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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 155 KB, 600x314, feelsbadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50105956 No.50105956 [Reply] [Original]

How do I cope bros?

>> No.50105974

stop driving like a retarded nigger. we both know you make $16/hour. your time is worthless. you're not in a rush to be anywhere important. stop being a nigger in your 2004 nissan altima with limousine tint, nigger.

>> No.50105982

wtf, did you hack into his dashcam?

>> No.50105985

better than getting into a 6000 dollar accident

don't speed fucko

>> No.50105989

Just don't even pay it, I never pay my speeding tickets and nothing happens.

>> No.50106043

Drivers are all retarded now I either see people doing 20km under the speed limit or 20km over the speed limit. I've seen some retard crashed in a ditch at least once a month for the past year

>> No.50106048

Pretend to be poor, set up a payment plan and give them 50$ a month. Fuck em

>> No.50106068

Hire a local traffic attorney. For ~$100 they make the $600 fine go away. Why? It's more expensive for the court to pursue you for pocket change than it is for them to drop the case. If you're knowledgeable in law go the sovereign citizen route and self represent.

t. never paid a ticket in my life but was issued dozens of them.

>> No.50106135

i bet you tailgate even when they are already over the speed limit retard

>> No.50106256

>nooo you have to drive like a NPC!

>> No.50106310

just don't pay it, tell them some bullshit story that you have no money and you can't pay it

>> No.50106358
File: 4 KB, 119x128, 1656088645379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a few years ago 16/hr was actually pretty okay

>> No.50106360

says the NPC who thinks speeding everywhere somehow makes them smarter

>> No.50106381

I know the feel. A faggot minnesota state trooper got me for 77 in a 65 interstate. Even had the stupid phony nice guy Donchae know accent. I wanted to tell him I hope Tyrone and his boys get him in a routine stop. But cannot afford jail time.

>> No.50106382

Should have sucked the officer's dick

>> No.50106384

Most NPC’s drive like niggers so somebody who drives reasonable isn’t an NPC. People like you tailgate me because I drive the speed limit and I slow down below the speed limit when you do that to make you seethe

>> No.50106441


>> No.50106494


>> No.50106519

Kek, I swear I've heard some variation of this irl. Fuck fat people and wrenchlets.

>> No.50106564

Ur not hiring an attorney for 100 bucks

>> No.50106615

There is no better feeling than purposely slowing down and watching the person behind you switch lanes just to get stuck behind someone else and then pass them again.

>> No.50106632

You are for a speeding ticket.
Most I've ever paid a traffic attorney was $200 and that was for multiple charges.

>> No.50106687

i'm fully aware that i'm traveling 60 mph in a 3000 pound steel box. you're the mentally retarded drooling NPC nigger that wants to drive well over the speed limit so he can shave 1 minutes 15 seconds off his commute to shekelstein's wage cage. you're driving a shitbox car. you make shit money. you're literally WORTHLESS. YOUR TIME IS WORTH NOTHING. STOP SPEEDING, YOU DUMB FUCKING NIGGER RETARD.

>> No.50106750

Stop screeching incel

>> No.50106821

i make more money than you. i have more money than you. the only time i leave my home is to do things i want to do, because i'm white and i work from home.

cope and seethe as you drive your uninspected, unlicensed, late model nissan/mitsubishi shitbox with 250k miles at 120 mph on the highway, with a pit in your dumb nigger stomach, as you're a genetically doomed nigger who is ONCE AGAIN late because you're on colored people time i.e. constantly late for your white overlords.


>> No.50106901
File: 15 KB, 695x664, 1655734884108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not vaccinated. I can tell. It calms you down. Get the Vax bro

>> No.50106932

i got the vax and the booster. and i'm getting another booster next month. change your copypasta + basedjaks.

>> No.50106973
File: 82 KB, 836x786, 1655746207056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna need to see proof. Post vax card now. Don't you care about health and safety? Fucking hypocrite.

>> No.50107028

calm down chud

>> No.50107090

this, but also more importantly driving like a groid doesn't really save you much time unless you're on the highway when there's nobody around you and can consistently go 20-30 over the limit for hours straight.

basically, if you run into even one red light it cancels out all the time you "saved" by driving like shit for half an hour.

