. Factor in line losses, the energy loss when charging a battery, and the added mass you need to haul in an electric vehicle you’re only a minor increase in efficiency over an ICE vehicle. In fact some ICE are more efficient, a Diesel engine with a turbo can get to 38% thermal efficiency.

>> No.50133048

yes. very much so.
do you have any idea how much worse things are than that?
an inkling.. a modicum of a fraction of a clue?

>> No.50133061

whats worse than all of your towns water having cancer in it?

>> No.50133089

It's not fine, bro
Burgerinos are having to cancel their burger day fireworks
Very not okay

>> No.50133125

So much money in the back of that truck. Lead is expensive now a days.

>> No.50133150


>> No.50133152

I mean man made climate change is probably a thing but the only solution is the final solution, reducing human population to pre-industrial levels.

>> No.50133183

oh boy.

heres one. just one.
i think what you meant was fracking.

and heres a way that massive companies do it around certain parts of the world.
you use the death of the wild life in the areas of operation as a subtle detection marker of efficacy.

there are heatmaps for how much devastation is acceptable in certain geographies and guidelines for keeping it within bounds.

your dna is inextricably altered by microplastics son. there will never be a living human who doesn't have plastic as a part of their evolutionary structure. its more than endemic, its universal.

>> No.50133196

look at those nasa maps i posted earlier and click fire. press play.
clown world

>> No.50133262

What is maintenance. Those bearings on those windmills are going to fail in 10 years probably.

>> No.50133297

I can't wait for street level public transportation to go electric here. Those fucking CHinese/brazilian busses are falling apart and are noisy as FUCK

>> No.50133327

Anons electric transportation only makes sense having a nuclear grid.

>> No.50133346
File: 1.30 MB, 352x640, eletric cars are safe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't get stuck inside one to avoid being burned alive

>> No.50133353

I don’t even own a bike. I drive a pickup truck, I fill it up once a month. I either walk or drive.

>> No.50133359

Can you explain this all to a retard like me?

>> No.50133403

>references to balsa wood
wow a honest to god boomer on 4chins

>> No.50133452
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no, i meant oil refining you dumbass. To refine oil, you need to use water as a coolant, it takes about 1.5 barrels of water to cool one barrel of oil. when the water isnt needed anymore, its disposed of back into its source, full of industrial waste and cancer. There use to be limits to the amount of cancer refineries could dump back into the water, but trump's EPA removed those limits.

also, don't forget 1 litre of oil can contaminate 1 million litres of water.

>> No.50133503

>it will be just like today but better because there will be less pollution.
And how do you build all those new electric vehicles genius, with fresh air and clean water?
Do you even know that raw material extraction take a heavy toll on ecosystems?

>> No.50133524

every source of energy requires maintence why is it only bad when its windmills? do you realize how many 6 figure annual salaries are needed for a power plant?

>> No.50133537

>Tesla is iPhone in the world of electric cars: claim to be the pioneer
Nissan leaf was available three years before the Tesla, for a third of the price.

>> No.50133538

its a net positive to be less reliant on oil and coal for fuel

>> No.50133553

yeah the tesla didnt invent the electric car, it just made it popular. the iphone wasnt the first tablet

>> No.50133602
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Larry David predicted this 10 years ago

>> No.50133621

This but possibly unironically. We do not know how to store long term billions of worn out electric batteries.
It's like wind turbines, at first, it seems excellent, "green", renewable, etc.. However, studies have proven that sea ecosystems where off shore wind turbines have been built are affected. It also affects humans, with infrasound and electromagnetic fields.
Green Capitalism is just to make you buy new stuff, in order to generate more profit for the shareholders.

>> No.50133629
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This thread in a nutshell

>> No.50133653

batteries are recyclable, the gas from your trip to the store is not. your desperation to be a contrarian on this matter is a mental illness. your interests are not align with oil companies.

>> No.50133661

>make the world a better place

By making everything unafordable and expensive?

