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50070148 No.50070148 [Reply] [Original]

How are random shitcoins pumping while bitcoin is sub 19k?

>> No.50070178

This always happens before huge dumps.
I've already opened a gigantic short on SHIB, this dump is going to be phenomenal

>> No.50070224

scam pumps. this market is rekt for at least 16 months

>> No.50070248

That's usually a sign that shit ain't right. If Bitcoin is struggling to hold a +1% day while dogcoins and fucking Litecoin are printing 10-20% candles out of fucking nowhere, you should understand that shit is about to get worse.

>> No.50070621

Exit pumps by devs

>> No.50071909

Normies see a small pump and fomo into it

>> No.50072597
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Check again

>> No.50073081

Are devs even remotely solvent?
They're barely holding on, they're all going nuts trying to solve their own shit and larp that shit is actually in development and their shit is going to work while knowing nothing is holding on

>> No.50073092


>> No.50073119
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Baste anon

>> No.50074715

It was pretty fucking obvious given that there's a massive shitstorm coming after Ryoshi announced that he's going to do anything to nuke shib down.

For a founder to want to kill his own project is no small feat

>> No.50074723

sub 20k bobo gang

>> No.50074750

The jews did that

>> No.50074906

If ADA went to the moon
And Charles Hoskinson went to congress, I'd swoon
10 bucks Cardano would make me sing
I'd shake my thing and go twing-a-zing-zing!

>> No.50076877

I mean who cares if it's a scam as long as you can catch the pump. Still easy to make money with shitcoins if you're selective and recognise when the wind is turning. Pretty consistent gainz desu.

>> No.50076968
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>Still easy to make money with shitcoins if you're selective
You see anon, there's the problem. I always select the wrong ones. How do you do it? Pls give me some tips and/or shill me your current bags.

>> No.50077046
File: 276 KB, 632x345, 2018-01-06-1515270093_632x345_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this dump is going to be phenomenal
To be frank there's not a lot left to dump to be considered "phenomenal".
We went from 70k to fucking 18 already.
At this point a drop down to 5k would barely raise brows anymore.

>> No.50077073
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Idk man just don't try and buy something at all costs. If you gotta wait a week to find something where everything seems right then a week it is. Big bag of the week is Squidgrow, treating me handsomely and hype not dying. Wouldn't fade.

>> No.50077076
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never fight the trend my friend

>> No.50077330

Shit is finna moon fr team i$ too rich ong

>> No.50077368

>Ryoshi announced that he's going to do anything to nuke shib down.
Source? This is news to me.

>> No.50077395

Maybe cuz bitcoin was the shitcoin all along

>> No.50077423

>At this point a drop down to 5k would barely raise brows anymore
You are smoking crack, 5k would make most crypto companies insolvent and finally kill usdt. We unironically might get fucked hard enough to skip the next bullrun. It could get very ugly

>> No.50077860

I saw squidgrow shilled here two days ago and didn't buy because it looked like a jeet scam to me REEEEEEEEEEE
Give it to me straight frens, is it too late?

>> No.50078038

Lmao might have been me, hope some anons bought that was a clean x2.5. Don't think it's too late the team has extremely deep pockets and kinda willing to pump this as a vanity project or some shit. Hype is there.

>> No.50078074

because BTC is worthless shit, and if you don't understand this by now, you will NEVER make it

>> No.50078091

Because Bitcoin is dead. Eth is about to flip soon

>> No.50078147

Who cares about shitcoins m8, they are all scams, I hold only ORN

>> No.50078148

Fucking kill yourselves

>> No.50078844


it's terrible missing it now at $1 knowing the ath was $28 and next bull run it might reach it again

>> No.50078891

RLC is not a random shitcoin it's literally the next Bitcoin level investment

>> No.50079282

bruh i'm just tryna make it no cap
no need to be sus fr fr

>> No.50080980

Its fucking crazy, the fomo into shitcoin is definitely manipulated by devs to get the gains and rug. I'd rather sell shib now if I had a bag and put it on alts like BAR, GMT and ORE atleast they are worth the long term hodl.

>> No.50081022

What's the difference between ryoshi and shib, its all shit.

>> No.50081055

Take the profit and throw it on fundamentals, good strategy.

>> No.50081102

because theyre only driven by hype but have zero utility or back up so they’ll end up dumping even harder trust me
this os exactly why I never come near them and instead invest in shit like ETH with actual utility or BitDAO with actual back up from a $1.2 billion treasury

>> No.50081105

BTC and ETH will be in a crabby movement for the longest time, dont be deceived OP the shitcoin pump is not real.

>> No.50081297

With shitcoins its all about luck, marketing and a cult like community.

>> No.50081786


Redpill me on ORN? I am looking to invest into projects offering web3 access and seamless cross chain interaction.

>> No.50082399

Dyor on OGN and ORE they both got some solid usecase on web3.

>> No.50082424

Definitely taking that profit to DCA into ETH and MATIC. These shitcoins ain't making it too far.

>> No.50082444

Funny niggers

>> No.50082502

Never heard of BAR but I got a a bag of GMT and ORE you can get it wrong with utilities, product adoption and token usage is all that matters.

>> No.50083914

That you Stu?
Can we get everyone moved into
Tranny free Chan now or what ?

>> No.50084115

It's above 20k, you know cryptocurrency is volatile?

>> No.50084134

>he's going to do anything to nuke shib down.
>For a founder to want to kill his own project is no small feat
Why are you lying? This isn't boomer stocks you fucking Jew cuck, ETH whales have been buying massive amounts.
No one is not selling and buying Shiba inu.
God damn I hate how dumb you Jews are.

>> No.50084177

yes, buy cappuccinu

>> No.50084182
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It's bullshit some pajeet started to pump another shitcoin.