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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50102877 No.50102877 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50102888

i had a publicly traded tech company schedule me for 6 literally video interviews. i cancelled after 3.

>> No.50102940

Lol checkem, fuck these assholes wasting my time. I probably could take down a couple of ATMs, get busted, do my time with my money stashed of course, get out, and I still would have made more money than if I had a legitimate job. Your time is the most important, it is how you spend it that matters, not their money.

>> No.50102971

We are so desperate to hire right now, we hire anyone who has a law degree from a great law school with great grades and is right winged.

>> No.50102977

>9 Rounds of interview
Where are you applying?!? Fort Knox?

>> No.50103000

I had a lot of these when I was interviewing. It's fucking abuse. I would go all the way to a chat with the CEO and I could tell by then it was usually me and 1-2 other people tops, then I'd get a rejection EMAIL.

>Everyone really liked you anon but decided to go with another candidate.

I haven't followed up on any but I would bet most were

>We really liked you anon but.. white male, sorry.

>> No.50103014
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This is why I'm a perma-NEET. I'm not dealing with this shit.

>> No.50104174
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>9 Rounds of interview
How does that work? What happened on those interviews?

>> No.50104260

I did eight rounds recently and there were two of us left in the final two and the other candidate got the job.

>> No.50104528

Ok but what happened on the 8 interviews? Why did the needed 8? Did you have 8 different talks and tests or all 8 were the same? If it's the same then it's just pointless retardation from self important PR faggots.

>> No.50104683
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I applied for a job at a library in a public school. >Online application
>Phone interview
>20 candidates gathered to take a 'test'
>5 candidates gathering to take another test
>Group interview

Also I applied for a luxury hotel as room service
>2 hour interview in which I met every single manager of the hotel's 5 restaurants. One manager wanted to start me at the very bottom taking phone orders, because thats how he worked his way up. I just wanted the fat tips lol.
>Followed up

Than I applied for a museum jb, literally 10 minute interview, hired me.
>Now being ghosted by HR for not getting vax and applying for religious exemption


>> No.50104765
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Also, forgot Restoration Hardware and Room & Board applications (shitty expensive furniture stores)
>"cover letter" (essay on why I love the company and its the best company ever)
>1 hour phone interview
>wanted me to go down and meet every employee at the store
>another 1 hour phone interview

>> No.50104822

For what job and what salary?

>> No.50104829

Lmao these companies are the work of the devil. Sorry anon.

>> No.50104861

Quant job in an investment bank total comp would be around £200k.

>> No.50104903

Imagine they did that for their entertainment at your expense? After being mistreated as wagies for so long themselves, perhaps they just want to see someone "dance".

>> No.50104918

Some brainteasers, some coding, some maths, some motivationial, some competency. It's a waste of time, I was furious after the rejection, I spend tens of hours preparing.

>> No.50104939

At least that's something.

What did they want out of you in interview 8 that they didn't get in the first 7?!

>> No.50105092
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>I did eight rounds recently and there were two of us left in the final two and the other candidate got the job.

This is abuse

>> No.50105096

>company operates for decades
>incel with no business sense wants a job
>gets auto-rejected
>wtf I put in literally dozens of hours!
>why does no one hire me

>> No.50105100
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From the 500 job applications I've completed I've got rejection notifications from about 10. And from the 20 job interviews I've had, I have been ghosted by 10 of them. Really frustrating recently, took the day off work and bought a short, only to get called the morning off and told the interview isn't going ahead

Been fired because of medication I was taking once, been paid less than minimum wage, got told I was getting fired because I joined a union, given myself a permanent vibration injury in one of my fingers, nearly cut one of my fingers off and am almost certain I will get a terminal lung disease because of the dusts and fumes I've been exposed too. Being a wagie sucks

>> No.50105139


kek i went through a 6 round interview and beat out 100 applicants then failed the piss test. people are stupid

>> No.50105201

You sound like a fucking loser virgin cocksucker bootlicker.m cum munching faggot.m with no spine. Actually kys, you piece of shit. Literal garbage.

>> No.50105225

I don't work for chuds or incels. Get fucked.

>> No.50105269

>9 rounds
Just file a lawsuit man

>> No.50105500
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>Need a reference to apply

>> No.50106242

If you do well on the hiring manager one, then one or two if the peer ones, just tell them you have a competing offer in hand. They will speed up all the other ones if they like you enough. Also, shortens the heartache if they aren't thinking about hiring you.

>> No.50106282

thats why i turn down any job with more than 3 interviews. shit, I managed to get my current contract with just 1.

>> No.50106308

>be me
>looking for entry level lab jobs
>apply to some medical place
>first interview over the phone
>second with hr/hiring manager
>third with lab
>fourth would've been a paid day of training
>don't make it to the fourth interview
>would've been $13.50 per hour job that required bachelor

>> No.50106532

lel, i started at that pay stocking shelves in 2010.

>> No.50106573

I started higher fucking landscaping.

