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50099992 No.50099992 [Reply] [Original]

wolfgang puck is dropping redpills on cnbc in regards to rising food prices, economic/financial/immigration policy, and and the importance of cast iron cooking. anyone seeing this?

>> No.50100012

no i don't have cable

got a link?

>> No.50100036



>> No.50100053

i was using this stream

didnt record though, i dont think cnbc will put that interview on youtube

>> No.50100254

Well, what did he say?

>> No.50102612
File: 17 KB, 480x360, mde-teacher-still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was going hard, and taking no prisoners, it was something along the lines of this:

Arbeiter, schafft und arbeitet an unseren Transportmitteln, daß das alles nach vorn kommt. Die Front, die wird dann stehen, die wird ihre Pflicht erfüllen, da kann die deutsche Heimat unbesorgt sein. Und das Gebet dieses Teufelspriesters, der wünscht, daß Europa vorn Bolschewismus bestraft wird, wird nicht in Erfüllung gehen, sondern das Gebet wird in Erfüllung gehen- Herrgott, gib uns die Kraft, daß wir uns die Freiheit erhalten, unserem Volk, unseren Kindern und unseren Kindeskindern, nicht nur uns Deutschen, sondern auch den anderen Völkern Europas. Denn es ist nicht ein Krieg, den wir alle dieses Mal führen nur für unser deutsches Volk allein, es ist ein Krieg für ganz Europa und damit wirklich für die ganze Menschheit.

>> No.50102644

Don't know what any of that means, but it sounds like that chud needs to be erased. Gordan is a true and inclusive chef.

>> No.50103030

I'll translate, I assume it's some Hitler speech somewhere around 1943-1945 because it sounds like a desperate rallying cry:

>> No.50103180

Workers, create and work on our means of transport, so that everything will get to the fore. The front will thus stand, she will do its duty, in this the german homeland can trust. And the prayer of this devil's priest, who whishes that europe be punished by Bolshevism, will not come true, but this prayer will - Lord our Father, grant us strength, so that we may keep freedom for us, our people, our children and our childrenschildren, not just us, Germans, but all of the european peoples. Because this is not just a war, which we must fight for ourselves, for the german "Volk", it is a war for all of Europe and in this sense truly for all of mankind.

>> No.50103309

>It is necessary that I should die for my people; but my spirit will rise from the grave and the whole world will know that I was right

>> No.50104736

is he a kike?