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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 376 KB, 1200x1200, 20981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50091206 No.50091206 [Reply] [Original]

4 out of 10 /biz/ posters are obese. By not stuffing your face with food you can invest more and will live longer to enjoy your wealth. You are not obese, right anon?

>> No.50091229

No Im borderline borderline overweight by BMI standards but also got some muscle. As easy as it is to eat healthy and exercise regularly, avoiding alcohol is a gargantuan task

>> No.50091236
File: 9 KB, 554x435, KomlosFig1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your BMI is the same as your great great grandfather, right anon?

>> No.50091240

I’ve always been lucky with weight
I limit bad food and exercise regularly though
I do love cereal before bed but I’ve cut it out

>> No.50091269

Gen Z is probably the worst generation of humans to ever walk on the face of this planet - obese, dumb, depressed, anxious, homosexual and broke.

>> No.50091357

when are we passing the sugar tax?

>> No.50091374
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I'm a fit Chad. (Not larping)

>> No.50091407

I am fat but been losing weight this year, just fasting and eating real food. I was surprised by how much fuller I felt and how much more energy I had when I started picking up local produce and raw ingredients rather than kike trick preservative filled goy feed.

>> No.50091463

What the fuck do those number on the left mean?

>> No.50091487

I lost 15kg after leaving the US/Canada. I used to think amerimutts were just lazy retards, but no. Literally food there is modified to make you want to consume.

>> No.50091586
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The year my ESL fren

>> No.50091620
File: 518 KB, 1114x978, 6DD38501-370A-4140-B320-E6085FF60BF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's insane. Where I live obese people are a rarity, but this chart says it's nearly 50/50???

>> No.50091622

That's why those headlines of Americans not being able to afford "enough food" make me laugh.

>> No.50091624

What could be more shameful.
Unable to look after your own body.

>> No.50091638
File: 450 KB, 2160x2700, 1656138375353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are so fucking fat. Stop.

>> No.50091643

Dude maybe you just got used to fat people being standardized. I remember talking to a bunch of relatives of mine and they were pointing at a guy and said he was at a healthy weight... nope dude was chubby with clear fat rolls, but everyone else around him was so fucking obese that he seemed normal kek

>> No.50091660

me too
I hope you're not larping
sometimes I feel like I'm surrounded by fat incels in here, but it's nice to know there's other fit anons on biz

>> No.50091689

I workout every day
Most of those fatties are women

>> No.50091861

At least Jeets aren't fat, and they make about 30% of posters.

>> No.50091874

I'm not blind. I know what obese is

>> No.50091924

BMI is bullshit. According to it I’m obese because (((they))) want me to be a scrawny little 150 lbs twink but instead I became a 200 lbs monster

>> No.50091965

You probably live in a area where most people walk to places. Mid west is nothing but fat people.

>> No.50091999

Nah, I'm 6'2" and 175 lbs. I use a rowing machine for at least 30 mins a day and hike when I can. I like to stay fit so I can feel good about jerking off to waifus.

>> No.50092207

Post pic fatass. BMI is literally accurate unless youre a highly dedixated lifter/bber on gear.

>> No.50092220

im definitely skinnyfat but i also weightlift.

>> No.50092608

Based and gmi

>> No.50092850

post body

>> No.50092877

This is the blow-off top phase of the obesity chart. Screencap this.

>> No.50092898

6’ at 225lbs is obese but most Americans wouldn’t call such a man obese

>> No.50092963

I’ve been lifting for decades gay lord. Yes I am fat from drinking lots of beer but I am overweight not obese. BMI does not factor in muscle mass of which I have a good amount because I’m 38 and started lifting when I was 12 years old.

>> No.50092982
File: 49 KB, 475x543, 1603932495099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average person on /biz/ is the average american

>> No.50092983

Well, according to BMI, I was stage 2 overweight after 3 years of boxing 5 times a week. Your genetics do a lot. I am still strong as fuck, can hold proper L-sit for 20 seconds, do 30 pushups and can run 5k after 10 years of office job, eating whatever I want a occasional drink or drugs. What surely makes a difference in my case is that I was doing some kind of sport almost daily since I was 6 until I was 18. Now, I am still stage 2 overweight - so BMI doesnt really mean shit.

>> No.50092986

kek post body now

>> No.50093048

>You are not obese
>183 cm height
>63 kg lean cardio body
I don't have a single fat person in my family or friend circle. I swear how difficult can it be to not kill yourself by stuffing suggar and micro plastic in your throad? why do people do it? Not a single fucking benefit.

>> No.50093084
File: 190 KB, 374x454, 1434817150839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BMI just hit 24.9 last week
cut accomplished
no longer a fatass

>> No.50093199

Being a fat fuck that benches 2 plate occasionally isnt healthy nor proper weight.

>> No.50093228

stfu skeletor. nobody is interested in what some ausschwitz-mode-faggot has to say.

>> No.50093260

you should try running but at your point it might break your ankles amerifat.

>> No.50093290

running sucks swimming is goated - it works out your whole body

>> No.50093297
File: 2.05 MB, 1080x1355, 1648666067354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar is in everything, that's one of the big issues people have. Just start cooking at home. I began dieting and running last week and lost 4 lb already.

>> No.50093384

Chart is dumb. A BMI of 24 is fine, and arguably healthier than a BMI of 19-20. Imagine being 6 feet tall and weighing 140 pounds (183cm, 63.6kg)

>> No.50093393

swimming is absolutely the best thing you can do, agree anon. But going for an intense run whenever you feel is fucking good

>> No.50093540


Even DeSantis won't go after Big Sugar

>> No.50094133

I'm fit. But I often do an informal survey when I enter a room full of people and I think 40% is about right where I live. And I mean obviously obese. If I included the unfit-but-not-obese, it would be more like 75%

>> No.50094269

Americans would not allow it. You'll pry the corn syrup out of their fat greasy hands

>> No.50094573
File: 814 KB, 828x1477, ACE53A5E-5E63-47D8-92FE-EF58D8E2FAA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting to mog the fats and tell you to buy $LINK

>> No.50094631

Awesome pic. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.50094800

it's BMI you braindead niggers

>> No.50094845

cute waist you lil homo twink

>> No.50094931

Wide shoulders tapering down to thin waist is fit, masculine and sexy. Reverse triangle.

>> No.50095002

I am, but only because I can’t put down the fucking booze. At least I’m jacked too, but I’d be ripped if I lost 50lbs.

>> No.50095007

>live longer
why the fuck would i want to do that?
t. 65-and-out club

>> No.50095024

Thats a vintage copypasta your sporting 'ere

>> No.50095042

LARP (real talk)

>> No.50095090

You’d look like a little faggot if you’re not at least 180 at 6’ like no muscle whatsoever

>> No.50095179

i live in a tourist island in the caribbean.
in the winter, when everything is expensive, americans are slim, good looking and well-spoken
in the summer / hurricane season when prices are dirt cheap, americans are enormous, ugly and loud
obesity is clearly a class-based issue for some reason

>> No.50095262

There are 6’ guys who are jacked at 225 and buff at 180 but 90% of them are just fucking fat

>> No.50095297

Those without class struggle with self control. It may not seem like it but it all fits together.

>> No.50095392

post abs or LARP

>> No.50095478
