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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50097039 No.50097039 [Reply] [Original]

why haven't you sold yet? you know your shitcoins can still go down another 90% right?

>> No.50097065

I sold everything, even my house. I am financially ruined.

>> No.50097145

good, as it should be

>> No.50097176
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My alts can't go that low when it's not Luna without a proper use cases, Nii for instance lowers gas fees on the Ethereum network, Axl on the other hand has an up and running launchpad plus multiple staking plans.
these will definitely stand the pressure of the bear market, and won't really go down like others

>> No.50097179

I invested what I can lose. I honestly don’t know what else I would do with my money. Before I got into crypto I spent it all on weed. If I didn’t do crypto, I’d probably trick myself into buying things after I saved up $10k anyway.
So please, tell me what else to put my money in or I’m just gonna keep stacking Link

>> No.50097191
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Don't care, never selling. I'll ride it down to 0 if I have to.

>> No.50097192

> unheard shitcoins

>> No.50097204

maybe i wanna be a chicken fry

>> No.50097226

wiping your ass with 100 bills will be more profitable to you than stacking link

>> No.50097307
File: 7 KB, 244x207, download (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard it's also a one-stop platform like the CryptoXpress that is accessible to everyone. Market is getting unfriendly.
Don't care? Wtf why?

>> No.50097325

Because I'm not retarded enough to sell low or buy shitcoins in a bear market

>> No.50097941

Stop dreaming

>> No.50097962

Lol. Sell your shitcoins

>> No.50097966
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>Don't care? Wtf why?
Because bitfuc... I mean bitcoin will go to $1m eoy just hodl and wait wagmi.

>> No.50097992

reading is hard

>> No.50098008
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>> No.50098013

Because I hold RLC?

>> No.50098317
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>> unheard shitcoins
None of my biz, why not go on YouTube idiot

>> No.50098344

Because the world can theoretically end tomorrow too.

>> No.50098403
File: 4 KB, 250x162, 1653928692557s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see my alts going down further coz they're thoroughly researched before i bought them, you may want to dyor on Pkr or Axl
strong and positive, promises cool rewards when staked as well.

>> No.50099211

If you're a noob looking for a miracle to have someone helped you in your crypto journey, just create an account there and you'll know everything stupid boboso.
Eoy? Don't you know about the recession?

>> No.50099241
File: 19 KB, 227x222, bobomask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eoy? Don't you know about the recession?
Does your device not render pictures or are you autistic or something?

>> No.50100188

Don't talk to yourself anon

>> No.50100340


>> No.50100462
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Genuinely believe in the future of XMR and only invested what I'm willing to lose.

>> No.50100484
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Imagine not owning any FTM right now when it's that cheap... fucking retarded

You will end up like the people who were malding when FTM pumped over $3 and they had not put a single dollar in LOL
get fucked nutrannies

>> No.50100659

The only investment I have left to sell is my silver and that's only been going up.

>> No.50100717

I'd rather ride to 0 then sell and miss out on a moonshot. My life won't get any worse if all my crypto loses value since I'm already acting like I have $0 to my name. You gotta keep crypto in cold storage and not touch it for years. I am holding on for dear life on the chance that crypto does revolutionize the world, which I think is a greater than 50% chance.

>> No.50100747

Web5 BSC Shitcoins already dust, milked some shitty ass plebs nuggets.

>> No.50100775

Yo if I had used that money for that careless Degen play to buy MOVR and RIDE I'd have made profits to accumulate for the bear market.

>> No.50100793

Dumb ass play by me, but yet again hey devs it's me again, can you just fucking get your ass up and do something. Get a job and add liquidity already you dumb cunt

>> No.50100816

He could be high, prolly he meant LRC.

>> No.50100839
File: 297 KB, 2880x688, Screenshot 2022-06-28 at 12.25.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine nigger, you must be really holding some really heavy bags kiddo.

>> No.50100868

they can only go down 10% nice bait

>> No.50101791

> holding a class D shitcoin in a bear market

>> No.50102100
File: 405 KB, 1192x911, 972-9722564_sad-pepe-you-try-your-best-but-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it whenever i need money, BTC takes a massive shit, i shoulda just sold at 30k bros

>> No.50102164
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I guess schwab won

>> No.50102177

I think there's something in you that others can't solve about it and that's for being a stupid jerk.
All in one platforms seemed to created a good traction because of it's services inside.
When will LRC reaches to $10?

>> No.50102195

Lol, i can relate.