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File: 22 KB, 671x236, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50046714 No.50046714 [Reply] [Original]

silver hoarders are really the most retarded "investors" i can think of oh my god

>> No.50046809

Explain. Why?

>> No.50046870

Ever see someone coated head to tow with silver body paint? Was he smart? Exactly.

>> No.50046925

the average """stacker""" is just someone who made what should be an investment choice into a new consoomer hobby. buying epic new boxes and safes, treating themselves to an absurdly high premium "piece", browsing for hours every week looking at the cool bars and limited edition coins they might buy. comforting themselves that if shtf they will make it through, alongside isolated farming communities and well-armed militia groups, because they STACKED pms

>> No.50046962
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>> No.50047050

In 2021. If I invested 6k in crypto and 6k in silver. The silver would be worth 5.5k and the crypto 1 5k. You crypto guys are incels and do not own a house or guns or food.

>> No.50047066

I bought 1 kg of silver for 0.33e. That silver is down 25% and Ethereum is down 60% from there. Kek at least it's shiny.

>> No.50047071
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>> No.50047097

Damn, that post didn't age well.

>> No.50047142
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>> No.50047181
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>> No.50047185
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You need Bitcoin back up around $50k, don't you?

>> No.50047195

William COPE Harvey

>> No.50047214
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>> No.50047246
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>> No.50047284

Time for your meds?

>> No.50047317

This guy wrote like an idiot compared to his peers. Perhaps silver IS a bad investment.

>> No.50047323
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>schizo spams mountains of text nobody will read
classic retard

>> No.50047340
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zoomers gonna rage and seethe when silver hits triple digits and their dog coins are no longer tradable due to regulations.

>> No.50047345

Houses are not affordable, gun owners just got doxed pre civil war, everyone steals food now, even boomers...

>> No.50047387
File: 628 KB, 750x1018, silver kills vampires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No new ideas for attacking us, eh moshe?

>> No.50047390

They never stop to think how a few thousand dollars worth of silver and gold could possible be worth anything substantial in the future when it has literally never been that way in all of recorded history. A few hundred ounces of silver is about the same value, maybe less now as it was thousands of years ago and as it will be thousands of years from now. That’s basically the whole idea. Nobody makes money owning metals, they make money buying them wholesale and selling them to retail as a business in large quantities same as anything else.

Owning physical metals is a way to save money outside the banking system in a way that will hedge inflation a bit. There is a reason very wealthy people don’t just hoard gold bars they buy lambos, houses, land, artwork, stocks etc. metals are unproductive assets with zero yield. They are a dense store of value that can be easily liquidated, gold being the best, which won’t decay over time.

Metals as an investment have been and will continue to be mediocre at best forever.

>> No.50047401

Come on... this is not kindergarden. Explain it to me as if you would give your family lawyer financial advice.

>> No.50047411

So-called precious metals are the only "asset class" that shows up in Jewish surnames. Goldstein? Silverman? Can't get any more Jewish than that. Enjoy the psyop, goyim.

>> No.50047433

>be post-apocalypse farmer
>have a surplus of potatoes
>random stranger appears
>hey I'll give you this silver for some of your surplus
>you say no
>your surplus rots

Without surplus production, nothing will be tradable for anything at any price. With a surplus, silver coins are perfect for bartering, because everyone knows they can store them forever and use them at any later date to barter for something else.

>> No.50047467
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Schizos really hate being called what they are. Just like trannies. It really makes you think.

>> No.50047483

they're mostly da joos poorfags from pol

>> No.50047493

>A few hundred ounces of silver is about the same value, maybe less now as it was thousands of years ago and as it will be thousands of years from now.
This is true, but the world economy is currently a musical chairs of debt. 80% of people hold nothing of real value beyond perhaps their own accommodation and transport. PMs are not a good 'investment' but they are an inflation hedge and inflation is about to go ballistic. Everyone here should already know currency speculation CAN make you rich.

>> No.50047544

Here's all you need to know about silver: It's value in relation to gold peaked in the mid-1800s and has been on a general downward trend ever since. I'm not a goldbug, but if you're going to 'invest' in a precious metal, it should be gold only.

