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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50112093 No.50112093 [Reply] [Original]

In LUNC we believe.

>> No.50112106

My fuckin' hero.

>> No.50112130
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big if true
absolutely baboona if real

>> No.50112141

Burn 150 million of that, incel. Nobody is allowed to have more than me.

>> No.50112205

Where do we buy this scam coin

>> No.50112511
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keep me updated.

>> No.50112520

Bro please burn a few million of those, it would help the coin tremendously.

It's what I would do if I was that loaded.

>> No.50112571

Based lun

>> No.50112656
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>> No.50112663

Great, when's the bonfire?

>> No.50112958


>> No.50112965

in meantime you can use this!

>> No.50113132

why he flip?

>> No.50113334

bro what the actual fuck is this trickery. It has to be a scam?

>> No.50113345

bc monke

>> No.50113374

every bear market is intitled to one big counter pump, I believe that is luna classic

>> No.50113403
File: 19 KB, 464x273, Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 11.58.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based 100M+ chad. currently hiding on terra station until kucoin FUD calms down

>> No.50113494


>> No.50114921

>literally a rugpull lmaooo
I sold everything at $50 and bought HBARs instead
Now that HBAR foundation is allocating so many funds toward expanding the ecosystem and introducing new projects, i know for a fact that we finna pump

>> No.50114984

Literally who tf asked, shill

>> No.50115036

Thats some some Weimar level inflation there

>> No.50115054

This was posted on Reddit too, they are starting to wake up. Today might be big

>> No.50115085

This is unironically why LUNC will never be $1, but not even $0,1 or $0.01

>> No.50115120

kek would make a good meme

>bro luna weimar'd on me wtf

>> No.50115158

why hold that much you nigger
what's your plan? do a x20 and get out?

>> No.50115171
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OP you just got mogged

kek enjoy getting dumped on HBAR can never pump and if it does the devs will dump on you again

>> No.50115192

Bls sir do no big burn button not the redeem button it will do good prospect for coin and money, bls basterd

>> No.50115202
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>> No.50115265

with gigawhales waiting to cash out it'd take literal years of latefags pumping this for it to get anywhere for anyone else

>> No.50115355

Whales provide market cap, which creates a sense of security in normies and Reddit who then will fomo into it. It's alright, ride the wave...

>> No.50115380
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Everybodies sick of the other tokens eating shit Lunc is the only fun coin to buy right now which is why it's trending every single day, very bullish. Easy 4x in July and $0.01 end of year.

>> No.50115441
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>> No.50115457


>> No.50115478

Devs haven’t dumped a single coin loser faggot. Enjoy your hex dumpster fire, Hbar price

>> No.50115558

$0.1 eoy

>> No.50115587

Rumor says lunc reaches 0.03 eod if someone asks u didnt hear it from me

>> No.50115643

Gemini or look for exchanges on coinmarketcap

>> No.50115741

lmao yall are gonna get dumped on so hard. Glad im only invested in MATIC right now, next bull run itll be top3 for sure

>> No.50116550
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god Lenny Kravitz is such a sexy ass man. his daughter is hot too.


>> No.50116571
File: 21 KB, 500x334, right on time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MATICbaggies showing up right on time as usual

>> No.50116578

Fuck off ranjeet noone here has serious money in this moonshot coin

>> No.50116638


>> No.50116654

Kys tranny

>> No.50116954

arent you afraid of keeping so much there? what if Do Kwon decides to fuck with Lunc? he still controls the company and its codebase.

>> No.50116989
File: 192 KB, 1080x1254, 9ABF5D0B-92D2-4CE8-BC1C-F149F10F75EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God speed fellow lunatic

>> No.50117006


>> No.50117055

ITT bagholders who bought the "dip" back in May

>> No.50117097

what are the details on staking?

>> No.50117108

Do Kwon is probably getting anally raped in Korean jail right now

>> No.50117120

Oh no not my ‘bags’ that are up 250%

>> No.50117133

Do Kwon is literally terrified to even connect to the internet lest the Korean special forces break into his hideout in Singapore.

>> No.50117292
File: 52 KB, 1244x400, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i buy something with a chart that looks like this

>> No.50117309

zoom in

>> No.50117332


>> No.50117367

because it's been pumping hard since the crash. now that the burn is coming people are fomoing in. when the burn gets implemented suddenly LUNC will start pumping like a motherfucker. then ALL the normies will jump on deck.

>> No.50117372

buy the dip what are you new?

>> No.50117439

you will buy at 1 usd and seethe for years on /biz/ about missing it

>> No.50117440

>HBAR has taken your liquidity and used it to pay these weak shills
you fags need to expand your repertoire btw this literal copypasta is tired

>> No.50117473

it seems more like a dead project that some whale decided to pump for fun and to scam a few biztards
how the fuck did it crash from $100 to literal pennies without being a scam?

>> No.50117573

It seems more like an apparently ‘dead’ coin rocking higher daily volume than bluechips

>> No.50117667
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peak biz right there

>> No.50117669


>> No.50117672
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It is a dead project. But that's the beauty of it. We're pumping this baby back to life. From rugpull of the year to crypto restoration story of the year. And the best part of all? We're going to become millionaires off the backs of redditards who blew their life savings and noosed themselves over this shit. If you can't see the beauty of this shit you are blinder than Stevie Wonder.


>> No.50117707

noone cars about volume if you are 99.999% down from ATH

>> No.50117725

why are you pumping a dead shitcoin?

>> No.50117762
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i already bought my million a month ago, already doubled my money friend. But it's clear that the ride isn't even close to being over. You can either be a part of crypto history or seethe from the sidelines. choose your destiny.


>> No.50117873

i asked why
clearly youre just the whale that pumped it, now shilling this garbage
fuck off

>> No.50117890

what? lmfao. I'm just some guy who bought a million for less than $100. Now I've got almost $200 and we're still moving only upwards. how out of the loop are you bro?

>> No.50117922

"im just a fellow crypto degen, like you and me, you see. buy my dead shitcoin pls"

>> No.50117931

Actually that is what you would care about as a sign that it could possibly recover. Dead coins don’t pump 1b volume

>> No.50117945

name one coin that dropped 99.999%, then came back

>> No.50118001
File: 480 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20220702-132218_Cryptocom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you are the only person to accuse me of being a whale. I am slapping myself for investing in a crypto.com jade card at the end of may rather than just yoloing into LUNC.

>> No.50118043

aaaaaand hacked ;)

>> No.50118092

Go back.

>> No.50118116

USTC is a better gamble than this shit

>> No.50118747

Someone doesn't want to be filthy rich, just rich

>> No.50118771
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>> No.50118931

$jasmy nignog watch it

>> No.50119846

Luna llena lunatics