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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50110336 No.50110336 [Reply] [Original]

Now that we got it, I can’t believe in it.

Make me a believer.

>> No.50110354

haven’t hit bottom compadre. still plenty of retail bag hodlers to shake off.

>> No.50110357
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fucker, the bottom is sub 10k - and it will never recover

>> No.50110367

When do I buy in

>> No.50110381


>> No.50110387

I sold. 40k from 800k post getting locked into defi. Gonna wait and buy something at the bottom again. At least my interval was higher this run.
>0.5k - 9k then mtGox crash
>8k - 35k
>10k - 60k pre covid
>top 800k in 2020
Some of us aren't destined to make it

>> No.50110404
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yes, anon, buy our bags

>> No.50110415

Brutal. You are back with the wagie levels.

>> No.50110419

>thinking there's a bottom before saylor has capitulated

>> No.50110469

We are halfway through crypto winter. 8 months to go

>> No.50110492

There is an easy way to tell the bottom.
>Follow the bitcoin/crypto topic on Twitter
>Everyday check the top 10 tweets that show up on there.
>If it’s still perma bull bs, which it is currently. We are not at the bottom, people still have hope.
>If you see neutral to bearish tweets as most popular for a week straight, then we’re at local or mid term bottom.
Good luck anon.
t. Comfy swinger since 2015, literally never had a loss.

>> No.50110502


>> No.50110529

Who the fuck has a cetme L AND and SVD? This is the same as mixing lemonade with milk.

>> No.50110758

is there any point selling now if i'm planning on rebuying?

>> No.50110863

The bottom was 17.6k

We will crab around 20k till the next moon but will not see 17k again

>> No.50110880
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>> No.50111823

No just buy more, never been a good idea to sell when we’re already down 70%.
Buy more to average out your price.

>> No.50111850

After they officially announce a recession and second intraste rate hike.

The Fed made it clear killing inflation has a higher priority then the economy

>> No.50111872

Last time btc went down more then 80%
In a good economy

The biggest poison to crypto and stocks are high interest rates
And we gonna get one more this summer.

>> No.50112869

So you’re counting on the jews to stop playing their ultra profitable pump and dump game forever?
Seems like a bad bet anon.
Back in 2017 I thought it was over, no way people would fall for the crypto scam again after most alts went down to 99% and yet, here we are.

>> No.50112923 [DELETED] 
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i dont care about red days , i have this

>> No.50112957

confirmed, btc not going below 10k

>> No.50112979

Not exactly counting on it
They need to do it to save their own asses

High inflation is the poison of any rich jew.
Its better to sacrifice economy for a year or two then letting inflation go rampart.

Problem is no one knows for how long or for how much they gonna do it.

If I have to bet money
I would bet we gonna see a reversal once unemployment hits 5 to 10%

>> No.50113704

Show your trades that show yoy make hundreds of BNB through your liquidity bot.

>> No.50113739

Just dca for the next five years and you’ll probably be fine. We may or may not be at the bottom, but one thing is for sure, we are a long long way from another bull run.

>> No.50113756

it will recover way more than 2019 and 2020.

BTC bear market being aligned with a recession is bullish as hell, worse case was halving aligned to recession.

Now btc is aligning it's cycle with the economy around it which is bullish as hell.

10k-14k would have the same selling pressure than 6k had pre halving, but there is way more hashrate now so minimum selling price for miners is higher.

So max would be around 13k probably.

Still will take balls to re enter at that price.

>> No.50114022

Just buy, you will thank me in 2034

>> No.50114037

>Now that we got it, I can’t believe in it.
>Make me a believer.

Long way to go yet. $19k for an imaginary token that does nothing? Try $1.

>> No.50115603

Checked, based and long termpilled

>> No.50116770

Let's dump another 60% please

>> No.50116801

Jews also make way more on high inflation. High inflation means high interest rates. It's why you should have your token high interest staking. It will be actually how you beat inflation this time. It's easy. Lock in and forget about it. Get a job pay your bills buy more and collect staking rewards. Repeat till rich. It's really that simple.

>> No.50118992

>we are a long long way from another bull run.
No one knows that for sure but I agree with the DCA strategy, it takes away the price pressure. What are you buying anon? I have got alts on my watch list BAT, SOV, ZIL and ORE.

>> No.50119071

We might not see as much weak hands as we saw in the 2018 dip, so the bulls might start moving in now.

>> No.50119104

DCA on high caps and you can as well start buying the lowcaps they are almost free if you ask me.

>> No.50119116

It's so freaking flipping over

>> No.50119139
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You sgould understand the power of diversification unless you gonna keep losing ranjesh.

>> No.50119167

Its 24 months actually my good ser.

>> No.50119195

This my basterds

>> No.50119355

Not a wise idea unless you are taking profit from one bag to re-invest into another a strategy I adopted whrn I picked interest in lowcaps. I get in early mostlikely during IDO, take profit and re-invest into BTC and ET.

>> No.50119559

Screen cap this

>> No.50119870 [DELETED] 

The bottom can sometimes be scary and you need to watch what you wished for. BTW, despite the market situation, I believe It'd be a good decision to accumulate more _SYS_ and BTC when it's still affordable. Sy.scoin is a proof-of-work blockchain with hashrate second only to Bitcoin. I'm confident that these gems will make the most money this year and lots of millionaires will be made.

>> No.50120146

I was doing this without even realising it, I took profit from my ORE and PNODE bags and re-invested it into ETH and BNB. I have weirdly never been a fan of BTC

>> No.50120172

Good picks anon, though I'd stay on LINK instead of ZIL it has shown good traction over time.

