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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50070548 No.50070548 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought something like pic rel in central Europe with my crypto gains all in cash. Meaning I have no mortgage or debt. I still however need to pay taxes for capital gains next year and I also need to furnish it (it's empty at the moment).
It's a brand new house in a gated white community with security cameras and all that.
Did I do well or did I fuck myself in terms of an investment? I'm worried about this stupid Ukraine shit and also how fucked Europe is now because of Russian gas and retarded politians. I have about $100k USD to go to pay back taxes and get the house finished for next year. Should I take a mortgage or loan on the rest of them so that I can start the furnishing process now? Mind you I am NOT in debt minus the taxes I have to pay next year for capital gains on my crypto gains which I already have about 20% of.

>> No.50070788

At least you own a home anon.
t. 20 something wagie

>> No.50070816

humble brag, the thread.

>> No.50070840

You bought a cgi house? Congrats I guess

>> No.50070844

I'm not humble bragging, I'm asking for advice. In order to get solid advice, anons here need to know my situation. Simple as

>> No.50070871

I also know if I should just sell it and move to the Caribbean somewhere where it's more safu from war n shiet

>> No.50070878

If you are going to live alone you're gonna get sick if it's too big because of the cleaning and maintenance. Congrats on the house, but you should get a maid.

>> No.50070881
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Also want* to know

>> No.50070894

idk anon this house looks larpy

>> No.50070901

I'm getting married soon so I will have a waifu.

>> No.50070904

you are in a better position than most being mortgage free, as long as you can afford utilities/ upkeep. A loan to pay of the tax if you need to won't be for long. Don't get in to debt to furnish it, buy as you have the spare cash

>> No.50070913

It's not the actual house. I just searched and found something similar. In fact this house looks better than the one I got.

>> No.50071567

this. either get a maid, preferrably live-in as that doubles as company to keep your sanity in check (not even talking about sex here) or max level your home automation with bots. if you choose the latter, googly eyes on roomba is a must.

>> No.50071685
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100000% getting 2 roombas (one for each floor) and also one of those grass cutting bots

>> No.50071874

Thanks for the feedback some of you. Should I think about selling this house and moving to the Caribbean in case there's WW3 from this Ukraine bullshit? Or should I keep the property and hope nothing gay like that happens?

>> No.50072462


>> No.50072669

>just bought
>I should just sell it and move to the Caribbean
You just debunked your own larp.

>> No.50072744

Worst case you can rent the house as it is with no furniture, but that means the people that move in need to have their furniture and they will likely want to live there for a long time.

>> No.50072776

Which country?

>> No.50072797

>I'm asking for advice
F U C K O F F >>>/adv/

>> No.50072868
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It's an option that I'm willing to look into. Ukraine it too dam close to me to feel at ease.

I'm worried about a possible war taking my asset with it.

Czech Republic

NO U. This is a fucking biz/nuiess board you fucking faggot. /adv is full of women. You think they know how to do anything with money other than buy clothes or other stupid shit?

>> No.50073051

>all these sour grapes itt
First of all congrats on the house OP and on tying the knot. Best piece of advice, financially speaking, is to not listen to the retards here. The very few high iq people are either too busy to effortpost or are american. Get yourself an accountant and sort out ways to minimize taxes.
Geopolitically speaking, The whole thing will pass sooner or later. Idk about ukraine but neighboring countries are too important to the west to let russia interfere. From a macro view, Russia has had an aggressive policy whenever commodities rallied. EU is the issue because their leadership keeps fucking up. I'll leave it here because i don't want to come off as a /pol/ schizo
Also, OP Are you american and can you post a proof of nolarp pls?

>> No.50073170

Really fucking big house for a single generation 3 head family

>> No.50073280

>central europe
are you wikipedia educated or something? perhaps a burger?
>Czech Republic
that's eastern europe, stop pretending otherwise