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50058654 No.50058654 [Reply] [Original]

IUt has failed so much all over the world yet you point to communism which was stopped via force and market manipulation.

I have a degree in civil engineering. Coiuldn't get a job out of college. If that's not scary to you I don't know what else is. I'm highly qualified. We need to fucking overthrow this system. It's just welfare for the fat cats.

>> No.50058675
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>> No.50058700

This hasn't been a capitalist system for a long time. This is corporate fascism.

>> No.50058702

funny how the richest countries in the world are going extinct. thats not my idea of wealth. definitely some (((trickery))) going on

>> No.50058742

Communism and capitalism are just different forms of leftism.
Read more Ted.

>> No.50058746
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The system doesn't matter. What matters is the quality of the people. Capitalism is no more or less susceptible to corruption than any other system. Fill any system with shitty people with no sense of collective identity, cohesion, mutual respect, or shared destiny, and your system will fucking suck.

>> No.50058763

Read Warner Sombart. Capitalism doesn't have to coincide with industrialism retard. It goes back to Venetian merchants well before the indust rev.

>> No.50058772
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>My wage is too low we must go back to forced labor camps.

>> No.50058778

Industrial society starts with the first cities not steam power.

>> No.50058792

Industrial society starts with the division of labor and the use of machines as labor.

>> No.50058803

>Industrial society starts with the first cities
Really? Ur was an industrial city?

>> No.50058807

grow up

>> No.50058821

Long long ago before anyone can even remember.

>> No.50058824

in capitalist reality, "communism" is just arbitrage of excess labor

>> No.50058825

Not even Ted K uses this broad a definition of industrial. If "Cities" = industrial then all of recorded history is industrial history which makes his analysis useless. WTF are you on about lmao

>> No.50058838

They mass produced bricks.

>> No.50058840

do you guys think communism would work if redistribution was done trustless on the blockchain?

>> No.50058843

I should say the division of labor and use of machines as labor specifically in manufacturing.
The assembly line really defines it.

>> No.50058850

Communists and socialists can't solve the economic calculous problem. Capitalism is the only way to prosperity. Get rid of fiat money, regulations and trade rights

>> No.50058853

Industrialization is not using primitive slave labor to make some bricks. And there was not mass production or else there would have been a massive brick trade.

>> No.50058854

Ted wasn't perfect. If he was better he wouldn't have fucked up and called it leftism and alienated good socially minded people.

>> No.50058860

then why are you on /biz/?

>> No.50058864
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>Be Ted
>Go to college
>Get MKUltra'd
>Want to cut off your dick
>"Capitalism (industrial society) le bad"

>> No.50058870

You just want to argue.

>> No.50058872

I support Ted K that's why I think your argument is retarded. I'm an anarcho marxist primitivst. Industrialization is a recent phenomenon. Civilization does not equal industrialization.

>> No.50058874

no, communisms entire premise is fundamentally flawed. it's only strength is educating the morons of society about the master-slave relationship of society and using their ignorance and rage to attain power.

>> No.50058890

Lol because your argument is so braindead. Disprove what I said.

So I can start a global revolution that not even your fake anti-communist dictators can keep quiet.

>> No.50058892

Correction: you have a degree in being a stupid worthless faggot

>> No.50058893

>Civilization does not equal industrialization.
That's where you're getting me wrong. Where you're getting the idea of civilisation wrong.

>> No.50058913

Have you given any thoughts behind Ted's ideology or did you just see it in a meme and said "based" and now you use it as your ideology without thinking about the consequences?
That's called an NPC

>> No.50058920

>disprove my unfounded assertion
You should prove it instead. Ur was far from primitive.

>> No.50058944

Correct it wasn't primitive but it sure as hell wasn't industrial. If your definition of industrial includes Ur it's a useless definition.

>> No.50058955

I read the whole thing. The society we have practice since farming became a thing to support cities instead of families is inherently flawed.

