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File: 737 KB, 1125x1243, B605455A-3FCE-4CDE-9147-172D5493DC3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50057305 No.50057305 [Reply] [Original]

Cost of living too expensive these days? Just get a six figure job, it’s really that simple.


>> No.50057478
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words cannot express what I'm feeling right now

>> No.50057520

>student loans
Opinion discarded. I don't care what your situation is, if you fell for the college Jew you deserve to suffer. Fuck you .

>> No.50058361

Good luck driving on roads made by illiterate niggers and getting surgery from a McDonald's employee lmao

>> No.50058403

Wow he finally broke down and said fuck it kek instead of trying to make light of everything, he's finally just like "yeah, you're fucked sorry".

>> No.50058495

>2m people subscribed to listen to someone's boomer dad
We truly deserve the coming depression.

>> No.50058533

why do these faggot boomers hand out advice like this as though they can relate? these niggers were in their late teens and early 20s when the economy in the us was booming due to post-war reconstruction

>> No.50058546

He bought his first house for less than 35k fuck him

>> No.50058550

Do it yourself, nigger.

>> No.50058552

What’s wrong with this? She’s in an expensive city and was going to literally take a job that Walmart pays starting. She needs to be making Atleast $40 and hour

>> No.50058564

>i would choose to take a sucky job that i hate that makes $50/hr
He means suck cock right? He's telling her to suck cock. I mean there is no sucky job out there that pays $50/hr willing to take your ass short of big name government contractors and FAGMAN

>> No.50058566

>just make more money

Thanks boomer talking head
I'm sure you pay your interns or content writers 50 bucks an hour

>> No.50058582

she should unironically just join the military if her living situation is as bad as she says it is

>> No.50058591

He’s right. It’s not hard to get a tech job that pays $50/hr. I personally only work for $100+/hr, anything below that is wagecucking for me

>> No.50058611


i dont know of youve ever seen road construction but it is quite litterally made by illiterate niggers already

>> No.50058708

what advice should he give? Just play vidya and live with your parents til your 30 bro? dont need to call in to hear that lol

>> No.50058713
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That episode where he says someone should have gotten a serious degree like his son (who works for his daddy) in COMMUNICATIONS

Can't make this shit up folks

Complete out of touch boomer

>> No.50058782

This guy is so hilariously out of touch and retarded I wouldn't mind if he gets minecraft'd. He's just as bad as the left wing yuppies that say immigration isn't a problem because they have a cheap maid as a result.

>> No.50058867

Maybe live an authentic life and not be an opinionated grifter? But I can't say I blame him, that's what America seems to monetarily award, and people are so clueless and empty they'll latch onto any faggot giving advice.

>> No.50059058
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I don't understand the caller. Why are you trying to move out with you 20$/hour job, into an uncertain economic climate. Ramsey is fucking retarded monkey boomer fuck.
What she needs to do is.
- Work the 20 dollar job for 6 months.
- Also find a part time job in the remaining time.
Spent a lot of time outside the house frugally figuring out shit .
DON'T MOVE OUT, Brother will be a giga asshole and bang his sluts in their home and MOM WILL be upset. BUT you shouldn't even be at HOME AT All. you only come home to sleep, shower and eat.
FIND A BOYFRIEND AND MOVE in with and split the rent with him, while you hopefully find a a better job. FUCK PSYCHOLOGY, therapy is a scam, leverage your degree into finding something that pays better, YOU use 5 percent of what you learned in school anyways. EVeryone is bullshitting.
HEr constantly looking for better jobs will toughen her up , and she will be ultra good at interview, plus she is woman, a assertive women can easily land a 70k job after one year of experience, after doing a little bit of prep or some certs or something.

BUT DON't ever solo apartment just because your family is retarded niggers. THAT is the worst thing you can do. pay off the 3k credit card debt, BIDEN will keep on draggin student debt so don't even worry about paying it back this year.

my advice is 100% better than this nigger ramsey. CUT of credit cards? WTF is wrong with this burger fuck???

