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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 325 KB, 1460x1177, 5A2F0BB6-8093-40E9-9008-B2F1B419CDD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50066177 No.50066177 [Reply] [Original]

I tripped getting into the shower about 10 minutes ago while I was getting ready for work. Today is kind of a big day for me since it’s the last day of the quarter there’s a ton of stuff to do. Should I call out or just deal with the growing lump on my eyebrow while I’m at work?

>> No.50066192

looking good, just deal with it pussy.

>> No.50066196

Go to work and then come back home after an hour. This makes you seem like a good wagie

>> No.50066210

I just don’t want this to get any worse than it already is. Ideally, I’d like to prevent a black eye completely

>> No.50066220

Deal with it pussy

>> No.50066221

Sort that monobrow out you tramp

>> No.50066237

Go to the hospital. You could lose the eye.
t. RN

>> No.50066242

Send the picture to your manager and request advice.

>> No.50066256
File: 476 KB, 1460x1210, FFC4CA0B-C8CC-4DF2-9AAC-66427590DCA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily no monobrow, just very thick eyebrows. I do have, however, a very rapidly growing lump.

>> No.50066262

Dress as a pirate and scrub your menagers deck if you catch my drift

>> No.50066296

Is it really that bad? I figured it was just a little mouse above my eye, nothing too serious

>> No.50066302

Apologies, but just ring in and say you feel a bit light headed or some shit not safe to drive

>> No.50066321

Financially speaking, what do you use for your skin? Since your hair suggests you're mid-late thirties

>> No.50066325

lmao, maybe get your hands off your dick next time and brace yourself
if you wanna show face for like a minute, talk to boss, "yo gangbang last night cock in face cant see" check your emails, say headache is too bad, then go home.

>> No.50066375

Wear sunglasses and go talk to your boss as soon as you walk in. Let him tell you to stay or go

>> No.50066380

Youth. I’m in my late 20s. My hairline isn’t too bad, the picture just cuts it off. I pretty much just scrub my face with dove body wash though

>> No.50066402

It's a baby hematoma.....why would this be life threatening?

>> No.50066424

Lol, I’ll do my best but no promises. So I take it you think I should at least show up?

>> No.50066430

Listen to what this anon says & get yourself to hosptial - no joke this is serious - you clearly have bleeding /fluid swelling under the skin thats getting worse and you don't mess around with eyes man - get the hospital to write you a sickness certificate if you want - work will understand.
Godspeed and good luck - & come back & lets us know how it goes

>> No.50066480

Like urgent care or ER? I don’t think it’s that bad. Just a little mouse under my eyebrow. You don’t think I should go to work given how hectic it’ll be today?

>> No.50066482

anon, you should get that looked at, might need to get drained, don't want to mess around with the eye.

>> No.50066579

Yes like ER seriously anon

>> No.50066621

Do you really think they’d drain it? Admittedly, it’s definitely getting pretty bad. I can barley open it at this point.

>> No.50066664

You need to stop posting and go to whatever hospital is closest to you, seriously.

>> No.50066694

Alright, fair enough. Maybe if this thread is still alive in a few hours I’ll update you guys. Hopefully, every works out and I just end up with a little black eye or something

>> No.50066728

this is really unhelpful advice

if you go to the hospital they will write this down as a "sty" and you will be fired for skipping work over such a minor condition.

what you need is a wage veterinarian. these are veterinarians who work on wagies but file all the paperwork as if they are working on regular animals. the vet will drain the cyst and provide you with fake documentation to prove that your dog that you don't have was hit by a car this morning, saving your job.

you're welcome anon. you can find wagie vets all over craiglist or sometimes on dating apps it depends where you live.

>> No.50067062

Shut the fuck up. OP go to the hospital. Don’t fuck around with your eye

>> No.50067123

>thinks someone is posting for genuine medical advice on /biz/

You need to go to the hospital immediately to get your head checked.

>> No.50067127

All these pussies telling you to go to the ER for a black eye. NGMI
Grab a bag of frozen peas and get your ass to work, soldier.

>> No.50067738

I went to work with full blown covid dont be a pussy.

>> No.50067801


>> No.50067830

Rub some dirt in it and walk it off, pussy!
Back in my day, we didn't have no stinking osha and we got shit DONE I'll tell ya hwat boy.
That's the problem with today's generation. TOO SOFT. A little lead or asbestos or bump on the noggin ain't gonna kill ya.

>> No.50067993

I did and they said i’m okay

>> No.50068069
File: 175 KB, 1264x574, 476D5104-C5EB-4ECE-8A4B-A5B96C64AA5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, no fractures. I just finished up at the hospital and have what the doctor called “a lovely shiner”. Off to the office now!