>> No.50047548

>silver kills vampires.jpg
>conflating vampires with werewolves

>> No.50047549

always amused me that the only bullcase for shiny rocks is
>something something post-apocalypse

Imagine the inflated sense of schizophrenic self-importance thinking that the world would suddenly end within (your) lifetime and that it would be a guarantee

>> No.50047551
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Silverfags point to BRO LOOK AT THE RATIO OF GOLD TO SILVER ignoring the fact that it has been dropping for decades. The average silver investor isn't an investor at all. They are doomer faggots just hoping the entire world collapses so they can live their mad Max bartering fantasies. And hey maybe the world really is about to collapse. But people have been saying NO REALLY THIS IS IT for decades and unless you're homesteading then you're totally fucked anyways in a SHTF scenario.

>> No.50047558

are you suggesting that hoarding gold is somehow a kikeish thing to do? what else am i supposed to do, buy land to work like some kind of shabbos goy?

the farmer asks if you have any fertiliser, ammunition, diesel, salt or daughters to trade. he knows for a fact the guys he gets eggs from do not give a shit about any type of money anymore

>> No.50047560

Why would Jews name themselves after something worthless? You have it all backwards, they're hiding it in plain sight and you're falling for the fud.

>> No.50047592

You're betting on there being no other items to barter (which is completely retarded) and you're betting on nobody killing you for your shiny rocks.

>> No.50047598
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>bitcoin will reach $1000000!

>> No.50047619


>> No.50047629
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>vampires are largely synonymous with kikes
>silver bullet is a mythological way of killing vampires

>> No.50047671

>conflating vampires with werewolves

>> No.50047683

Silver is meant to be a store of value. Its worthless if you have no value worth storing. You may as well hold cash and buy up crypto and stocks when they crash through the floor

>> No.50047739

when everything falls apart and the only asset anyone trusts is the dollar like in 2009, the jews start buying precious metals hardcore, it stops the decline in foreign currencies and jump starts the economic corpse. i'm not saying precious metals are good, but there is logic behind it, if they're gonna do another 2009 episode.

>> No.50047758

Works as an inflation hedge in any recession too. The ultimate case proves the principle.

>the farmer asks if you have any fertiliser, ammunition, diesel, salt or daughters to trade
>OK I'll take the silver then, as it would be irrational not to

A bag of coins is the most durable, divisible, transportable thing to carry for barter, which is what gives them value.

>> No.50047770

Imagine taking investing advice from the majority of /biz/ posters. What happened to GHOST, iEXEC, TRON, BAT, and the myriad other alphabet soup of garbage you've peddled over the last couple years? Educate yourself on what is actually happening within the banking system and how gold and silver stand to benefit. Otherwise get fucked honestly.

>> No.50047809

>A bag of coins is the most durable, divisible, transportable thing to carry for barter, which is what gives them value.
I'd rather carry a blister pack of OxyContin.

>> No.50047823

Your choice.

>> No.50047826
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all of them are probably still up 10000% on your uga bugga shiny rock

>> No.50047845

>A bag of coins is the most durable, divisible, transportable thing to carry for barter, which is what gives them value.
Sure, but they're not going to die if they refuse. The average person is much more likely to only have essentials to barter with. Essentials that the farmer will absolutely not refuse.

Selective memory. There's a myriad of garbage shilled, but also a myriad of gems. You could've bought garbage like LINK and made a good return.

>> No.50047870
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>something that has been used as a form of currency since pretty much the day it was discovered won’t be accepted as a form of currency

>> No.50047903
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>pmgtard can only strawman
good one retard. I never said silver won't be accepted.

>> No.50047934

I think that silver is worth much less than it used to be because before the Spanish discovered vast amounts of silver in the new world it was six times as scarce.

>> No.50047964

> crypto shits the bed after the most meagre bullrun in history
> bu- but akshually silver holders most retarda

>> No.50047972

That prize goes to cryto buyers

>> No.50048061

>used to
Yup. This tells me everything I need to know.

>> No.50048063

>The average person is much more likely to only have essentials to barter with.
The average person has absolutely nothing to barter with, except maybe their own children. Not that that makes any difference whatsoever to the inherent value of silver.

>they're not going to die if they refuse
Lmao, this is how I know you're thinking completely irrationally. You think every transaction is based on life or death? Is the store owner gonna refuse your cash because 'he won't die if he doesn't'? What a ridiculius and reaching thing to say. It's perfectly rational to exchange surpluses for durable commodities, so that's what people will always do.

