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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50087702 No.50087702 [Reply] [Original]

Will this cause another market crash?

>> No.50087726

Its only spreading among gays tho. Why?

>> No.50087727

And you thought Covid caused western nations to ramp up their authoritarianism, just you wait. Your loved ones will be imprisoned and/or murdered if they dare question anything this time around

>> No.50087736

that's a lot of sofomites you got there

>> No.50087740

the same modeling that tolds us 1 millions covid deaths per month!!!!!!!!! PANIC!!!!!!!

>> No.50087771


>> No.50087776

Profit off the goyim hysteria, moron

>> No.50087783

I see the comment so much that I am convinced that retards that post it are paid shills whom are paid to push this narrative as far as possible. It only takes one headline with the word "mutation" in it to send people into a panic. That match of "only gay people get it" gets hot when you hold it up to one of the most homophobic groups on the planet who is shown constantly on every news and yt thumbnail with infection.

>> No.50087814

The cherry on this shit sundae is that normalfags, especially femoids will be even more hysterical when they realize the monkepozz leaves them with permanent facial scars. Long on Cosmetic surgery

>> No.50088082

Ticker: bava

>> No.50088146

you put the phrase in active voice, passive vocie is more accurate

>> No.50088151

thats it im selling. not doing this shit again

>> No.50088162

Has anyone even died from this garbage?

>> No.50088185

people not dying = it spreads more

>> No.50088200

Except it can only be transmitted via the exchange of bodily fluids and cases surged during Pride/Hedonism Month. Now the dumb goyim are going to allow themselves to fearmonger themselves into a second pandemic because of fear of transmission via the air just like Fauci did duing the AIDS pandemic. We see your bullshit for what it is. Propaganda.

>> No.50088209

Several people I know have developed really awful cold sores and impetigo (facial infection) recently. Pretty sure the vaxx fucks with your T-cells or something.

>> No.50088215

Read what I wrote again. Very Slowly. Each word one at a time. Take as much time as you need.

>> No.50088216

no, since they are hyperinflating the currency

>> No.50088226


We need to lock the gays down for two weeks. This is ridiculous, this could all be fixed so easily.

These degenerates will fuck a guy with sores all of his body.

>> No.50088245

It's literally only gay and bisexual whore men getting this pox, stop being dishonest

>> No.50088248

no nothing will

>> No.50088261

if youre not a gay man you cannot get a test for it despite your symptoms though

>> No.50088270

Oh yeah and they'll never lie about mutations to gaslight the public. You're a welcoming and trusting one after the last pandemic. jesus christ.

>> No.50088282

Imaginary Virus 2.0
>this time it's really real we swear

>> No.50088283

Because you don't have it. So many retards have told me stories about how "they think they got COVID in November 2019"

>> No.50088294

It's a fag disease AND I don't care about mutations. How do I profit from this? I simply don't have sex with gay men. Do you think stds are fake too? Gays are whores.

>> No.50088304



Sounds like they tested a kid..

>> No.50088310

Because it's an STI that's been found in semen. A new development. It's basically HIV 2.0 and gay men won't let blisters all over their asshole stop then from fucking strangers in a bathroom.

>> No.50088313

Fags really can't stop fucking each other in locker rooms

>> No.50088318

>thats it im selling. not doing this shit again
>new pandemic
>markets crash initially
>free money and gibs
>stocks and crypto inflate again
don't tell me you're going to miss the ride

>> No.50088342

>uhmm actually it's a conspiracy, every clinic or small town doctors office is all in on it!
>It's mostly gay people who are getting it
which one do I believe? Hmmm

>> No.50088352

People keep saying this and nobody posts evidence.

>> No.50088357


The CDC wishes they could not pin this on gay men but...

99%+ of cases were in men, and very few in women (don't fuck bi-men you dumb cunts)

What kind of disease follows this profile that 99% of men get it vs women?

>> No.50088378

Because the working theory given a few limited examples is that it is either airborne or can be spread by unsteralized surfaces. As far as testing goes, if the first statement is true, then they want this to spread. Depending on the variant it can have up to a 30% CFR, not to mention the scarring that would send normies into an irate frenzy if the governments dont lock down, but this can and has been proven to be fatal. Welcome to the great reset.

>> No.50088385

This. You can't even argue that it's going to spread in heterosexual couples. Otherwise HIV would also be rampant in the straight community like it is in the gay community. Turns out most of the women that fuck bisexual men are not in straight relationships outside of they so the vector ends right there.