>> No.50058960
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>I'm an anarcho marxist primitivst. Industrialization is a recent phenomenon. Civilization does not equal industrialization.

History is the simulation.
The Machine is reality.
Most peoples minds will have a hard time adjusting to this.

>> No.50058973

Capitalism IS NOT a system. A system has rules about operations. Capitalism is the absence of a system. It is called HUMAN NATURE. Communism will not fix it. What you refer to as Capitalism, Communism is more of.

Instead of hundreds of people controlling the world's wealth, even less do, and there is no legal way to disagree with their decisions. It is the worst system known to man and is responsible for the greatest attrocities in human history, most worse than the worst wars.

>> No.50058978

It's really not. Again you just made unfounded assertions without anything to back then up.

>> No.50058979
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Capitalism just like communism is a tool for complete Jewish control. What is needed is a Fascist state to crush the capitalists and impose law and order.

>> No.50058981
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>I support Ted
>I'm a Marxist
I don't want to brag but

>> No.50058987

>So I can start a global revolution
using tools, technology, and weapons developed by capitalism?

>> No.50059012

If you can wrap your heads round the idea of what Ted's label of the force "leftism" really entails you'll understand.

>> No.50059044

Nope, developed by the military, aka the state.

>> No.50059043
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>this is not industrial
It's impossible without industry and you just like to argue.

>> No.50059101

We already live under fascism. This is fascist steganachracy, fascist rule by secrets and occult organizations

>> No.50059113

>I'm highly qualified
source, trust me bro

Regulated capitalism is the best system humans have invented the past 5000 years.

>> No.50059203

Capitalism and communism are both systems to keep the people in line and form some type of cohesion on society. Capitalism is better because it allows the entrepreneurs to come up and actually revolutionize how things work. Look at how commies shut every entrepreneur who gets too big down, they don't allow for anything new by stifling good minds. The government cannot bring about these new things, it's not what it's there for. There's a reason China steals all America's tech and blatantly copies successful business models, repurposing it for China's market. Neither one of these systems is perfect but I still think Capitalism is better.

Humans are too fallible though, you're never gonna get a perfect system when humans are in charge. There will always be some type of corruption or fuck ups. Even if you get a good king every once in a while. I think the only thing that can drastically change our circumstances is nuclear war/a great reset. Inb4 I get flamed I don't exactly mean the reset reset, I don't even really know what it is still I'm just using the term in general.. anyways the strong should rule over the weak

>> No.50059256

Don’t confuse totalitarian oligarchy and Fascism. Fascism is populist but you’ve been told it’s bad bad bad because it doesn’t deal the Jews in. The one time it was tried it was wildly popular but guess who teamed up to strangle it.

>> No.50059271

>nb4 I get flamed I don't exactly mean the reset reset, I don't even really know what it is still I'm just using the term in general

it's human instrumentality, the automation of the human race. The concept is beyond most peoples ability to understand. But just imagine omnipresent surveillance, social credit scores, and everyone you talk to online is a bot and everything you see online is hand tailored by AI to influence your world views.

>> No.50059314

corporate fascism is capitalism.

>> No.50059318

capitalism is like ethereum. in theory its a brilliant system and it does work, but it hasnt scaled and gas fees are too high

>> No.50059321

Fascism is defined as the unification of private industry and the state. The only thing that separates it from communism is that fascism's citizens are still allowed the right to private property. Both systems are dictatorships that thrive on perpetual warfare.

>> No.50059346

>We need to get out of the pot and go into the frying pan
>It's the only way

>> No.50059391

Yeah I had some type of hard coded AI overlord in mind. Honestly I don't care. There's too much suffering on this God forsaken planet.

>> No.50059397

no, wrong. Back before the conspiracy changed things corporations paid 50% of federal tax, the government didn't generate revenue from printing money, and corpos were regulated from gaining monopolies unlike the companies of today like amazon, walmart, and target.

