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File: 6 KB, 200x200, pepeflathead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50116088 No.50116088 [Reply] [Original]

Having kids is a terrible investment.

>> No.50116114

it's the greatest investment anon

>> No.50116117

It's not an investment, it's a purpose.

>> No.50116128

if you're american and all you value is money

>> No.50116131

top signal

>> No.50116134
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because it's an expense

>> No.50116136


How so?

>> No.50116148

demoralization brainwashing bot thread that wants people to stay single and end up old and alone

move along

>> No.50116158

it's the ultimate investment. money is useful while you are alive, but your goal is to propagate your genes forward

>> No.50116175

Idiot, that’s how you secure generational wealth, without kids your fortune dies with you. When you get old also you’ll want your children to be there for you and just in general having children is natural and is God’s will. It is God’s will you do what you can to ensure the success of your bloodline/race.

If you don’t understand this then don’t have kids, your genes are shit and should not be passed on

>> No.50116181

But how is it the "ultimate investment"..?

>> No.50116183
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>> No.50116206

You must be young, life gets kind of boring when you get older. There's only so many times you can go to the bar, so many random hookups, so many hobbies...You start to wonder, is this all there is? That's when you realize it's time to start the next phase of your life, starting a family.

>> No.50116240

Dear retard OP the burden of proof lays on you and your statement. This is boring even as bot threads go

>> No.50116243
File: 373 KB, 1200x1200, rs_1200x1200-201002153419-1200-chris-watts-american-murder-netflix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Starting a family can be just as unfulfilling as any of those other things you mentioned.

Just ask any divorced father or a deadbeat dad that walked out on his "ultimate investment" to live a new life.

>> No.50116257

That's not how burden of proof works, my coping little NPC

>> No.50116261

Barely 10 min in and the thread is full of /pol/ bots already, I wonder how much lower we go before they get flushed out of /biz/

>> No.50116274

Starting a family is the single best thing a person can accomplish in life. It only works if you have a loving, loyal, feminine wife who can help maintain a home. It also goes both ways, a proper disciplined father must be in it for the long haul as well. Unfortunately, these last few generations were not programmed to be family oriented. It is projected that HALF of all American adults will be single and childless by 2030 (give or take a few years). Invest in "loner markets" accordingly

>> No.50116290

You can still wind up old and alone even by having a meme family, anon.

t.grandmother died alone in the hospital with pneumonia despite having over 8 kids. Only one came to visit her once before she fell into a coma and died hooked up to a ventilator a few days ago

>> No.50116300

what if you have no wealth to secure?

>> No.50116305
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I am literally in the delivery room waiting for my son to be born

>> No.50116313

The divorce rate is over 58%....

>> No.50116326

It doesn't always work out, nobody would dispute that. However, even for those people they still have a sense of having accomplished something that living a solitary existence could never give them.
I'm not saying partner with someone terrible, but, don't be afraid to start because you're afraid of the worst case scenario.

>> No.50116327

in disgusting america, where "me, me, me" rules

>> No.50116330

shut up bot

im wondering why there are so many demoralization threads on 4chan now
like what the fuck?

>> No.50116331
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You can request for absolution though.

>> No.50116343
File: 3.84 MB, 4884x6144, Volk_und_Vaterland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking the exception is the rule.

Raising a successful, happy family is man's most noble purpose and the only way to reach grand-scale goals. Biological refuse will always insist that's not the case because their very existence is diminished and threatened by this fact. They WILL be removed from the gene pool.

>> No.50116346

congrats in advance, and especially on getting a son!!!

>> No.50116356

Funny how overpopulation is already an issue yet younger generations who choose not to have kids are shamed by the older generation. The older generation who have left their kids with a shit world and even more problems.

>> No.50116357

>Imagine thinking the exception is the rule.
It is the rule, it's actually quite common.

>> No.50116369

Make sure to snip his dick, goy.

>> No.50116374

don't let them circumcise

>> No.50116376

Bots don't respond to posts and no one still has been able to tell me why having kids isn't a bad investment

>> No.50116381
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You problem is , like most retards you have no clue how to invest in Kids. You perants had no clue how to invest in you!

>> No.50116390

if you're a nigger.
(fixed it for ya)

>> No.50116397

You have it backwards, NOT having kids is the bad investment.

