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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50101931 No.50101931 [Reply] [Original]

It's over.

>> No.50102029
File: 25 KB, 824x180, insolvent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didn't you listen

>> No.50102038

Not your keys...

>> No.50102039


>> No.50102085
File: 149 KB, 1284x1281, ColleenPic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry. I will not with you Withdraw. You will finish deep in this exchange.

>> No.50102105

The withdrawal menu is active, my limit is still 200 BTC per day.

>> No.50102115

Ku Koin

>> No.50102124

Stop spreading FUD faggot. I just checked. The withdraw page is open and allows me to withdraw 200 BTC.

>> No.50102143

better than coinbase which is what im stuck with as an american

>> No.50102146

>Stop spreading FUD faggot

>> No.50102153

guuuhh my bags are heavy

>> No.50102160

use kraken

>> No.50102235
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Funds are safu

>> No.50102300

Probably the strongest exchange and the one I want to see survive the rest, although KuCoin Futures have made me a lot of cash.

>> No.50102430

kill yourself

>> No.50102491

Can’t bear to go through another kyc. Already did for coinbase, binance and bittrex. Just can’t stand the thought of doing it again.

>> No.50102554

works on my machine

>> No.50102563

only for you retard, it's says in the page you linked

>> No.50102577
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>> No.50102747


>> No.50102772



>> No.50102778


>> No.50102790

I'm about to use leverageeeeee

>> No.50102824

>that random twitter thread earlier was telling the truth

>> No.50102855
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>> No.50102879
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>this chan was sponsored by FTX™

>> No.50102899

works for me

>> No.50102912

Not your keys not your coins. I hope you retards didn’t fall for the soijak psy-op that made fun of people saying this

>> No.50102937

It's a good thing all my kucoin coins have bottomed out hehe

>> No.50102951

lol no
but I did pull my shit off it a few days ago. CEXes are fucking spooky right now.

>> No.50103019

Fudsters are on suicide watch today. Just transferred 5 eth.

>> No.50103061

Are these rumors just to cause bankruns on every exchange except ftx?

>> No.50103074

Just withdrew 1 btc from kucoin. Went through no problem.

>> No.50103079

Fuck kucoin. They fucked me before when they had an AWS crash and while every other exchange was recovered, they help my crypto for a 4 days until the top on BNB was burst.

Clearly they sold the peak, then opened withdrawals once they made profit. Worst exchange but one of the only ones that don't use KYC yet. Anyone saying they're good is a shill.

>> No.50103098

When the Luna debacle happened, the board had an influx of happeningsfags who post threads like this about literally any project. It's especially focused on Coinbase and to a lesser extent Binance. Kucoin is a really obscure exchange these days, though, so OP must've heard about it and latched on.

>> No.50103130

is kraken really that much different than coinbase?
im sure both of them feed your data to the government, right? any reason to use one over the other?

>> No.50103212
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kucoin is trending on twitter, this may be true

>> No.50103264

Yeah I checked on twitter everyone is talking about it aswll.
I mean kucoin is kinda shady, and they did loose a lot of funds last year so I wouldnt trust them too much. But I do kinda like them, not many no KYC exchanges with monero
Kraken's CEO is based, he goes on rants about "wokism" and the clotshot

>> No.50103286
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>> No.50103344

Where's Dylan Murphy?

>> No.50103380

>still have 5k usdt on kucoin and 2k usd of SYLO
Please not like this

>> No.50103412

How do you fuck up running an exchange? You just steal 0.15% of everyone's trades.

>> No.50103413

kek that shill...
that being said, it's actually in my portfolio

>> No.50103429

I have 70k in usdc on kuck koin, all my crypto money.

God dropped it in my lap from pure luck and nonsense anyway. It's only righteous that he takes it all back in the same fashion.