>> No.50120292

Its not the bottom. Coins will be down 99% and they arent there yet. Still another drop but may not be until later this year.

>> No.50120325


>> No.50120417
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Based anon

>> No.50120460
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are going to 15k this week?

>> No.50120484

w-wait till normies find out about crypto!!

>> No.50120504

>killing inflation has a higher priority then the economy
The stock market is not the economy

>> No.50120516

Once we hit a depression stage this shit will dump more. Once you Cannot purchase food or gas because of availability issues, then the bottom is in.

>> No.50120548

This. Also, the fed hasn't even started to off-load bonds. The money supply is coming way down, along with crypto prices.

>> No.50120648

The numbers are not as great.

>> No.50120657 [DELETED] 

I wish I could but right now I'm focusing on this phenomenal gem called _SYS_ because of its mind blowing offers. Sy.scoin is a project that outpaces Ethereum's finality through Chainlocks every 2.5 minutes while also protecting against selfish-mining.

>> No.50120763

I am basically just looking for alts with good recovery potential.

>> No.50120780

Wait until you feel fomo at 60k.
That will be the signal for the next dump.

>> No.50120798

We're going to 15K within the next 8 hours. Insider here

>> No.50120850


>> No.50121182

Ok instruction taken buy order set at 60k. lol

>> No.50121229

>he thinks this is the bottom
Nobody tell him, lads.

>> No.50121323

Why 24?
That violates muh 4 year cycle.

>> No.50121334

Digits confirm.

>> No.50121364

I'm also an insider and can confirm.

>> No.50121467

Now everyone who said they'd buy at 20k are saying it's going to 10k.

>> No.50121750

Lowcaps are high risks but can also be the best decision for your portfolios, diversification works I got my hands on some alts across different MC that might have something to offer and survive the dip

>> No.50121785

Greed, fear and desperation. I say DCA

>> No.50121817

Insider here, BTC to $1m USD by end of day. Of course, it'll be because USD will become worthless, but still.

>> No.50121905

Why else are the rolling out cbdc's?

>> No.50121985

Web3 is the next big thing look to projects with interest in that area, I know a couple of few but no spoonfeeding.

>> No.50122179

I keep hearing this but web3 still got no real life usecase.

>> No.50122343

is that spottembottom?
that nigga has been on my mind no cap

>> No.50122410
File: 36 KB, 394x440, Wrong Kiddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

web2 is the temporary internet of untrustworthy data
because the data is untrustworthy it generally cannot be used to automate value transfer.

web3 is the tamperproof internet of trustworthy data
because the data is trustworthy it can be used to automate the trillions of dollars of trust services that are currently serviced via legacy systems.

>> No.50122459
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Thinking this is le bottom. Do things seem like they're turning around? GS says expect 380 a barrel oil. Is that bullish for btc?

>> No.50122563


> retard tier level post from a faggot with zero software experience

>> No.50122606
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Gotchu senpai, a bottom for you

>> No.50122612

If they didn't sell when we hit 17k, they won't sell if we hit 10k. They are already down 75% from ATH, 85% won't make them sell now. We could go to 4 digits, but I doubt we will see any significant retail selling.

>> No.50123000

>retard level reply from a tranny with zero debating experience
no arguement found

>> No.50123085

Everyone who wanted to sell has sold. The people who sell at 10k are the retards buying right now. It’s wherever whales feel like taking it now

>> No.50123949
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Or be a true degen and follow where the money is flowing to. As it stands, it seems to be across sports metaverse and NFTs.

>> No.50123966

Psychological bottom is 8k. So 13k will be the real bottom

>> No.50123974

>I get in early mostlikely during IDO
It is better to get early into virtual land sales. I can see one happening in the next couple of weeks with big names in the sporting and gaming industry

>> No.50123984

Don't jinx it, dude. We can't afford to have another red EOY

>> No.50123996

Not this week. That's for sure

>> No.50124008
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Missed out on ICONS and you're wondering why you're not making it

>> No.50124039

I'll place my bet on metaverse ahead of it. If the kind of names investing in the metaverse keeps at it, especially with the recent attention athletic brands are investing in it, it might turn out to be revolutionary

>> No.50124050

>web3 still got no real life usecase.
Not true. You've not checked well enough

>> No.50124057

Freaking asshole

>> No.50124176

Its not the bottom until we see miner bankruptcies. We could easily see another 50% down

>> No.50124235

>virtual land

L o L

>> No.50124487

Give me some bread crumbs anon

>> No.50124691

Has the fed stopped raising interest rates? No? Then it's not the bottom yet.

>> No.50124814

It's not the bottom until exchanges shut down for (((mainteinance))) for an hour or so while the price and the volume are so low that a big dump or a liquidation waterfall could literally push it to $0.

>> No.50124838

just hodl ada lol

>> No.50124905

stop thinking in a vacuum
bitcoin thrived in an era of 0% interest and cheap/plentiful energy
now we have rising rates and expensive energy, possibly even energy shortages this year
if bitcoin finishes the year above 8k, i'll be surprised

>> No.50125031

the biggest mistake i see anons make is assuming bitcoin goes down for the whole bear market when actually after a bottom has formed it creeps up until a blow off phase which lasts just a few months.

>> No.50125987
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Ok so everyone's divided over whether its the BTCbottom, and desu it probably doesn't matter if you buy now or wait as we will probably see a new ath in the future, however long that may be. The real question, is now the time to be accumulating alts or will they continue to bleed over the next few months?

>> No.50126027

>this thread again

>> No.50126042

>dog tokens

>> No.50126047

15k is programmed to happen. Though we’re likely to go even lower