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50073358 No.50073358 [Reply] [Original]

1. What makes this valuable
2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
3. If yes, why
I will be surprised if any of you can answer correctly.

>> No.50073401 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 250x250, loona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the ones who should be giving iq test to you my friend.

>> No.50073408


>> No.50073419


>> No.50073435

1 IMO the network behind it is the only thing with value, current price is all market manipulation.
2 no I don't give financial advice to family and friends.

>> No.50073437

1. Nothing
2. No

Only correct answer.

>> No.50073445

>1. What makes this valuable
People subjectively thinking it has value, and believing that others subjectively value it. This is what creates social truths, i.e. someone becomes president because we all say they are president.
>2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
Yes, everyone. For ten years now. It took seven years for the smartest of my family to begin looking into it, the rest are still oblivious.
>3. If yes, why
If I care about someone, I want them to succeed and be wealthy, healthy, and reproduce. Likewise, if any of them were all in 100% on Bitcoin, I'd explain why that's incredibly risky, that is unless they were even more of a die-hard Bitcoiner than me. Then it is different.

>> No.50073450

1. Supply and Demand
2. Yes
3. My parents, because they always keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in their bank accounts doing nothing

>> No.50073471

1. Perception of value.
2. No.
3. It's gambling. Gambling has low success rate in long run.

>> No.50073484


>> No.50073528


>> No.50073579

I agree, the only "value" it has is purely speculative. It is old, clunky and slow technology for today's standards with major flaws that cannot make it money nor currency. Bitcoin is the original NFT.

>> No.50073646

there is more value beyond just agreed upon value. there is something no other asset can offer. good ethics and yes it is more than just wealth, it is having certainty, it is protection

>> No.50073676

>I agree, the only "value" it has is purely speculative.
All value is this way, anon. Not just Bitcoin. All value is subjective, nothing is inherently valuable.
>It is old
It's better that it has a long track record than a shorter track record.
>clunky and slow technology for today's standards
Bitcoin is the fastest way to transmit value as of typing this. There is no faster way to move value than with Bitcoin, and there's no way that is more secure.
>with major flaws that cannot make it money nor currency
Bitcoin is just too young and small to be a decent unit of account and currency. Every other crypto that isn't a government issued fiat token is worse than Bitcoin at being currency.
>Bitcoin is the original NFT
The goal of privacy in Bitcoin is to make it fungible. If Bitcoin remains non-fungible, it will impact its ability to be digital cash.

>> No.50073683

BTC is the "Tulip Bubble" of Modern Times.
BTC will survive a recession but it cannot survive an economic depression. And, it's certain that a depression will happen in the future. That will be end of almost all kinds of crypto.
BTC has no use case other that speculation, it's not anonymous and normal consumers have no reason to use it over Bank money.

>> No.50073714

when I think of biz in a bear market I think of you. 80iq.

>> No.50073741


>> No.50073761

Well, I didn't hold the bag.
Comfy in Cash. Will slurp wen I will start seeing positive numbers.

>> No.50073841

for 3. The clock is ticking. The government cannot hold your hand this time, and the many many many who wait for that will be left behind. There will be no one, and no way, to aid you if you are late. The ship will sail and you will be unprotected.

>> No.50073884

Mental Challenge A:

> 7.777...
the same as
> 8
or is it the same as
> 7.8
or is it
> neither the same as 8 nor the same as 7.8

Mental Challenge B:

> 1.111...
the same as
> 2
or is it the same as
> 1.2
or is it
> neither the same as 2 nor the same as 1.2

> (the "..." means the 7s and 1s repeat forever)

>> No.50073905

It solved the byzantine general problem, which allows for borderless organization.

>> No.50073916

1. no
2. yes
3. because it was just before the last halving and it was at 8k

>> No.50073921

1. Nothing
2. No

>> No.50073954

1. Nothing
2. No
3. N/A

>> No.50074022

>1. What makes this valuable
the edginess of coding
>2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about

>> No.50074044

1. enabling secure trades to any degree is valuable, its value is not as obvious when we already have working systems in place despite them being worse and more expensive.
2. not really but I said playing with it is a better bet than gambling in general

>> No.50074059

When you truly understand you will become fearful for those close to you who don't. You will see them as vulnerable, with so much they have worked for their whole life at risk of becoming worthless while they are completely unaware. There will not be a smooth transition, once the panic arrives, once people realize the governments are powerless to aid and protect their population against the surging loss of their wealth. It is imperative that the individual takes initiative. Memorize your 12 words, and there will truly be nothing on earth you own more than your Bitcoin.

