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50120049 No.50120049 [Reply] [Original]

>long break off work decide to volunteer to not be alone
>every animal shelter wants an application and "service commitment" of 6 months
>plus experience
>you can't just go help out for a weekend somewhere
how do i profit off hating the world?

>> No.50120068

videos like that really make me feel like we live in a cyberpunk dystopia desu

>> No.50120102
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>> No.50120117

That pov meme is meant for people with tits.

>> No.50120123
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>> No.50120153
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Get away from me you hoe

>> No.50120174
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we live in a cyberpunk dystopia

>> No.50120182

>animal shelter
thats the in-demand meme volunteering gig because people want to help the cute little animals
theres lots of other places you could volunteer at immediately that dont involve petting kittens

>> No.50120195

Like what a homeless shelter? i hate homeless people and want them all to die so that's not a good fit

>> No.50120201

>animal shelter
they should make you pay to be there...pick a real place to volunteer

>> No.50120303


>> No.50120317

even worse, we live in a society

>> No.50120359

can she do a pov where im murdering her ?

>> No.50120364

I just want a beautiful racially ambiguous girlfriend who loves me.

>> No.50120382

You’re a fucking cope dope addled idiot

>> No.50120389

we do live in one

>> No.50120422

>t. does nothing

>> No.50120429

You profited already by not getting attacked by shitbulls in the shelter

>> No.50120458

Yup videos like that as well as that latina chick dancing in a bikini and cat ears

>> No.50120464

an animal shelter is basically a medical facility. you cant just go volunteer somewhere like that without some type of relevant experience or licensure

>> No.50120465
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>> No.50120601

>purturbator and not late 80s/early 90s front line assembly

imagine confusing synthwave shit with actual cyberpunk music

>> No.50120645
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Just go work at a coffee or boba tea shop if you want to hang around young pussy. At least you will get paid

>> No.50120660
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>> No.50120705


>> No.50120718

does working in a coffee shop help get a gf?

the neet in me wants to know

>> No.50120889

yes if you have good looks and are over six feet, also can't be socially retarded, at this point you don't need the coffee shop. actually the answer is no i wont do much

>> No.50120909


>> No.50120982
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>> No.50121012

You could try an old people's home, maybe see if one of the old sluts wants to party?
What about becoming one of those volunteer cops to dispense justice?

>> No.50121016
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Symmetrical face, yet still unattractive.

>> No.50121026

>colored contacts
just why?

>> No.50121038

More like pitbull day care

>> No.50121040

You're an actual incel if you believe this, jesus christ

>> No.50121097

because animal shelters attract literally the shit smears at the bottom of humans.

people who have no skills, good qualities or life achievements but to fill their days look up childish happy animal videos online and consooom by buying dogs and cats they don't clean up after or walk. but they think they're good with animals because the pets they've mistreated don't know better so unlike everything else the person has met don't run away.

I literally know several people who have thought they'd volunteer in animal shelters and literally every one is the same tier. I think even they know deep down they should just be put down. But short of that at least animal shelters have learned to keep their doors shut from the unshowered cat shit covered retards.

>> No.50121137

De gustibus non est disputandum.

>> No.50121151

Kinda wish I did this instead of NEETing before.

>> No.50121258

>service committment of 6 months
Its just a pleb filter. Same shit happened when I volunteered but when i went to the shelter they were desperate for help.
HR strikes again

>> No.50121317

70% of the time at the shelter is spent cleaning and picking up shit.
The other 25% is spent feeding / walking / paperwork. 5% is playtime kek
Problem being is most that volunteer expect the 5% to be the 90%

>> No.50121345

>I’m uglier than OP’s bimbo so if she’s ugly I’ll never marry Brad Pitt

>> No.50121360

wait does she ever give me some snacks?

>> No.50121362

Sounds like you have experience.
Was it easy to meet qts at the shelter?

>> No.50121398

I prefer to volunteer at a hospital burn unit. all these little kids are freaks they look so funny

>> No.50121538

i used to do taxi driving in college. Did the night shifts. Had a couple girls openly hit on me and invite me over and fuck them when I drove them home. Some of them were drunk, got dumped or just felt very lonely and you are alone with them so its easy to strike a conversation. Idk if there are better ways, but if you just want to meet a girl working try taxi driving the night shift on weekends, it worked quite well for me.

Though im a 35+ boomer, maybe the zoomer shits these days just spend the entire ride on their phone and it doesn't work anymore, idk

>> No.50121578

Exactly and these people would barely be functional at that 5% but look at their own homes or hygiene and there's no way they can manage janitorial work. Honestly it's a pathetic sort of narcissism. They convince themselves that they have some unspoken worth that animals appreciate (because their imprisoned abused pets come to them for food) and their intentions to do animal shelter works makes them a moral saint over the masses. Then they just go back to sitting in shit not walking their dogs drinking 6 energy drinks a day whilst they even fail at videogames.

