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50058316 No.50058316 [Reply] [Original]

Pulling farther and farther ahead as adoption becomes a reality. I honestly didn’t think it was going to happen this fast.

>> No.50058551
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Juggabros, are we gonna make it?

>> No.50058834
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it's some 'jeet spamming readme changes, isn't it?

>> No.50059075

What am I exactly putting money into when I invest in ICP?

>> No.50059078

icp is the future. any dev who tries it never goes back.

best tech in the game bar none. The best tech will win in the end

>> No.50059145

Dominic wont let his employees stop coding. I've heard he is literally Hitler in the office.

>> No.50059368

Thats unironically what everyone else is doing, besides Dfinity. Wgami Juggabros

>> No.50059381
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>> No.50060123

Dominic is literally hitler in the office. He goes around slamming his fist on desks and spitting on the floor. He treats his HR so bad its unreal

>> No.50060195

it's normal in europe

>> No.50060454
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nigga, fuck this piece of shit blog chain
I have had enough of being conned by dawnmonique and his not even half of 420 cyberjannies that do sudokus and call it cryptoesniffagraphy. I am tired of that chink Manmun turbulent schizo posting and subliminally shilling Tyrone, making twerking videos and charging a 500$ onlyfags tax to send copy-pasted BuzzFeed cryptoe articles and in between shilling his private Snapchat
I am tired of that bitch nigga doctor with his weeb twin peaks shit youtube, schizo editing his titles and descriptions in a desperate attempt to try and remember how numbers are supposed to work, while constantly disassociating stuck between ghosts and shells
I am tired of Motoko as their faggot programming language, nobody knows it and nobody will use it. Their documentation is nonexistent so developers, even if they tried, would have no idea where to begin because this Motoko scam doesn't even compile shit. I'm switching back to superior Haskell, and don't get me started on those .png nfts, these are the most retarded looking, low volume stinking bags of shit. I download .pngs from here all the time, why would I pay money to "own" a hyperlink to a .png I don't even want to download for free??
fuck off with your icp ponzi scheme, wow 20 year old roadmap, NO FUCKING THANKS, you can lie to other brainlet Redditors; omg amazing lock icp and stake for 8 years, surely our cloudservers will pay you dividents and dominic dicpic nfts, muh disruptive technology, me farting in a tranquil lake is more disruptive than this computer crap. literally 2 dapps, cloned from cardano's superior code & ecosystem
what fucking conmen have the nerve to lie and reassure "investors" (LMAO): yeah bro just 20 more years for smart contracts, web speed bro
real men set sprints to achieve the impossible quick and always deliver like my idol, the scrum master Charles hoskinsan. 2 more weeks and I know something big happens, never missed one deadline unlike that icp scam

>> No.50060544

lol good
fuck hr roasties

>> No.50061085

>I honestly didn’t think it was going to happen this fast.

>> No.50061210


I've never lost so much money in my life by buying into this pos scam. It's full of worthless dapps & jeets who have no sense of what mass adoption means, is nor how to achieve it. I hope this goes to zero & becomes delisted from exchanges just so I don't have to see all this useless shit posted about this worthless chain.

>> No.50061244

>me farting in a tranquil lake is more disruptive than this computer crap
Epic, I keked

>> No.50061751

Yeah yeah the price is shit like EVERY other altcoin and everything except crude and com’s just sell and fuck off back to holding fiat kid

>> No.50062491


Has every other alt coin been in absolute red since listing? Have you seen the chart or are you simply playing stupid? How are all the integrations coming along as defi? This jeetathon will prove to be a nothing burger. It's literally the ICPajeets chain. It's garbage & I'm quite sure I'll never make my money back. This shit is a complete scam

>> No.50062909

Hope you faggots are ready for defi to kick off. I’m putting my money on ICPinus. Let the shitcoining commence

>> No.50064082

endless pain and humiliation

>> No.50065326

You're investing in a token tied to computation power ("cycles") that will power the future of the web.

ICP is required to be burned to create cycles which pay for each and every computational cycle, and every second data is stored in canisters, used by smart contracts running on the global, virtual computer. Therefore, there will always be a minimum demand for ICP as long as there are canisters actively requiring computational power, or storing data. The more programs running on it, and the more data stored on-chain, the greater that minimum demand will be.

Investing in ICP is betting that the ecosystem will continue to grow exponetially, with more computation and more data storage being required, which implies that the price of ICP will grow alongside it. In theory, even if the impact on trade trade value from speculation is zero, the price would continue to increase as more and more computation and storage is required. Thus, prices in the thousands are both achievable and sustainable without any speculation or normie hype required as long as the services running on ICP are being used.