>> No.50074203

<80 iq

>> No.50074367

1. Proof of Work, the blockchain, and network effects.
2. Yes.
3. If I believe in it then I should not leave them in the dark. They're my family.

>> No.50074415
File: 65 KB, 1284x777, 84.5pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. What makes this valuable
BTC? Nothing. BSV? Everything. Replace Visa, Mastercard and literally anything you can think of as a transaction, like a google search.
>2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
BTC? No. BSV? Yes, but small amounts.
>3. If yes, why
Because Bitcoin (BSV) has enormous value. Cheaper and more secure than Visa & Mastercard which by itself is huge value, but then so much more. Turing Complete ("smart contracts") so replace Ethereum.

>I will be surprised if any of you can answer correctly.
You're welcome.

>> No.50074447

1. Scarcity, digital property, and cannot be confiscated as long as you control you coins. Inherently it has no monetary value outside that which we collectively ascribe to it, but the same can be said of fiat.

2. They know I'm invested in it. I don't push it.

>> No.50074474


You mean memorize the 14 words.

>> No.50074475

I can transfer funds without a bank to anyone in the world.


Investment outside of1% interest bank savings.

I was even going to start defi investing with terra, lucky I was too lazy to commit.

>> No.50074484

borderless organization is good for the common man, but ultimately will allow elite humans to control the herds easier.

>> No.50074506

Uncensorable, hard to confiscate, hard money in a period of time where we are likely to see hyper-inflation of fiat. Yes I have recommend it to people along with boomer rocks.

>> No.50074509

>A gold coin
>B-b-but we hate boomer rocks
you idiots deserve to end up sucking dick for food

>> No.50074570
File: 291 KB, 870x495, 89218C43-2B34-4BB1-99C0-D55D4BE3B22F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon

>> No.50074657

1. assuming you have your seed memorized: portable. Taken anywhere, on planes, across boarders, unstoppable. trustless. perfectly secure transactions with no intermediary, no requirement to trust the other person. Decentralized. cannot be controlled, shutdown, prevent transactions, again it's unstoppable. Unforgeable with known supply. infinite. Will store value for 100 years. Will store value for 1000 years. your value will remain undiluted and perfect. No risk of fakes.
Perceived value is one part, however there is clear incentive to perceive Bitcoin as valuable: those who do are more powerful. Are more free. Are unstoppable.
2. Only once you truly understand is it ethical do to so.
3. There is no compromise. Nothing, no asset, is anywhere near as powerful or as freeing. As fair. As secure. As perfect. Nothing. You will not be able to buy Bitcoin in any amount of fiat. You will not be selling your entire home for a full coin. Everything will lose its value against an unthinkably superior store of wealth, and nobody can protect you other than yourself. Your responsibility. Your opportunity to become more powerful. More powerful than almost any of you realize. The government cannot help you this time.

>> No.50074707

>cannot be controlled, shutdown
lmao you actually believe this shit don't you?

>> No.50074709

Imagine competing for a job against someone with a neuralink. Compare it to competing to buy something against someone with Bitcoin. You will lose every time.

>> No.50074922

Owning Bitcoin may indeed be the only upper-hand we have over AI and neuralink'd humans in the future. Assuming there are many AIs and bots in the future, they'll probably all need Bitcoin to verify the sequence of events that took place in a trust minimized way, and also pay for things in a digitally native way themselves. I don't think all the AIs will be wired up together and functioning as a single entity, so they likely won't trust one another, and therefore need Bitcoin to settle trades.

>> No.50074932

The level of improvement compared to wealth stored in any other form is inconceivable to most. It is truly not comparable to anything else on earth. It is currently the single most important milestone in trade for our species.