>> No.50133662

Nice source chud

>> No.50133663
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Can you stop embarrassing yourselves for five minutes?

>> No.50133669

yes, i'll stick to affordable gasoline instead of expensive solar charging.

>> No.50133677

>its a net positive to be less reliant on oil and coal for fuel
Less reliant on oil and coal, more reliant on lithium and rare earth elements.
>iphone wasnt the first tablet
Palm did smartphone likes device in the 1990s already. Before smartphone, those devices were called personal digital assistant (PDA).

>> No.50133714

like a nigger renting a playstation from rent-a-center.

>> No.50133756

>what is maintenance?
>what is energy density?
>what is battery storage?
>what is variability in wind/sunlight?

Most of these problems might be solved in the future, but they are real in the near-to-mid-term. Yet every time I'm on here I see these reddit takes shilling for "clean energy." If we generated all our power from wind/solar today, almost everyone would be living in 1902 conditions or worse.

>> No.50133765

Actually, yeah. I refuse to buy a gas guzzler. I'm going to wait until I can buy an EV direct from a manufacturer to to kill the dealership jew at the same time. Fuck oil pigs

>> No.50133794

Lithium batteries certainly have caveats. Also, reminder that electric cars, in their current state, emits strong electromagnetic fields, harmful to the human body. INB4 i'm a oil company shill, i thought exactly like you 7 years ago. Still, billions of 100MW lithium batteries will definitively have an impact on earth, as well as humans and geopolitics.
You want something truly ecological, or at least way more ecological that electric cars? Try trains. Cars are hedonistic individualist devices anyway, and should only be used for short distance travel.
About electric cars, flow batteries could be better than lithium batteries.

>> No.50133854

Also, reminder that one should always be careful about what is the next ecological stuff. Reminder that diesel cars were seen as "green" in the 2000s in western europa, because they emit slighly less CO2 than petrol. However, after a few years, it was obvious that they emitted more fine particles than petrol, which is worse for air quality.

>> No.50133918
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I love trains. I wish america would use more of them. They were a symbol if our nation

>> No.50133943

Lmao ya you don't know shit

>> No.50133949

except when there is no wind and they sit there doing nothing, unreliable.

>> No.50133979

What I took from this is that we all need to learn chemical free horticulture, invest in solar and travel less.

>> No.50133994

The real question is, is trolling 4chan a Russian pastime or are these cockroaches getting paid to astroturf daily?

>> No.50133997


>> No.50134038

why dont people accept we just won't have as many cars in the future, electric cars are just an attempt by the western world to remain relevant in manifacturing since they well know that gas is running out, also fossil based cars have not changed since 1990 and are just overpriced graphical redesigns

>> No.50134122

are you bot or some shit? What Russia has to do with this thread?

>> No.50134578

Thanks for that post, Ivan. It was really funny.

>> No.50135228
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>> No.50135512

Fuck the EU

>> No.50135673

You are full of shit retard.

>> No.50135748


corrected here>>50131415

>> No.50135768

>buy new ICU car in 2034
drive that car for about 5-10 years
then buy some used EV shitbox once the EV market is saturated and the soifags lose 90% of their value of their EV

>> No.50135790

Solar is pretty shit if you do the math on it. Why do you think there has been no mass adoption of it in the last 20 years? The only places that did had guaranteed rates well above market value and now every retarded govt that offered those rates is trying to get out of it because it's costing them a fucking fortune.

>> No.50135817
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lmao even

>> No.50135848

That article doesn't counter the hundreds of turbines I see getting buried in that image.

>> No.50135877

>that newer article from the same news publication that could literally be a sequel to the article I posted is wrong and I hate it
Dude, Ivan, never stop posting I love it lmao

>> No.50135941
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>The cost of processing material using mechanical recycling is typically 0.12 euros per kilogram of product, compared to 1 euro/kg for the FiberEUse thermal, C02-assisted process or 7-9 euros/kg for traditional pyrolysis, Colledani said.
bruh no one is paying for that shit