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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.51 MB, 1125x1217, 1655718389258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50070403 No.50070403 [Reply] [Original]

what has managing your finances done to your hairline?

>> No.50070448
File: 44 KB, 593x593, 16234824084162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incel bros.. its over

>> No.50070457

No one says this or looks like this

>> No.50070488

First time on 4chan?

>> No.50070496

Ha yeah right, if anything hed be doubling down on those things with that hairline.

>> No.50070573

investing in crypto has given me the money to afford finasteride, and the contrarianism to try it and ignore the fudders claiming their dicks stopped working forever after taking finasteride once

>> No.50070607

you have to be in your early 20's. Any man who cares about his appearance to this level is a Low T faggot, broken by extreme socialization.
My condolences for getting bullied in highschool and not getting over it.
>> BUT my bitches, inceldom, wah wah
yeh sure bitches don't come near you because of YOUR HAIR, not the other 30 things wrong with you.
Literally wasting your life over a warm hole.
either be an autist and make money and get hookers. or IMPROOVE yourself and settle down with a roastie.

>> No.50070634

I used minoxidil before it got bad so I don’t know

>> No.50070706

I bet you're a fatass that never trains their body too

>> No.50070744

nothing because I take finasteride at age 23 therefore guaranteeing that I'll have an impeccable hairline well into my 50s. stay seething baldcels

>> No.50070780


Go outside

>> No.50070804

Post moobs or gtfo

>> No.50070828


incels seething

>> No.50070932

Why are people seething at this response

>> No.50070955

this is an OG /biz/tard

>> No.50070975

i have all my hair. good luck to the bald niggas

>> No.50070989

That's a 4chan meme newfag. Forgot /biz/ was infested with reddit rapefugees.

>> No.50071042
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this but unironically

>> No.50071321

this but swap the genders

>> No.50071404


>> No.50071484
File: 152 KB, 1080x796, 1640567601579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deranged asocial schizoid here (receding hairline), I have a trad gf who cleans my house and has about the same level of savings I do (no she's not ugly either). Follow your dreams and don't listen to tards on /biz/, there are people here who hold shit like silver and GME, and if you listen to them you deserve what you get.

>> No.50071859

Yeah....accurate meme

>> No.50072130
File: 984 KB, 3666x3760, 1655303918403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine balding in your twenties lmfoa

>> No.50072864

only autistic faggots would seethe at your response

>> No.50072889

ever since this most recent bull market started all my hair started falling out. thinner all over. dustbunny tumbleweeds of hair throughout the condo.

>> No.50072955

>not ugly
Uh huh

>> No.50072968

>yeh sure bitches don't come near you because of YOUR HAIR, not the other 30 things wrong with you.
bald hair is easy to spot, other wrong things take time
take an average ameriburger with balding hair, skinnyfat, wearing shorts outside, perhaps glasses too... you've immediately self-selected yourself out of the dating pool of anyone but the desperate
you might get laid by cultivating relationships over a long period of time, or by paying women, but it's an uphill battle compared to simply looking decent

>> No.50072988

oh how the turn tables

>> No.50073011

I dont have to imagine

>> No.50073030
File: 67 KB, 409x409, 1644727517701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is always fat girls. T. Chad

>> No.50073043

yea baldness is only a problem if you're low t

>> No.50073046

I'm one of the lucky baldlets.
- not a manlet
- deep voice that makes bitches wet
- nice skull and nice beard
- not ugly
Oddly enough the hottest chick I ever dated was when I was still a coping nerd with a comb over.
Balding has definitely improved my finance gainz though.

>> No.50073087

Has nothing to do with testosterone. There's dudes with high T that go bald, there's feminine blokes with low T who have a full head of hair. And vice versa. It's not linked to T, but high T is itself good and desirable.

>> No.50073100

i fap 5 times a day and have a nice hairline

>> No.50073110

That's not what he was saying, idiotic redditor.

>> No.50073143


>> No.50073219

and addendum to my post, most fat girls need something in their mouth might as well make it your dick.

>> No.50073255

>he doesn't know

>> No.50073297

That joke doesnt make sense in this context. He wasnt fucking lots of women before, and his fading looks isnt the impetus for wanting to finally settle down.

>> No.50073325

This is proof liberals are too stupid to unserstand righty memes and when they try and parody them, they miss the mark entirely.