>> No.50074978

>Expensive numbers
wew lad

>> No.50075036

I can give my AI Bitcoin and have it live in perpetuity. It could possess equal value and wealth to that of a human in an indistinguishable manner.

>> No.50075039
File: 267 KB, 698x619, 20211206_170851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All value is subjective, nothing is inherently valuable.
Wrong. For example, gold and life itself are inherently valuable.
>It's better that it has a long track record than a shorter track record.
Sony has a long track record, you also see them upgrade their technology to compete.
Both of these arguments are illogical.

>Bitcoin is the fastest way to transmit value as of typing this. There is no faster way to move value than with Bitcoin, and there's no way that is more secure.
Hell no it is not, information is valuable and is easily transmitted in today's age, received in seconds. In fact, it often is of vital importance. A Bitcoin transaction takes on average ~10-20 minutes. That amount of time in certain situations is the difference between life and death.
>Bitcoin is just too young and small to be a decent unit of account and currency. Every other crypto that isn't a government issued fiat token is worse than Bitcoin at being currency.
Didn't you just say that Bitcoin has a long track record? Lmao. What matters in a currency and money is its inherent properties. Bitcoin does not have fungibility, therefore it can never be money nor currency. Decentralized money is just a bonus.
>The goal of privacy in Bitcoin is to make it fungible. If Bitcoin remains non-fungible, it will impact its ability to be digital cash.
It already has impacted, especially on the dark web since they've transitioned to the superior money - Monero. Bitcoin will never be fungible, they can't even reach consensus on a hard fork to improve the blocks, are you that gullible to believe it'll add privacy? Kek spare me with this foolishness.

>> No.50075083

This is not a discussion on money, this is a discussion on wealth.

>> No.50075090

I agree in theory but reality is harsh. The kind of mind control that's been established through media is way more powerful than any form of monetary control.
Eventually Bitcoin or something like it will be one of those things people can't imagine what life before it was like but we can't know where we are in the process, there are factors like the power of mind control that will try to stop it. It's unlikely but Bitcoin may even die completely before it reaches its potential.

>> No.50075173

Dont drag media mind control schizophrenia into the same discussion as Bitcoin.

>> No.50075200

>Wrong. For example, gold and life itself are inherently valuable.
This demonstrates you're braindead. You don't understand how logic works.
Given certain axioms you consider "obvious" those things have value. In other words you don't actually think, you operate based on pure conditioning that you haven't even tried to logically justify after the fact. Because you don't have any reasons for anything you say you can't discuss anything.

>> No.50075267

You're ignoring all the dominant factors that shape the world and pretending only your clever little mechanism is relevant. It can easily fail miserably because people like you put on these kinds of blinders. Unless you consider the whole you're in a fantasy world.

>> No.50075270

>1. What makes this valuable
>2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
Jesus God no. I've told them if you absolutely must buy it, sell the rip

>> No.50075307
File: 12 KB, 480x640, statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine writing all that then announcing you own some expensive 1s and 0s

>> No.50075314

Then you've already lost the discussion. In order to be wealthy you need to have an abundant amount of money. Your arguments are inane.

>> No.50075355

I can be wealthy in property as I can be wealthy in Bitcoin. Neither are money.

>> No.50075374

Troll post but I'll bite
>For example, gold and life itself are inherently valuable
Gold isn't valuable because of its atomic structure, it is valuable because humans believe it is scarce. If we discovered gold isn't rare, it would probably lose its monetary premium from the loss of its perceived scarcity. The same thing would happen if Bitcoin's supply rate was increased. Value isn't subjective? If so, then what's the value of gold if you're the only person on earth? What's the value of drinking water if you're about to die in a desert? What's the value of drinking water if you've got an endless supply? No value exists until humans perceive or believe it, everything is speculation because you are betting on the thing having value and having value in the future. Objective things exist without us, but meaning is where value comes from, and that is created by our subjective experience.