>> No.50116408

How so?

>> No.50116451

Congratulations anon! You will today have a best friend born to you. Someone who will have undying loyalty and love for you. If you be a good father as the father of old, the patriarchs of clans you can expect to be honored and respected.
You have the chance to shape your son into a good man by sharing your wisdom and your life's experiences with him. Making him wiser than you were.
Make sure ypu treat ypur wife, the matriarch and generator of your bloodline with love and care.
You will have so much fun with your son. I hope your chest is swelling with pride as your clan grows!

>> No.50116456

You feel high and mighty right now because you have the option to or not to start a family. Once you get too old and the start a family option is removed, you WILL have massive regret.

>> No.50116473
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Based and good father pilled

>> No.50116481

>he fell for the overpopulation meme
Just out of curiosity are you White?

>> No.50116487

I'm certain the same can be said to that boomer sitting alone in his kitchen wondering why his son hasn't talked to him in 20 yrs or why his wife left him

>> No.50116527

I'd rather have that than be sitting in my kitchen, having been forever alone, and forevermore alone.

>> No.50116529

Don't listen to him rather make shit ton of money which you can use for stem cells and young-blood infusions. You be feeling like a 30yr old aged 85 while that retard will be playing bingo in a retirement home, divorced and with his kids uninterested in visiting him

>> No.50116572


Thank you, very based

>> No.50116645

fuck them kids

>> No.50116652

It's a investment in humanity

>> No.50116673

just to add to this as i'm excited for you.
i have two boys, they love soccer, i play with them all the time. I also play fight with them including wrestling them to the ground, though one is nearly as big as me so that won't last forever. one was a PITA when younger, the other has just been amazing the whole time, both are great now.
I hope they grow up in a world that isn't an american financialized hell hole, fingers crossed.

>> No.50116688

that stuff was valid 100 years ago
now for every kid you make there's 10 niggers entering your country
your kids are paying these niggers, who then go have sex with the women in your country
you'd have to be completely batshit to take part in it
it makes sense to have a family only if you move to a lower cost of living area first, in which case it's cheaper and the environment is healthier

>> No.50116731

>Don't even try, just give up
You are the worst

>> No.50116742


>> No.50116749

> goal is to propagate your genes forward
Lmao, says who?
How about not bagholding another being for 18 fucking years of your prime life and just enjoy it yourself instead.

>> No.50116759

Have you considered the possibility of living in a country without nuggets?

>> No.50116766

>Diane Cope

holy shit her entire life is one 62 year COPE

>> No.50116769

not true, plenty of kids make it and buy their parents a house

>> No.50116771

congrats nigga

>> No.50116772

Hi rabbi!

>> No.50116775

Only retards have children.

>> No.50116785

explains why your mom and dad are so retarded

>> No.50116794

I wouldn't.

>> No.50116799

And so are yours, anon.

>> No.50116818

Or if you have bitcoin, you can give the human world one last fuck you as you take your keys to your grave with you. Or you can give them to your loving AI waifu.

>> No.50116834

it's the journey, it's trying.
for us non mutts human relationships have value beyond a monetary amount.

>> No.50116855

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.50116864

That's fair. Those of you who fear demoralization should be okay with those who are without child. Less competition for future resources.

>> No.50116868
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idk kind of seems to me like it may seem like a bad investment at first but if you just hold through the red days, you will have the last laugh, dying surrounded by 3-5 generations of your progeny
dying alone surrounded by no one, and no one cares

who's the winner op

>> No.50116883
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>>50116088 >>50116114 >>50116117 >>50116128 >>50116131 >>50116134 >>50116136 >>50116148 >>50116158 >>50116175 >>50116181 >>50116183 >>50116206 >>50116240 >>50116243 >>50116257 >>50116261 >>50116274 >>50116290 >>50116300 >>50116305 >>50116313 >>50116326 >>50116327 >>50116330 >>50116331 >>50116343 >>50116346 >>50116356 >>50116357 >>50116369 >>50116374 >>50116376 >>50116381 >>50116390 >>50116397 >>50116408 >>50116451 >>50116456 >>50116473 >>50116481 >>50116487 >>50116527 >>50116529 >>50116572 >>50116645 >>50116652 >>50116673 >>50116688 >>50116731 >>50116742 >>50116749 >>50116759 >>50116766 >>50116769 >>50116771 >>50116772 >>50116775 >>50116785 >>50116794 >>50116799 >>50116818 >>50116834 >>50116855 >>50116864 >>50116868

>> No.50116886

Almost everybody dies alone in their sleep, in the hospital, or an accident. You're not getting the hollywood death moment. Your children will most likely be at work or in another country when you kick the bucket. And in one or two generations nobody will even remember you anyway. How often do you remember your great grandfather?