>> No.50107111
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Cop anon here. This.

>> No.50107221
File: 116 KB, 1582x1526, 1562215008675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got randomly pulled over once and had my cell phone in my lap. The cop used intense interrogation tactics and because I'm a pussy I somehow confessed that I was using my cell phone even though I wasn't. It was a $400 ticket.

>> No.50107367

Driving fast is fun faggot, I even shitpost on 4chan while driving. Grow a pair of balls and stop bei

>> No.50107388
File: 91 KB, 469x452, 1655732583337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok nick Rochford

>> No.50107408

I drive five over on city roads and 10 over on the highway. Residential I go five under unless I live there then I go 10 under. Yes I am 100% white, obviously.

>> No.50107558

((((sneeding)))) ticket

>> No.50107752 [DELETED] 

this is so fucking funny, here in Poland we drive 100 when it's 50, and 130 when it's 80. In the city.
On the highway we go 200, or 300. It doesn't matter. The speed limit is a suggestion. The police takes your money, but not your license.
This is a fucking paradise for any car enthusiast. Poland is fucking based in this.
tailgate - unless the one in front doesn't want to switch to the right lane because the road is shitty AND it's a shitbox.
drive someone over - fucking watch pedestrians, drive focused if you drive fast and STOP AT CROSSWALKS if you see anyone standing there.
drive under influence of anything - don't do this you stupid motherfucker, drink and kill yourself slowly but AT HOME.

>> No.50108249

Why is driving 2x the speed limit in a shitbox so exciting, fuck bros I just love the HUSTLE and BUSTLE of the BIG CITY

My favorite part of the day is leaving work and driving recklessly over the speed limit to the point where actual sports cars yield for me on the highway

>> No.50108424

>here in Poland

>> No.50108448

i WILL speed and endanger everybody with my 1994 honda civic, noone can stop me

>> No.50108474

I can get behind a society that doesn't enjoy driving like a soccer mom without places to be.

>> No.50108564
File: 12 KB, 322x180, NGRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

driving the speed limit is negroid tier

>> No.50108720

have you tried not driving like a jackass?

>> No.50108780

Pretend that you bought shitcoins instead

>> No.50108833

>here in poland
well thats where you went wrong anon

>> No.50108836

The benefit also is they get it reduced down to a non-moving violation, like a parking ticket or something. That way it doesn't cause your insurance to go up. That's why it might be better to spend the 600 on a traffic lawyer than pay the ticket.

>> No.50108941

And you could very easily just be reasonable and get over to the right if you want to drive like an old lady. Nothing is stopping you faggots from doing that, yet every one of you people that do this cunty shit do it in the left lane. “I’m going the speed limit in the left lane fuck these guys! They should respect the law!” Yeah not how it works cunt. If you want to drive like a bitch be my guest but don’t get your ego hurt cuz you’re too scared the take the risk of being pulled over. Get your slow ass out of the way and do it in the right lane with all the other women.

>> No.50108977

Sell your car to pay for the ticket and never drive again. Clearly you're not cut out for it if you are so reckless as to get a $600 fine.

And DESU, it's a lot cheaper to not own a car. Just ride a bike for short distance travel and take cabs or public transportation for longer distances. When you need to go long distances rent a car.

A car is the biggest money pit you can own. You're constantly spending money on gas and maintenance, and it's losing value like crazy on top of that. We're talking $20+ a day just to drive the stupid thing. You can easily spend less than that by bicycling and taking Ubers when necessary.

>> No.50109103

Muh commute tho

>> No.50109661

im so sorry anon

>> No.50109823


>> No.50109898

Lmao. My gf and I are in OBX rn. We got in last night and she got busted 124 in a 60. I had to convince the cop not to arrest her. Fucking dumb bitch is probably going to get some heat now. She got busted doing a 75 in a 50 last month. Idk what will happen.

>> No.50109940

tell them you have full blown aids then ask them if youre supposed to come in to pay or mail it in after a brief hold she'll make up something and say the fines have been waived or dropped for a non specific reason

>> No.50110303

Twenty bucks this was in western Minnesota. The cops there are awfully "dutiful"