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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50099694 No.50099694 [Reply] [Original]

What will it actually take for the market to turn around?

Things are so negative at this point we are clearly not near a turnaround. I could see us floating in this range for another year or more. Any kind of euphoria feels waaaay far off.

What do we need?

>Inflation to curb
>QE to come back
>A new US president
>Supply chain narrative to shift
>Gas prices to come down

What else?

Bonus question: Will we see any LINK-like runs during this down season where an all star shines through? And if so, what will it be?

>> No.50099725

this is what will happen
next cpi will be bad, again
we will dump for the next half of the month
another 0.75
inflation will come down in the august report
people will rejoice
rates will continue to rise but that's the worst of it
buy late july
deal with things going down a pinch, you can't time the minute of the low
>Bonus question: Will we see any LINK

>> No.50099739

Lot easier my friend, saudis have to start selling oil with any currency (using alternatives to swift), and dollar starts being liquid again.

>> No.50099815

So you unironically think markets will start bouncing back in August?

>> No.50099899

Lol surely you mean July 2024

>> No.50100149


>> No.50100325

bump, I am suicidal

>> No.50100382

Fed has to reverse course.

>> No.50100395

Also, QE isn't coming back.

>> No.50100454
File: 73 KB, 593x593, game over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is over, as I am fond of saying. The bankers won.
They are in control of the Pikes Peak batholith and the multi-trillion-dollar granite tunnel system—a highly symbolic 40 miles west of Denver, Colorado in the Front Range. But they are in control of much more than the end-time survival apparatus. They control not only the military and government of the United States of America but through the power of major corporations and the corruptibility of businessmen and government officials, fiat currency manipulation by the WiΩards of Fiat Currency at the Federal Reserve System, a small army of propagandists and “hackers” (this is a technically incorrect use of the term) who are fighting to maintain control of the Frankenstein monster they created called the Internet (in a war I fear they are going to lose), and even the Republican form of government they created which inevitably—and I would argue by design—fosters centralized control and assures only a handful of “elected” officials must be compromised to control an entire country, they control the entire Western world.

>> No.50100495

If they did that, there would be massive inflation in the US dollar as the need for the dollar plummets and dollars are re-patriated into the US economy. Oil would skyrocket in price in dollars.

>> No.50100519

>inflation will come down in the august report
>people will rejoice
Don't listen to this retard.
2022 is a jewish shmita year and it doesn't end until September 26th.
The witch girl, Maren Altman, predicted a potential bottom on October 28th.
It's really not safe to buy back in until then.

>> No.50100526

It needs Americans to stop obsessing over fake stock market wealth and to create real wealth.
We are nowhere near.

>> No.50100598


I am betting on this scenario and dca’ing accordinly. If its wrong, no big deal i miss the bottom by a little. I was an idiot for buying ETH at $600, 500, 400, etc in 2018 and then a genius by the time 2021 rolled around.

>> No.50100726

They will, BRICS nations are creating a new settlement system out of SWIFT

>> No.50100773

Meant for >>50100495

>> No.50101071

>just wait 3 years

>> No.50102026
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>What will it actually take for the market to turn around?

>> No.50102125

>I could see us floating in this range for another year or more
If you already know the answer what is this thread for? Touch grass have sex.