>> No.50048098

>The average person has absolutely nothing to barter with, except maybe their own children. Not that that makes any difference whatsoever to the inherent value of silver.
guns/bullets/batteries/food/etc... all have more value than your shiny rocks

>Lmao, this is how I know you're thinking completely irrationally.
>you say no
>your surplus rots
We're arguing about your point

>> No.50048130

>store owner
There are no store owners after the apocalypse, smoothbrain.

>> No.50048193

see >>50047142

>> No.50048211

Fuck you

>> No.50048281

Sure, temporarily, if we assume an absolute apocalypse. None of those make convenient mediums of exchange in any kind of recovering economy though. You can't let them get wet. Decent amounts of value of them are heavy. Nobody's trading you a tractor for 1 battery.

>your surplus rots
So why not trade it for silver, something which you can store forever and carry to a market easily? It's perfectly rational.

>> No.50048345

When did I say the example of the store owner was post-apocalypse? If you read what I said again you will see I said CASH. You are too stupid to partake in this conversation so please stop.

>> No.50048387

Store owners only take credit/debit cards and physical currency, dumbass. You're not going to buy a router at BestBuy with a sack of silver.

>> No.50048401
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>> No.50048409

Fucking hell, I am sorry for your disabilty anon it must be difficult for you to get through life like this.

>> No.50048442

You are a literal retard who thinks he can buy things at the store with a bag of silver pieces. The world doesn't work that way anymore, mongoloid.

>> No.50048450

>trade half my XRP for LTC at .84 cents and use it to buy silver at 24.49
>XRP is worth .32 cents now while silver is 20.70
>would have been a similar drop with any other shitcoin
>hyper inflated fiat currency would have been the better hold than either
Clown world.
If you can't afford real estate you're going to be poor forever. I sold my poverty shack next to a rez for 150% more than what I bought it for 4 years ago and now I'm buying a poverty shack in a cheaper state so I can keep being comfy poor and stacking boomer rocks and ammo.

>> No.50048459

You are so dumb it physically pains me. Learn to read.

>> No.50048475

Nice projection, moron.

>> No.50048496
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>> No.50048516

A chest full of silver was a big treasure 400 years ago during pirate ages, it was also a big treasure in medieval times, but also in ancient times, and in iron age, and during the bronze age..
Guess what a chest full of silver is a big treasure even today in current year.

>> No.50048535

It must be frustrating that so many ideas are so far over your head you can't even comprehend what people are talking about. Please tell me what you're long on so I can short it

>> No.50048546

Mega cope. You got blown the fuck out, kid.

>> No.50048548

Silver is an emergency fund and nothing else. But memes are making people think they'll get rich like bitcoin.

>> No.50048568

>divisible without loss
based and horsepilled

>> No.50048586

lmao stay retarded but claim victory. Seriously tell me your longs, I'll credit you for my gains

>> No.50048614

Says the dumbfuck who thinks stores accept silver as payment. Leave your mom's basement once in a while, you clueless faggot.

>> No.50048616

Imagine buying silver when gold exists. Is your goal in life always to be 2nd fiddle or something? lol. lmao even.

>> No.50048626
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>commodity money having any relevance in a digital age
crypto is literally immutable

>> No.50048637

>>hyper inflated fiat currency would have been the better hold than either
What is causing this?

>> No.50048651

Look what silver did after the 2008 financial crash. I know people made millions off of it.

>> No.50048664

If you think privately run stores won't accept silver as payment then it's you who needs to get out of the globohomo corporate run cities.

>> No.50048694

Where do you live, the Congo? They don't accept rocks at Panera.

>> No.50048703

Giga basado

>> No.50048737

>isolated farming communities
>well-armed militia groups,
Literally every dead soldier since forever.

>> No.50048750

>Nobody makes money owning metals,
Most people turn metal into shapes and sell the shapes, fancy that.

>> No.50048756
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You WILL seethe, crypto nerd

>> No.50048766

>You crypto guys are incels and do not own a house or guns or food.
I own a gun and food, queer.

>> No.50048768

Lol what the fuck kind of logic is this. It's rare I see this level of retardation on this board. Holy fuck bro, don't even kill yourself, you're probably better joining a freakshow circus and you can just get in the center ring and babble and people will pay to hear "The glorious no-brain".
>bro a chest of silver
>breh a chest of duralast alternators is what pirates were after
>bruh any pirate worth his salt would obviously disregard a chest full of stock papers and fiat currency (USD)

>> No.50048778

>The silver would be worth 5.5k and the crypto 15k.
You're a retard.