>> No.50059186

They pay grunts to build the shit, not to be architects. They would have done nothing without someone telling them what to do.

>> No.50059194

>boomer doesn't understand how grim things have become

many such cases

>> No.50059213

>They would have done nothing
Should said *built nothing

>> No.50059283

same except it's $450/hr for me totally self taught and a gay nigger btw

>> No.50059831
File: 291 KB, 1204x880, home prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the cost of living is too high, move. This country is full of affordable places.

The problem with Zoomers is they all want to live in the same 1% of this country and want an above average home there while earning 50k/year. They are the women of the generations.

If you don't have skills to earn $50/hour, find a new field. Truck drivers for Walmart make that much starting.

>> No.50059938

there is no way that chart is true. i can't find anything in the middle of nowhere for less than $300k and I live in the southeast

>> No.50059961

>easily land a 70k job after one year of experience

This is what Zoomers don't get. You aren't going to make the salary you want straight out of college. You work for a year and gain experience in the field and start networking. Then you job hop, and job hop, and job hop until you are 5 years in and making 100k+, ideally remotely so you can save on housing costs.

Do NOT buy a house early in your career. Do NOT sign a year long lease. Your mobility is your biggest asset early in your career, because you can make companies from different metro areas compete for your labor.

>> No.50059987

boomers make me laugh

>> No.50059994

fuck you, but i agree. fell for the meme degree, wound up in debt that I am still paying for even as I near my 40's. Switched to tech at 30 and am making good enough money that I no longer have to survive but can actually thrive. I fucking hate college and will tell my kids they will only receive financial assistance from me if they:
>go to an affordable college
>pick a good major
>work their ass off
college is a fucking scam for anyone not in STEM . There's a reason why rich people used to go to liberal arts colleges, it's because you had to be rich to spend all day circle jerking about art and english literature.

>> No.50060011
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Was he suggesting she should go into prostitution? Because that's what it sounded like.

>> No.50060109

it really is best to tough it out at home for a couple years. for this bitch and people in crypto
wipe debt and get your investments in now. make it or come out way ahead during the next run
not going to get this opportunity again

>> No.50060222

You're right about Liberal Arts being complete bullshit, but STEM isn't the only good major. Just about everyone in the medical field with a brain is making bank. Nursing requires only an Associates Degree and starts at $30/hour, with many making well over 100k once they have experience and become practitioners. Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists earn even more.

>> No.50060327

if you want to work with the most evil, sociopathic women in the world go right ahead

>> No.50060357

You're thinking of teaching.

>> No.50060364

but bro, my parents bought an expensive piece of paper. that means I'm better than you! i don't care that you got into Bitcoin a decade ago bro, I'm smarter than you because college bro

>> No.50060399

>im smart because im a drug addict!

>> No.50061554

Stem sucks ass outside of CS

>> No.50062292

this. I am actually thankful for my stint working for a medical office when I was young because in-addition to phone etiquette I learned how to spot a cunt a mile away and avoid that shit.

those who can't do, teach.

>> No.50062338

this, just join the chair force, free travel, and school paid

>> No.50062362

partially correct. if those in power really do destroy our lives, ill have my regular day job and a more lucrative/opportunistic night job involving boomer houses like his

>> No.50062458

i dont listen to any grey beard unless hes woke to the jq.
simple as that.
shitheads will always be cattle to boomers who work for jews.
youll never get help from the like of this guy.

>> No.50062498

That's fucking bullshit and a half. I'm convinced you are either all shills or fearmongering retards.

>> No.50062538

Trans enby Asian degenerate, I don't get out of bed if I'm not paid $600/hr. Got hired straight from graduating with zero experience.

>> No.50062571


I cant do this. So many men dont want to settle down. Im not unattractive either, there is a genuine desire to not get into a relationship.

