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50114416 No.50114416 [Reply] [Original]

In 5 years BTC went from less than 10 cents to over $1000.
Eth went from 50 cents to $1400 in 3, and $5000 in 7.

Link has had 5 years now, and I believe its been way more of a rough road. There have been many left bitter on the way who will fud this thread(liquidated, lost in BNt etc) and thats part if the ride really.

Its very frustrating indeed.

>> No.50114427

I can't believe he ATE the entire budget.

>> No.50114440

We're tested the hardest because our rewards will be greatest.
It's a philosophical thing.

>> No.50114446

to all oldfags. How does it feel that I as a 2021 newfag have been able to accumulate a 10k link stack this bullrun and will make it along with losers who have been holding this amount since 2017?

>> No.50114469

I wonder if I should sell my entire stack of chainlink (ticker: LINK) tokens because the price is quite low and its obvious that Sergey Nazarov guy was lying when he said those things about staking, ccip etc. Everyone should sell their Link, really. Yes.

>> No.50114477


Could not care less. Why would that matter?

>> No.50114482

f-feels good haha...

>> No.50114493

It's awesome, honestly. I have never fudded LINK and I think that anyone who gets in before the "big reveal" is awesome, and deserves to make it. This isn't zero sum.
Honestly I wish far more people were out there buying 10k, we'd have a better chance of liquidating the shorts.

>> No.50114546

Because you bitter losers keep posting "token not needed" in every thread when newfags like me see right through your shit FUD and can easily identify LINK as being the highest value investment in crypto. That makes you seethe, doesn't it, this golden entry point which guarantees that any newfags will make it if they buy in now.

>> No.50114559

BTC was just the first. It needs no more explanation. Its mineable too.
Eth was minable but it got its value from all the ico shitcoins launching on it. It was a shovel in a gold rush. This happend only 2 years after it launched.

Unfortunately although LINK is essential and is widely used now, it just hasnt seemed to have captured these yet. Node hosting is gated so it hasnt got the anyone can mine it aspect yet, and it hasnt reached that critical mass of being the shovel in the gold rush yet, but it seems both are closing in.

>> No.50114569


Nice try. You’re a bitter fudfag yourself trying too hard. Nice bait and switch you fucking looser.

>> No.50114598

10k was always the suicide stack

>> No.50114917

sergey fucked us over

>> No.50114986

Kek you’re all coping and it shows. Even og’s with 100k stacks aren’t even close to making it after 5 years.

>> No.50115117

The entire market is not yet mature enough to use Links products to their full potential. Bitcoin v2 will happen before Link moons

>> No.50115370

Not gonna lie it burns a little bit
But i still want you to be rich
T. 100k holder from 2017

>> No.50115533

I dont care. Infrastructure isnt developed enough. I knew this was a decade long hold. Its like buying apple in the late 90's. Everyone calls you retarded until you become the just lucky fag.

>> No.50115547

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50115560

Congrats, you’ve got a suicide stack, something not common these days. But it’s still only 2017/2018 OG’s such as myself that were able to accumulate a make it stack.

>> No.50115575

>still up x50 from the bottom
Oldfags are doing fine, what was mystic bullshit in 2017 is now confirmed.
Looking forward to accumulating some when markets stop imploding

>> No.50115585

This is the exact thing that kills me.

At the very least we all now know it's fundamentally more important than ETH by multiple orders of magnitude. Currently the near entirety of value captured on ETH is OpenSea transactions, it is a dying chain. Chainlink enables all of DeFi across all chains (ETH included) and enables a plethora of other blockchain use cases both currently in play and in the future. Without Chainlink, ETH doesn't even stand a CHANCE at survival.

Yet, LINK went from 10 cents to $50, a 500x, vs. ETH 50 cents to $4000, a 20,000x.

And even if you look at market cap - ETH is INFLATIONARY ON A DAILY BASIS meaning the amount of usage on the chain does NOT warrant the current price of ETH, meaning the mcap is inflated as well compared to the actual value there.

Yet despite Chainlink being infinitely more useful, ETHcucks still have a $128B mcap vs. LINK $2.8B, 45x greater in value.