>Sony has a long track record, you also see them upgrade their technology to compete
>Both of these arguments are illogical.
Sony is a company, Bitcoin is a currency. Apples and oranges. Bitcoin can be traded 24/7 to settle any type of deal participants want, meanwhile no one buys drugs with Sony stock, though maybe some drug dealers would accept Sony products in exchange for drugs.
Currencies that have been around longer have had more time to establish a userbase. Gold has a far longer history than Bitcoin, so does the Dollar. But Bitcoin has a better track record of every cryptocurrency based on timechains, which gives it the strongest perceived brand and most trust of all currencies. This track record is the very reason why so many call Bitcoin boring
>Didn't you just say that Bitcoin has a long track record?
It has a long track record relative to digital currencies. 13 years is a long time. It doesn't have a long track record relative to fiat or gold. This goes without saying, anon. You are doing a lousy job of painting me as a fool, others have done much better than you

>> No.50075442

>Given certain axioms you consider "obvious" those things have value.
I don't consider anything. Life is inherently valuable because you cannot replicate a person that has parted. It takes 2 brain cells to know this, atleast use them.

>> No.50075457

>What matters in a currency and money is its inherent properties. Bitcoin does not have fungibility, therefore it can never be money nor currency. Decentralized money is just a bonus.
Bitcoin has great inherent properties for money, Bitcoin does not have fungibility but there may be ways to address or solve it without sacrificing verifiability of the supply and transactions on-chain. Time will tell
>A Bitcoin transaction takes on average ~10-20 minutes
Use Lightning, or some other layered solution, or do an offline private key exchange. Bitcoin can work as a bearer instrument. 10 to 20 minute settlement time is fine if you've got no other options and push comes to shove. Bitcoin already is money, but it may one day become currency. Haven't you heard of the saying "never say never"?
>It already has impacted, especially on the dark web since they've transitioned to the superior money - Monero.
Then use Monero for that. Bitcoin has to maintain verifiability of transactions, transparency, and audibility of the supply. This matters more than frangibility.

>> No.50075463

Alright, how did you buy the property and Bitcoin? Try harder.

>> No.50075478

I have yet to have one of these idiots ever explain to me why it's always stylised as a FUCKING GOLD COIN.

>> No.50075498

1. ponzinomics
2. I did, like 9 years ago
3. number go up

>> No.50075526

There was a house bought with bitcoin here in Portugal some weeks ago.

>> No.50075571

I just bought 5 acres off a friend with bitcoin. Does this make you upset?

>> No.50075622

>1. What makes this valuable
Decentralized. Self custody. Deflation. Fast transfer unlike PMs. A very large number of P2P nodes.
If something bad happens in your country you can escape with all your wealth despite having your pockets empty.
>2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
For over a decade, yes.
>3. If yes, why
I've never recommended investing a lot, but just recommended the tech itself for the ability to evade censorship by banks and payment processors. There are many things that are legal, but censored. It's an interesting idea of a currency not issued by any central bank.

>> No.50075644

This makes sense until you realize that bitcoin relies on global uninterrupted internet. I doubt it would survive a true WW3 when the transoceanic internet cables are sabotaged

>> No.50075646

At least there's logic behind it. You may disagree with some of the premises but it's still logically structured instead of being pure appeals to conditioned dogma with no reasoning.
>Life is inherently valuable because you cannot replicate a person that has parted
See, absolutely braindead. You can't replicate precisely a piece of shit that has parted. Is that what makes a piece of shit valuable? How are so many of you retards completely incapable of the simplest logic?
Valuing life can be said to be a subjective premise depending on what you mean. Within a context where it's a given like in most cases you can say anything that serves that premise is "inherently" valuable but you specifically moved out of that context and tried to say things like gold and life have some objective magic property that you can't elaborate on because you don't grasp the fact you're just referring to your conditioning from usually working within the common context.

>> No.50075708

>At least there's logic behind it. You may disagree with some of the premises but it's still logically structured instead of being pure appeals to conditioned dogma with no reasoning.
You're just repeating what you said before. So will I.
>Imagine writing all that then announcing you own some expensive 1s and 0s

>> No.50075713

A global uninterrupted internet is extremely unlikely. In all cases so far it is only one country deciding to censor themselves at which point you can escape with your keys to another country. A true WW3 would have far bigger consequences than the loss of your fiat/btc.

