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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50124910 No.50124910 [Reply] [Original]

Powell will pivot once he realizes he can’t control inflation or demand with rate hikes. Never take the Fed at their word. They lie. They’ve always lied and they will continue to lie as they continue to print money and start cutting rates again this summer. The last thing he wants to do is take the heat for the fuck ups of Bernake and Yellen for the next 10 years while he holds office. Besides, we’ll all be better off if we let inflation run hot for another 2-3 more years while we get out affairs in order.

>> No.50124940

Fuck off with your duplicat thread Nigger

>> No.50124966
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wow youre a genius. you should run a hedge fund

>> No.50125041

Stocks and the nasdaq will never reach ATH again for 20 years bucko. Just sell and move on with your life. Vaccine die off is here. Nothing can stop this deflation. Nothing.

>> No.50125228

New ATH mid 2023

>> No.50125249

Bots same as OP.

>> No.50125306

More vaccine deaths = more dead wallets = new ATH

>> No.50126081
File: 1.60 MB, 3548x3820, All money is created by borrowing from banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation is caused by too much money creation.

Private banks create all money, NOT government.

Banks create new, digital money when they issue loans (with no need for prior reserves or deposits). Our entire money supply is created by banks lending money that didn't exist before the borrower signed the loan contract.

Inflation and debt levels will continue to surge forever unless we abolish the bank-created money scam.

>> No.50126098

if the fed just sits by the dollar will tank

>> No.50126776

>The last thing he wants to do is take the heat for the fuck ups of Bernake and Yellen for the next 10 years while he holds office.
the last thing he wants to do is get lynched by an angry mob which is what will end up happening if he starts printing again and sends inflation to infinity

>> No.50126954

Everything's going to shit no matter what he does. Crash the dollar or crash the economy

>> No.50126978
File: 369 KB, 799x704, WhiteRecession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Powell.

>> No.50127223

This is what happens when you put a man who was never an economist in charge of the fed.

>> No.50127343

lmao people won't do shit, as evidenced by the covid lockdowns. Inflation could be 40 percent and all people would do is continue bitching on twitter.