>> No.50088388


>> No.50088397


Not a fuck given

>> No.50088401

99% gay men and it spreads from surfaces? You think only gays touch tables? You'd have to barf on a table and have someone else lick it up to make that work. You know where things like that happen? Gay sex orgies.
Just stop fucking men. It's that easy.

>> No.50088439


>> No.50088458

Priced In.

>> No.50088463

No, because covid was literally democrats putting politics over lives to get trump out.

>> No.50088480

this, went to my doctor and he made me proof I was gay first

>> No.50088490
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Kek, not gay, not sexually active, I'm safu

>> No.50088498
File: 509 KB, 750x1249, 94A738F1-6B22-4739-B903-789A3CD31340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won’t let me post but pic rel

>> No.50088499

It doesn't seem to kill anymore since it mutated so I don't think so.

>> No.50088512

fucking faggots I swear

>> No.50088539

Deagel's 2015 forecast was -70% depopulation by 2025.
Just wait, and you'll live in a goylem-free flat plane.

No idea why the jews are killing their cattle, but you should rejoice, the cattle is both the sword and the shield of the jews.
The empire of lies will be slaughtered, And That's A Good Thing

>> No.50088558

>ctrl+F SIGA
>0 results

Do you guys hate money?


>> No.50088584
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>> No.50088585

i had covid march 2020 and my doc said I dont have it just anxiety. well guess what motherfucker i went to the er and boom positive. fuck doctors and fuck testing

>> No.50088588

a fake market crash for a fake market, all smoke and mirrors

>> No.50088595

what the fuck is happening to uk? stop having sex for a week, holy shit.

>> No.50088629

In The Protocols they understand and partly explain why some of their own must be sacrificed for what they consider the greater good

>> No.50088771

When i see posts like this i am amused at how God will punish people like you.

>> No.50088773

We already have vaccines, which is pretty funny because it means all of the gay conservatives are going to be outed when they refuse to get it.

>> No.50088815

Autoimmune dysfunction after an experimental mRNA therapy, who'd've thunk it?!

>> No.50088831

Pretty sure those are reactions to the covid vaccine.

>> No.50088847
File: 338 KB, 1240x1409, 73442397843279847r828432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God's already punishing you fags with actual biblical plagues
And you think he's on your side?

>> No.50088851

It's spreading between gay because they are degenerate faggots and the original outbreak was in a gay party in SPain, but it's not limited to gay you damn retards.
I believe it's not just a coincidence that it was spreading was during Pride month and during summer will only get worse.
Also the long incubation period it's a huge problem.

>> No.50088883
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>it's not limited to gay you damn retards
That's like saying HIV isn't limited to gays
As long as you're not fucking somebody who is gay or bisexual there's virtually a 0% chance you get it
Same goes for this
Also them bringing up that it spreads on toilet seats etc. brings back memories of the AIDS scaremongering
>There's unironically nothing to worry about unless you're an abomination of God

>> No.50088892

Get fucked you absolute disgusting animal, you are a shame for humanity. Homosexuality is not normal and a sign of a sick society.

>> No.50088948
File: 92 KB, 691x786, qui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the fact that you can't get AIDS if you touch someone with AIDS and you can't get AIDS if you kiss someone with AIDS.
This will spread way faster and (((they))) already have a plan for this mentallyillfaggotspox.

>> No.50088957


>> No.50088983
File: 433 KB, 640x480, Rainbowmeaning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that fags who celebrate with the rainbow are shitting on gods covenant with noah
or at least so the bible says it is

>> No.50088993

Because you can’t get tested if you’re straight. Similar to how you couldn’t test for covid if you hadn’t just came from China in 2019. It spreads via droplets the gay thing is a psyop

>> No.50088999

Short homosexuals

>> No.50089009
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Nah, if anything it will clean the streets of faggots faster than we thought. So, full force on those investments, full force on vinu specifically

>> No.50089118

Its quite interesting you assume i am gay when i suggest this disease is airborne. Almost like legitimate fear and bargaining, but you anons would never admit on here for getting the covid vax so what is the point.

>> No.50089143

>on one side or another
what the fuck is wrong with monotheists

>> No.50089204

I never took the vaxx retard believe what you want. Also there is no poxx, it's the result of covid vaccine

>> No.50089248


Bro if this shit was even mildly airborne or spread from surfaces it would be exploding in all demographics.

Also they are testing more than just gay people.

Straight people would also be posting symptoms like crazy online, these symptoms are TERRIFYING compared to covid where most people would brush it off as a cold/flu... These sores look fucking awful.