There is no question outside of MAYBE BTC (Arguable) LINK adds the most value to the space, yet it's $22 by mcap and hardly had a run in terms of speculative betting. It is undervalued by market standards, and for this to still be so true 5 years after the fact is disheartening.

>> No.50115693
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Maybe linkies should have been nicer and not become slaves to the wef and the nwo huh
I remember posts like these when it was $50. Yes you should have sold it then.
>its been 5 years and everyone in the market is pricing this asset wrong only I truly understand it should be worth $1000
Cope stinky

Daily Nico reminder that 99% of linkies are evil and need to be bullied to help them grow as persons

>> No.50115696
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reminder, 1k suicide 10k make it, always has been always will be
watched the 10k/100k fud evolve in real time in 2019, basically right after the retrace from the google/coinbase pump, og's started to get bitter that while they were going to make it newfags could still hop onboard, so instead of sui/makeit being motivators to buy link, they were used as demotivators to trick newfags into thinking they'd never have enough. evil stuff.
just remember, a b c. always buy chainlink

>> No.50115721
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based. Sergey does have a degree in philosophy, after all.

>> No.50115730

Yep, it's been a painful ride. I still find it weird how Chainlink is even $6. Most of my memory of LINK and its price action is just brutal dumps. The amount of times it's genuinely pumped has been very few and very, very brief. Just really fucking bizarre (and infuriating). I think there are a few reasons why it's performed like shit compared to BTC and ETH. First of all, I think there's the barrier to entry. I think LINK is just harder to understand for normies compared to BTC and ETH. I guarantee most people don't even know about blockchains being closed systems and not being able to just hit an API on the internet. Then since 2020 and the advent of CeFi it really seems like LINK has been so brutally fucked by pieces of shit like Mashinsky. It's really frustrating, because deep down I know we're probably looking at about 2 years to recover. Global economy is in the toilet and LINK's chart looks like absolute shit as well. Time to stop talking, it'll just make me more depressed.

>> No.50115785

Its really not that complicated. BTC is the first of an entirely new asset class, so its growth was always going to be enormous. ETH's value capture is something that works for both enterprise and retail, and while enterprise involvement in crypto is minimal right now (basically a closed ecyosystem of trading shitcoins with other whales), for retail, the token is needed to trade other shitcoins and participate in crypto's biggest usecase to date so far, getting rich from nothing. Of course its a game of musical chairs that the majority lose, but so is the casino and people still go to those every day.

Link on the other hand, is sort of the yin to eth's yang, its what could potentially allow crypto to evolve past nothing but shitcoin musical chairs. But there's no easy money in that, so since the space is still immature, link suffers while stuff like eth continues to excel. A prolonged bear market could actually greatly benefit link, if a lot of the trash gets washed out of the space and they are forced to actually innovate.

>> No.50115793

>Yeezy is to pay
Was it Kanye's fault?

>> No.50115807

>I knew this was a decade long hold.
You’re a cuck. Why even in crypto at that point? Lmao

>> No.50115816

I'll add to that, the silver lining is staking, which incentivizes retail to hold, while simultaneously removing liquid supply from the market. The impact staking will have can't be understated, people are going to try to fud you out for numerous reasons, but it is quite literally the singularity. It won't happen all at once, but from the release of staking forward, you'll most likely see up only for the price of the link token.

>> No.50115853

At least you retards are honest. It’s funny to watch og’s pretend they don’t care meanwhile watching Btc and eth holders make it in a year.

>> No.50115866

Question is why the fuck (((they))) felt the need to suppress Link so fucking hard for years.
Not a single solitary Link pump was allowed to go through without an immediate Bitcoin dump.

>> No.50115876
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Chainlink army HODL strong!

>> No.50115909

People taking delight in that (you) are no better than sour grape fags yourself though.
>I didn't make it but at least you Linkies didn't make it either!

>> No.50115926

Well what do you mean by that? I don't think it should make you any more upset than watching lottery winners or dumb thots making bank on onlyfans, that is to say life isn't fair and if someone has it on easy mode or gets genuinely lucky, it does you no good to seethe over it. Link was the best risk reward play in a terribly risky asset class, and remains so to this day, and while it hasn't matched eth or btc's initial 5 year returns, its also outperformed them since its inception.

>> No.50115934

>Chainlink text different font than rest of the comment
We all know they are talking about GME, newfag.