>> No.50103452

Nooo my 1 Billion SHIB

>> No.50103535

How are so many exchanges insolvent? The business model seems so simple. They perform transactions and collect a fee. The only way for them to go bust would be with retarded reward systems as was the case with Celsius. Otherwise I can't even comprehend how they aren't able to fulfill transactions. Are the server costs too high? Do they have too many employees on their payroll? What went wrong crypto sisters?

>> No.50103678

they lend some of the liquidity to shady vcs to trade and generate yield for them

kucoin is probably safe and ftx is just paying fudsters

>> No.50103740

Gay Bear theme

>> No.50103779
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I tried to save anons, but you don's listen

>> No.50103911

kek I love watching bagholders suddenly discovering the weight of the bags they're left holding
It's exactly like watching a fatty after they get a diagnosis of diabetes

>> No.50103948
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>better than coinbase
Not anymore LMAO

>> No.50104032


You're right, they SHOULDN'T be. But if they are shitty chink exchanges they might have been borrowing user deposits to yield. Normally the loses should only affect people who lend their crypto, like how binance does it they have a separate area where you have to put your money to get yield. But shitty chink shit might have just used all user's funds.

>> No.50104054


>> No.50104058
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Good thing every last dollar I had on Jucoin got liquidated in my last short

>> No.50104100

MY 20k USDC transaction just went through!

There is hope frens!

>> No.50104125

It’s 100% bullshit

>> No.50104146


ku klux koin

>> No.50104270

Not bullshit, can post proof if you really need your fears assuaged but I gotta go through the whole bullshit of wiping the picture of metadata so you bastards don't track me down.

withdrawal amount was 20034.137881 USDC

>> No.50104357

Was initiated at 1:08 pm PST, was completed at 3:16 pm PST

>> No.50104521


>> No.50104523

How are these exchanges so fucking stupid? Who do they owe money to and why? How are they not able to survive solely on fees?

>> No.50104553

withdrew XLM in 3 mins u nigger

>> No.50104641

I did and I withdrew 75 % of what I had.
I couldn't bother with the rest since they were on weird fucking chains.

>> No.50104661

>survive solely on fees?

>> No.50104757

OP is a faggot, just withdrew.

>> No.50105366

The HODLpocalypse.

>> No.50105399

>funds on exchange
>purpose of exchanges is trading
seems the opposite of a HODL problem

>> No.50105425
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I haven't seen or used one in years, but some exchanges I used back in 2019 to smuggle obscure shitcoins had sections on their site for yield with ridiculous rates. They would have "trading bots", supposedly, generating 15-20% yields on stuff like BTC, and that was back in a highly illiquid market as well. You could deposit coins in there which would lock up, then can unlock them after a cooldown period. I tried to find the name of the exchange I used the most back then but it probably doesn't exist anymore because it was run by scammers all along. These types of exchanges were never safe to begin with, basically just honeypots built by chinese software engineers who know how to copy/paste some other exchanges frontend with a shitty, buggy as fuck attempted copy of the backend.

Kucoin looks nothing like these sites, drives tens of billions in volume daily (much of which is probably wash trading by MMs, just like on binance), and the yields offered on borrows are done the same way as bitfinex or binance - through collateralized lending to other traders who utilize leverage. Is it somewhat shady compared to binance or FTX? Yes. But it's not absolute scam tier from a product development perspective - it feels almost exactly like binance front to back, and that means they've invested quite a bit in hiring good developers. Can it be a scam in other ways? Absolutely, but what's the incentive compared to what they have now? They literally print money by sitting there and managing a collateral engine using other people's money as the input. Doing some dumb shit to ruin millions per day in revenue would require a massive reward and comes at a high price as you are hunted down by FEDs worldwide.

This rumor is just an example of how FUD is becoming entrenched in the psyche of crypto market participants. The FUD is becoming self perpetuating, self fulfilling in its prophecies. Anyone who is weak in such an environment will be culled. Kucoin doesn't look weak.