>> No.50073342 [DELETED] 
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Lol incels go bald?
Same incels who need glasses to see..?
With frail little bodies?
Arent these incels very likely to be edgy little nazis, supporters of eugenics and wanting genocide of blacks?
How ironic when nature herself clearly selects for strong black chads, who are biologically superior.
While these incels are clearly shunned by nature because women would rather have no children at all then be doomed to birthing such pathetic and genetically weak offspring

>> No.50073414
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>> No.50073444

I would say I'm taking fin but I haven't finished my bottle I filled in 2021 because I'm awful at remembering to take my meds

>> No.50073466
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>hi, this is nicholas martin for datadash.

>> No.50073477
File: 212 KB, 526x507, 426D86C8-0D52-4573-A9E5-612E7E0F5CAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>never drank alcohol before
>haven’t played video games in years
>don’t watch porn
>hairline gone to shit even though I’m only 23

>> No.50073551

Where can a man find these fat sows?

>> No.50073640

I don't know. I had a 80lbs spinner as a high school g/f who bent it while being on top. the call it Peyronie's Disease AKA bent dick.

>> No.50073671

What is the world’s obsession with forcing people into uncomfortable pants? Even non customer facing job have to wear them after a certain date.

>> No.50073702

I've been on it for 9 years now. 31yo now and still have a NW2. I've noticed a little bit of thinning in the last 12 months or so, but still no one would say I was anywhere close to balding.

>> No.50073746

So true lmao

>> No.50073999
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I'm literally him

>> No.50074040

ok this meme os pretty good

>> No.50074113

Enjoy your erectile dysfunction.

>> No.50074686

Why do vatnicks/simps even post here? Touch grass and apologise to your father for failing him

>> No.50075241
File: 598 KB, 2880x2020, 1656610484522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been on fin 6 months and its blown my mind to watch bald spots fill in in real time.

>> No.50075394

Your image is made by a roastie, the dude was always ready for a relationship but couldn’t compete with chad and so coped with the loneliness by playing video games and with drinking and porn.

The roastie made this meme out of anger that after she hit the wall chad is no longer interested and these are the only men she can find that are willing to start a relationship with her. In her stupid roastie mind she thinks these men made the choice to be alone and that they are only willing to start a relationship now and have a family when it was what they wanted from the start but had no options because female hypergamy.

>> No.50075441

Because he isn't some /r9k/ retard who goes along with their pity party. You see, you are the incel if you think a man shouldn't just sit around and cry like a little bitch after he loses his hair.

>> No.50075460

I sold the crypto top and cashed out 1.2M

bought 2 homes at 26 years old

im fucking good bro lmao

>> No.50075651
File: 144 KB, 945x600, 607A7776-A34B-4BA2-9BC8-6E1BE606B9F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your image

>> No.50075781
File: 21 KB, 541x671, 1642634581414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its ok to be bald if you just hold frame bro..always hold frame. I get so much pussy whilst bald bro u wouldnt believe

>> No.50075797

Go to Turkiye

>> No.50075799

>I sold the top of this one bubble then bought the top of this other bubble
A fool and their money...

>> No.50075888

>your fully paid off houses are temporarily gonna have less value on paper
>I bet you feel silly now haha

>> No.50075956
File: 72 KB, 1000x1091, 1642636590229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's OK I made this awful trade because...well IT JUST IS OK?

>> No.50075994

do pharma shill shave some kind of scraping software that brings them to every corner of the internet to drop some bs about these dick killing tranny pills? seriously kys

>> No.50076057

I'm not even an incel but female hypergamy is so tiresome bros.
I've been with 9 women in total, and all of them had a backup plan. Sometimes I was the backup plan when the other guy fucked up, and sometimes I was plan A, who got ditched for the backup.
I'm done with women. Hoeflation is real. Modern men have to put in 5x the work their forebears did, to get women who are 1/20th as good as the women their forebears got. Fuck (((modernity))).

>> No.50076073

Friend of mine is impotent from taking (((finasteride))). Do not fall for this kikery.

>> No.50076076

idk what you're talking about anon, but I'm also good looking in the face so basically none of this incel / slut shit has ever effected me

>> No.50076094

touch grass has to be the most redditcore zoomerspeak in existence

>> No.50076154

yeah because going outside, getting some sun and appreciating nature is cringe advice — right? or maybe the fact that it unironically triggers you is the reason people keep saying it

>> No.50076197

hair transplants exist but you'll never undo the physical and mental damage of being a whore.