There is a very big difference between capitalism and corporate fascism, and a very big difference between democracy and steganacracy.

and the current USA system is fascism. The government utilizes corporations as arms of the state to introduce new control systems such as smart phones and electric internet connected cars with kill switches.

>> No.50059404

>The only thing that separates it from communism is that fascism's citizens are still allowed the right to private property
under communism there is no need for private property because all property (not possessions) is public. Under fascism/capitalism private property is owned by oligarchs for profit extraction and capital accumulation (more property). Fascism is the final stage of capitalism.

>> No.50059422

>Industrial society starts with the first cities
This is a bot, r-right? Did they created a stupid mode bot?

>> No.50059428

>, and corpos were regulated from gaining monopolies
you mean like in the golden age of capitalism -- the robber baron era.
>There is a very big difference between capitalism and corporate fascism,
fascism is a type of capitalism

>> No.50059431

sorry, I'm spelling it wrong, it's actually stegonacracy

>> No.50059438

>I don't exactly mean the reset reset
I listened to people talk about the "new world order" for a decade only to stop talking about it and switch to talking about "the great reset." I'll admit plenty of politicians have used the term, but they also talked about the new world order. So, is the new world order not happening anymore?

>> No.50059470
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i agree, but im more partial to socialism
look at successful socialist countries like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden for example, people who live their have way higher quality of life than anywhere else in the world

>> No.50059487

*people who live there

>> No.50059490

>Fascism is the final stage of capitalism.
you could substitute communism for fascism in this sentence and it would be the same thing.

Capitalism is defined by a majority of small and medium business owners, once you have things like oligarchy, communism and fascism take root and our the logical next step. Communism and fascism exploit moronic plebs feelings of powerlessness in a transitioning and dying capitalist system to finalize the structure of asymmetric power and tyranny.

>> No.50059504

A lot of politicians seemed to have used the new world order as a general term, without clear definition, and being claimed by no actual entity. Only really extrapolated by theories. The Great Reset is different because it's talked about by an actual organization, there's no hiding it, there's several books published on the topic by the ones who coined the term, and all that. They probably always knew some type of change was coming but now it's actually taking shape.

>> No.50059548

The only good commie is a dead commie

>> No.50059568

Socialism is the humane end result of the oligarchic demise of capitalism as it retains capitalism's features but re-distributes the wealth, basically, people are unable to generate their own wealth so the state gives it to them from the oligarchs.

communism and fascism combine the state with industry and most people suffer, communists especially, because they aren't entitled to private property.

people get confused about politics but it's just freedom vs control, liberty and dictatorship.

capitalism functions as it should, and then the winners of capitalism form occult societies and conspiracies to create tyrannical systems and destroy liberty and democracy.

People get confused because they can't think of an alternative to the prison system and demand even more control thinking their political leaders will save them when they won't

>> No.50059594

Communism and fascism are polar opposites. Communism is absence of private property, capital accumulation and wage slavery.

Capitalism is defined by private property, capital accumulation and wage slavery. What exact form this takes on doesn't matter. Fascism is just capitalism taken to the extreme -- complete control over all private property by oligarchs and oligarchs take over the state machinery.

>> No.50059623
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>support cities instead of families
what is a city faggot?
>all property (not possessions) is public
The public sector is called the state. The federal government is the public sector
>people who live their have way higher quality
$8/gal gas, so much for nationalized industry. They are not called Yuropoors for no reason

All socialist/commies/fascist in this thread are parasites that want free gibs from some else's labor and use the government power to get it

>> No.50059660
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Mussolini's wife was a jewish fascist feminist

>> No.50059676

>All socialist/commies/fascist in this thread are parasites that want free gibs from some else's labor and use the government power to get it
nope, i want more fair and equal treatment for the working class

>> No.50059686

>complete control over all private property by oligarchs and oligarchs take over the state machinery.
>Communism is absence of private property

You can't erase the concept of ownership from reality.
Communisms abolishment of private property just means the state own everything which is the same as what you say fascism is.

communism and fascism are basically the same thing, only communism is far more brutal because the people aren't entitled to any property at all.

