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50090211 No.50090211 [Reply] [Original]

The financial return of becoming a Dr. isn't likely to change is it? Its hard to plan 10 years out.

>> No.50090229

is she gonna assist by offering her mouth skills?

>> No.50090231

I don't get it? Is she going to suck dick?

>> No.50090244

thats the job of the head nurse

>> No.50090271

This is a larp. The CPA do the heavy lifting (and carting the patients around). Nurses dont lift shit. They complain if I leave the normal saline irrigation at the unit desk.

>> No.50090276


>> No.50090286


>> No.50090291

She suckin on mine right now fagglt

>> No.50090294

yea they're going to replace doctors with machines that scan your body and tell you what's wrong.

>> No.50090301
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>> No.50090309


>> No.50090354

I don't know how you put up with the roast, I have employed many broads in nursing school and so many have been terminated for malicious gossiping, productivity attendance issues and general insubordination. Its a legit redflag when I am interviewing candidates for retail lol.

>> No.50090379


>> No.50090392

It comes down to the hospital. It's common practice for the nurses to complain about anyone new in our department for "rudeness" and "insubordination" until management apologizes. We never get in trouble, but the new guy always know to treat the roasties like the gods they think they are.

>> No.50090400

Ask yourself a few questions:
1) How hard is it to learn to do my job?
>If it takes 10 years to become a Dr. because you're constantly learning in that time, you're safe. Otherwise... you'll get fucked.
2) Can medical databases automate most of my work?
>This could put GPs out of business, since most of what they do is match symptoms to drugs/specialists. But surgeons should be safe because someone still needs to wield the knife.
3) Do I have the patience to do this?
>If you burn out after 8 years of schooling, you'll get most of the debt, with none of the earning potential.

>> No.50090410

Why is it tolerated? as I said I'm a retail manager and they just get shit canned for their horseshit.

>> No.50090440

because they spent 2 years learning how to notice if someone is sick and poke them with a needle, they're skilled, unreplaceable workers.

>> No.50090466

Because there is at least 4 levels of "administration" above our supervisor that are all various legal and management, but in reality are all roastie HR departments stacked on top of eachother. They dont actually do anything but when a woman complains they all snap into action to reassure eachother and constantly mail one another and set up meetings with each of the 9 vice presidents (semi-retired surgeons) with the sole purpose of smoothing it over and making sure nothing changes.
Btw all these administrators make more than the than three or four of our department (of 5 of the cleaning staff)

>> No.50090495

How do I become a do nothing hospital administrator?

>> No.50090500

Why does every nurse that ever existed feel they are underpaid? Their pay is immensely higher than many equivalent skilled jobs, example any other healthcare worker requiring a degree. They can also make bank on overtime and extra shifts etc.

Nurses in the US make more than consultants in the UK, yet they still complain.

>> No.50090522

Damn she has a big ol man jaw

>> No.50090525

they did that like 50 years ago, these faggots are still around.
besides radiologists think theyre doctors anyway. everyone of them is a cunt with a singular exception

>> No.50090527

Mba, Jewish last name, live somewhere undesirable with a lot of sick people

Because nurse is customer service with medicine. Customer service in the US fucking sucks and they seem to think there's some amount of money that makes the suck go away. There isn't. Also this is why healthcare costs a fortune here, the medical system exists to extract as much money as possible from taxpayers and individuals via a gorillion middlemen and bloat

>> No.50090531

Be white woman > Become nurse > Suck all the dicks for 20 years > Blackmail one of the VPs. He will make a position for you that didnt exist and can never be removed.

>> No.50090547

Hire men off the streets or keep dealing with school girls.

>> No.50090568
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How can I get a nurse gf

>> No.50090581

strong unions and industry associations.
>idle and lazy, hence only the students and young ones being cute/healthy, til they get fat and bitter in far worse health than most of the patients they "treat"

>> No.50090588

Unwarranted self importance, they think their GED and 3 year degree makes them almost drs.