>> No.50116916

i have 2 sons. they've cost me hardly anything noticeable. and i now have a secured DNA lineage. everything after this is a bonus, fuck you schwab and gates

>> No.50116918
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>>50116088 >>50116114 >>50116117 >>50116128 >>50116131 >>50116134 >>50116136 >>50116148 >>50116158 >>50116175 >>50116181 >>50116183 >>50116206 >>50116240 >>50116243 >>50116257 >>50116261 >>50116274 >>50116290 >>50116300 >>50116305 >>50116313 >>50116326 >>50116327 >>50116330 >>50116331 >>50116343 >>50116346 >>50116356 >>50116357 >>50116369 >>50116374 >>50116376 >>50116381 >>50116390 >>50116397 >>50116408 >>50116451 >>50116456 >>50116473 >>50116481 >>50116487 >>50116527 >>50116529 >>50116572 >>50116645 >>50116652 >>50116673 >>50116688 >>50116731 >>50116742 >>50116749 >>50116759 >>50116766 >>50116769 >>50116771 >>50116772 >>50116775 >>50116785 >>50116794 >>50116799 >>50116818 >>50116834 >>50116855 >>50116864 >>50116868 >>50116883 >>50116886 >>50116916


>> No.50116947


>> No.50116974

This jew, is he in the room with us now?

>> No.50116980
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>jews have negrified society and judaized people's morals and values, therefore you, my fellow white men, shouldn't have children!

Extremely jewish post.

>> No.50116996


>> No.50116999

Women are fucking evil and getting rid of suffrage and divorce would immediately fix 90% of societal problems but you should still have kids

>> No.50117109

you do realize that when the western world is flooded with arabs, the very next people to go are the jews?

>> No.50117124

Imagine wanting to help bring more people into this disgusting world instead of culling the existing overinflated population. Read up on the Georgia Guidestones. It says to keep Earth’s population at 500 million. And here are NPCs like this guy bringing more in every day while we’re already in the multiple billions. Your son will grow up in a depleted world, hope you’re okay with that.

>> No.50117132

please give me one place that is that way, staying that way in the coming decades and isn't a shithole

more like a demoralized post
how are you not demoralized

>> No.50117151

Roasties make kids not worth the risk. Imagine running a business where the other side is gifted a windfall for breaking a contract you signed with no consequences. No reason to get married in [current year]

>> No.50117163

based daily anti-white propaganda poster

>> No.50117212
File: 18 KB, 320x399, 109710252_1192155131121733_7714279658157516548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have mixed kids in a third world country
>kids become instant celebrities

>> No.50117221
File: 4.00 MB, 1488x9988, 1655461068942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are fucking evil
Ethnic jew / spiritual jew detected.

> "Women are Evil!"

> About Women

> Why are Christians Beta Males?

> Dear Women! (You have the Power)

> About the Sterilization of European Women

> How to attract THE RIGHT type of women!

> The Key to good Women's Hearts

> No Good Women Left?

> Natural Blonde Women

> Should Women Train Hard?

> The Role of Women

Quote by SS Reichsführer Himmler (1937):

>The anti-women attitude is a typical (((Christian))) attitude, and we also who've been Nationalsocialists up to this day – many who are strict heathens – have unwittingly adopted this set of ideas.

> I recently said to a Hitler Youth leader: "You're usually so un-Christian, but your attitude toward women is the purest Christianity that is at all possible.”

> Christianity is directed at the absolute destruction of women and at emphasizing the inferiority of women. The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is an erotic union of men for the erection and maintenance of a 2000-year old Bolshevism. I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. The Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing we're doing with the Communists. These Christians were then the worst yeast the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.

