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File: 59 KB, 600x900, 1656743086677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50110884 No.50110884 [Reply] [Original]

>single-handedly accelerates antisemitic sentiment on a global scale, turning himself into a Rothschild/Soros tier villain in just a couple of years

>> No.50110907

im glad he looks so jewish. a lot of times it can be hard to tell but he makes a great posterboy

>> No.50110927

That kike is a vegan.

>> No.50110932

That image uses rhetorical signalling because SBF is "a plant".

>> No.50110944

You took the previous thread on FTX which was quite interesting and turned it into a hate thread. Nice work, anon.

>> No.50110961

what a fuckin weasel

>> No.50110964
File: 157 KB, 1280x1721, 1650748049383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites call themselves the "master race" yet constantly get BTFO by based Jews

>> No.50110971

but he just looked so trustworthy...

>> No.50111447

If you were him, how would you fix your posture?

>> No.50111475

paleo diet, heavy deadlift and high intensity cardio

>> No.50111497



>> No.50112000

I saw him manipulating from the beginning, getting The Block and CT influenzas fawning over him
>hurrr Sam coinz
get rekt

>> No.50112034

jews are "whites", just with extremely schizo beliefs

>> No.50112403


>> No.50112421


>> No.50113225

Actually Ashkenazis jews are not even jews, but Turkish Kazahr merchants converted to judaism around the year 1000.

>> No.50113331

I’m glad he doesn’t wear a suit. You can see what a pathetic specimen he is. Unlike so many politicians and businessmen who spend thousands on well cut suits to fake a physical appearance of power.
But maybe that’s his point, to appear weak so others don’t think he is powerful, good form of manipulation.
Starting strength

>> No.50113771

>But maybe that’s his point, to appear weak so others don’t think he is powerful, good form of manipulation.
What makes you think he wants to be powerful? You watched too much videos on Bitchute about the jews.

>> No.50113777

He has already outclassed Soros and all it took was 2-3 years. Soros must be fuming.

>> No.50113790

Based go getter kike.
Love my jews smart, cunning and vicious.

>> No.50113840

I doubt it was all himself, though. Someone has his back in this.

>> No.50114159
File: 688 KB, 1125x1565, blacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not a jew if you converted to judaism only 1000 years ago
You're taking race essentialism to the top, don'cha

>> No.50115500
File: 100 KB, 776x376, jewishquestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on your measure of success
blockchain inventors are pretty much all whites
rent-seeking criminals are typically chinks and jews
this statement says a lot about you

>> No.50115518

i thought he was italian

>> No.50115561

Yeah usually the Jewish elite make powerful Jews in the public eye like Sam get plastic surgery to blend in better, and even change their names. I guess they are feeling arrogant to the point they don’t feel they need to hide anymore.

>> No.50115611

>Jews create a globohomo world of niggers, fags and psychotic women and destroy everything good and repress humanity into a dark age.
>WE aRe GOd’s CHOsEn!! WE ARe SUPEIoR!!
>Merchant brainlet jpg

>> No.50115623

Literally false. You’re coping hard

>> No.50115659

>born too soon to pillage enemy tribe's village and rape their women
>born too late to pillage enemy tribe's village and rape their women
>born just in time to see the holocaust actually happen

>> No.50115732

his point is that you're taking a subset of a group to gauge the worth, it's like taking only college students from the UK as a representative sample
but even with that in mind, ashkenazi IQ is only supposed to be somewhat higher than white IQ because their verbal intelligence is higher. verbal intelligence is weighed higher in WAIS tests because otherwise women would be seen as less intelligent. verbal intelligence measures vocabulary and general knowledge (e.g. you're given the name 'Ghandi' and you need to say what you know about him, and psychologist ticks boxes of things you mentioned). it's the most culturally laden subtest
in practice, jewish nepotism is measurable, their physiognomy and history incontestably prove how dirtily they behave. evola's right when it's a matter of character which extends outside of the strictly biological race. the popular approach these days is
> fuck people over really bad
> use a very small fraction of the money to pay for politically active charities acting in your favour
> call yourself a philanthropist
in this regards, SBF is one of the nastiest of them all
that recent pump and dump with bitcoin reaching 20800 and then dumping to 19000 again? that was yet another very obvious instance of Alameda chasing liquidations
any society showing any integrity would torture such people in front of the mass

>> No.50115767

now that's an actual cope

>> No.50115897

I like how his name is bank man. I think that is a pretty cool name. There is no deeper meaning to this statement, it's just cool

>> No.50117889

He chose bank man because he wants to be in touch with his roots as the jews were bankmen for the longest time.

>> No.50117929

Nothing to blow out. Aryans have always been the mater race. Jews have dogshit tier genetics and come from mostly neanderthal bloodlines. Aryans come from a different star system

>> No.50118076

I think Jews are just a vessel for ancient lords / demons / archons, and they dont really give a shit about hiding.

>> No.50118088

One has to wonder why we were all put in the same planet, and allowed to interbreed.

>> No.50118111

based noticeoor anon

>> No.50118331

wealth is a form of power

>> No.50118367

Explains why he's a fat unhealthy looking slob

>> No.50118385

There’s a lot of genetic overlap. Jews raped the Romans as revenge

>> No.50118392

literally who is this
and what did they do

>> No.50118465
File: 141 KB, 540x472, 0563FC48-9C63-4A84-85FD-0A8C515181C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that the PR campaign of him being an autistic go-getter capable of singlehandedly cornering the crypto market, liquidating normies, and performing hostile takeovers of competitors has been completely overturned by the fact that he's a greasy and greedy kike. So they think "How can we make Sam look like off a menacing hobgoblin?" and someone has the idea of surrounding himself with plantlife or always having a 10/10 babe on his arm.

>> No.50118706

this picture is clearly photoshopped