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50054579 No.50054579 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50054646
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GUISE! Just got my wagie bucks! I could do something smart like hold cash or funnel into my IRA but that's for boomers and JEWS! Hehe I'm a 2k IQ GenZ and boomers fucked me over so I'm smarter. See how that works?

I'm going to put it all into crypto, which is of course, "digital gold" (unlike those boomer kike rcocks!). That and GME. Because I'm smart. And some bald Asian and Indian guy on TikTok told me that everything else is a ponzi and crypto to the moon!
Ok. Time to get on my high IQ RobbinTheHood app (which never fucked anyone over) and invest! Uploading my 1600$. Yep, definitely going to be a millionaire and those stupid boomers will cry when I move out of my slum in Bhar.
Ok, now it's time to crypto post to rope others in.

"WAITING ROOM WAITING ROOM! WAGMI! WAITING ROOM! BOBO MUMU SHOULDVE SOLD! 100K EOY! WAITING ROOM! hehe nice try Jew, but I'm smarter. Boomer stocks are dead. BULLRUN hehe I'm investing. Go educate yourself, boomer! Blockchain is the future and I have 1600$ "invested". You missed your chance bobo, it's moon time from here! Pajeet said! EWAITING ROOOOOOOOMMMMMMM"

No...it was a Jewish scam! No! This world is so unfair! Why didn't anyone tell me it was a ponzi! But it had so much use value that no one used! How is this...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.50054797

bottom line ?
no crypto/stocks and only metals ?

>> No.50054843

BTC went to 69k.

>> No.50054844

shiny rocks can be used for stuff and made into products
btc can only be used to scam people

>> No.50055011

You Jews are something awful.
Lie shamelessly and twist words.

>> No.50055030

>btc can only be used to scam people
Definitely a lie.

>> No.50055036

gold has more value beyond being a shiny rock. just about every electronic device is a computer these days and this proliferation has only begun to accelerate.
bitcoin is a shitty prototype that is terrible as a currency and is useless for everything else. bitcoin will never be worth more than what everyone puts into the pool.

>> No.50055050
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btc is less efficient that other crypto
its slower
less transaction per second
anything it does there are 4000 coins that do it better
its only popular because of the name.

>> No.50055093
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1/3rd energy related commodity producing/mining stocks & etfs (oil, natgas, uranium, rare earths)
1/3rd physical precious metals (silver, platinum, gold -- in that order of priority)
1/6th cash
1/6th bitcoin and not some other crypto because the SEC is only giving commodity status to bitcoin

Use the cash to buy the bottom in energy or miner stocks August/September/October. Track commodity price ratios to the S&P 500 to know when to sell.

>> No.50055127

Tell that to all of the pajeets and chinks who convinced zoomies such as yourself to put their life savings into LUNA or UST.

>> No.50055199

>btc is less efficient that other crypto
please shill on me on your revolutionary token web3 NFT cross-chain gender neutral aggregator

>> No.50055313

>less efficient
>less transaction
>anything it does there are 4000 coins that do it better
name one

fucking newfags I swear just parrot off things that they read on some retarded article, 10 reasons why bitcoin is dead. btc is the most secure crypto, that's what it has going for it. if you don't know shit don't post.

>> No.50055342

This is all great but how is that going to work when asset seizures start up? We are one step away from a full on socialist government that will rape the rich (and by rich I mean anyone with any sort of asset).

>> No.50055559

When the looting starts the shooting starts.

>> No.50055670

Peter Schiff just says the same thing over and over. Im not into the crypto hype, but it does have some applications.

>> No.50055822
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If it gets to that point, crypto won't save you. The off ramps will be tightly controlled, the internet will be inaccessible to non-government actors like in North Korea and you'll still get shoved into a gulag to die if you at all protest.

If you're worried about the Great Reset's "own nothing and be happy" meme, that's for the useless unproductive members of society who want UBI and erased debt obligations in exchange for losing the right to own physical property.