>> No.50105532
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people forgetting that picrel forecasted for this weekend to be a fucking bloodbath w/ BTC dropping to 16k or lower, due to runs on exchanges who have fiat liabilities

and you think this FUD is an accident? It's literally propaganda mind control tier at this point lmao, someone spreads the rumor and then the shit happens in real time, those who shorted profit massively.

>> No.50105690
File: 2.28 MB, 480x608, FWSSSSSSSHHHHHHhhhh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem

>> No.50105748

My withdrawal literally came through in 2 minutes faggot. This exchange FUD is lame.

>> No.50106175

lmao I just realized that Ver tweet of him saying he doesn't own that exchange money is our 2022 version of this.
As much as crypto has changed over the years it's still essentially the same grift.

>> No.50106263

Would be a shame. I like KuCoin, honestly.

>> No.50106274

trying to withdraw now fuckj fuck fuck

>> No.50106327

Fudders are saying this about every exchange, they just want to see bank runs.

>> No.50106334

>we are solvent nothing is wrong
>we must fight FUD to prevent a bankrun
you must pick one
either kucoin is not leveraged and can cover withdrawals 1:1 or not

>> No.50106356

on every overleveraged exchange

>> No.50106365

>on every exchange

>> No.50106371

>How are they not able to survive solely on fees?
You mean like a DEX with has a fraction of the overhead costs such as legal fees and the associated labor for just one example?

>> No.50106372

How do I short kucoin?

>> No.50106378

My withdrawal is blocked. 5 hours and waiting.

>> No.50106388

im having faith in kucoin and I WILL NOT REDEEM MY TOKENS

>> No.50106473

I have 2 btc on Kucoin. What should I do? Serious replies only please. My heart rate is about 160 bpm right now.

>> No.50106480

Short KCS...on Kucoin.

>> No.50106502


>> No.50106547

So far it seems over dramatized desu. I spent the past few hours coming over the eth chain to see if I could find anything. Their wallet has over 2b in assets.
The only thing I could find is they sent 500m USDT to bitfinex on May 13th during the peak Terra destruction and then subsequent Tether fud storm that lasted a day or two. Most likely they just redeemed it for real money with Tether, and Tether did redeem 3 billion very shortly after. A long shot is that they did something degen with it with margin on Bitfinex.
Overall so far I don't see much desu.
But I mean if you have no kyc on there you can just withdraw the 1 BTC limit today, and 1 BTC tomorrow. No big deal. If things are ok then go back.

>> No.50106597
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>kucoin support sends me a link after i ask why i cant withdraw
>click it
>command prompt pops up for a split second

>> No.50106599

>Their wallet has over 2b in assets
Including 750m USDT too btw still even after that 500m went out.
If they're holding 500m real money in a bank account then that's fine.
If they are getting margin called somewhere else and did something stupid other than hedge their assets then they're idiots and they burned one of the greatest money making enterprises. Their relatively high fees and solid volume means they just print money.

>> No.50107975
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wtf a command prompt just flew over my house

>> No.50107981

>Otherwise I can't even comprehend how they aren't able to fulfill transactions.
A lot of them are managed by degenerate gamblers who play fractional reserve games and gamble with large amounts of their capital using leverage. You also see colossal fuck-ups like Brian Armstrong of Coinbase where they have a 10,000 person strong HR department that is just a massive black hole for money for zero benefit.

The number of exchanges that aren't ran by gambling addicts or crooks can be counted on one hand.

>> No.50108291

what about nexo? you fcking kike

>> No.50108405

the short answer is, crypto is the first decentralized ponzi

>> No.50108406


>> No.50108441

That's a shame, I liked kucoin. Shady chinks, would trust them to hold onto my tokens, but no kyc for trading was handy.