Real capitalism is defined by a large number of small and medium sized businesses and a large middle class. Where the equitable distribution of goods is achieved in the only way it can be achieved, through the wide spread right to private property. We haven't been in a capitalist system for a very very long time.

>> No.50059694


>> No.50059705
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>capitalism functions as it should, and then the winners of capitalism form occult societies and conspiracies to create tyrannical systems and destroy liberty and democracy.

>> No.50059725

>working class
no such thing
Im a wagie at McDonalds that owns shares at Exxon.
Im a working class capitalist leech by your definition

>> No.50059746

>nope, i want more fair and equal treatment for the working class

You will only get that through supporting the entrepreneurial class. entrepreneurs weren't always thought of as billionaires, but as small mom n' pop stores.

If there were more small and medium sized businesses which outnumbered mega corps, their workers would get much better treatment and there would be a majority middle class rather than a majority poverty class and a handful of elites.

Don't let them hypnotize you.

>> No.50059763

Ok, let's overthrow the state and after that we can abolish capitalism, corporate personhood, intellectual property, etc

Didn't like that idea huh? You're just a statist, capitalism doesn't matter to you or 90% of the people pretending to criticize it.

>> No.50059801

People don't realize how insane it is that the megacorps have replicated like viruses and created "the same place" everywhere on earth.

Go to any city in the USA and it's the same city except for the weather.

Why is there a giant walmart in every town?
it's a literal virus. making copies of itself.

>> No.50059804

i dont want people who work 40 hours a week to not be able to afford to live.

>> No.50059825

why do useless jannies not delete these obvious pol threads

>> No.50059830

>i dont want people who work 40 hours a week to not be able to afford to live.
Abolish the FED? I thought you wanted more government

>> No.50059845

economics is biz

>> No.50059846

>You can't erase the concept of ownership from reality.
Where did I say that?
>Communisms abolishment of private property just means the state own everything which is the same as what you say fascism is.
The difference is that under communism people have control over the state machinery and under fascism, oligarchs do. These are the opposites.
>communism and fascism are basically the same thing
communism and fascism are opposites of each other.
>Real capitalism is defined by a large number of small and medium sized businesses and a large middle class.
capitalism has nothing to do with any of this.
>Where the equitable distribution of goods is achieved in the only way it can be achieved, through the wide spread right to private property.
private property is a property of capitalism yes, who, what and how owns this property property is irreverent.
>We haven't been in a capitalist system for a very very long time.
Again. Capitalism is private property, capital accumulation and wage slavery. Do we have these? yes. we have capitalism. We had capitalism since the 1700s.

>> No.50059856

There aren't any jannies active right now, as /smg/ can attest to.

>> No.50059863

you're jumping to radical conclusions
what im getting from you is that poor working people just don't deserve to live, is that what you're implying?

>> No.50059867

>could rich people really be so greedy that they'd drive their own civilization into the ground even if it means they will be destroyed in the process?
>no, it must be (((them)))

>> No.50059876

Because you repeat the same cope multiple times doesnt make it true.
Explain why Mussolini was a marxist, welfare nigger

>> No.50059882
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>The difference is that under communism people have control over the state

snap out of it man

>> No.50059885
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>> No.50059908

>what im getting from you is that poor working people just don't deserve to live
Who destroyed 80% of the savings of these people over the past 20 years?
Yes Hitler had a central bank
Yes USSR had a central bank
Yes Mussolini had a central bank

>> No.50059923

>who, what and how owns this property property is irreverent.

The distribution of wealth, the central concern of most communists, is entirely decided by who owns what property.

>> No.50059925

stupid cad monkey couldnt get a job now hes a commie
stfu civvie
t. EE

>> No.50059953

you basically talking about "fair" capitalism. How YOU want capitalism to function, that's fair. Unfortunately, under capitalism, those that have the most capital make the rules, and they choose to accumulate more capital at the cost of everyone else suffering. BTW, I'm not supporting this, I'm simply stating the fact.