Source: https://archive.is/JlkBd

>> No.50117249

i may not remember my great grandfather that well because neither of my parents have much to say about their grandfather- be it from lack of memory or whatever. but i was around all my grandparents with my parents when they passed

>> No.50117265

Children are a luxury good, according to economists.
And you know how niggers buy expensive cars even though they’re poor? They do the same thing with kids.

>> No.50117269
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>(((Women are fucking evil)))

>> No.50117274

This. Also a bit narcissistic the whole notion of "I wanna be remembered". There Billions of people nobody will ever remember. What makes you so special tardflake?

If you wanna have kids do it for the sake of having kids which is cool. It's a purpose as are thousand other things you can make your purpose. But don't dismiss others with "you won't be remembered nanana gotchu"

>> No.50117338
File: 53 KB, 467x350, (((world of pain))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((Imagine wanting to help bring more people into this disgusting world)))

> Children in this World...

> A Morning with our 5 Homeschooled Children

> Childless.... why!?

> Dear Women! (You have the Power)

> March in a big homeschooled family

> Social interaction?

>> No.50117364
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>> No.50117375

Antinatalism is the only philosophy that matters. You're just scared of the truth.

>> No.50117376

kek hot take

that's the the notion at all. i remember i took a psych class my first year at university (it was introduction to psych, with a focus on family psychology)
>inb4 college (((psychology)))
yes i know, but there was a whole chapter in one of the textbooks dedicated to talking about late stage/ final stages of life, and the depression almost everyone sinks into if they have not passed on their genes and the only time the obvserved this phenom not to happen was when the person felt successful enough in life to feel "accomplished"

quite a phenomenon to observe for a jewish psych book. kek there was also a section that talked about "racist" babies, aka babies have in-group, out-group preference and don't like being held by niggers. i imagine its the same thing as dogs hating niggers since all they see is a dark blob

>> No.50117385
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>> No.50117400

I personally knew 7 siblings who came from a working class household led by an illiterate carpenter. They were the first generation in their lineage to be college-educated, worked in banks, private ventures, universities and politics, rising to nouveau riche status.
Their family home used to be a sturdy little wooden house that doubles as a workshop/toolshed. Now its practically a dacha and family retreat for all 7 siblings and their children.
Its a worthwhile investment if you properly raised them.

>> No.50117418

that's not the notion at all**

im not worried about being remembered im worried about being surrounded by my family. maybe you didn't have a close family and im sorry for that but my family and extended family are all close and most all of them have families as well

>> No.50117493
File: 299 KB, 576x472, YFjHP63c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antinatalism is the only philosophy that matters.
>Only retards have children.
>You don't live in a (((Hollywood))) movie, therefore you should betray your ancestors and terminate your family line! Therefore you should be the final link in the chain from the depths of time which led to you!

>> No.50117528
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>> No.50117590
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>oy vey i'm totally not a jew, i was just demoralized, oy vey how can there be goyim here not demoralized?? oy vey oy vey

> "Race-mixing is the future of Civilization!"
> Auto-Domestication, Technology & Civilization
> Most Advanced Man
> Sun Storms
> Fall of our Civilisation
> Why did Civilization Fall?
> The PURPOSE of Civilization
> The Train
> The Yoke of Civilisation
> Civilization & Multiculturalism
> Slavery & Civilization
> Slavery & Greece
> Protecting "Western Civilization"
> The MONSTER destroying us

>> No.50117608
File: 3.15 MB, 1536x6200, 1628571264234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> What does Science tell us about our Origins?
> You are 99,7% Neanderthal
> The DNA Hoax
> Can we trust DNA evidence?
> Revolutionary News about Neanderthals!?
> What did our Forebears eat?
> Eye Color & Color Blindness
> Blue Eyes & Brown Eyes
> How the ENTIRE European Population will be NORDIC in some thousand years
> Why being NORDIC is THE NORMAL for Europeans
> Truth about Cro Magnon
> Quick Guide to DNA tests!
> 3 (((David Reich))) quotes
> Theory of Evolution
> Decline of the West

>> No.50117626

what if your grandkids are antinatalist
it's even worse
you thought you made it
then those niggas who only share 25% of your bloodline with you decide to let that 25% die

>> No.50117641

True I to some degree, however 90% of people never achieve this.