>> No.50048783


>> No.50048787

Meanwhile if you bought shiba inu at its start.

>> No.50048850
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You exemplify the idea that American leftists think they understand the right, but really don't, and rightists think they understand the left, and really do.

Boomers and Xers run most all small-time mom and pop businesses. Boomers and Xers also understand the value of silver and gold as they have seen the dollar massively inflate away during their lifetimes. If you ever get out of your bubble and start talking with people in a variety of positions within society you will hear exactly what I'm talking about. I'd be willing to bet that at least 3/4ths of current small business owners would be happy to accept silver as payment for their goods and services whether that be constitutional(junk) silver, sovereign bullion, or even verifiable rounds.

>> No.50048889
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>You need Bitcoin back up around $50k, don't you?
No because I want BTC for as low as possible, same with my silver, my illegally purchased firearms (not guns, fag) and my dope I sell.
Buy high, sell low, never change /biz/.
Just checked coinbase pro, BTC is worth 20k USD a coin.
Gold is at 1k and silver at 25.29$.
Sorry, gold is the flex, silver is the stack and BTC is for buying low dips and holding.
The firearm is for when I sell my pound of dope for 2.5k USD.
Git gud.

>> No.50048895

I literally do not think that and did not say that, you absolute fucking moron. Read my post again and try to understand I was talking about cash. I mean, I said the word cash. How you got what you got from it, I have no idea. I've heard sub 100 IQs can't comprehend conditional hypotheticals but dam son... you special.

>> No.50048898

>If you don't live in neolithic conditions and pay for everything with shiny rocks, you must be a leftist
kys schizo

>> No.50048902

Bitcoin is revolutionary and people who don't grasp this are going to stay poor for fucking ever. Jesus. You can send millions of dollars for 20 bucks. It's yours. Nobody can dispute it or change that. No government meddling
>hurr hurr hurr digital ponzi

>> No.50048909

I trust jews to make me money more than European or Africans.

>> No.50048917

>>silver bullet is a mythological way of killing vampires
Americans everyone.
That's werewolves, dip shit.

>> No.50048937

>Without surplus production, nothing will be tradable for anything at any price.
Native Americans used sea shells as currency and traded that to buy pemmican, furs, tools and even women.
You guys and your metals are weird.

>> No.50048951

The /pmg/ shiny rock degenerate HATES the Bitcoin purist.

>> No.50048959

>mad Max bartering fantasies.
I used to sell weed and weed stuff from time to time.
We had this one dude give up a silver chain for like 50 bucks worth of weed.
Yes you can barter with silver if you know how to barter like a true caravaneer.

>> No.50048964

2 shekels have been removed from your account.
No more (You)'s for you kike shill.

>> No.50048978
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>buying silver to invest
I buy silver because it's shiny and goes cling ting ting

>> No.50049001

>t. seething incel who lives in his own fantasy world

>> No.50049005

You can use your BTC to buy a house.
Why you would? I dunno, but you can.


>> No.50049014

>when they crash through the floor
They already crashed.

>> No.50049018

/pmg/, take note: this is honesty at work. No need for all the Armageddon-prep LARPing, just admit it's a hobby and you like clingy clangy shiny rocks.

>> No.50049029

Expires after a while, silver doesn't.

>> No.50049055

They were also effortlessly conquered by a civilized race.
If someone is willing to commit murder for an asset, how can you argue it has no value? Also couldnt you murder someone for any asset? This isnt unique to silver.
Completely nonsensical argument.

>> No.50049063

Most people do. Good chance if Bitcoin no longer functions we have bigger problems to worry about.

Sure won't deny that. I do not believe the average silver poster can even look a person in the eye when they talk much less do that.

>> No.50049093

Black beard once sank a Spanish gold boat to steal the rum off the ship because I had been so long since the crew drank rum and grog.
Not even joking, they sank a Spanish ship the ships Spanish gold for the rum and didn't even bother with the gold, they wanted the rum.
No shitting, pirates don't want or care for wealth, they steal whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.50049096

were they too retarded to realize sea shells literally come out of the ocean? were coastal tribes absurdly rich because they could find baskets of new money washed up on the beach every time the tide came in? sea shells are one of the shittiest currencies I've ever heard of.

>> No.50049121

...what? I own all of these things. What conversation did you invent where I said otherwise?

