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50054557 No.50054557 [Reply] [Original]

Is having the military pay for a coding Bootcamp a good financial decision? Why haven't you guys done this?

>> No.50054582

I can learn to code for free by watching a Pajeet on YouTube without having to fight for Israel.

>> No.50054593
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Also pays for some housing while I do. Would any of these be worth it? This isn't the same as GI Bill

>> No.50054612

But this way is better than free because they pay for my housing in a California which will be almost 3x what I actually pay for rent

>> No.50054670

join the army nowadays

>> No.50054678

I'm already out?

>> No.50054685
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i'm sorry for your loss

>> No.50054700

I got out at 22 making 100k with my security clearance, stay poor

>> No.50054712

Yeah that's an excellent program that they started. Wish they had it before I wasted 4 years with a degree instead.

>> No.50054786

>Why haven't you guys done this?
I piss hot and dont like military.

>> No.50054810

>stay poor
Okay, And?
The cash me out side girl is worth millions.

>> No.50054831

yeah and all it took was fighting of israel adn not being helpful to your country at all

>> No.50054945

Thanks for the bump larper
Wish it was fighting of Israel. Just partied in Europe for 3 years while investing in chainlink and getting my college paid for.

>> No.50054967
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Weird how ethical/biz/ gets sometimes. I have more money than everyone I went to grade school/highschool with. I'm glad I didn't go to college or get a trade

>> No.50055497
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>> No.50055521

not joining your gay ass military, schlomo

>> No.50055535

>Just partied in Europe for 3 years

>> No.50055589


>> No.50056008

Thanks for the bump

>> No.50056226

just download python and a free book (all books are free) and read it motherfucker, you don't need to pay to have someone teach you
btw you won't get a job in the software industry unless your degree is at least somewhat stem-related

>> No.50056252

I'm not paying anything

>> No.50056610

Was going to, got a 97 on the asvab and already had a cyber security cert along with a background in electronics manufacturing and speak multiple languages, would do hacking competitions at uni and co-ran the chess and astronomy clubs. They told me I wouldnt be able to get a TS to do hacking work like the week I was gonna swear in after like 5 months of jerking me around because I was charged with less than half a gram of weed when I was 18 even though technically adjudication was withheld. And that was before the vaccine mandates. Now I can't do any of the jobs because I'm not getting that gene therapy. Oh well.

>> No.50056705

You sound like a schizo so they dodged a bullet/bullets.

>> No.50056782
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>glaring inferiority complex

ne way.
You know you'll be lucky to make 40k fresh out of a coding bootcamp right?

>> No.50056807

You don't need a degree at all.

>> No.50056967

Biz is a bunch of gentile larpers who don't actually wanna exploit the system, and just wanna seethe over how poor they are.

>> No.50057224

Why you gotta try and hurt my feelings anon

>> No.50057238

He's right. The vax isn't gene therapy any more than the virus itself is.

>> No.50057312

Are you married? If not you're not getting BAH until you hit E-5. At least in the Navy. Also your chain will dick you around and make you get quals before they sign off on your TA. None of this applies if you join as officer

>> No.50057332


>> No.50057345

I'm a veteran E5. I'm talking about the vet tec program not active duty bah

>> No.50057650

Probably as good as a University of Phoenix degree

>> No.50057694
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I noticed the industries Ive worked at were basically in decline. What industries are poise to grow in the future?

>> No.50057716

Shrimp farming

>> No.50057933

Not all bootcamps are created equal

>> No.50058636

You would've fail AIT anyway. Bet you would've fucked up a drill Sergeant too

>> No.50058673

The military doesn't even require a high school diploma to get in and even after offering 30k sign on bonus they can't get enough people. They lost out, not you.

>> No.50059084

the vaccine is safe and effective.

>> No.50059198

Well I never got sick at all the whole plandemic even when everyone around me did and they lied about the vax not changing DNA. If it had been around a decade or two maybe I would've taken it

>> No.50059254

I guess, idk it would've been nice to join basically guaranteed success with the IT+military background combo

>> No.50059277

High Level clearance is invaluable

>> No.50059303

Can't wait for the US military to fall apart because they hired trannies to code software after a Chinese hacker gets in.