>> No.50117660

my family is like that
starts with ultrapoor great-grandparents
richer grandparents
parents who are even more rich due to heritage + getting college education and good jobs
kids who invest in crypto and have more wealth than their parents at the same age, doing nothing

>> No.50117663

Nigger when you old who want to be by your side to took care of you lovingly? No one, you will fucking died alone in your sad old days if your spouse died first

>> No.50117681

I get that. It's a legit reason so I can respect that in contrast to "I wanna be remembered".

Lol no need to be sorry fren. I like my family they're dope but I'm not emotionally close to them as sad as it may sound to you. Don't know why has always been that way. Maybe undiagnosed psychopathy. Which comes in handy as I experience everything more rational as I can't really feel depressed or alone as it doesn't make sense to me. Just feel good and do thinks you enjoy.

I'm not anti kids. Just believe everybody should do as they like and not get harassed by others because they feel like they found the universal path to happiness.

>> No.50117700

Exponential growth means than you'll generally have more grandchildren than children. Ideally this isn't the case. If you only have 1 kid and that kid only has 1 then you're still kind of screwed. Try to reproduce at or above replacement levels so that this kind of situations doesn't happen to you. It's not enough to just have 1 child, true growth comes from having 3 or more.

>> No.50117702

sorry bro, it's over for you

>> No.50117727

There are people with kids and families dying right now alone.

Having a family does not guarantee you a heartwarming send off in your final days.

You can sacrifice everything for your kids and still wind up dying by yourself in some hospital bed choking on your own spit while your kids are busy at work or taking care of their own lives.

>> No.50117773

>wife in labor
>/biz/anon is just reading 4chan
Never change.

>> No.50117815
File: 1.49 MB, 706x937, 1630578896260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Óðinn is to fight and NEVER give up

> The Family Guy

> CUNTER-STRIKE Thulêan Offensive! | Let's Play

> Battlefield XIV: Thulêan Conquest! | Let's Play

> Solutions: A Home for YOU?

> More Solutions... no Excuses

> Solutions: You can't afford a property?


> Does a simpler Life mean a Life in POVERTY?

> A Simpler Life IN PRACTICE - Part 1

> A Simpler Life IN PRACTICE - Part 2

> Permanence Culture

> What is Permaculture?

> Permaculture with the Kids

> Perma Family Life with 6 kids

> Permaculture, Trees & Desert

> Old fashioned Survivalism: Home Tour

> Why is Permaculture Paganism?


>> No.50117818

when my wife was in labour with my first son I went to buy a packet of crisps from a vending machine. There were two packets stuck halfway down. I was feeling lucky. I put in my money, selected one above the two that were stuck. All three packets of crisps came out. I ate all three.
I've had another son since then but never had that happen again. It was a memorable moment.

>> No.50117841

I bet the exit will become a lot more bearable in the coming decades with wide medical use of psychedelics and VR/brain interfaces. Simple because it will be very profitable. Seniors will literally use all their money to pay for sth like that

>> No.50117843
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Hello JlDF.

>> No.50117862
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>> No.50117881
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>> No.50117885

>white people want to save their money for toys and pets
>brown people have +3 kids by taking advantage of government programs and pooling resources

>> No.50117898
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>> No.50117904

Take your meds you fucking schizo

>> No.50117910

A jew in the wild

>> No.50118336
File: 124 KB, 650x940, by Finn Wigforss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i may not remember my great grandfather that well because neither of my parents have much to say about their grandfather
It's entirely due to Christianization. In pre-semitic times we were all about keeping family records and retelling stories of our grandfathers and their grandfathers and we took pride in our ancestors and lived daily to honor them and to be as good as them. This ancestor-veneration was an absolutely essential and fundamental aspect of our culture and of our view on life.

>> No.50118395
File: 878 KB, 776x525, mildconcern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another chudcel was just created

>> No.50118437
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Holy shit OP you used a summon schizo spell
By the way Im a straight white Christian male making 100k/yr and Im never having children

>> No.50118479

Nothing was lost

>> No.50118496

>never having children
then it's like you never existed

>> No.50118515
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Rabbi Yeshua: "I came to set the man against his father, and daughter against her mother, and daughter in law against her mother in law. And the enemies of the man shall be those of his own household. He that loveth his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

>> No.50118602

congrats, anon!