>> No.50049134

It's not rocks its metal
Stop spreading fud >:(

>> No.50049166
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I'm just gonna buy BTC and silver and whores, thank you and good day.
What will we do with a drunken sailor.>>50049055
Read a book, snow nigger.
No they were not, plenty of whites got chopped up.
Read a book, for the love of God.

>> No.50049171

few thought you could get rich off crypto too

>> No.50049186

Money cowry is the only real currency. It's been that way from the beginning of human history. Everything else is fake money.

>> No.50049190

>effortlessly conquered
You Americans know literally nothing about history it's hilarious.
Lost twice to the Cheyenne alone and multiple times asked native Americans for peace treaties because they wouldn't stop killing your nigger cotton pickers.
The fuck do you get your history lessons from? Holly wood? The fuck?

>> No.50049207

Nothing you said is in opposition to the part you quoted.

>> No.50049220

your investment is betting on a fucking apocalypse?

>> No.50049223

The only metal I stack has gunpowder behind it. kek

>> No.50049230

Short answer jews.
Long answer is jews are printing a year of mining worth of paper silver onto the market every other month, which makes silver seem plentiful and cheap. They do the same with gold, to a lesser extent. They do it so inflation doesn't look so bad and to keep industrial supply cheap.
Jews have been trying to find a way to cripple crypto as well. They found a weak point in LUNA and used their tricks to destroy its value, and it was big enough to scare a lot of people out. It was likely to also limit how bad inflation is, if internet funny money kept growing in value while inflation kept skyrocketing normies would drop fiat in droves.
The federal reserve and it's consequences have been a disaster for the entire world.

>> No.50049231

Metal isn't money. You said it yourself.

>> No.50049238

really dont get why silver triggers people so much
maybe you are upset that some investors dont want to play your crypto ponzi game anymore
that must be it, no other rational reason

>> No.50049259

>Jews have been trying to find a way to cripple crypto as well. They found a weak point in LUNA and used their tricks to destroy its value, and it was big enough to scare a lot of people out. It was likely to also limit how bad inflation is, if internet funny money kept growing in value while inflation kept skyrocketing normies would drop fiat in droves.
uh crypto was crashing long before luna blew up, sweetie

>> No.50049270
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>crypto is literally immutable

>> No.50049272

Wow boy, read a book you filthy nigger, 100s of thousands of whites got their shit pushed in and you white boys had guns while they had sharp rocks.
Fucking hilarious how dumb 4chan and reddit is.
Truly a subhuman race, the Americans.

>> No.50049291

Escorts are banned in USA

>> No.50049292


>> No.50049301
File: 952 KB, 224x336, Punching cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit, cryptocuck

>> No.50049324
File: 3.99 MB, 4032x3024, EA4E0B90-19C5-4683-B55A-6FF7E52F811E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I’m a fucking retard who got digits on my Bog

>> No.50049330
File: 9 KB, 203x248, is it hot in here goyim or is it just me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIDF shills are paid to fud silver

>> No.50049332

You distinguished cash from silver.

>> No.50049363

Take your meds.

>> No.50049374

The people who hoard silver already accept they're never going to make it unless the world goes to shit. They want to be sitting on a bunch of gold, silver and weapons so they can be petty kings of the wasteland in their dreams.

>> No.50049376

It was doing a long crab, hard to say if it would have went up or down before LUNA crash and all the media in the world could gleefully shout "looks like crypto was a scam all along" to 7 billion normies.

>> No.50049377

So? Cash is different to money. And how is that relevant to trade surpluses?

>> No.50049394


>> No.50049411
File: 73 KB, 720x449, 1646962124435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds legit

>> No.50049416

Pretty based although I think gold, silver, and plat are all worth owning a bit of. I just think pmg autists are all retarded.

>> No.50049431

>Cash is different to money.

>> No.50049440

>Can't even refute or deny any of what I said

>> No.50049454

How does silver end the FED?

>> No.50049477

The only valid metalbug "investment" is a small transportable amount of gold. It passes the only important litmus test.
>if you want to flee a country, any illiterate corrupt border guard will accept a piece of gold for letting you pass.
>cletus the guard doesn't know how silver looks, he will think you are scamming him, so silver is a no-go.
All other copes are useless.
>mad max apocalypse, nobody gives a shit about your shinnies.
>hyper-inflationary clusterfuck, cletus will take all your gold when try to leave, so having all your wealth in metal is useless.
>"I want to beat the market!" Just buy miltary-industrial complex stock.