>> No.50106622

Yes anything medical is a scam where money is funneled to the "chosen" people in the heirarchy, namely administrators and insurance jews but also nurses and any """consulting"""" doctors

>> No.50106640

I made $15 being the world’s shittiest cashier

>> No.50106656

I was trying to get an entry level job using my degree and they were one of the only people who actually gave me an interview.
I would've taken it for the experience too ffs.

>> No.50106665

Sounds like AIDS...i have a video interview next week and get flown out in person for a final if that goes well.

>> No.50106706

>4 rounds just to be offered $50k
But it's WFH so I get to NEET it up with my parents a little while longer. :^(

>> No.50106739

You should demand compensation.
OK garlicboy

>> No.50106748
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I started as a fucking barista, thing is i used to make more out of the tips i used to steal (i didn't actually steal, those tips were mine, the owner was a prick and made us share the tips between everyone who worked at the cafe, even if they had a better wage and were never in contact with the clients) than from the work itself. Now im unemployed but still manage to make ends meet by trading (qom, ada, etc), shit's difficult

>> No.50106784

>>Followed up

ouch. this is why I never follow up if they ghost, add insult to injury.

>> No.50106825

I've been receiving emails for jobs I applied for, not joking, over 2 years ago.

>> No.50107033
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In the process of applying for a position and it's been over two months of back and forth blueballing, four different interviews, a written assignment, and erroneous communication whilst all parties involved are either on a business trip or on vacation and never have the due diligence to respond to an email simply to state that it was received.

I hate the Demiurge so much bros.

>> No.50107108

Globalization was a mistake, but hey you millenials dont know how good you have it!

>> No.50107124
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Lmao I've turned down like 3 jobs this week and no showed to some training bc they wanted me to drive 30 min+ away. I'm employed regardless doesn't matter kinda funny how desperate for workers these business are

>> No.50107169


When I was 19 I applied to be a salesperson at a dealership. I interviewed with 6 different people, they offered me a spot, I turned it down, strange time that was.

>> No.50107219


>> No.50107231
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>HR roastie chink schedules interview for me
>cancels last hour
>warmest regards
im going to play minecraft

>> No.50107557

>bachelors and masters in psych
>go for an entry level mental health care job that 18 year olds fresh out of school are technically qualified for
>automated interview questions
>no response
im about to lose my shit

>> No.50108679
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You know what I would ask.

>> No.50109860

its ok Ross

>> No.50110092

Applied for an analyst position at UHY.
I spent many hours writing almost essay length answers for a pre-interview questionnaire, which apparently impressed them enough to where they actively sought me out for multiple interviews.
Eventually came down to me and ONE other person.
They fucking ghosted me. Didn't even bother telling me they went with the other guy.
I followed up multiple times in the weeks ahead - first just to get a straight answer either way and then after taking the obvious hint simply asking them for constructive criticism/feedback so i could learn and apply it towards future interviews with other companies.
They never fucking replied. Not once. Not even to tell me to fuck off.
Fuck UHY. I wasn't even upset at not getting the job. It was the fucking way they treated me in the process.

>> No.50110164
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People like this get to judge you on whether or not you should be able to have a job.

>> No.50110272

Interviewed with Google as a new grad software engineer
> 1 recruiter screen
> 1 take home assignment
> 1 phone screen
> 5 rounds on-site (4 technical, one behavioral)
> recruiter says feedback is mostly positive, but have to match me with a team before sending the package to the hiring committee
> waiting
> 1 interview with a team hiring manager
> more waiting
> team decides the role is not needed anymore
> recruiter asks if I know anyone inside Google who could vouch for me. I don't.
> more waiting
> recruiter finally sends package to hiring committee
> hiring committee rejects
> recruiter says she's still proud of me and I should try again in a year
The whole process took 4 months. Maybe I should cut my dick off and start larping as a woman. Then I'll go to GHC and FANGs will just give me a job.

>> No.50110281

>phone interview
>teams interview
>teams interview
>teams interview
>face to face interview
>offered the job
>turned it down
what a waste of time

>> No.50110751

if you live in a major metro, not sure how you guys aren't finding work, this job market is insane for employees in a good way
i quit my previous job in march with nothing lined up and barely any savings, out of pure spite for my managers
spent two weeks playing around with camera equipment purchased on credit, jacking off, walking in the park, playing dota 2. it was so much fun
then i started applying, i put in ~35 applications all on indeed, i'm a pseudo sperg so i don't have any real connections
two weeks later i had 3 job offers, had at least 7 unique interviews, and i had to turn down 3 more interviews scheduled because i had already decided on the job that i wanted. fully remote, 15k raise and title raise from the previous place that i was at. i could of had 4 offers but one of the stupid cunts that interviewed me said that they had reporting deadlines every single week and that they never had time to take their generous vacation plans. and she even boasted that they still missed deadlines. i pressed her on it and she seemed nice about it, to my face, but then blocked the rest of the team from giving me an offer. stupid bitch
all you have to do is have good hygiene, link up with some recruiters (they will find you don't worry), make your resume quantifiable, and act like you're interested in the job, even if you're not. thats it. people are doing fraud to get remote work jobs now with the credentials of dead people + deepfakes, so you don't even need a pulse now