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File: 457 KB, 1599x1080, crypto-price-today-bitcoin-tops-22000-solana-avalanche-zoom-up-to-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50110185 No.50110185 [Reply] [Original]

What price do you think Bitcoin is bottoming out at?

>> No.50110203

$200 USD I would guess.

>> No.50110210

whatever the price is on july 4th

>> No.50110275


>> No.50110390
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>> No.50110425

As big as my bottom!

>> No.50110480

Unironically I hope is goes to zero so actual better cryptos can thrive

>> No.50110497


>> No.50110501


>> No.50110511

this year, i see 8-10k as the bottom
2023 probably takes us down to 2-5k
after that, who knows, but it's probably unlikely to go below 1k, at least for long, since some desperate people will always think it will make new ath

>> No.50110535

16k is the lowest
crabbing between 17.5k and 23k for remainder of year

>> No.50110638

It might wick a bit lower than last time. People forget that when a recession is called most of the damage has already been done. Also the fed will pivot and the money printing never stopped. How else do you faggots think the US is funding their proxy war in Ukraine?

>> No.50110649

lmao delusional

>> No.50110669

I don’t know, but I’ll buy one at 6k. It went to 3k in the last bear. So 6 is my entry. I can afford to lose 6k without losing any sleep over it.

>> No.50110671
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Probably $5 after that too, and then 50 cents, and then everyone's gonna go back to buying stocks and forget crypto exists

>> No.50110702

Wow someone who got it right

>> No.50110781

I say 7 is the pivot point

>> No.50110836

"people" calling for sub 10k are some of the dumbest, blackest gorilla niggers allowed to use a computer

>> No.50110848

Unironically this.

>> No.50110958


>> No.50111060

This is bottom

>> No.50111099

I saw it in a dream.

>> No.50111229

1k by December

>> No.50111237

Whatever the Celsius liquidation price is.

>> No.50111243

Last bottom = 3k
After halving this would double to 6k.
With inflation, specifically due to fed money printing, you need to double 6k to get 12k.
The bottom is 12k

>> No.50111378

Goodspeed, brother.

>> No.50111390


>> No.50111639

What oil do tuesday?
Schizo to autism welcome

>> No.50112062

Well Celsius just lowered their liquidation price to 12.3k so lower than that.

>> No.50112151

unironically depends on a number of factors that we havent seen happen at this scale before.

Probably sub 10k.

>> No.50112439

>everyone will sell their bags at LOWER prices than they bought so the price will get under 10k
lol, the ship will sail without you, greedy poorfag. ngmi.

>> No.50112447

they're like the faggots calling 1k and under btc back in 2018 bear bottom.

>> No.50112688

I agree. Mid next year markets will start to recover and crab upwards until 2024 where everything will be forgotten about until the next “Jewish release” when shit really will hit the fan.

>> No.50112853

Below $1000 possibly down to $100. The leveraged buyers will cause massive drops when they liquidate. This will create a market panic that leads to abysmally low prices. We don't hit bottom until all the leverage buyers are liquidated (looking at you microstrategy)

>> No.50112884
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