>> No.50059959

Kek dumb fuck degree not needed.. How many faggots are out there with your same piece of paper?

>> No.50059978

>People don't realize how insane it is that the megacorps have replicated like viruses and created "the same place" everywhere on earth.
Funny you say that because "viruses" have never been proven to exist, they only exist inside our minds.

>> No.50059983

the wealth of the rich needs to be redistributed to the poor workers. if we just kill off the poor workers, who's gonna stock the shelves at your grocery stores?

>> No.50059989

you're right, conspirators corrupt the system, but implementing things like fascism and communism is what those conspirators want. The only thing they don't want is a return to "fair" capitalism.

>> No.50059999

that's understandable, but unfortunately under capitalism/fascism you have no power to change that.

>> No.50060005

which is why we need more socialism

>> No.50060015

Im a McDonalds wagie
I own shares at Exxon
You want the government to cease all of exxon for themselves stealing me of my property
My small wealth gets redistributed to the politician.

>> No.50060045

I'll never understand why communists refuse to acknowledge their ideology is just the government stealing everything from their people.

>> No.50060062

what "cope"?
snap out of it exactly? reality?
I meant under capitalism, who owns private property is irreverent to the function of capitalism. If it still functions as capitalism -- capital accumulation and wage slavery, it doesn't matter.

>> No.50060086

im not a communist and i dont want the government stealing everything from the people, i want the government to steal from the rich and give to the poor

>> No.50060091

>conspirators corrupt the system, but implementing things like fascism and communism is what those conspirators want.
Except it's not really "corruption" since everyone is playing by the same rules.

>> No.50060095

>those that have the most capital make the rule

actually, it's the politicians that make the rules, obviously democracy needs an update to guard against elected officials being bought by wealthy conspirators, like how the balance of powers was made to dissuade political tyrants.

>> No.50060136

When the wealthy conspirators use their success in the game to change the rules of the game, (as in bribing elected officials to lower corporate tax from 50% to 5%) that by definition is corruption of the system.

We haven't been truly capitalist for decades.

>> No.50060137
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>gib me dat for free yo

>> No.50060156

>it's the politicians that make the rules
I mean yes, they are the legislative power that create the laws, but WHAT exact laws and HOW they make them is what matters.

>> No.50060161

it wouldn't be for free, it's a fair redistribution of wealth to the poor workers so they can afford to keep stocking shelves and not be homeless

>> No.50060185

this is the stupidest, most uninformed opinion I've ever read. Capitalism is simply an organization of labor in which workers' labor is exploited to produce surplus value. Socialism/communism has nothing to do with taxes or government spending/programs--- it is simply the overthrowing of those labor relations, as well as of the state that protects private property of capitalists. "Corporate fascism" is a nonsense term... we live under capitalism no matter how much the chuds on here claim that Biden is a socialist or whatever. Not even muh socialist scandinavian countries are actually socialist

>> No.50060199
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> keep stocking shelves
The FED caused this
>not be homeless
City planners caused this

>> No.50060205

Well yes, that's part of the game, those that have the power make the rules. How is it "corruption" exactly? Corruption would be breaking the law.

>> No.50060218

The problem is so deeply embedded and systemic that redistributing wealth like you want simply cannot be done. The corruption of America occurred over the course of more than a hundred years.

The means of production are so massive and centralized that there is no way for the mass of workers to earn a decent living, they simply are not valuable enough to the system.

The government is not your friend and it's not the peoples friend, they will never distribute wealth equitably, regardless of whatever ideology they claim to be.

>> No.50060236

Own gold
Use gold to pay someone to build a house
I now own a house
No longer like the house, I sell it
Capitalism without government

>> No.50060249

Become a civil engineer for a metals mining company. Move to another country if necessary. Mine development is going to be huge for the next decade or three. Huge commodity shortages needed for energy transition.