>> No.50118613

thanks for sharing that neat story, anon.
hope your family is in great health.

>> No.50118646

I shitpost therefore I am

>> No.50118670

Prepare to feel absolutely nothing when it happens and realize that it's just the women who feel things when they have kids, not men. You'll just stare at it in bemusement and think "is this it" and then you'll pay for this beautiful moment for the rest of your life. Many such cases

>> No.50118697

I didn’t say the remaining 500 million should be nonwhite. They can all be white for all I care. You think our planet was made to hold 7+ billion and beyond?>>50117338

>> No.50118723
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>> No.50118742
File: 1.54 MB, 1447x4306, 1627468002493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can all be white for all I care

>> No.50118762

we will know when we are in the the belly of the beast system when people start actively not having babies because they are worried about the financial implications

be fruitful and multiply, governments should have funds dedicated to raising strong and smart youth

>> No.50118783

in fact you should be rewarded for having kids, pay people for every kid they have or have tax cuts for families with more children.
Anti natalists are satanic but they’re too stupid to recognize it

>> No.50118826

Satanism is based

>> No.50118854

Your life doesn't matter whether you existed or not. In the end, the universe will die and everything that ever will have been with it. It's inevitable. The only thing breeding does is posponing the inevitable and prolonging suffering.

>> No.50118937

there is a literal lake of fire waiting for you

>> No.50118976

and no it’s not based you’re just a narcissistic individualist who gets excited by midwits spouting “omg lucifer is actually about Liberty and free will it’s so based”

it’s just midwits taking contrarian position, not based

>> No.50119061

there is inherent meaning in life, you have been convinced there isn’t by cultural nihilism

it’s funny that the agnostic type are always the same people to say that life is a meaningless void, almost like it’s a satanic trick
be hot or cold not lukewarm

>> No.50119074

>be fruitful and multiply, governments should have funds dedicated to raising strong and smart youth
What for?
There is too many people already and not enough food for everyone. That why we have to feed all kinds of poison to the masses.
Fact is Humanity is way overleveraged and its time for the Liquidations.

>> No.50119109

the numbers will self correct, the people people saying these things are the same people getting vasectomies to protest Roe v Wade being overturned

the problem fixes itself, the vaccine is a good example of this.
do you think a vaccinated or unvaccinated person is more likely to be an anti-natalist and make the overpopulation argument? Obviously it’s the vaccinated person
that is significant

>> No.50119155

kill yourself you fucking nigger anti-natalist scum. Why don‘t you make the first step towards solving the supposed „overpopulation problem“ by putting a bullet through your retarded skull, you subhuman filth? If i met a person like you irl, i‘d poison you. Faggot cuck.

>> No.50119165

>the numbers will self correct
No they wont.
With incentives People will reproduce too much and deplete too many resources. We dont really need more than 500 million people on the planet.

>the problem fixes itself, the vaccine is a good example of this.
The vaccine is population control to get rid of the useless eaters.

>> No.50119177
File: 19 KB, 609x308, 136CDF99-CC57-4D73-BE45-EE193FCBDFCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bell curve is perfect example of this

where on this chart would you chop off if you wanted to eliminate the highest amount of participants in the least amount of chops
targeting easily manipulated midwits IS the solution to overpopulation, poison in food and vaccines that are avoided by fringe minorities that are slightly more aware to worldly events is the new form of natural selection

it’s a “for those with eyes to see” type thing, mass initiation

>> No.50119179

>‘noooo we have to create as many useless eaters as possible! Because because christcuck reasons!‘

>> No.50119191

You should it. Actively search for them and do it.

>> No.50119207

keep greentexting, you subhuman. I‘ll stomp your head into dirt, you anti-life faggot cuck.

>> No.50119228

nope, i‘ll continue to make many white children and you faggots will die without hope and without justice.

>> No.50119231

You wont do anything, instead you will bury your family who took the depopulation vaccines.
Good riddance.