>> No.50108453

Dont care about your problems but whats that dogs problem

>> No.50108510

i withdrew some eth earlier when the first rumblings started. everything was smooth but it wasn't a huge transaction. gl to anyone with real funds on there

>> No.50108686

I want to see bank runs too. Every currency not backed by a precious metal needs to collapse. That includes crypto.

>> No.50108722

I pulled all my shit from exchanges at the time of the LUNC fiasco

>> No.50109430

Damn, what is that dog’s problem?

>> No.50109477

He just sent a page that shows withdrawal suspension reasoning. You apers glance at it like a bunch of faggots and freak out.

>> No.50109558
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KuCoin existed since the last cycle (2017). It has survived the bear market before. BTC has to be around 5k or something from them to seriously be in trouble.

The only exchanges in trouble are the ones that popped off during this 2020-2022 cycle

Don't be such a faggot.

>> No.50109589

They are retards that want to find the next exchange to "crash" so their fellow jew friends over at FTX are proven right.
Literally all exchanges that started in 2017 will not fail, they are probably very liquid at this point

>> No.50109648

It used to be practise to only have coins on exchanges when you were being active with them because Not your keys, Not your coins - yet here we are with people refusing to face the possibility that they could instantly be at a massive loss.
What an insanely irresponsible sentiment and I guess it now is the prevailing one.
Decentralisation on the backseat, convenience as the priority. This is extremely bad.

>> No.50109679
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Here you go fags

>> No.50109725
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>> No.50109746

The key is that a lot of people can't short if they take their money off of kucoin.

>> No.50109747

You can use kucoin as an american…

>> No.50109802

They don't need withdrawal fud when KCS is only paying 2% a year lol

>> No.50109846

hate that niggerish shit fr fr

>> No.50109926
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>Please subject to Kucoin's official channels
>A giant FALSE stamp on every screenshot
These chink niggers are so openly jeetish that I can't help but be bullish

>> No.50109948

how do I find out about Sam’s dodgy trading and market manipulations ahead of time?

>> No.50109978

you faggots still spamming this thread? nothing is happening

>> No.50110227
File: 606 KB, 1801x1200, cute wilderness girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this marshmallow boy was campaigning for "more women in crypto" a few days ago

fuck him

>> No.50110252
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>i-i was gonna hold anyways.
>now YOU hold with ME

>> No.50110284

You should never trust chinks but at least Kucoin took the hit to the sum of hundreds of millions when they got hacked and made every single one of their customers whole. They could of easily ran or closed up shop. One exchange that tries and isn't pozzed with KYC.

>> No.50110287

Maybe FTX is insolvent as well
They could be posturing to look strong like Nexo tried to do when Celsius paused withdrawals

>> No.50110299


>> No.50110439
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>> No.50110578
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>yellow id

its over.

>> No.50110594

yes, because veteran exchange, dating back several years, can't make the same mistakes that slightly younger exchanges make.

>> No.50110604

How long until Coinbase folds? Binance?

>> No.50110750

My Kucoins are safe my basterds! Why did you lie and scare me, sirs?

>> No.50110826

God didn't steal your money, some Chinese guy did.

>> No.50110861

They can, but barring retardation, they're much more liquid than 95% of exchanges. That's why CZ is probably the most reliable man on crypto right now.

What has KuCoin actually done wrong that would reault in it dying? Enlighten me.

>> No.50110888

i bet this jew fuck is secretly responsible for half of those insolvencies

>> No.50110892
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>> No.50111133

You're fucked. Let me guess you did it on twitter and it wasn't actually kukoin support?

>> No.50111147

Lowkey the fact they’re willing to directly respond to the FUD is bullish. Based chinks

>> No.50111273
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yall dumb. im an american who supposedly cant use kucoin or withdraw yet....

>> No.50111437

>im an american
Clearly, you're not.

>> No.50111683
File: 1.83 MB, 586x815, kucoin_fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all FUD. Sage these threads.

>> No.50111703

It's just FUD originating from some random tweet.