>> No.50060252

so poor workers are just fucked and shit out of luck? literally the only way to get a leg up in society is to know a super rich person and hope they give you a decent job or just be born lucky and into wealth

>> No.50060256

you need government to enforce private property.
anarcho-capitalism is just non-stop warfare.

>> No.50060283

this is wrong and dumb. Read Das Kapital vol 1, even just the essential chapters laid out in David Harvey's courses which are free online. You really don't know what you're talking about

>> No.50060289

>rich people and jews are different groups

>> No.50060293

>anarcho-capitalism is just non-stop warfare.
The roman republic did not have a state army
>What is Non Agression Principle
>If Canada can be a different country than USA and be at peace, why can't Texas? Why can't every city? Every neighborhood?

>> No.50060335

The wealthy conspirators have imbued inequality into the very environment we live in.

Just look at cities, completely dead concrete wastelands whose only real value is the apartment you live in and the grocery store.

Everything in the city is created by massive factories and farms far away and shipped into the city.

The ability to preform real labor adding value has been stripped from ordinary people, they are now locked into adult day care jobs in the "service industry"

They weaponized the environment.
No current socio-economic ideology can counter that.

>> No.50060348

>energy transition.
There is no "energy transition", there is only wealth redistribution. The world cannot run on solar...unless you a)reduce population or b)reduce consumption/quality of life. Guess what is happening?

>> No.50060362

>If Canada can be a different country than USA and be at peace

Because they almost are the same country.
That's part of the plan, destroy all cultures and replace them with concrete machine cities and consumerism, turn everywhere in the world into the same place.

>> No.50060380

alright, i agree with everything youre saying

>> No.50060430

>he thinks niggers are going to adhere to his "non aggression principle"

>> No.50060464

This is why people shouldn’t live in modern cities.

>> No.50060476

absolutely retarded. Try reading!

>> No.50060493

read what, faggot
he's right

>> No.50060678

Way to refute his points…

>> No.50060738

How mentally ill are you?

>> No.50060761

>Capitalism IS
This thread is full of chromosomally endowed tranners

>> No.50060802

Unsustainable though. Literally not enough space to go around. Eventually we're gonna have to do a hard reset, start from scratch so to speak

>> No.50061229

>corporate fascism is capitalism.

corporate fascism is Communism retard. Corporations are the state

>> No.50061257

>Poor people have too much children
>Thats market signaling there is too many people on planet
>Socialists gives them gibs
>cApItAlISm iS FAiLEd sYstEM

>> No.50061353

there are many reasons why people have many children

>> No.50061380

Fascism and communism polar opposites. Learn what the words mean. Oligarchs capturing the state is fascism. Plebs capturing the state is communism.

>> No.50061398

>Regulated capitalism is the best system humans have invented the past 5000 years.
Except when it doesn't work in your favour, right?

>> No.50061432

Even if it was human nature, it doesn’t make it the best solution. Read a book man, I know you’re probably 22– these things are complicated and you do not understand them, start reading though

>> No.50061490

The state is defined by who "captures" it, the state is designed by its structure and function. Both communism and fascism are dictatorships where the state owns everything.

>> No.50061491

The problem with this line of reasoning is that anything human made can be called human nature so it loses all meaning.

>> No.50061505

>The state is defined by who "captures" it,
The state is *not* defined....

>> No.50061522

and of course in reality it's the oligarchs that capture the state in a communist take over, using the plebs as foot soldiers of their own enslavement.

>> No.50061548

>the state is designed by its structure and function.
yes and under fascism the function of the state is to enslave the plebs for profit, under communism, well, there shouldn't be a state under communism.
>Both communism and fascism are dictatorships where the state owns everything.
Communism is dictatorship of the plebs over their own lives, fascism is dictatorship of the oligarchs over the plebs.