>> No.50075727

1. an asset limited in quantity that can be transferred without the need of a third party and is secured by a pow network
2. yes
3. being from third world even holding TCG is better than our shit currency, btc is almost the only way to hold something valuable in my shit country, other alternative is gold but the returns sucks and the risk is very high

>> No.50075736

>Is that what makes a piece of shit valuable?
Why isn't Bitcoin stylised as a lump of shit with a B logo? Shit is useful. You can fertilize soil with it. Why is it always represented as a gold coin which according to you has no logic or whatever behind it

>> No.50075848

>You're just repeating what you said before. So will I.
But why don't you grasp anything said? Why do you refuse to try to learn about the world? Do you resent competence so much?
What's the point of your posts if not some braindead resentment about me making millions on 1s and 0s?
>which according to you has no logic
I can logically argue for why gold should be valuable. You can not. Do you understand the difference? It's not that there's no logic behind valuing gold, it's that you're incapable of grasping or formalizing any ideas about it. You just mindlessly defer to conditioning. That's the difference between an easily controlled NPC like you and an actual competent sovereign human like me.

>> No.50075903
File: 1.05 MB, 1273x718, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me making millions on 1s and 0s?
Sure you did.
>logic logic logic logic
Calm down Captain Spock or whatever you think you are, and study some history (Longer than 13 years)

>> No.50075904

>it is valuable because humans believe it is scarce.
Not because people believe, it is because gold IS scarce. You're saying hypothetical scenarios.
Water absolutely is valuable, you need water to live. You don't perceive or believe water to be valuable, it just is - and to all life. You don't drink water because it is more or less valuable lmao you need it.
>Sony is a company, Bitcoin is a currency.
Jesus Christ, you're dense. I am comparing technological improvements. You need to continuously upgrade tech in order to stay viable/competitive. Btc is no exception.
The rest you said I basically agree.

I know, how did he buy Bitcoin in order to buy a house?

>I just bought 5 acres off a friend with bitcoin. Does this make you upset?
Not at all. It might make the government upset though, did you know if those coins were tainted? Might be put on a list if they were.

>> No.50075915

t. freshman who just finished his first phil course

>> No.50075974
File: 1.42 MB, 1311x846, bee5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. value is subjective, people impute value to things
2. no, but i explained why it would become a fad, made six figures off of that fad and paid off my house, and subsequently have explained how next it will become worthless
3. n/a
you have autism, so it's important to understand that your hopes and desires, your ideas, the information you have collected, won't stop you from losing all of your money in crypto. every last penny.

>> No.50075998

1. What makes this valuable
>BTC? whats that?
2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
>I've never heard of "BTC"

>> No.50076036

1. Scarcity, brand, network adoption, holding and spot buying, immutability, security
2. yes, but only ones with enough money that they forget they own it. If it works out great, if it doesn't they barely care.
3. I like it, so I share what I like with people who I care about

>> No.50076040

Say something retard. Why are you so empty? Even if you think you're trolling or whatever why can't you spice it up with some actual fucking content? Your incapable of even that?
Same here. What's the thought process behind these posts? If you have so much more to offer why can't you? Why are you so absolutely incompetent on every level? Even your predictions about me you think are so clever all fail miserably.

>> No.50076041
File: 3.59 MB, 640x480, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i explained why it would become a fad, made six figures off of that fad and paid off my house, and subsequently have explained how next it will become worthless

>> No.50076053

ITT: brainlets
You either understand the Bitcoin Standard, or you don't. Simple as

>> No.50076079

Maybe you can answer this question seeing as your so logical and crave content
>Why isn't Bitcoin stylised as a lump of shit with a B logo? Shit is useful. You can fertilize soil with it. Why is it always represented as a gold coin which according to you has no logic or whatever behind it

>> No.50076100

Is that like the betamax standard?