>> No.50119236
File: 357 KB, 1125x649, BE6319E1-6EA8-4F96-944B-18F329A29AEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50119248

Why don't you go to on of those vasectomy clinics and hand out poison soda to them anti natis?

>> No.50119254

I didn‘t take the vaccine, neither did anyone i love. We WILL kill your kind.

>> No.50119281

I bet your little breeders will love them Fent and tranq. Must be a nice neighbourhood you reside in

>> No.50119284

Sorry anon, useless eaters arent needed anymore.
And I dont know why you would want to preserve them. They bring nothing to the table anymore.
>I didn‘t take the vaccine, neither did anyone i love.
We both know this cope isnt true.

>> No.50119331

useless eaters = vaxxed normies who fill up jobs that can be replaced by AI now

I hate to make the IQ argument but low IQ and very high IQ people are much more valuable to a rapidly developing system than mid IQ people.
Genetically selecting for out-of-the-box thinking is very important for the next phase of human development, you’re coping and probably vaccinated

>> No.50119374

Daily reminder that the demiurge wants as many people being dragged into this world as possible.

Keep having tax-sla… I mean kids. Good job everyone.

Kek at all the kidcucks in here, imagine one day finding out that your father browsed this shithole and still has the galls to claim his genes HAVE TO BE PASSED DOWN.


>> No.50119392

the Low IQ people are also useless eaters. no idea how you see anything valuable in them.
>you’re coping and probably vaccinated
I'm not vaccinated but I shill the vaccines to dumb people so they kill themselves with it.
we need less of them in the world. if Humanity continues to spread like it does there wont be enough resources for people that actually matter.

>> No.50119423

Boomers also want as many new people as possible so they have someone who pays their taxes and their pensions.

>> No.50119481

IQ is just representation of factory worker programming, pattern recognition and stuff.
It’s not that important now, abstract thinking and very good analytical thinking is what’s really important as we move into next few centuries

low IQ people who are religious and very abstract minded are valuable and can provide meaningful things to a society in the form of emotional foundations(see: the archetype of the jester/fool), the introduction of a bulk midwitted population is when you start to see nihilism creep up simply because people who are not smart and also not abstract minded end up unhappy and toxic in their environment, like cancer.

low IQ people are good and create culture through pure emotion, God loves the proles

>> No.50119518

Based comment

>> No.50119544

>abstract thinking and very good analytical thinking is what’s really important as we move into next few centuries
and we dont need 8+ billion people to get there. 500 million is more than enough.
>low IQ people who are religious and very abstract minded are valuable
no they are not, they add nothing and it would be best to vaccinate them as fast as possible to cull as many of them as possible.
>and create culture
they dont create the culture, they are just braindead followers.

>> No.50119575

> low IQ people are good and create culture through pure emotion

I’m going to drop a bunch of niggers into your house. See for how long you keep thinking like that, you mongoloid

>> No.50119582

Tell you what, lets split the difference and limit the extermination to non-whites and we have a deal. NB: Jews aren't white.

>> No.50119610

Mozart was said to have been called retarded and unable to string basic sentences together

>> No.50119612

the Jews own everything, they wont cull themselves.
instead they will cull the people that they created with their reckless policies.

>> No.50119641

Who's going to run your business after you die?
You should be playing on dynasty mode baka.

>> No.50119665

outside of continuing your line, it’s good to have people looking out for you when you’re old.

>> No.50119678

segregation fixes this

>> No.50119694

Not just Mozart. All that good jazz and rock music was down by retards. That Australian guy that poked crocodiles in the nose was a retard. I even liked watching the jackass retards burning their assholes. It seems more like a generational thing that the zoomer retards have done nothing of value for some reason.

>> No.50119702

That is not guaranteed at all.
You will be put into an old person's home and left to die.

>> No.50119715

he was jewish, the name was originally Motzhart, so it may mean Moses' heart. maybe hes not the best example because you know, jewish nepotism and already coming from wealth and such.
>your business
what Business? in the future there wont be any business left for you.
>it’s good to have people looking out for you when you’re old.
most people with Kids end up in nursing homes anyway.

>> No.50119909

It depends on if you raise them right or not.

>> No.50120116

>Investing poorly
>Marrying poorly

Marriage and family and investing is stupid I guess

>> No.50120133

It's all about the experience.