>> No.50068161

damn good luck anon have fun take care

>> No.50068222

I’m just hoping that my eye doesn’t get any worse. It’s looking pretty gnarly right now, but it’s only been two hours. Hopefully I’ve reached the worst of it and it’ll start getting better

>> No.50068225

Seems alright to me. I think you need to get to work wagie

>> No.50068289

That’s the plan! It’ll definitely be an interesting day of work today

>> No.50068311

You really are a real nigger. Go back

>> No.50068400

Wagie wagie back in cagie

>> No.50068410

your eye looks pretty nohomo nice color

>> No.50068440

Lol, which one the green one or the purple one?

>> No.50068462

You're gonna call out just because of a booboo? You're probably a bobo, too

>> No.50068528

Really glad to hear the update anon - Great news and well done on getting the all clear from the hosptial, hope it heals up fast for you

>> No.50068595

Thanks! I’m really hoping the shiner is gone by Tuesday when we come back to work after the holiday weekend. At least it doesn’t look too bad.

>> No.50068610

This. It will make you look even better than if you went to work and stayed, as it will make you look like a martyr, who pushed yourself to the limit out of devotion to the wage. The implied severity of having to leave early because your newly acquired headwound also sets you up to take off tomorrow, too.

>> No.50068621

that is nothing
back in my day we used to work without legs and arms
fucking zoomers GET BACK TO WORK

>> No.50068647

Too late I’m afraid. I called my boss to let him know I was gonna be late and then went to the hospital. Now that I’m all finished up at the ER, I’m headed into the office, black eye and all

>> No.50068678

Good job but you kinda seem like a pussy for going to the hospital. An American wouldn’t even be phased by that but we are much tougher than the average eurofag

>> No.50068712

Mirin your eye area OP. Dark, full eyebrows, long dark eyelashes, minimal upper eyelid exposure (ideal), excellent pfl, vertically narrow, neutral tilt, emerald green color and good IPD. 5.5 PSL, slayer eye area, 6 PSL if you slightly perma squint. Mirin

>> No.50068787

Thanks! Unfortunately, I think my eyes (or at least one of them) will be pretty tough to look at for the next few days. Hopefully I’m back to normal next week!

>> No.50068801

Got to ER then work from home. Derp.

>> No.50068872

bad move. now your master knows your wellbeing means more to you than the job. big no no. expect to have the chat soon.

>> No.50068879

>thanks for stopping by. That’ll be $37,000 for the insurance, $1500 out of pocket

>> No.50068883

Nah, I think I’ll at least try working from the office. They may send me home, but not before I at least show face and that I’m willing to be there. Also, I hate working from home

>> No.50069063 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 800x800, C4CF61E6-CF25-475F-AFF8-A2928AF77E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I’m about to walk into the office. Sunglasses or no?

>> No.50069241
File: 19 KB, 800x800, D1C2965C-36FF-46DE-A14B-4C36FB497654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I should wear sunglasses when I get to the office? I’m not sure if I’ll stick out more by wear sunglasses inside?

>> No.50069277
File: 15 KB, 218x350, dr-feelgood-australian-green-clay-masque-visage-purifiant-a-largile_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had same thing few weeks ago
believe me, green clay, put large amount humidified, let 2 hours, then do ti again, never let it dry. Put it with eyes close. It's like a miracle, in 3 days it's over. Don't sleep with it. Pus some tissus or plastic aroud your head to keep it moist.

>> No.50069466

Was your eye as bad as mine? Mine keeps getting worse, but that would be awesome if I’m looking normal again by Monday!

>> No.50069522
File: 918 KB, 680x662, 1652916999690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to a boxing gym and see a cut man

>> No.50069588

no he needs to pop it and get the close done earlier this time

>> No.50069682

adventure cat!

>> No.50069684

What do you mean? I already went to the hospital and they said everything looked good. Pretty much just a nice, little shiner

>> No.50069872

almost the same,
green clay gonna drain it like a charm, put a least 2-3 cm so buy a huge amount, it's cheat when sold raw, u just put water in it and orm the clay (i buy 5kg at $8)

>> No.50069915

This thread again ffs what the fuck is the deal with the attention seeking whores lately on /biz/?
If you must ask this is a copypasta by the OPs keep responding like it's original ffs kys.

>> No.50069993


>> No.50070017

One rugby flag started a genuine thread 3 months ago and now we have to deal with this shit every week. I fucking hate you all.

>> No.50070546

And it’ll really be gone in a couple days? I’d love it if I only have to show up to work with a shiner once. I’m already tired of the stares and questions.

>> No.50071118
File: 159 KB, 758x885, 57EA1E50-A1C7-4750-8FB8-FF1BF4E39E44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that didn’t take long. My boss was in a meeting until like 5 minutes ago. He took one look at me and my quickly blackening eye and told me to go home and rest. And that I shouldn’t come back until I looked somewhat presentable.

>> No.50072856