>> No.50065529

based aspie

>> No.50065894
File: 271 KB, 867x820, FD19079D-3B56-4B8E-871C-7F91CE6A7055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have our own 4chan running 100% on the blockchain… how amazing is that everything else is obsolete now .. we won bros

>> No.50066085
File: 113 KB, 670x790, 1618318441873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so fucking excited for the future of icp.
accumulating at these levels feels criminal.
knowing the future.
knowing icp is the best tech in the game.

we're all going to be so filthy stinky rich.
i hope it goes down even more so i can accumulate an even fatter stack.
this is why i wage slave.
so i can accumulate icp.

>> No.50066205

This is some fresh hopium? I’ve been ass blasted too many times by Kyle Peecock and Dfinititty, someone refute this so I don’t get hurt again

You’re saying that my pees will go up in value even if normies don’t flock to it (which they won’t , because icp marketing is shit)

>> No.50066361

don’t know much about icp… please convince me why I should purchase

>> No.50066429


>> No.50066513

>You’re saying that my pees will go up in value even if normies don’t flock to it

ICP is like a Kohler toilet, it sucks everything in. Normies will get sucked in around the year 2024.

>> No.50066557

>don’t know much about icp… please convince me why I should purchase

Just use the search engine, and try some of the dapps for yourself.

KINIC (ICP search engine)

Also, I'm not allowed to talk to you about ICchan. You will need to figure that out on your own.

>> No.50066679

Normies don't need to flock to it the same way they do Bitcoin (purely speculation-driven), although that would help increase the demand for cycles as canisters would be burning more cycles.

Some very simplified math:

Currently there's an average of around 3 billion cycles per second being burned. 1T cycles = 1 SDR, and 1 SDR = 1.33 USD.

So that's a burn rate of 1T cycles every 333 seconds, which comes out to about 180B cycles per minute, or around 259 trillion cycles per day, which is equal to $344 per day being burned. On average, 30,000-40,000 ICP (let's say 35,000 for simplicity) is being minted per day, or $175,000 worth. For the sake of simplicity. That means there's a minimum demand of $.01 per ICP per day. And all of this is without taking into consideration ICP that is being locked away in neurons, which is a significant amount.

Not very much right? Now consider how fucking early we are. How few services are running on the IC, and how little data is stored on it. NOW consider that some service running on the IC explodes in popularity among normies and is using hundreds of trillions of cycles per minutes. And imagine even more services are storing data (user info, images, video files, and so on) for hundreds of thousands of users. 1000x the computation/data storage usage isn't reallythat much compared to how much the Internet as we know it today consumes, and that puts the minimum demand at $10/day. 100x THAT amount puts the minimum demand at $1000/day and it's still small in comparison to today's web. Now you can factor in the effect of speculation and hype on trade price and can easily see how ICP can reach prices in the range of thousands, or even tens of thousands.

>> No.50066724

Allow me to explain.
ICP functions EXACTLY like a Kohler Tresham.
Some have compared it to a TOTO CWT, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but this really depends on local burn ordinances, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.
It's that much of a game changer.

>> No.50067237
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Icp Is there a chat group where anons are collected?

>> No.50068305
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See >>50065894

>> No.50068424


>> No.50068483

link serss

>> No.50068529

Seems too good to be true. There's a lot of icp being minted in comparison to what is being burnt. Not fudding, just as a holder I've already written off my icp as a loss so I don't cry harder if it keeps falling.

>> No.50068549

Fuck it

>> No.50068660
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WTF is this pajeet talking about? Nigger learn maths.

>> No.50068924
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why you betray??

>> No.50069261

aons real forecast for 2025?

>> No.50069275

how many fucking 4chan clones do we need on ICP???

>> No.50069694

not that redditized version thats for sure

>> No.50069720
File: 44 KB, 699x485, 145754357908674576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does 3c per ICP sound?

>> No.50070241

It's just a stupid 4chan scheme

>> No.50070281

I'm new to ICP and am thinking of going all in at this price, is it a good investment to buy here? my 10k will get me around 2k ICP tokens now

>> No.50070423
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1563462620971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does $100 total sound out of that $10k investment in the next 2 years.

>> No.50070747

Oh wow. This one is sad. I bet they are embraced by ICchan.

>> No.50070834

If someone could make a git client on ICP that would be pretty sweet

>> No.50072984

Commits count doesn't mean shit.

>> No.50074131

please link ethereum foundation marketing ser

>> No.50074418

Good one, you fucking faggot. I hope you really thought this one through

>> No.50074471

i mean, he’s not wrong. if anything his price prediction is too high

>> No.50074562

unironically means it's probably fucked.

>> No.50074729

ICP bros control the memes. ICP bros control the future. Eth is cringe and outdated Hollywood filth

>> No.50074818

Endless rugpull. It can go down 99% from here

>> No.50074879

Minecraft clone just unveiled to run on icp. So mario 64 and icp, how can white boys compete?

>> No.50074899

best thing i've read about the project so far, very based

>> No.50074911

>Commit spam
Hello newfag

>> No.50074926

Based as fuck
Loading up nao

>> No.50075269

how come?