Covid was manufactured hysteria, remember the vast majority of people that died were old/infirm. And that was manufactured because we literally pigeonholed them into small spaces and abandoned them by scaring young nurses/aides.

>> No.50089251

You do realize this pox can be btfo by purple pitcher right? Dont tell me you are gonna fall for the vaxx meme twice. That plant is actually battletested. Also jannies kys.

>> No.50089345

And in January of 2020 covid wasn't transmissible person to person. In February it wasn't spreading beyond the China border. In March it wasn't airborne so there was no need to do anything but wash your hands.
I can't believe you dumb shits are falling for it all again just a couple years later.

>> No.50089368

Mega bullish tbqh

>> No.50089435

Wow, being called to heel sure turned people around. But hey, its the great reset so all sorts of funky stuff will happen lmao.

>> No.50089462

You write like a fat and you talk like one too.

>> No.50089496

Get out, demon. The power of Christ compels you.

>> No.50089506
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You stick your dick in dudes butts bro. It's gross as fuck. It's basically this.

>> No.50089514

You would sell now though......

>> No.50089524

You could always try empathy rather than contempt, as there is no way to help them but there are plenty of ways you can help yourself. The rainbow serves as a reminder to (you) about God's covenant with (you).

>> No.50089545


It was people like you on poll that were screaming “ITS SUPER AIDS LOOK AT THE CHINKS ROLLING ON THE FLOOR” while people laughed at you and said its just a flu.

Years later we know that yes it was in fact just a fucking flu that we destroyed the world economy over

>> No.50089559

America everyone

>> No.50089568

Lol. Lmao.

Its just shingles. We even used the same pictures. No one will read this, but have fun falling into our divide and rule paradigm, again.

Im going to sip another frozen cocktail.

>> No.50089570

But /biz/ told me it only spreads from very close contact and as a khv NEET I have nothing to worry about?

>> No.50089599

Avoid supermarkets, subways, bus, railings and restaurants then

>> No.50089600

>No idea why the jews are killing their cattle
Because you are making shit up and can't even find a way to be consistent within your own bullshit

>> No.50089608

>Everyone I don't like is the same person, I know because they disagree with me
You're on /biz/. This isn't even the same board. Not everyone is the same fucking person. To fall on that to ignore his valid point is incredibly telling. Being able to type means you to have a higher IQ than you'd need to genuinely be that retarded to not understand what is being said. The point is that the narrative can expand and be adapted to just about anything at this point.

>> No.50089618




>> No.50089668

>he fell for the globohomo propaganda
Fucking kek, I guess we can't all be winners

>> No.50089851

I am very empathatic, i just wish i had the knowledge to be able to debate these people when they say shit like "but homo sex is animals"

>> No.50089882

Happy pride month

>> No.50089963
File: 68 KB, 547x680, FWRSBK8WAAEG8sF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches when will u accept the fact that AI and automation will replace a whole lot of u and that includes retarded doctors that keep feeding shit prescription and don't know a fucking difference between a cold and aids, lawyers that way to many doing way too nothing or a lot of everything in the wrong fucking direction, the politicians that are beyond fucking senile we talking potatoes produce more energy and brain power than your average politician and the rest of you faggots from manufacturing to driving to pushing papers in HR all day pretending you are somehow important in the grand scheme of things. get this through your head, get vaxxed and do what the good TV tells u to do because the other alternative is u eating bugs and drinking bug juice alone in the fucking sleeping bag sized pod. because they whoever the fuck and however the fuck you want to call them, can push this anal pox and anal flu indefinitely and eventually one of them will get u in some form or shape. there are too many of you consuming and what u cant consume u waste, and it is time for u to go. still cant believe u fell for jpg scams

>> No.50089994

Was he molested by gays?

>> No.50090012

Why has no one killed bill gates yet?

>> No.50090013

Thank you Jesus

>> No.50090014



>> No.50090041

Parts of the EU have already gone back in to lockdown by the way, it's a matter of time now.

>> No.50090070

If you didn't take the death shot and don't have anal sex your health will be fine.

>> No.50090123

WTF are you talking about retard, that's not true at all.

>> No.50090222

when do the mass death shot deaths start happening? 14 days from now?

>> No.50090289
File: 317 KB, 1068x1172, Screenshot_20220701-020305_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*NPC Voice*
Monkey poz only spreads through gay sex. It is clear that the infected child had gay sex with their brother and that is how it spread *beep boop*

>> No.50090312

14 years from now.