>> No.50049482

Learn what supply and demand is, big boy.

>> No.50049498


>> No.50049506

shills everywhere for silver
none of you will ever address pic rel

kek these guys get it

>> No.50049509

Ass lasted savages detected. You need to go back.
Oh wait you cant lol

>> No.50049510

>blaming investors in this market recession
shut the fuck up and smoke some grass
i mean even as an NFT owner i'm staking some for merch sales on Artlink Network

>> No.50049515

bitcoin: -65%

>> No.50049530

Coming to this board is like being on a fitness board populated solely by obese people. You literally just don't know what you're talking about yet act like you do lol. Ask any economist to explain it to you, I gotta catch a plane. Peace

>> No.50049536
File: 147 KB, 895x1065, silver ---- consumption vs production ---- that which can not continue will not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol forgot pic rel

>> No.50049546

Enjoy living in someone's else's fantasy world instead of creating your own

>> No.50049564

Says the turbo-retard who thinks cash isn't money.

>> No.50049583
File: 430 KB, 720x539, silver ---- investment demand vs industry year by year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

refute this (pic rel), the first world moving a nearly insignificant proportion of their investment to physical silver would break the world's commodities system

kek, hope youre brushing with baking soda fren

>> No.50049593

>Walter Mitty: the post

>> No.50049598
File: 42 KB, 720x540, IMG_1706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver: -58% ath
Or you can fill that in with whatever high you wanna use because you're still getting clowned on by the average index boomer

>> No.50049602

b-but muh ath, it's going back up because it just is,ok?

>> No.50049644

So it's undervalued and I should buy the dip?
Thanks anon. Smart. I'll do that

>> No.50049662
File: 709 KB, 3000x2000, 4QFTxQB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually history shows I'll be proven right
>no not the history that shows gold and silver ratio price has been steadily declining since the gold standard was adopted worldwide
>its all comex manipulation bro the jews are manipulating it to prevent the little guy from making it big

And that's also why I bought the Bitcoin dip

>> No.50049669

The only way to make millions off of silver is investing in silver miners. Investing in the metal is like investing in the s&p 500 while the miners are like investing in individual stocks, a good silver miner will 100x while silver does a 4-5x. Profit margins are very slim for silver miners so a 4-5x literally makes their operations 100x more profitable hence their stock going up like crazy

>> No.50049674

>4chan retard buying a 4chan token (which no sane person wants) for too much money

>> No.50049695
File: 1.21 MB, 358x200, seth5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been selling SLV weeklies since 2019 and I've made a killing

>> No.50049750
File: 2.67 MB, 414x322, joker4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething silverlet
how did that buttcorn work out for ya bud?

>> No.50049751

Don't care, work in jewelery type business, if it doesn't go up in value, I can still toy with it, even more so with gold and platinum.

I like versatile materials. Stocks and crypto, unless you are a big investor or a participant in big businesses exist to make money and liquidity, little else.

Precious metals will probably never again bring returns equal to those two in terms of money but you can as a small individual make something out of it. More fun to me.

>> No.50049761
File: 238 KB, 2048x1439, silver gold ---- outstanding precious metal derivatives at banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe, and explain pic rel

youre okay

>> No.50049779
File: 65 KB, 917x712, silver ---- commodities price vs stocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gold is gay
there is a fuck ton in the grand canyon
and apparently in uganda (idk how much i believe that)
but silver mining grade going down
only risk to supply is space mining

>> No.50049784

Stay mad faggot.

>> No.50049848

Silver is just a zero percent bond backed by the earth with unlimited price potential. Against actual bonds backed by insolvent governments which are about to go to zero, it's not that bad of an investment

>> No.50049858

>buy garbage
I'm good, bro. Don't come crying to me in the future.

>> No.50049929

Ever been to a junkyard? Metal is trash.

>> No.50049992

>This true price - $1000 an ounce

So what's the true price of gold then? Right now it's around $1800 but I'm pretty sure gold is way rarer than silver.