The number of suitable men is also very low.

>> No.50062606

I used to make housing bait threads on /pol/. The excuses Zoomers made to justify why they're living at home or renting were hilarious.

>"I need at least an acre of land"
>"Need a bigger metro area than 300k people"
>"That town of 75,000 people doesn't have any jobs"
>"The local elementary school was only 89% white"
>"Where's the amenities? I have to drive 8 min to Whole Foods?"
>"That's looks like it needs work. Bathroom vanity is old"
>"Look at the paint in that room, it's orange"
>"Boomers bought places that were 4x their income (when rates were 8%), it's insane that I'm paying 6x my income (when rates are 2.5%)
>"Prices are going to crash. Just like 2008"

>> No.50062624

>FIND A BOYFRIEND AND MOVE in with and split the rent with him
fucking over some guy for cheap rent lmao

>> No.50062705

men don't usually settle with trannies. some are degenerate and want to fuck, but nope at a serious relationship.

>> No.50062750

It's a good thing that im investing on vinu because hearing "you need a six figure job to be able to pay the rent" sounds like a fucking nightmare

>> No.50062821

Is it possible to bullshit your way to a six figure job? I don’t have a degree but I can lie and say I do have one. I’m thinking of learning programming.

>> No.50062852

What exactly do you think marriage was?

>> No.50062908


>> No.50062938
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>implying that wasn't always the future for americans

>> No.50062980

>The number of suitable men is also very low.
aka chad only. literally just say yes.


>> No.50063009


ya thats the funny part, who on his staff is making 50/hr? i bet no one but maybe one of his higher ranking folks that literally does everything (because he doesnt do shit other than sit there and talk) and his fucking daughter

>> No.50063078

>"I need at least an acre of land"

zoomers literally never said this.

>"Need a bigger metro area than 300k people"
>"That town of 75,000 people doesn't have any jobs"

so they want an acre of land but also want to live in a big city? you aren't even coherent in your bs

>>"The local elementary school was only 89% white"

ok boomer

>>"Where's the amenities? I have to drive 8 min to Whole Foods?"

what is this, a 35 year old karen comment?

>>"Boomers bought places that were 4x their income (when rates were 8%), it's insane that I'm paying 6x my income (when rates are 2.5%)

rates are 7%+ right now.

do your zoomer larping elsewhere

>> No.50063212
File: 1.02 MB, 2461x1295, USDA-Map-US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have skills that are valued by people.

Mortgage rates are 2.5% in rural areas right now. Pick anywhere on this map that isn't shaded in red and you can get a house for $0 down at 2.5% interest.


>> No.50063265
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>> No.50063295

I'm not even close to any red and local banks are offering 5.5-6% for 30 year mortgages.

>> No.50063328
File: 107 KB, 813x839, usda loan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local banks

Go through the government. USDA offers 2.5% with no money down.

>> No.50063373

god I hate boomers

when will they die?

>> No.50063446

This is based on income relative to average income in that area. Most rural places have an average income of 40-46k.

I would much rather work at walmart and make 18/h than qualify for one of these loans just to have a 1% interest rate on a 70k 1 br/1ba.

>> No.50063478

Dave is literally marketed for the most inept financially irresponsible retards. If you have a single functioning brain cell, his solutions don't work for you. The dude unironically teaches you how to be financially responsible by being a frugal wage slave. Not to mention his economic beliefs are VERY outdated. Never ever listen to any boomer for financial advice.

>> No.50063802

Depends on how rural you go. College towns are a great cheat code. Iowa City has an income limit of 87,200. Ann Arbor 90,000. Madison 90,000.

All of these cities you can make a high salary, live just outside the city, and get a USDA loan for $0 down at 2.5%.

Major cities have high limits. Minneapolis area is 90,000. Detroit (Livingston County) 89,300. Portland ME 89,350. DC/NoVA 90,000. NYC area is 90k+. Boston is 111,850.