>> No.50059345

So you just keep skipping over the fight for zog stuff huh?

>> No.50059370

Doesn't seem right though to take a risky treatment and forgo bodily autonomy while simultaneously supposedly fighting for freedom. Maybe it is fine in fact more than likely it probably is I just don't see the point when I have natural immunity. Regardless though even if I were to get vaxxd thered be the issue of the half gram of weed they were bitching about. Idk maybe I should just bite the bullet and do it but it feels wrong right now

>> No.50059418

I paid out of pocket for Learn Academy and went from making $15/hr to $120k/yr. It’s worth it anon but desu SWE is soul sucking.

>> No.50059572

Look I understand you're an idiot I'm just talking about way to make money

>> No.50059685

Well obv it's one of the best ways to get a start in life and make bank but what about what I said is dumb? I'd take it if I could be convinced of it but it objectively isn't right to force

>> No.50060126

The military has been vaccinating people since it's inception snowflake

>> No.50060170

Obviously this a different case and completely new technology. Even so, people were allowed exemptions

>> No.50060426

I was just baiting to get a response but it looks like I've caught an unironic retard

>> No.50060447

Lmao I'm the OP, I want as many bumps as possible. Thanks btw

>> No.50060460

All you guys are doing is calling me retarded and not explaining what's wrong with my thinking or giving a counter argument or any data. Makes me feel like this is just some military recruitment thread

>> No.50060526

Sure. This is more than enough

>> No.50060529
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Why would I want to entertain antivax bullshit in a thread about coding Bootcamps? God to /pol/ chud. Thanks for the bumps

>> No.50060541
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just read the file preview. Have fun deboonking

gr8 g8 m8

>> No.50060578

In commiefornia no.

You'd think it be comfy but you have to realize it the same corporate drone bs but instead of company culture it's military culture.

You'll be sucking the green dick as it fucks you for hours, then doing code monkey bullshit while getting yelled by a boomer who thinks your just working on a social media account.

Remember, the more specialized your skill is, the bigger the shit that falls on your head.

>> No.50060592
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Thanks for the bump

>> No.50060686

Okay I'll look through this but let's just say for arguments sake it works and is harmless. Why should I not be allowed to refuse it if I am already naturally immune? I'm not a dumb person I mean I bought eth at 5 bucks I studied physics in college I compete in hacking tournaments I play poker professionally I think I should be allowed to refuse an unecessary novel procedure if it's coming between me and serving my country
You're the one that brought up the military and talking about the bonuses if you wanted a discussion only about coding camps you could've asked exclusively about that

>> No.50060878
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Thanks for the bump

>> No.50060971
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this isn't the own that you think it is


>> No.50061026

Lol alright you're welcome nice talk retard

>> No.50061124

Go back to/pol/ Pvt Golemez. I'm not falling for your shit.

>> No.50061141
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i went to a GI Bill coding camp in chicago called code platoon

10/10 got my comfy $150k WFH job from it. i hear the course sucks now tho

>> No.50061151

VET TEC is just ok. A lot of the programs are entry level shit. I'm signing up just because I can and I can do the remote courses since I work from home. Easy $900 a month.

>> No.50061170

J n J vaxx got banned by FDA for too many blood clot deaths.

>> No.50061236

Nice yeah the vet tec doesn't use and GI bill thankfully, how long was yours?

>> No.50062474

Bumps for bootcamps

>> No.50062766
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Actually the coder behind vinu's latest update comes from a bootcamp so, it is a good decision

>> No.50062899

i think it was 3 months. first month is like 12 hour days.

its a real bootcamp so you will be doing a lot of work. if you go to code platoon you need to make sure you know how to do basic doing before showing up. guys that tried to learn everything at the course had a rough time

>> No.50064066
File: 74 KB, 828x704, 1656084180167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rambert anonymous your never too retarded for the military.