>> No.50076142
File: 77 KB, 1004x326, 1654347584025 1648904484384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin does not have fungibility but there may be ways to address or solve it without sacrificing verifiability of the supply and transactions on-chain. Time will tell.
I doubt that due to the reasons aforementioned, It does not reach consensus in order to hard fork. If it is not fungible at the base layer, it can never be. Fungibility is an innate property of money, btc can never be money if it does not have it.
>Use Lightning, or some other layered solution.
Those are not solutions, see picrel. Did you know that over HALF of all lightning network capacity is now controlled by 5 entities? So much for decentralization lol.
>Then use Monero for that. Bitcoin has to maintain verifiability of transactions, transparency, and audibility of the supply. This matters more than frangibility.
You do realize that Monero does ALL that you mentioned. It is also optionally transparent.

>> No.50076152

The question works from dishonest premises. You know the answer and it's not relevant to anything we're talking about.
I corrected the fundamental misconception in the question but you're apparently to retarded to understand it.

>> No.50076187

1. Nothing.
2. No, I never give anyone financial advice.

>> No.50076199

It's fundamental to your whole inane point you fucking sperg lord. You say gold isn't backed by logic or whatever.
I ask why is Bitcoin always represented as a gold coin?
And now you think you can just
your way around the question.

>> No.50076205

bitcoin works

>> No.50076225
File: 285 KB, 680x626, 7c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. hype
2. no
3. see above

>> No.50076267

So do Segways, it's just the question they are the answer to was equally retarded

>> No.50076310

1. you will
2. never be
3. a woman

>> No.50076345

Digital assets have been selling for hundreds or even thousands of dollars since the 90s. If you don't understand this new asset class and the emerging market and the fact that Bitcoin is the first of its kind then you're the type of moron who's gonna end up buying back in when it's too late.
You guys fall for the fud every single cycle. Surely it's finally dead this time!!

>> No.50076371

>Digital assets have been selling for hundreds or even thousands of dollars since the 90s
>what are depreciating assets?
Want to buy my C64 for $9000 anon?

>> No.50076379

so do oranges and they grow on trees

>> No.50076385
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 1631240332801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin will go back up because.... look it just will ok
this is what all pro btc posts boil down to

>> No.50076398

1. Ponzi fomo
2. No

>> No.50076402

>You say gold isn't backed by logic or whatever.
False. Like I clearly stated in the reply which you now admit addresses your fundamental point. Surreal levels of retardation.
>I ask why is Bitcoin always represented as a gold coin?
Marketing. The question demonstrates again how braindead you are, still pretending I don't think gold is valuable because I called you out for your braindead claim that it's "inherently valuable" in a way that bitcoin is not.

>> No.50076406

Are you retarded? A depression is the best thing that could ever happen to BTC.
People will lose faith in the economy and everyone will ask for BTC.

>> No.50076417

Oranges are tasty
Good luck eating your bitcoin

>> No.50076444

I dont get it. They’re all rational numbers that are not equivalent

>> No.50076479

False comparison.
There are already cryptos that are technologically superior to Bitcoin yet Bitcoin is at a far higher valuation, why?
Because a more apt comparison would be like how the USA was the first to put the man on the moon. It's a matter of prestige.

>> No.50076494

It pays for all my groceries.

>> No.50076560

They take bitcoin at shartmart?
Like how Titanic was unsinkable. OK I understand now. Thanks.

>> No.50076573

>1. What makes this valuable
Your mom accepts it.

>2. Have you recommended this to any family/friends you care about
I was going to, but changed my mind

>3. If yes, why
The line outside your mom's is already long enough.

>> No.50076621

>i can find a sucker who accepts my btc as payment
>therefore it has value and will always have value, in fact its value will go up to extraordinary highs from here

>> No.50076651

another fun math problem: How to prove that 1 = 2 and nothing is real and dad is never coming home

a = b
a^2 = a*b
a^2 - b^2 = a*b - b^2
(a+b)(a-b) = b(a-b)
a+b = b
2b = b
2 = 1

>> No.50076693

>i can find a sucker who accepts my usd as payment
>therefore it has value and will always have value, in fact its value will go up to extraordinary highs from here

>> No.50076702

OR he has to take his decentralised etc etc etc etc shitcoin and turn into ebil DOLLARS somehow
Now there's no way that could be regulated right?

>> No.50076717

Just who tf do you think you are anyway?

>> No.50076793

>There are already cryptos that are technologically superior to Bitcoin
Like what?