>> No.50111987
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Using anything but crypto.com you just know they ngmi. CRO is the only thing worth anything.

>> No.50112466

because they were full of foreverbull retards. the only CEXs that have a chance to survive long term is binance and kraken.

>> No.50112489

its different because they don't play overleveraged games during the bullmarket. most other exchanges were too greedy with their user's money and will pay a heavy price.

>> No.50112491

glownigger exchange.

>> No.50112499

cro binance and kraken.

>> No.50112509

You can buy CRO and withdraw to cronos from ku. Don’t have that bs spread from the app either. Also CRO is cucked since the rate slashing.

>> No.50112525
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Lol, imagine not having access to your money AND defending the cunts withholding it from you. Pathetic.

>> No.50112565

ah yes, the bots showed up
now we know whos spreading the fud

>> No.50112618

I've seen a few tweets fudding Kucoin, but all they say is 'JUST WITHDRAW FAST, BRO' without any single argument as of why they are supposedly insolvent.

How do I know they are not paid from other exchanges such as Coinbase, FTX, Binance, etc. and trying to to cause a bank run?

>> No.50112691

lying nigger, I can withdraw any time I want. fucking lying shitskin

>> No.50112781

All those accounts trade on FTX/binance, they want users rush to them since they don't want to move liquidity to Kucoin...


>> No.50112867
File: 406 KB, 498x474, lmao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak cuck behavior, kek.
when will cryptotards learn.

>> No.50113315

literally panicking, is this real? it looks like i could withdraw my kcs
are just some cryptocurrencies affected?

>> No.50113329
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Learn what? To invest for -20% over 40 years?

>> No.50113358

>bank runs
>in crypto
Satoshi is turning in his grave

>> No.50113402

Notice how all of Kucoin's official responses don't directly deny that they're insolvent and about to suspend withdrawals. Something to think about.

>> No.50113446
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>> No.50113468
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>big nose banker says gold is money

Red flag.

>> No.50113495
File: 149 KB, 969x919, Central Banks Gold Buying Spree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto comes out around 2010
>Central Banks start buying Gold

You've been getting set up the whole time lads.

>> No.50113518
File: 743 KB, 837x844, 1651648102822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmm we need a safe money system
>should we use the decentralised digital energy backed currency that all central banks and governments are organised FUDing?
>no, let's use the shiny rock that central banks and governments control most of the supply which can't be verified as real or even as existing

This is your brain on /pmg/

>> No.50113524

Bro we live in the digital age. Who cares about shiny boomer rocks when we have


>> No.50113536
File: 18 KB, 715x429, images (7) (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noo frunds are safe no need for yru widraw our exchange still solrent

>> No.50114430

>all exchanges are shitting the bed since the LUNA collapse because they were all offering rewards based on investing their investors' funds between each other in a race of increasing APR/APY

Wow, this financial sector is so decentralized.

>> No.50116720

another FTX shill

>> No.50116747

beecroin gongo up!

>> No.50116823

ironically you just nailed it
commodity backed stable coins reserve proved by swift, powered by chainlink

>> No.50116869
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>> No.50118356

False. I just transferred dogcoins quite successfully.

>> No.50118461
File: 35 KB, 599x243, rugpull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rugpull! Rugpull, Eli, you boy. Rugpulled dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a shitcoin, and I developed that shitcoin, and I have a rug. There it is, that's a rug, you see? Watch it. Now, my rug reaches acroooooooss the platform and starts to rugpull the shitcoin. I... rugpull... your... shitcoin!

>> No.50118619

>BTC 500$
>Gold 1900$
Gold wins once again and absolutely BTFOs crypto as a store of value.