>> No.50115956

Yep, I agree with all your points.
I really can't stand those people (especially the eternal "i'm so grateful to get the chance to buy at X again!" retards). It's ok to admit that you're disappointed. I'm still going to hold because I still think longterm things are all trending in the right direction for LINK, but I'll be the first to admit that psychologically the last 2 years have sucked.

>> No.50116051

still a better return than eth or btc purchased in February 2019

>> No.50116065

I bought in 2019 and you shitheads made fun of me for being a latefag and only ogs will make it. Turns out you retards are in the same position as me since three years ago lmao. It’s funny to see fellow linkies still in denial stage
They are forever in denial

>> No.50116077
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There will be blood and suffering linkies.

>> No.50116112

I'm a fucking broken man. In since 2017. For me really it's that I fell into the "LINK hasn't had its run yet!" meme last year and instead of cashing out $2MM when I thought about it I figured I'd wait and see. At that very moment karma decided I needed a lesson and we began to dip, and I never saw my ATH again.

Now I wake up every single day going to my miserable wagie job knowing if I just didn't let stupidity and greed consume me I could be anywhere in the world doing whatever I want, and my only hope for salvation is some kind of miracle "next bull run" which is, as you said in >>50115730 , unlikely to happen within the next 2 years.

When you wake up every day in total darkness, 2 years feels like an eternity. I fucking PRAY there is some kind of insane rally that happens after staking or I honestly don't know if I'll make it.

>> No.50116219

It sounds cheesy as fuck but it honestly helps to be able to talk to other people who are going through the same thing. Last few weeks have been rough for me, but I've had a few threads and now this one where I've been able to just get things off my chest. It's important to process the negative emotions and not delude yourself with military grade cope about how the price action for the last 2 years is actually a good thing.

We are in a very, very similar situation it seems my man kek. I can't help but even laugh at it to be honest. Very similar ATH, very similar thought process. And poof, down we went. I remember back in 2018 or so I was thinking about my expectations for the next bull run, and one of the things I thought about at the time was "Oh, well Ripple managed to hit a $35 billion market cap in 2017 so LINK should have NO problem hitting that in the next bull run!" In hindsight that was clearly fucking dumb.

I'm not here to say it's gonna be easy, I'm generally miserable and depressed as fuck these days. But I hope you're able to find the strength to keep going on. Part of my process for trying to get something out of this negative experience is to try and reflect on what I did wrong last year. And for me the key learning is that next time around I need to just take profits at fixed intervals, and not get caught in the "Hm, I'll wait until X happens" mindset.

>> No.50116239

imagine nursing a grudge for three years because someone said something mean to you on a Ugandan knuckledusting BBS

>> No.50116256
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>> No.50116269

Because im realistic. Kys zoomer.

>> No.50116292

>meanwhile he’s still smug over literally nothing for two years

>> No.50116318

I'm smug because the competition is as laughable as it has been. It's still not even close.

>> No.50116435

Yes. I probably wouldn't have ever hit the $2MM if I didn't set a static goal (my cash out goal was $2.5MM), but if I get another chance at wealth like that my strategy will be to set stop losses for %'s after certain milestones.

I can't help but think that I really did just blow my opportunity, though. Watching that kind of wealth disappear is the most traumatic thing I've ever experienced and it's hard to fathom this might just be some temporary "lesson" and not a permanent fixture in my mental history I have to cope with.

>> No.50116436
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>> No.50116503

>Because im realistic.
If you were realistic you should have just bought stocks or properties you fucking moron lmao.

>> No.50116520


>> No.50116579

You also need to have perspective, you spend an inordinate amount of time on here listening to liars (I bought x shitcoin at bottom and sold the top and made it) and focusing on a market where the winners are pushed in your face every single day. But in the real world, you're already in the top 1%, in some cases the top 1% of the 1%. The problem is most of us have similar goals as shutin autists, to make enough money to get the fuck out of society, and that magic number is anywhere from 5-10 million in most developed western countries. So we're all kind of stuck, trapped here together, so close we can taste it but still so very far away, and constantly teased by opportunity cost in a market that produces insane rags to riches stories but still has mostly losers.

>> No.50116608

Very well said.