>> No.50061552

You got a degree in civil engineering from other people already and instead of engineering something you complain that other people aren't doing enough for you.
Do something retard or at least say something.

>> No.50061570

>Communism is dictatorship of the plebs over their own lives,
come on, don't lie to yourself.

>> No.50061572

If there are oligarchs then it's not communism by definition (by what mechanism do people become oligarchs under communism?)

>> No.50061580

>by what mechanism do people become oligarchs under communism?

Ask Russia

>> No.50061587

I don't understand what you mean. If you're referring to USSR then it was not communist, it was pseudo-socialist (and only under Stalin).

>> No.50061610

Russia is communist? Oligarchs appeared in Russia after the fall of USSR when everything was privitized (ie it became capitalist).

>> No.50061647

>anarcho-capitalism is just non-stop warfare.
Sounds based if you're not a fucking faggot

>> No.50061670

People with power use that power to get more power.
There's no hint of thought behind anything you're saying. Steelmanning you retards is impossible because you have no point except "I like good stuff".
If you have ideas about how to do things better then try them out, nobody is actually stopping you, coops exist.

>> No.50061680

and ironically conditions in the country improved.

>> No.50061700

By what mechanism do all people everywhere all the time magically want to share and provide labor to the community for essentially just subsistence?

>> No.50061721

>I have a degree in civil engineering.
Good for you.
> Couldn't get a job out of college.
A degree is not a right to a job. Intern if possible. You need to earn prove your worth to an employer.
> If that's not scary to you I don't know what else is.
Just get any job you can. Even a job that is beneath you.
>I'm highly qualified.
According to who? Employers would have criteria they want in an potential employee. If you meet it, that would be great but if you don't why would they hire you or why should they hire you when they are not obligated?
> We need to fucking overthrow this system. It's just welfare for the fat cats.
You need to not get emotional and stay calm. A degree doesn't give anyone the obligation to hire anyone.

>> No.50061767

>People with power use that power to get more power.
How would they do it under communism?
>nobody is actually stopping you,
The entire globalist fascist regime is actively and violently enslaving everyone and preventing them from doing anything about it. Were you born yesterday?
>coops exist.
and? Can I get $5M to start my own?

>> No.50061783

for the oligarchs, yes.

>> No.50061957

>How would they do it under communism?
You have some insane utopian idea of "communism" and I can't read your mind so I don't know. If anyone has any power to do anything then the opportunity arises to use that power to gain more. Nobody has solved this and you can't begin to describe any solution. I know you'll pretend you have one but you're incapable of even beginning to point to its general direction. When communism was shown to not work in any experiments the cope was made up that it needs every single person on the planet to contribute. It needs to be international, basically if everyone just defers to you then all problems are solved. There's no conflict because there's no hope for anyone to exert their will to any degree, except you.
>Can I get $5M to start my own?
You can make things you useless vegetable. If for some reason you think it's impossible to do things alone you have millions of retards exactly like you complaining that nobody else is doing anything. That's an untapped resource. You have all the resources, beyond the wildest dreams of most people in history.
>but muh profits
Kill yourself.

>> No.50062016

No you retard, I am not talking about personal motivations to have children, I am talking about their ability to feed them and their need to consume
>I want to consooom
>But I also want children
>Gib me money state I want both
>Why is planet going to shit? Fuck you capitalism

>> No.50062065
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>Can I get 5M?
No, why?

>> No.50062073

Why would you want a system that can be stopped via force and market manipulation?

>> No.50062081

Says he, through an Internet connection that someone pays, from a computer someone bought for him, from a home someone bought/rented for him.

>> No.50062092

Capitalism simply is, like a sexual desire, that when left unchecked can be devastating in its perversions.

>> No.50062109
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Please face wall commie.