>> No.50118756

currently withdrawing everything from kucoin
having no issues, but that doesn't mean anon shouldn't get his funds off of centralized platforms


>> No.50119058

It probably is just FUD, likely even, however that tweet would make me worried if I was "invested" in something like this.
FUDder: "I think you are going insolvent."
COINco: "NO! How could we be insolvent if we are pulling in external money and spending it all on expansion plans during a market contraction?!"
...because no company in the history of ever has used crazy future plans to con new investors into giving them up front cash which they immediately syphon off to pay debts and then cite "delays" and "unforeseen complications" as to why the new build out hasn't happened yet and it's totally not because they spent all the money on day to day operation... Oh no, company is fine, please invest.

>> No.50119486

> Everybody being scared into removing their funds from the exchanges
>Everybody expecting another crash, ignoring large ascending triangle on daily
Gee I wonder what's next

>> No.50119698

Only exchange WORTH mentioning that is almost insolvent is crypto.com, they’re hoping their advertising and their crypto.com stadium will make them back their $…they are going bankrupt, i whitelisted all of my addresses, moving them into a meat locker by Monday

>> No.50119979

>the fact they’re willing to directly respond to the FUD
They kind of have to. It could scare customers away. The alternative would be to ignore it and lose money.

>> No.50120315

Everything appears fine until the moment that you can't withdraw.

>> No.50120352

found the ftx kike

>> No.50120833

Why would anyone still have crypto on an exchange after Luna?

>> No.50120888

Just don't use KYS and use something else for on ramp/off ramp

>> No.50121674
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Just made a thread about voyager 'discontinuing withdrawals so they can build their balance sheet'
Are we fucked guys?

>> No.50122268

>boomer rocks

>> No.50123130

There will be blood.

>> No.50123321
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1642940799349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it's a signal to go all into DEXes and not just any DEX; private DEXes in particular

>> No.50123338

I still wonder what the unnecessary noise is all about

>> No.50123363

>Trending is not an indicator
Well, that is not enough to say something is wrong. Railgun trended for over 2 months on CG and it wasn't about any negative feedback. Go learn how trending patterns work

>> No.50123364

just withdrew some to test and had no problems, gay nothingburger

>> No.50123822

This. It's actually mind-blowing how retarded crypto is. Literally a few bad months of btc prices and they are all suddenly insolvent, so much so that they have to literally steal user funds. Wtf happened?

>> No.50123841

I hate this gook so much

>> No.50123864
File: 236 KB, 506x737, CA41DA01-0B39-4DC5-8AE3-4ECE253B4E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake bitcoin … millions of ‘paper’ BTC

>> No.50124132

checked, and if he is, based jew

>> No.50124278

Craig is a schizo.

>> No.50124372

you're hopeless

>> No.50124413

I can withdraw 100s of btc a day. Just withdrew 10.

>> No.50124424

I withdrew a few hours ago and it went fine

>> No.50124445

Referring to “exchanges” like Celsius.

>> No.50124949

Working with 3AC?

>> No.50126105

Good thing I withdrew my funds yesterday kek

>> No.50126240

Willing to bet that this fud so that you bring your liquidity to "safer" exchanges

>> No.50127232

According to their balance sheet, they lost a fucking thrid of their money to 3AC. Apparently it came out last week and everyone scrambling to get their money out ended up getting it shut down. Not sure if it wasn't posted here or I missed it but kinda unlucky. Oh well lmao

>> No.50127310

all fud started by some retard on twitter named brandon

>> No.50127378

Whats the reserve rate your bank is currently using again?

like all headlines, disregard it. the conclusion of the article is misleading.

the banks dont need reserve funds, they can borrow from a literal blackhole to prop up an obviously failing system.
the banks have been doing this for 10 years just to stay afloat while they extract executive bonuses passing the box of matches theyll burn the house down with

>> No.50127410

like 5 years ago lol they casually hijacked my account that had btc, they dint give flying fuck, they knew I could do nothing.