>> No.50076216

Good for you anon. According to girls I'm handsome as well.
Being a chad doesn't change the fact that pretty much every woman you're gonna be with will have at least one backup guy to fall back on in case she gets tired of your ass. Like I said, I've been the main guy and the backup guy with different women, and I find both roles to be tiresome and disrespectful.

>> No.50076223

Bro even chads are affected by the modern state of women. It’s why they don’t bother getting into a relationship with any or them and just use them as fuck toys as that’s all women are good for in 2022.

You are ignorant to the roastie menace

>> No.50076236

This guy gets it. Attaching yourself to a woman emotionally in le current year, not even once.

>> No.50076320

enjoy your dick not working a year in like me

>> No.50076412

Anyone who gives a blowjob is too regressed to be a good mother.

>> No.50076568


>> No.50076580

do either of you think you have a character/life/resources that is deserving of a stable, committed attractive wife who will bear your children?

serious question. I know I don't.

>> No.50076590

Holding a small amount of silver is less retarded than the idiota holding DOGE, XRP or even worse.... LINK.

>> No.50076626

if you just barely have a receding hairline, use Biotin shampoo and your hairline will start growing back. Your welcome.

Sorry, Dosent really work for dudes who are full on going bald tho.

>> No.50076657

I guess because biz is full of incel losers now who bitch and moan while never trying to improve

This. So few of us left. No wonder why the board is shit.

>> No.50076670

This is true. I always get asked by relatively attractive women why I'm still single. It's like they imagine one of their female brethren would be actually willing to fall on the sword and date me. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women don't understand that 80% of them are chasing the same 20% of men.

>> No.50076705

Definitely have a little fryer Tuck thing going on in the back. I had it 20 years ago while in HS and it's just gotten worse. Front looks like a movie star, back should be covered by a jew hat if they gave them out to non-tribals.

That said, are the Fin side effects as bad as people say? I don't need it killing my 40 year old boner (honestly I have zero issues with my dick but need to start anything that kills it)

>> No.50077095

I don't, which is why I'm not lookin for a super attractive virgin tradwife who's gonna devote her life to me or anything.
I just want a gf who's at least a 6/10, has a nice personality, body count below 10, and doesn't have backup plans/keep contact with exes. This really shouldn't be impossible, but it seems like it is because this woman does not exist. One of those four demands is always violated in my experience.

>> No.50077407

Last one is the worst. Next bitch I catch doing that is immediately getting out of my life. I caught one doing it before when I was younger and stupid. 0 tolerance for dishonest bitches these days.

>> No.50077493


>> No.50077631
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>> No.50077694

Heard this from a friend of a friend but NAC is supposed to be about 1/4 as effective as fin in the longterm. Can give you cancer if you overdo it but his dick stopped working with fin so he switched to NAC. Try NAC.

>> No.50077725
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>> No.50077729

I'm at the point where I don't see any use in pursuing anything *but* a true potential wife, why waste time and dilute your soul/energy on dime-a-dozen women? The next gf I seek out will be from mutual interest groups, christian bbq's, church, or mutual friends. I actually plan to relocate as soon as I have gotten some work goals taken care of to a place with a highly likelihood of meeting women under these specific circumstances.

>> No.50077913

Will any brand work? Would you recommend one?

>> No.50078039

More like it took all of my 20s and 30s to get enough money to even buy a shitty house

>> No.50078119

My hairline is full and just got it cut. Was below my shoulders and was heavy af. Anxiety gave me gerd before hairloss.

>> No.50078562

It literally costs like 20 dollars a month are you retarded or you never had a job

>> No.50078610

My hairline is receding faster than my net worth.

>> No.50078678
File: 104 KB, 1045x551, AAAAQaZQdGfpkrthdwb6RYybIWprY5U08O3WjjENcrUEbWjpC9D1t-IKH4KPC_h0EwCHYojNazzoqpR7v1HJKd2oVFTfmPJlhT6dSmv_kO0X5OFbz3dAZ0bNogZJMLQyqb9MJLazrrsv2fFmzu2aUXE1BUVk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that good hair is the most important aspect of male looks. You can be short, you can be ugly, you can be fat, but as long as you have good hair and style it well you will get women. Chicks love nice hair and they despise bald men.