>> No.50062179 [DELETED] 
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KYS Commie

>> No.50062204
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KYS Commie

>> No.50062263

Posting commie shit on this board is so pathetic.
If you could simply put together a business plan that makes sense I would jump at the chance to give you money.
You're in a surreal cyberfuture where you just need to type the right words and resources will come flying at you. You can say anything and it will reach thousands of people with deep pockets.
The magic of the universe put you in this position with more access to resources than mere humans could imagine before and you took the opportunity to to write posts about how you should be given even more stuff while offering nothing in return.

>> No.50062323

>Posting commie shit on this board is so pathetic.
yeah because everyone here is trying to get money or already has money. people who are too invested, investing, or haven't yet lost their investments are all pro-capitalism

>> No.50062350

It's all underage zoomers and millennials raised in middle class families. Coincidentally, they are also not from this site.

>> No.50062406

We are in a socialist corporate hellscape.
Capitalism based on sound money (idc if it's gold and silver, but they don't grow the money supply by more than 3.5-4% per year) is fair to the working class.
This fucking thing where we print money and effectively steal people's labor is wrong.

>> No.50062922

why do you have a knee jerk reaction to defend your jewish masters?

>> No.50062957

askin the real questions

>> No.50063107
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>IUt has failed so much all over the world yet you point to communism which was stopped via force and market manipulation.

>> No.50063917

Hitler's central bank was controlled by the government.
Mussolini's was also controlled by the government.
Unsurprisingly, the one nation that is odd on that list that DIDNT get ground into the dust is the USSR- and surprise surprise, who runs that central bank? I'll give you a (((hint))).

>> No.50064097

If you would be useful someone would hire you. Stop blamming the system for you being a failure

>> No.50065152

The dumbest sperg who's lips are always around preachers cock wrote that nonsense

>> No.50065199

This is the type of guy giving you financial advice on /biz/ kek

>> No.50065580

actually we just need to gas the kikes and send niggers back to Africa

>> No.50065623

You're so stupid, it's like you haven't even entered the Dunning-Kruger yet

>> No.50065717

The most profitable career path for income per effort right now is applying for some form of NEETbux.

It really disgusts me but I do see it sometimes in the work I do. The people who know how to work the system clear 3-4k a month regular income, plus anywhere up to 60k a year to spend on rent/furniture/etc. There is just obscene amounts of money for people in "need", not quite the same but there's some programs that are billed at $30k per WEEK (1.5M per year) per recipient.

I don't believe that's a capitalist way of the government operating.

>> No.50065756

Capitalism isn't prefect but communism is way fucking worse. I'd rather live in shithole USA than fucking Venezuela. Better forms of government are at least decades away from being technologically viable.

>> No.50066069

its beautiful there. resource rich. countries like venez have big potential

>> No.50066159

>1971 plus 51 years

>> No.50066219

tax money going to local business. It's not sustainable but what are the alternatives. It's either that or your tax dollar going to bombs and roads to nowhere

>> No.50066793

If it's a failed system, why is it still alive?

>> No.50066942
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>communism which was stopped

But that is wrong.

>> No.50066995

>everything I don't like is fascism

>> No.50067003

Its just because of increasing complexity. Shitholes are still stuck between 1800-1940 so they don't have any real complexity ongoing and therefore can afford to live like usual. Imagine a tribe of bush people, they never really evolved past primitiveness, similarly other societies are like that.

>> No.50067289

I know why you couldn't get a job: you are stupid. How do I know? Because you think some kind of central command economy is a solution to out problems.

>> No.50067485

there's nothing wrong with the system, you were supposed to arrange for a job when you leave college wile you were still studying you stupid fuck

>> No.50067496

holy fucking shit please fucking learn about some history before 1492

>> No.50067662
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tell me you have an extra chromosome withput telling me you have an extra chromosome

>> No.50067735

>I have a degree in civil engineering. Coiuldn't get a job out of college
Because you're a midwit and nobody wants you.

>> No.50069194
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>fuck capitalism

>> No.50070541



>> No.50070841

kek. see: >>50061587

>> No.50071411

Do you seriously think corporate society is "human nature"?