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5007317 No.5007317 [Reply] [Original]

It's weird for me to think there's people on this board that actually think they can't cash out.

Did you know there's a company right now that has an exclusive CRYPTO parternship with MASTERCARD for 5 years?

Did you know they have a working model for tap to pay for crypto?

Shit like this will go under the radar for the next couple of weeks until they start their intense marketing campaign contacting every YouTuber and every ICO review site.

The reason Ian Balina discounted this and only gave it a 76% is because he didn't know (no one told him) that they reduced the hard cap from 85 million to 17 million. If not it would have been one of his highest rated projects.

Just take a second out of your day to objectively look at this coin...

Seriously this is the only ICO review I could find.

Also here is details about their mastercard partnership


ICO DATE : JAN 31st .

The team hasn't even given the amount that was sold out during the pre-sale so I suspect the public sale will be 5 million tops.

(Just giving back to biz)
Look at the CEO, COO and CTO and come to your own conclusions.

>> No.5007460

can't wait for this, way better than 0x

>> No.5007516

This shit is the next wabi hype train

>> No.5007544
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The state channels and partnership is what sold me. Working beta will be to family and friends / some investors during the public sales to buy coffees and shit so they can test their network.

They already have a 25k user beta whitelist to test the product. Both COO and CEO have been working in the tap payment space for like 5-10 years.

Oh and the CEO has a masters in project management from the best business school in Canada (Schulich)

>> No.5007577
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Mastercard has more payment channels than VISA does and the partnership literally makes it so no one else can do what they're doing.


>> No.5007772
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Can't you just get bots to do the shilling for you instead of hiring pajeets?

>> No.5007803

Does my shilling annoy you? I'm curious about opinions. I'm a calm white guy who wants to make biz rich.

>> No.5007837

Releasing open beta before the public sale even opens, apps already in google play store GGGG

>> No.5007886

im in the presale you cuck

>> No.5007910

wow faggot, of course you shill when the presale is over.

>> No.5008036

Genuinely sorry(human greed)

>> No.5008066

what was presale price and whats public price?

>> No.5008090


>> No.5008105

same price, but public will probably be like 5m cap

>> No.5008111


>> No.5008155

>there's people on this board that actually think they can't cash out.
It's because they are using coinbase and LITERALLY can't cash out. Everyone else in crypto can.

>> No.5008158
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pre sale bonus was only 20% , public sale will be 10% , not much of a difference

all institutional investors will have a 90 day lockup period which is another insane thing to consider. If someone decides to put in 1MM+ they got a 30% bonus but they won't be able to dump their coins for 3 months, STARTING FROM 2 WEEKS AFTER PUBLIC SALE DATE (JANUARY 31)

Yeah I'm blatantly shilling but do you really care? You wouldn't have known about this otherwise.
If not stay poor faggot

>> No.5008170

I literally cashed out my normie friends litecoin for him today. Easy.

>> No.5008203

all good, would've done the same. i'll look into this one, thanks.

>> No.5008211

But my debit card can already do the same and I don't need a phone, I don't get whats so special about this.

>> No.5008248

One word: Retail.

>> No.5008322

You're gonna have to explain it to me, I for one hate phones I understand that i'm in a minority though. but what about Retail?

>> No.5008323
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Are you fucking retarded or what?
Do you not understand that what STK is doing is that you can literally send your Ethereum to your phone and grab a fucking coffee with it using NFC? (Apple Pay)

STK creates a special OUTSIDE THE NETWORK state channel that opens and closes a certain amount of transactions and instantly allows payments to go through. They aim to take 0.3-0.4% of the fees for the use and put it back into the ecoystem.

Anything else?

You can even move Fiat to the app in that same gesture (for even lower fees)

>> No.5008382


Do you know which exchanges it will be listed on ?

>> No.5008384

thanks, i'll buy 100k at -50% ico on ED. i did the same with REQ.

>> No.5008400

They plan on releasing on Binance straight away.

>> No.5008427

You think this would dip down to a 8.5 million market cap? interesting , truthfully I don't see this ever going under ICO price. All it takes is more people catching onto its potential

>> No.5008439

Yeah but who really cares ?

>> No.5008473

Yeah I suppose people just want to leave their gains in their wallets instead of using it on simple day to day transactions (your logic)

>> No.5008483

How do I get in on this pre January?

>> No.5008521

Meh, people want to save their gains not spend it on clothes and hot sandwiches. This isn't really cashing out, this is spending. I'd rather cash and save.... if you can buy a house with this token, then I'm interested.

>> No.5008542

You literally cannot cash out though.

>> No.5008577
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That's a stupid generalization holy fuck mate.

>> No.5008595

1. Buy shit worth 300k with crypto
2. Return that shit, force them to pay you out in fiat
3. ???

>> No.5008653

You can buy it on Yobit ????

>> No.5008667

1)Market cap?
2) Circulating supply ?
3) ICO price ?

>> No.5008694

Marketcap 17M
Circulating supply 500M forever
ICO Price 0.10 ETH to USD

>> No.5008718

No it isn't, why would I invest in something what you can already do with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Vertcoin and whatever other stupid faggortry coins are out there.

Atleast with BTC I can buy a house.. plus my debit card does the same thing this stack app does, and its safer. Don't give me bank control money bullshit, cause if I'm really that paranoid I keep my money in BTC as a store of wealth. And small amounts in the bank for everyday use.

>> No.5008742

Correction, I'm reading through the whitepaper.

"• The ability to withdraw cash from any ATM"

>> No.5008770

Sure has potential, what's the price when it hits the exchange

>> No.5008807

100000 USD

>> No.5008844
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Based on the market cap and what the market will offer for it. I can't make that assumption I sense if you can get into the public sale before it sells out you can EASILY 2-5x on Binance.

Keep in mind shit concepts like Monaco and TenX went to almost 400M market cap with a terrible onboarding procedure and fake partnerships. This has an actual parternship and is planning on global dominance vs those coins who have been blacklisted by VISA (+ bad fee structures)

>> No.5008871

Jesus christ you fucking boomer.

>completely disregards the implications of >increased effciency gains

>why would i do X which is brainless and takes >1 step

>when i can just do Y that takes 15 minutes and >15 steps

>> No.5008896

Damn so I need to buy as fast as I can the moment it drops on binance

>> No.5008897

Why not tell me ATM withdrawels are possible OP? That shit is a game changer, and here you are talking about spending money on clothes..

Lol @ TenX and Monaco

>> No.5008927

I'm just a little troll lolololol

>> No.5008988
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Because their goal is a long term solution for tap to pay NFC payments.

The merchant takes on 0 fees, you only pay .3%-.4%

Thinnk about that... 30-40% on a 100$ purchase.
They don't even have a competitor.

>> No.5009176

Yeah its pretty cool, with a solid dev team (lol) the ATM thing does it for me though, though are they issuing a debit card for these ATMs? Or like how's this shit going down? Cause last time I used an ATM (6months ago) I could still only insert debit cards. Btw isn't there a huge liquidity problem with this?

>> No.5009321

Non technical whitepaper instantly puts this at confido levels of garbage

>> No.5009401

Won’t this need Ark to convert X coin to STK?

>> No.5009409

The point was to understand the project and what it offers vs the technicals. The working model says enough.

They are trying to gain as much users as possible in the quickest time. (first mover)

>> No.5009454

you shilled this trash yesterday already

>> No.5009531

That was someone else

>> No.5009657
File: 338 KB, 800x450, godsgift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will all be left in the dust once STK releases and instantly shoots for the moon, misses, and reaches a far away planet filled with precious resources and hot babes

>> No.5009748

then you have lost