>> No.50078743

29 and hairs thinning but I'm already married and have a kid on the way. Is it even worth doing anything about the thinning hair / balding? I wear a hard hat 5 days a week at work that fucks with the top of my head and probably isn't helping.

>> No.50079004

I think the side effects are overrated. I’ve been on it two years on the minimal dose and haven’t noticed anything other than keeping my hair.

>> No.50079193
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>net worth still in the five figures
>stuck in a low end ass job, albeit with finally some light at the end of the career tunnel
>the only thing I'm successful at is consuming terrifying amounts of booze without flinching
My hairline is an absolute immovable object that's been at the exact same spot for as long as I've known, so there's that I guess. Runs in the family apparently, both sides.

>> No.50079237

>>the only thing I'm successful at is consuming terrifying amounts of booze without flinching
hello fellow boozer
I've been drinking anywhere from a 750 to the full half gallon of liquor a day for about 3 years now. I am 23 and my hairline is about half way up my head.

>> No.50079299

how much does finasteride cost if you get a prescription from a doctor and buy it at like walmart pharmacy? i pay $70 for three months supply from keeps but i heard it was cheaper if you just get a prescription from a doctor

>> No.50079306

>You can be short,
holy cope

>> No.50079364

I just refilled at Walmart pharmacy on Saturday. Costs $13.56 for 30 5mg pills. Given that you cut it into quarters, that is $13.56 for a 120 day supply.

>> No.50079387

damn thats way cheaper. they send me like 90 1mg pils

>> No.50079413

You have to factor in the cost of the doctor's appointment though. I get my prescription called in once a year from Medical Wellness Center for $85.

>> No.50079460

I'm properly JUSTed but I just shave it off every week and wear a hat. It's fine. Lifting + shaved head is fine.

Plus during the next bullrun I'll cash out some pocket money and fly to Turkey for a hair transplant. I'd love to get some of the hair on my back relocated.

>> No.50079548

>tfw my dad has a better hairline than most guys in their 20s
Sorry bros, but we cant all be natural born gigachads

>> No.50079559

hair is life. if you have no hair you have no life


>> No.50079592

Good for you because I have used it and its real, my dick wouldnt get up for a year after only a month of finasteride use, the side effects are real for some

>> No.50079642

Of course, who cares about what women think? Stop giving them power for fucks sake
If they wont fuck you fine, go fuck a hooker if you need to

>> No.50079691
File: 227 KB, 500x743, the-superlative-laugh-or-highest-degree-of-laughter-55588151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>done with drinking

>> No.50079813

based af boi

>> No.50079858


>> No.50079857

A woman made this image

>> No.50079904

It literally sounds like most /fit/ posters (and probably /pol/ considering the overlap)

>> No.50080085

The last four women I was with all violated at least one of these four rules each. Can definitely confirm that the last one is the worst, although it's intertwined with #3. Most women with a high body count will still have an ex or two on faceberg at least, even if they aren't actively in contact with them.
I have a good female friend. I have no interest in banging her, and she provides valuable insight into the female mind. She openly admitted to me hat she sometimes stalks her exes online, or even contacts them, and gets upset when she notices they got engaged/married.
>they were supposed to be my backup plan and not move on with their lives reeeeeeee
Low body count (sub-5 ideally) is the only way to avoid drama with exes.

>> No.50080174

I just cut all of my curly hair to go bAld for summer, whats the problerino

>> No.50080350

im dating a homeschooled girl whos never been in a relationship but she's 32 and im 30. should i go for it or risk trying to find another trad virgin whos younger

>> No.50080397

>wearing shorts outside
Uh anon, what if it's hot outside?

>> No.50080426

how did you do it anon?

>> No.50080565

>virgin at 32
don't fuck her until you're married, that first fuck will be a massive ego boost for her and since she's 32 and hasn't tested the waters so to speak, she'll start thinking about her potential and if she can get better. women go more crazy the older they get because their fertility dries up faster than men. godspeed anon...

>> No.50080907

I miss the old biz without all these useless incels.
>>>/lgbt/ >>>/r9k/

>> No.50080953
File: 66 KB, 625x938, FC26AA66-F92C-4B5E-AEBC-0F94157EB856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matic investor here

>> No.50081154

Literally, just shave your head, men don't need good hair.

>> No.50081177
File: 290 KB, 450x325, justgotothegymbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i look like guy on right tho?

bald looks weird if you're pale, wat do?