>> No.50090341
File: 228 KB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20220701_110758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its already happening retard

>> No.50090447

This is quite worrying, makes me imagine an even weirder future.

>> No.50090501


>oh noes, what will we do without the braindead cattle
>oh noes, who will clean our toilets
>oh noes, who will regurgitate the lies of the lugenpress
>oh noes, who will be a programmable goylem


>> No.50090580

It will but a new Shib will rise, could be Lunc but definitely not another inu based coin.

>> No.50090635

The cope is strong with you. I would say good luck but you do not deserve that prayer.

>> No.50090874

I love it when clueless random internet morons talk shit out of their ass acting like they're clairvoyants.

>> No.50091061
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Just shove gays and trannies into incinerators. Problem solved.

>> No.50091119

Tell me what eu country is currently in lockdown, I'm not coping, what you said is simply not true.

>> No.50091298

Are you kidding? 2021 saw a 40% increase in all cause death with no trend predicate in 2020 (despite covid being more deadly pre-mutation then), most deaths aren't even "with" covid let alone of. A 10% increase is a once in 200 year catastrophe. 40% is like something worse than a war occurred distributed across an area. The death curve traces the vax admin curve basically one to one. The all cause death increase was noticed even acutely even in Pfizer study. Has been redundantly confirmed by actuarial data, VAERS data, empirical study, DoD data, etc.. Disease and disability spiked same time. We are seeing cancer recivativity spiking as well as novel diagnoses, CJD spiking above background rates as predicted, etc. Taking the worst of the worst claims and strawmanning (even when the strawman itself is true) isnt' helping your reality. You were foolish to take it; extremely. Skip the boosters. Sincerely good luck.

>> No.50091354

Covid was a nothing burger just like this.

>> No.50091380

when do we nuke chinks

>> No.50091417

No, faggots exist in a parallel economy of drugs and anal sex

>> No.50091425

That will never happen because Russia, US, EU, China are ALL working together behind scenes to create a one world government. What is currently happening is all a big show.

>> No.50091990

Why the fuck are there so many faggots in the UK? Can you bongs stop fucking monkeys and assholes?

>> No.50092591
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Maybe another lockdown, more people stuck at home and more crypto adoption. But the market is already in shambles, rather hide under your fucking stables by staking them. Personally using SPOOL to stake USDC but yield generators like Harvest and shit work too

>> No.50092698

Gays>bisexuals>women ---> you/me

It's a sad story of degeneracy, but be glad you're on the right side of the flowchart :)

>> No.50092940

>Implying i partake in any sexual or even intimate activities

>> No.50092995

HIV was first discovered in gay men in New York June of 1981. You'd think after 41 years it would have spread more widely to the straight community.
Oh that's right. We don't fuck everything that moves 4 times a day seeing random strangers in bathroom stalls. Get fucked. It's an STI that will stay in gay communities only leaking out for drug addicts.

>> No.50093017
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Not til early 2023 unless they accelerate.

>> No.50093023

unironically foreign students come here from asia and shit to be gay without being stoned to death

>> No.50093058

We know you're gay because you're super worried about a disease that's only being found in gay men. Just stop fucking men. Simple as.

>> No.50093156

He said people like you. You're gay, retarded, and a shill.

>> No.50093213

Gay degenerate molested his younger brother. You're surprised?

>> No.50093244

By that logic we should all have had HIV by now.

>> No.50093269

Because God is punishing them

>> No.50093283

Only if you took the Vax ;)

>> No.50093355

No I'm saying HIV was discovered 41 years ago. It has the exact same vector into straight populations as the pox and yet the HIV infection rate among heterosexual people is basically 0. Meanwhile gay men intentionally catch and spread HIV. Turns out gay people are just huge freaks that would fuck a blister covered asshole with zero hesitation.

>> No.50093413

Just a flu which causes permanent organ damage even when you have a mild case. Yeah.

>> No.50093453

I've had covid and I don't have organ damage. It's been 2 years. Find a new scare tactic. Perhaps try to scare people into thinking they'll get the pox from a door handle like it's AIDS all over again.

>> No.50093510

Yay another covid 2.0
hope you guys enjoyed the clown world last time and all the lockdowns
What further measures are they going to push on us this time
Oh well ..At least I got my home gym

>> No.50093539

the clock is ticking normalfags. goldman has to lock you up again for humanity's sake. 5k btc soon

>> No.50093541

I'm sorry I forgot that people wernt fined and brutalised with physical violence for leaving their homes a year ago go or questioning the agenda

No that totally didn't happen

Dumb cuck

>> No.50093567

I literally had covid in December 2019

>> No.50093603

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.50093660

2 more weeks.