Literally just beyond human failures. I bet everyone here knows this guy or recognizes that it's him.

>> No.50121696

it sounds biased but driving around drunk students also sounds pretty painful too.

unless you only pick up chicks? xd is that possible with Uber?

>> No.50121787

You do not want the fucking trouble of a girl reporting you were hitting on her or even slept with her when she was drunk and you were her taxi driver.

>> No.50121798

Lol yeah try asking if you can only drive around around chicks
also they have to be at least 8/10, single and dft

Of course it doesn't work like that. Often you will drive around some unwashed creepy old dude from a bar and you just have to deal with it. But you do meet some weird and unique people and I liked it. All kinds of people use taxis, from rich people, highly intelligent people, mentally challenged people, literal whores, hot chicks who want your dick, I had it all over the 5 years I did it. I guess it depends on your personality if you enjoy it as much as me though.

>> No.50121830

This is just a game to her and she doesn't actually want you to play along with what she imagines to be her fantasy of you. She just wants you to be complicated with her while she imagines all these things in her head.

>> No.50121839

Just politely say that you cannot fuck her right now since you are on the shift, but ask her for her number and tell her you will ask her out some time. Then fuck her outside of your shift. Its not rocket science.

>> No.50121964

Unironically the best way to get a gf is to just put yourself out there. Frequent places and become a familiar face. Coffee shops, etc.

If you have free time just work more and donate the money or call a shelter and ask what they need specifically and bring it by. Ask how much it costs to sponsor animals.

Its basically a backdoor to volunteering. Its much easier to get in the "inner circle" of the group this way. Those strict volunteering requirements are to weed out the people who do it for the wronf reasons. But dont expect pussy out of this.

>> No.50121983

name of the slut please

>> No.50122033

>Unironically the best way to get a gf is to just put yourself out there
And stop basing your taste on looks alone, it will only make things harder and more depressing

>> No.50122067

Yeah. When you play a vain game you win a vain prize. But we all crave the validation that comes from bangin skinny white pussy ( most powerful force on the planet).

Best thing to do is just focus on being authentic to yourself, fun and productive. People are attracted to it.

>> No.50122247

>we all crave the validation that comes from bangin skinny white pussy
I don't deny it. They know it though and if fucks with their wiring when you don't give them the attention they expect. When you look past them interesting things happen. Obviously it doesn't work all the time but I'd say its a way better strategy than being the guy that stares from across the room all night or follows her around. I agree, being natural, and avoiding boasting is important, but is something people have trouble with. I went through this phase myself.

The mother of all tips though: if you can make her laugh, actually laugh and not scoff or laugh out of embarrassment for you, she's already thinking about the possibility of going home with you. From that point on you just have to not fuck it up

>> No.50122341

thanks for tips

>> No.50122366

I try to take ownership of my life and be genuinely the best man I can be for myself and those around me. I am a 330lb high school dropout that doesnt make a lot of money and farts a lot. I have never really had a problem getting girls. Mostly for the reasons you mentioned. I am a pretty funny and personable guy.

Some girls just arent into big dudes and you can clock it pretty quickly when they are looking for the validation of a hot guy but most really dont care. They just want to have a good time and enjoy their life, just like you.

Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you want to be seen then see. If you want to be understood and felt then understand and feel in turn.

>> No.50122432

Yeah then she is never calling but also you could still get in shit with uber.

>> No.50122497

Most people at shelters are 40+ most of the sub 30s drop out after they realise they spend all day picking up shit kek

>> No.50122572
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>Clean it up, humannie.

>> No.50122634

First, you should call her not the other way around. If you as a man expect a girl to make the first move, you better look like a greek god or are famous. You don't get to live life on easy mode as a man.
Secondly yes, I had the situation before where a girl was drunk, very flirty, I could have probably fucked on her the shift but I told her I can't but I would ask her out some time, then the next day she lost all interest. That happens too, but usually if they give you their number then they are interest and you can ask them out.
I never once got any complaints because I asked a girl for her number and flirted with her outside of my shifts. But then again all the feminist bullshit went crazy in the last decade so maybe it is different today and even mild flirting will already get you into trouble.

>> No.50122657

where do i meet single sub-30s? as a neet

>> No.50122763

First you must un-neet. Youll probably meet some nice girls at work.

>> No.50122779

>Some girls just arent into big dudes and you can clock it pretty quickly when they are looking for the validation of a hot guy
This is it. If you're paying attention, you can easily and quickly see when a girl isn't interested, for whatever reason. Almost no guy is gonna appeal to every girl, just like every girl is not gonna appeal to you. I learned not to waste time trying to turn red apples green. It won't happen. For me it's the opposite, skinny guy just under 6 ft, and so if a girl is into big dudes, muscly or cuddly, she's not gonna show much interest in me, and the sooner I realised that the better.