>> No.50081199

>doesn't hold silver
you were never gonna make it, cute wife or not.

>> No.50081576

You sound like a faggot really

>> No.50081876

I know a 5'6" balding manlet with a greasy teenager stache who likes to wear cloaks and shit styled like the matrix and assassin's creed and he has three girlfriends right now and all of them are attractive. It's the fuckest thing I've ever seen, women love him, everyone does. Just charisma I guess. Nice guy

>> No.50081936

I know a guy who looks like the guy ont he right has a huge bald spot on the back of his head, guess what? His wife is cuter than almost all my exes. She really loves him for who he is.

>> No.50082079

Does he have a good personality though or money?

>> No.50082085

Ive found this to be true. There are no good loyal women in your thirties.

One night, I came to a realisation when I was go to sleep at night with a conplete hoe, that I had no space on the bed for my playstation remote.

>> No.50082100

Meant for >>50081936

>> No.50082185

I made $3m but at what cost. I will never touch leverage again. Too much stress.

>> No.50082606
File: 145 KB, 675x900, DSC_0158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>32 living with parents
>own business
>still live with them cuz fck the jew rent
>mommy cooks good meals for me erryyday
>watch spaghetti western with boomer father
>dress the exact same way I did when I was 15
>live happy, worry/stress-free
>glorious luscious hair

stay mad faggots
imagine not opening your own biz
imagine leaving your parents house to pay rent
imagine giving a fuck about muh society in kali yuga clown timeline

>> No.50082655 [DELETED] 

that's some nice hair to pull while I prolapse your twink anus

>> No.50082777

i honestly don't get what everyone's problem is with video games, drinking, and porn. they're perfect and don't require me to give a shit about what anyone else thinks about me.

are you guys all teenagers or something? even when i was in high school, i just dealt with people as much as i had to in order to get by. now im in my 30's and i deal with coworkers and the public just enough to get by, and as a result i don't have to care what anyone thinks about me beyond that minimal interaction. my parents and siblings are the only ones i truly trust. i don't have to fit that square peg into the round hole just to try to get people to like me, to get that external validation. i've learned from buddhism and stoicism that true happiness comes from within. stop caring so much about the outside world and the shitty people that live in it, why do so many faggots out there constantly need the validation of others, especially women ffs? you torture yourselves over something that's basically worthless in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.50082929

Diet does that to your hair though

>> No.50082935

I will not take the troonasteride

>> No.50083009

I think they're fair criticisms in the same way blasting a woman for being a whore who spends a lot of money is. Drinking and porn are degenerate and lower your quality as an individual. Not saying don't do it, not even saying I care but it's kind of a matter of calling a spade a spade. The same way a woman will go "The past is the past it doesn't matter" but everyone including her knows that's a lie.

>> No.50083177

This thread is pathetic and sad, and everyone who participated in it should feel bad.

>> No.50083208

Back to /pol/

>> No.50083677


I've been eating 1 ml oral castor oil a day on pb&j sandwiches and it's helping a tad. A lot less of my hair is falling out after taking a shower. I have 1 inch long hairs in my eyebrows. haha. Need to buzz that shit.

>> No.50083737

I went mental in 2018 and lost a lot of hair, had to take the buzz pill two years ago.

I recently had a very high quality hair transplant, so by EoY I should have full hair again.

>> No.50083782

tell me about ur transplant. did it hurt

>> No.50083858

How is your hair line though its hidden, we gotta see your hair line u could be covering it up.

>> No.50083881

i was on fin for nearly a year and am 23 with a norwood 2. fin is the largest cope you can have as a baldcel, matter of fact - not embracing your baldness is the largest cope you can have as a baldcel. You have been given a set of genetic cards that you are so adamantly against accepting that you wake up and take pills to reverse the affect of something so mundane as your hair, which provides you no physical or strategic advantage during any physical confrontation as a man. You are so insecure that you will enslave yourself to a life of ticking off your daily pill on your calendar sheet all because you cant accept that you will not be like other men.

Accepting that truth will set you free from this rotting insecurity and finally allow you to live comfortably in your own skin. Get a razor.

>> No.50083894

There are plenty of homless bums on crack with full hdead of hair. All that matters if your hair is is sensitive to dht or not.

>> No.50083912


>> No.50085726


>> No.50086152

for now