>> No.50093714

I think you're confused with who's going to be eating the bugs

>> No.50093732

Did they though? You fucking idiot.

>> No.50093741

Yes they did though you obstinate moronic Reddit fuck

>> No.50093769

Christianity is a gay ass jewish fairytale. That being said, being gay is not natural. But if they stick to themselves and fuck at home when no one is watching then I don't care. It's when they force you to accept their disgusting shit that I get fed up.

>> No.50093798

<solzenytzn burned in our cells quote>

>> No.50093813

The last shoah wasn't real but the next one will be.

>> No.50093835
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Funnily it's the same people who tell you the vaccine side effects aren't real. HONK HONK.

I got Delta in January and two weeks later I was fine. Still not getting the vaxx, sorry not sorry.

>> No.50093843

The gaypox is almost exclusively spreading among homosexuals who are fucking each other in the ass, so it'll have about as much effect as AIDS.

>> No.50093845

my doctor wont save my life from m.onkey pox until i suck his dick

>> No.50093871

Yeah, saw in the news that there's been one death so far, out of at least 5000 cases.


>> No.50093878

>$1b market cap
not leveraged enough, famalam

>> No.50093900

Hookers will start spreading it soon enough,

>> No.50093932

butt was it monkepox?

Also, how'd you prove it? Suck his dick??

>> No.50093960

Hookers are just as degenerate as gays. Return to wholesomeness brother.

>> No.50093961

I'm not worried but I hope they call another "2 weeks" so I don't have to return to the office in September.

>> No.50093973

Conservative here. Joke's on you, I only get fucked in the ass by dogs. No monkeepox here!

>> No.50094035

Good. Just be normal and find a nice woman.

>> No.50094056

>t. american
the only nothingburger is your faggot murrican mutt brain, you should wonder why you guys are so easy to spot, it‘s because you are low IQ subhumans repeating what grifter subhumans told you

>> No.50094078

I remember the day they finally isolated a virus from a living person.

>> No.50094128

>wishes the final death blow to our already dying economy so he doesn't need to go to office for 2 weeks
We are gonna starve if lockdowns keep happening retard

>> No.50094132

Lol I don't know if the people posting this shit are conspiritards or just seething gays but it never stops being funny

>> No.50094205

>Having to avoid interaction and work from home like we've been doing for a year with little to no government interference means the government has to print trillions of dollars again
You're stupid but you think you're smart. Me working from home didn't cause the recession, we literally printed about half of the US money supply in 1-2 years. Keep up or I ask you not to speak in our forum.

>> No.50094229

>the isolation meme
dyor research, you low IQ loser, instead of repeating memephrases which have been debunked for ages now, keep aeething fat incel mutt

>> No.50094241

>our forum
Nigger the lockdowns absolutely contributed to the dying economy, I'm not denying that printing trillions of dollars didn't contribute but the lockdowns contributed just as much.

>> No.50094327
File: 139 KB, 1024x1017, DB6D8E83-D246-4494-AA30-FCD4C39F3E3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just waiting for a better Chan to appear

Coronachan made the virus. Without a tan these viruses will go nowhere

>> No.50094328

looks like it would be prudent to move to a low population density low law enforcement jurisdiction

>> No.50094339

>dyor research
Nope, still no isolated pure virus. Unless you have proof to the contrary. I'd be more than happy to see your source for them isolating the virus from a patient instead of cultivating it in a lab. :3
>lockdowns absolutely contributed to the dying economy
Yeah, the same way a spider biting you while you have a bunch of stab wounds would contribute to your death. We could lockdown forever, that isn't the problem.

>> No.50094342
File: 178 KB, 800x871, timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny jannies don't want you to see this is another scamdemic planned out to the very day

>> No.50094436

>it's another "gays literally can't stop raw dogging buttholes for a month" disease
Sorry gays. Looks like your stuck wearing condoms now too.

>> No.50094645

>We could lockdown forever, that isn't the problem.
Only a true retard would dare to type this out on a finance forum.

>> No.50094791

I don't see how cases could reach "60000 a day" if it only spreads through fluids, unless the virus magically learns how to spread through aerosol.

>> No.50094798

what sort of sickly, obese retard are you, to be afraid of the coof? lmao.