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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 1510x1510, fungible-monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5005981 No.5005981 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so almost all big coins have had their run. Dash / LTC and still running; ETH.

So, what comes after ETH? Monero (XMR) ofcourse.

These times, with all the new money in the game, people start freaking out and have the fear of missing out.
Monero has a great sell wall right now, don't say I didn't warn you :)

>> No.5006131

Don't promote a good coin. It'll start looking like shit.
ex.vert, link, xrp, iota, neo
nvm those are shit coins.

The only coins that matter

>> No.5006184
File: 30 KB, 1207x320, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.5006254


>> No.5006281

Rock hard steady floor increments

>> No.5006329

Literally posted a bunch of shitcoins, fucking brainlet

>> No.5006348

if those are shitcoins
what isn't?

>> No.5006581

Btc (for the next year, eth, ltc, xmr. That's it

>> No.5006667

I bought a shitload of Ada too.

>> No.5006715

xmr shilling makes it feel dirtier than all the awful darknet sales it actually facilitates

>> No.5007476



>> No.5007640
File: 233 KB, 524x541, rmyt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notices that if a coin gets posted to /biz/, it goes to shit? Exceptions are BTC/LTC/ETH and a few others.

>> No.5007742

XMR already had its run.

>> No.5007836

overvalued will drop to $180 tomorrow. screencap this

>> No.5007839

People come here to shill after their bags start getting heavier. No one here wants you to make money.

>> No.5007859
File: 16 KB, 248x459, 1501814036970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whales pump coin
>anon notices spike and makes "x coin is mooning" thread on /biz/
>whales dump coin

This is why

>> No.5007897

How long have you been here? The most recent posts are about new coins that just came out. Their time hasnt come yet.

>> No.5008168

Most likely longer than you

>> No.5008209


I'm mining it on Minergate. Am I dumb?

>> No.5008228

>mining on a selective scam