Out west, Santa Clara is 142,250. San Diego 104,100. Seattle 97,850. Portland OR 85,200. Denver 90,000. The western US is harder to find good rural communities though.


>> No.50063893

The solution is literally violence, it's ice clear.

>> No.50063927
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I'm tired of having to bail out boomers and their zombie corporations, how can they even be related to the silent generation or let alone greatest generation?

>> No.50064660

Boomers did not have an investment opportunity anywhere near as lucrative as Bitcoin to make them rich.

They did not have the internet to give them access to whatever information they wanted, anywhere they were in the world.

When they shopped for homes in the 80s, interest rates were double digits.

Everything that posts complains about (basically just immigration) is the fault of the top 1%, not their useful idiots.

You're just being tricked by the actual enemy to hate someone other than them.

>> No.50064677

he shouldn't be giving advice at all, dumbass

>> No.50064738

Shut up, tranny.

>> No.50064754

Worcester Massachusetts here, you ain't getting a house in western Massachusetts for less than 250k.

>> No.50064762

Typical boomer apologist. None of that changes the fact that they could have worked bagging groceries 40 years ago and be able to afford a house and children, while they turn to the zoomers and tell them to cancel their $10/month netflix subscription to be able to do the same thing. Fuck these delusional pricks and I hope they come to the realization of how badly they fucked up their own world while they lay on their deathbeds asking for medical assistance while Tyquisha is busy filming a tik-tok on her phone telling them "it's lunchtime whitey! Y'all betta respek mah culture an sheeeit"

>> No.50064773

>>"I need at least an acre of land"
I'm planning on growing dope and cooking speed so yeah kinda.

>> No.50064786

>zoomers literally never said this.
Born 1997, I'm buying some land so I can cook speed and build guns and not be bothered by niggers and pigs.

>> No.50064796

>Furry is a trust fund kiddie.

>> No.50064915

I cant move in with someone i literally find unattractive. Im not asking for Ryan Reynolds, just dont be hideous, and have your shit together.

Thats it.

>> No.50064952

Asked my boomer dad how to get a $50/hour job.

>You need to ditch all of this online stuff
>Your generations are all shut ins and social rejects
>You need to go OUT into the world, drop in your resume to places
>Don't be a pussy
>Make eye contact and give a firm handshake
I spat out my tea when he said that last line. Why are boomers like this? The last time he had to look for a job was 1983!

>> No.50064978

these people crying about their loans aren't engineers or doctors, retard. they're art, gender, afro american and other useless degrees that don't pay shit after they're finished. kys.

>> No.50064990

Such a shit father. Straight out of the gate with Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs mindset. Mike Rowe is mentally handicapped.

>> No.50065029
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No grocery bagger was buying a home in 1990 with 10% interest rates.

Home prices are no different now than they were in the 90s when you take into account interest rates (although this chart probably needs updating for the exponential rise the past 6 months).

Hopefully you figure out that you're the problem, not Boomers/Immigrants, before it's too late.

>> No.50065053

>Young people cant afford house?
>Why dont they just live in a hotel

nnironic response to journalist from British royalty family member (i dont remember his name)

>> No.50065148
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>a $50/hr job
that'll be minimum wage in a few years.

>> No.50065185

only take advice from people that have actually done what you're trying to do.

>> No.50065204

My degree is valid, dickhead

>> No.50065235

I stamp my $20 bills with George Floyds face with "Looney Coons" going around it. Vending machines always taken them :)))

>> No.50065260

even stem is fake and gay dude. im 27 and have a chemical engineering degree, my options are do data analysis for 26/hr and burn my brain out or work in a sawmill for 32/hr and just walk around cutting shit up with a chainsaw all day.

i picked the mill.

>> No.50065713

If by few you men 1.5 sure. Once winter comes and energy prices soar gas will be 10-15$ and cascading inflation will destroy everything. China already buys petrol for yuan.