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50071269 No.50071269 [Reply] [Original]

hows it possible to work low paying retail jobs after youve learned about crypto and how capital in general works.
i was fine before i knew just how much money existed out there

>> No.50071395

come on there must be somebody left on here with good advice

>> No.50071401

Just made 5k today shorting the nasdaq, being a wagie is a choice. The only one holding you back is yourself, not society or mc.d's.

>> No.50071573

you didn't do anything

>> No.50071584
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kys wagie nigger

>> No.50071622

>being a wagie is a choice
sadly i havent got the money to be anything else, i barely survive on what i have nevermind have enough to take risks with.
im looking for coping mechanisms itt

>> No.50071635
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It should be easier. Earn $20 an hour? Put your pay into something you think is 1000x undervalued and you're now working for $20k an hour. Without the job, you can't invest as much and will need to work longer later.

>> No.50071695

Can you explain how you did that and pretend that I'm a retard when you explain?

>> No.50071730
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i got sacked from the last retail job in march because i stole a bunch of money from them, maybe i should do that again but this time use it to buy boomercoin.
i didnt know anything about the markets back then (or now)

>> No.50071743

Survivors bias.

>> No.50071789
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>> No.50071797

You will now always be miserable. In normal times you'd have decent paying job that would provide you with enough material comforts to keep you complacent. Now you know how the system works and realize that you don't stand a chance to make it.

>> No.50071961

Do some free courses online and get a better job.

>> No.50071968

>Now you know how the system works and realize that you don't stand a chance to make it.
is there no way to leverage that knowledge of the system to actually get out of it?
compliance seems totally futile as you say, there is no conventional path out of this.
and no i dont mean being a criminal, there must be legal ways to make money still right?

>> No.50071992

It takes money to make more. If you can figure out how to make money off your fellow poors, maybe you can climb out. Most people are dumb AF.

>> No.50072018


>> No.50072022

The mass redpilling of society that has happened since the coof will be the West's downfall. The curtain was pulled back for all to see.

>> No.50072175

>It takes money to make more
i need to wage slave more, i know that, i just struggle with the daily grind

>> No.50073263
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If you have any spare time. Try to improve in something you think will help you. There are many ways to thrive.

>> No.50073266

you will be redeemed shortly wagiebro. the economy has been so overfinancialized and the corruption so blatant for so long that being a wagie will be the only choice for most of the shitcoin gamblers on here. that or suicide or a 9 out of 10 chance of self-employment failure.