>> No.50127436

That's a lot of piss

>> No.50127492

dog hasnt been toilet trained, kept inside and ignored all day.
everytime it brings attention to the fact it needs to pee it gets shoo'd away. until it HAS to piss, in which case people are surprised when it needs to piss on the floor.
the fuck is wrong with you people? the poor thing is clearly nervous about being punished for this, but cannot see a way out.

if he hides and pisses he gets hit. if he asks to go out he gets lip.

all he wants to be is a fucking dog. but youre pretending he is a human. HE DOESNT HAVE HANDS OR LANGUAGE YOU FUCKING GOOBER. its like a physically retarded human. act accordingly

>> No.50127518 [DELETED] 

Tired of being broke? Now you have no excuses


>> No.50127562

>binance and kraken

>> No.50127571
File: 40 KB, 500x500, avatars-000321245778-5wxb1g-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voyager... more like Challenger

>> No.50128161

>we do it just like the ebil bankers
great excuse kek

>> No.50128211

My gut feel as well and that's only based on the language that seems pushed out.

>> No.50129634

wow, dumb take.
>On May 12, 2022, it was revealed that Emergent Fidelity Technologies Ltd., which is majority owned by Bankman-Fried, had bought 7.6% of Robinhood Markets Inc. stock

>> No.50129729
File: 616 KB, 507x564, 57c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I profit from fake fuds like this?

>> No.50129941

yes you can.
Just stay in Non KYC mode.

>> No.50130012
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man in the mirror nods his head

>> No.50130481

>trusting chinks

>> No.50130553

what book is that from?
reading Barren Metal rn btw

>> No.50130559

i like how the infographic only uses years that gold was high. before covid it was 12-1400

compare that to bit coins all time high of 64 versus it being sub 20K....not so good is it now?

>> No.50130584

>digital energy currency
those are some big words that dont actually mean anything

and why would the bankers FUD crypto? the SEC will allow bitcoin trading derivatives and they will simply do with bitcoin what they have done to silver in the comex

it doesnt matter if you think its decentralized when JPM says they have X amount of bitcoin in the form of promissory notes redeemable by them

>> No.50130611

Use OKX, fags

>> No.50130689

>>digital energy currency
>those are some big words that dont actually mean anything
How do you not get what that means

>and why would the bankers FUD crypto?
Because man they have the entire world cornered to their will. Suddenly, finally there is something that can rival their rigged system

>> No.50130774

>how do you not know what that means?
i understand each word, its just circumlocutious

>rival their rigged system
you do realize crypto is pretty much credit card points right? its nothing new

>> No.50131978

when #1 exchange shits itself everytime a tier 2 or tier 3 crypto project shits itself, it's not a secret anymore.

>> No.50133488

>thread up for 2 days
yea its bear time

>> No.50133838

Don't know but I've pulled my shit out, I must do one trade amonth anyway and I've used DEX almost exclusively over the last 2 years.

>> No.50133858

The answer is always the same: GREED.
Most of the capital on exchanges is idle, why not loan it to others for interests and do fractional reserve banking?

>> No.50134934


>> No.50135787

craig is fucking right and these exchanges just add BTC to their numbers and pay themselves for free.

they control the database; magically that sell that just wicked the chart didn't have any BTC behind it; the exchange just stole money from the chart.

Do you think these rich exchange jews and chinks got rich off hard work or intelligence?

It's theft. Literal straight theft. Every single exchange is guilty.
Crypto is a lie.

>> No.50135823

why is this thread still going?

>> No.50135850

nigga my lunky stays chunky and I can withdraw just fine... stop bullshitting

>> No.50135866


>> No.50135927

a bear just flew under my house

>> No.50136022

>using centralized exchanges after mtgox

>> No.50136785

why the fuck is this thread still up


>> No.50136915
File: 43 KB, 333x250, 1646350998984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kucoin and all others are bankrupt scams. Only crypto.com is legit.

>> No.50136938

Not surprising. Kucoin has been a scam from day 1.

>> No.50136962

This is the real bear market.
/biz/ is dead.