>> No.50090602

Most of them have previously been escorts and sugar babies

>> No.50090707

Yeah the just moved on to betta bux drs

>> No.50090731

with women theres only one rule: be good looking

>> No.50090744

>Be not completely ugly dude under the age if 35
>Become nurse
>Everyone on the unit loves you because everyone else is an old lady and you become their replacement son
Pretty nice

>> No.50090758

She can lift my dick up to her mouth

>> No.50090806

Without unions like in retail then employers do what they want and the worker suffer what they must. But in healthcare they have unions and when you have unions then it is the opposite. The worker get what they want and the employer suffer what they must.

>> No.50090810

Ive only seen a handful in over a decade. They are to a man short and or fopish, projecting harmlessness. Despite that they never last long if they get hired at all and either transfer to other departments or quit. But good luck.

>> No.50090824

im a uk doc and im on £29k. I've made a huge mistake.

>> No.50091023

Hope you enjoy fingering pakistani anuses.

>> No.50091052

Checked and keked

>> No.50091059

go to some bars around med schools/university hospitals

most nurses just hang out with other med employees, in general the industry is pretty closed, except for GPs who go round to other people's houses etc.

>> No.50091090

i sure as shit love working in the most authoritatian beureaucratic hellscape possible where im paid in the privilege of being allowed to be an NHS doctor and not actual money

>> No.50091150

Nursing is actually an awful job which is why they get paid a lot. Nurses often do the awful stuff that doctors don't want to do.

>> No.50091197

>turn 35
then what?

>> No.50091243

how long to train to be nurse UK?

will i get a gf if i become male nurse?

>> No.50091372


> ‘Waaaa I didn’t get as much money as I thought I would!!’

Good, the taxpayer paid for your training and you’re basically guaranteed a job for the rest of your life in a substandard healthcare system which is a black hole for funding, literally robbing the taxpayer. Medics in general are always super privileged little princes with a messiah complex so I’m always happy to hear you’re underpaid/underworked. I’d say you should have studied finance, law or engineering but most medics don’t have the charisma required to land the lucrative jobs there because it requires you not to be an insufferable cunt.

>> No.50091388
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Doctors don't make shit unless they're hyper specialized and have their own practices and get steady and dependable business. If you're going to start your own practice you may as well just start a business today and actually get paid to learn by doing and get the fuck ups that you may encounter along the way out of your system now rather than later and save yourself the grueling decade+ of training to become an entry level doctor. I don't know why people like doing things with extra steps.

Also, if you have to ask you'll probably burn out and aren't cut out to begin with. My brothers are both in residency right now (they love school and have zero money sense) while I dropped out of college in my 2nd year of undergrad because I knew I wanted to be rich and be on my own and had no business being in school. I started my own business 4 years ago and make more money now than they'll make 10 years from now while 10 years from now I'll have easily 10x what I make now.

I'm all for long time preference and delayed gratification but not everything is magically going to work out just because you put it off for later and hope that things will work out. Academically intensive careers are the worst possible financial investments for the long term. Just remember that there are 16 year old high school kids making more money than God from online businesses, which they run from their laptop as they're sitting in class and the teacher babbles on about the mitochondria being the power house of the cell.

Hope that helps.

>> No.50091447

During college anatomy & physiology 1&2 for my degree the instructor told the nurses in the room that class is basically what nursing school is for 2 years. I have nothing but respect for nurses after that. They know a SHIT ton. They also administer medicine so if the Dr got the dosage or type wrong they have to know that stuff as a backstop from potentially killing you.

>> No.50091548

What is your business?

>> No.50091569
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checked and keked

>> No.50091917

I paid for my own tuition but aside from that doctors more than net pay into the system, repay student loans in their totality and that's before we even consider that we're wildly underpaid compared to almost all neigbouring nations. Sorry champ.

I am going private though. Fuck the NHS.

>> No.50092266

don't fall for that flunkie's larping

>> No.50092377


>> No.50092545

I know a nurse since she was a kid.
She is 30 now.
I been around her in same town and city during her 14 to 24 years and during her 24 to 30 kinda less but still have insider info and see occasionall non public photos and videos and attend similar night club or private party.

You would be cucked beyond your wildest dreams.

>> No.50093529

give details faggot

>> No.50093563

This isn't attractive.
Why do women insist on masculine traits being attractive?
Or, she is signaling to other bitches the strength of her thighs, and thus pussy, that she could take their men. I like this approach better.

>> No.50093585

Why don't you have a seat over there?

>> No.50093776
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