>> No.50116616

Let me ask you this. How does it feel when staking is released after 5 years of waiting, only to be priced at $5? Lmao

>> No.50116617

To help with your perspective, if you actually believe in the future of link, then people who held bitcoin have seen those sorts of fluctuations dozens of times already over the years. Also just imagine if you had 10x your stack, you'd have already seen that sort of drop in wealth on the dip from 5 dollars to 1 dollar, which happened in 2019. Nothing has really changed, its just the numbers are larger, but its still the same game, you just feel different because you were close to certain goals. Remove the emotion and you will make it, but easier said than done.

>> No.50116621

Why are you so bitter

>> No.50116634

>buy my bags
no. eth did what it was supposed to do an act as test net, same for btc. Hold on to your mementos

>> No.50116640

>you shitheads made fun of me for being a latefag
Imagine if in three years I’m still butthurt over you calling me a shithead just now.

That’s how utterly insane you are.

>> No.50116642

>the big reveal
is this before or after the GME MOASS, the breaking of the COMEX, and XRP becoming the NWO currency and mooning to $10K?

>> No.50116690

Honestly? Because I could have sold at $25 at the beginning of the year if that fat fuck didn’t dangle staking announcement in front of us, only to have the price crash down to $5

>> No.50116719

>wahhhi have no agency or personal accountability and everything bad that happens to me is someone elses fault
you sound like a woman

>> No.50116737

So you have no actual strategy, or you did have a strategy and didn’t stick to it. How come you’re blaming Sergey and not yourself?

>> No.50116754

Stop pretending you have everything under control. I know you’re all bagholding like a retard like me

>> No.50116778
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Times are dark.

>> No.50116790

>if that fat fuck didn’t dangle staking announcement in front of us
Lol wtf are you talking about?
He literally said staking this year, and he seems to be right on track.

The only reason Link was even $25 was BECAUSE he announced staking.
Not his fault the entire global economy started crashing immediately after his announcement.
You complete moron lmao

>> No.50116812

I don’t think the market is in my control at all. I just have a strategy and I stick to it. And if my strategy backfires it’s on me. You sound like a whiny little pansy

>> No.50116846
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do you not understand how pathetic you sound? the way you think about things is a really miserable way to go through life

>> No.50116969

It would feel bad but it can’t really be worse than what I feel right now. I’m a shell of who I was in early 2021 at euphoric highs.

I believe in the future of LINK but speculative price is hard to really find comfort in. We know full well the token at this moment requires no value at all, the nodes would still be bootstrapped if not profitable (and for all we know they no longer are profitable and the reason for the future offloading is because Chainlink is looking to ensure they can bootstrap again). All anything in this market has right now is speculative value. Even when staking is implemented there is nothing saying that enough people will utilize collateral-requiring jobs that staking actually will fundamentally improve the valuation of the token. We know staking access will be limited which means lockups will be limited which means the pressure lockups will have on price will be limited.

In short, speculation is still a requirement in this market for meaningful price movement, and the bottom line is LINK has underperformed our expectations there. People have chosen to speculative further about vapor ware like ADA than LINK.

It’s maddening.

>> No.50117011

You need to reach outside yourself, remember there is a you who wasn't browsing this board years ago and never learned about link and still lived his regular hopeless day to day life. Maintain that perspective, appreciate what you have, or you'll never truly be happy even when you do "make it". Better yourself as well. I'm /fit/ maxing myself atm, because I know it will be far harder to have the discipline to get in shape when I'm sitting on millions.

>> No.50117026

Checked and based anon, we are indeed all going to make it

>> No.50117302

You need to come to terms with the things outside your control.

>> No.50117341

I got link at 0.20. It will never be that cheap again. Like i said. Kys

>> No.50117405
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I am a retard. I opened my exchange May 8th at ATH, queued up a sell and cancelled it thinking I was being a pussy.

>> No.50117430

>Counter Party Risk is Low

>> No.50117487
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May 8th, 2021. I still haven't sold.

>> No.50117578

I introduced a friend to link and this was like a year or two ago. He’s been adding and adding and I haven’t, he now has half my stack. I got in at ico. Sergey really really fucked us all over and there’s no way newfags should come close to og stacks

Fuck every employee at CLabs