>> No.50050017

$10k - $20k/oz

>> No.50050024

The data is out there if you care for it. My thesis is that the most dumped dead shitcoins have outperformed shiny rocks by quite a margin still while you retards wait for muh apocalypse

>> No.50050039
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>> No.50050049

Here's my perspective as someone who holds 10 percent in metals in most of my stock bets (and some faggot took the chance to launch into a rage last time I brought this up) if you look at the highs set by metals, you will notice it is predated by a dump in metals corresponding with a market dump in total. When market conditions are uncertain, people will rush to sell everything regardless of fundamentals. Pretty much order of risk.
Crypto -> tech -> other equities -> private treasuries -> government treasuries -> metals -> commodities -> homes (not in that order necessarily, but you get the idea). If this market crash is coming then metals are definitely going lower than higher. We've already been through the speculation phase in metals in 2020 to now. Basically, now people are hedging heavily and waiting to see what the market does. I doubt we will see much of a pull back without a crash but essentially what you're seeing now is the hedge that shit could really go up a lot higher. Why isn't it moving today? Well fed has been pretty hawkish thus far and isn't showing any signs of slowing down that hawkishness. So market is in limbo. Those who want to be in are in. I think it will all go up but we need a little more time.

>> No.50050106

There are multiple walls of text that explain it in the thread already, but no one ever reads reads them, the tl;dr is:
>feds print infinite money
>feds print infinite IOUs for silver
>actual silver supply is scarce and getting scarcer due to depletion of silver mines
>goyim decide to buy up remaining physical silver
>supply shortage causes paper silver holders to demand exchange for physical
>they can only deliver enough for 1% of holders at best
>physical price decouples from paper price and skyrockets
>normies see gold and silver skyrocket and realize paper money is worthless
>feds can't print paper money anymore because angry boomers that lost their life savings hang them all
It sounds far fetched, but it happened before, the Hunt brothers did it in the 80s, but since it was just two people it was very easy to unperson them. Right now only a handful of /pol/lacks, /pmg/ schizos and reddit retards are making a run on it, but if it ever gets attention from normies or whales it would be very bad for the money changers. That's why you'll always find shills whenever silver is brought up.
>Supply and demand
Silver is mined at a rate of about 1:15 compared to gold, so the supply is only 15 times as much as gold. Right now silver is priced at only 1/87th of what silver is, way under priced for the supply.
Demand is also unprecedented, ask any coin dealer.

>> No.50050113

>apocalypse happens
>Jesus returns
>sees a bunch of soulless silver-hoarding weasels
>sends them all straight to hell

>> No.50050122

is this supposed to be impressive i genuinely can't tell

>> No.50050136

You did the best job selling silver to me

>> No.50050146

aren't silver and gold basically scams due to the massive amounts of paper silver and paper gold around?

>> No.50050148

silvertards BTFO

>> No.50050171

Sounds like it. Might be worth a squize

>> No.50050272
File: 655 KB, 1880x1953, 1654988760141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the manipulation thesis is correct that's ostensibly why they're such good buys.
I just don't understand why there's so much vitriol towards people who buy bullion
>OMG so you think there's gonna be an APOCALYPSE???
>oh my FUCKING GOD bitcoin does x1000 though

>> No.50050322

>hurr durr the world is gonna end RIGHT NOW

>> No.50050336

Ever notice the closer we get to next crisis (((they))) intensify attacks on real money?

>> No.50050363

The vitriol comes mostly from zoomers who turned $1000 into $100k with their dog coins.

They don't understand what's coming.

>> No.50050381

>bought the tulip bulb >>50049784
Damn. Did it go below zero?

>> No.50050449

Either that or it's the most heavily countershilled asset in the world. I'm guessing it's a bit of both.

>> No.50050455

Where was that image that said if all mined silver was divied out equally to everyone in the world then everyone would get a merc dime amount of silver annually? I think about that whenever I play with my silver. I think how within ONE year I have taken the shares of literally HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of people. If that were a thing then I would be a wealthy man indeed. Nevermind the historical significance of a man of not very high status owning a large sum of wealth comparable to that of a fuedal lord of past eras. Do you ever think about that when you take a hot shower? That hot water was reserved for royalty and how even today most people in the world cant have that regularly, while you can have it all day every day?
I may not be the wealthiest man, the most successful, or whatever. But I have treasures, riches beyond imagination.
You just have a shitty attitude.

>> No.50050507
File: 630 KB, 588x533, 1602938763728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in your hole. You know so little.

>> No.50050516
File: 73 KB, 650x650, 1QJxyro1Pz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver has everything to do with fear and despair. This has not begon yet, but you will know true dread in your lifetime.

>> No.50050521
File: 525 KB, 728x1589, 1635198632831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50050545

Some are literal shills, some are just zoomers who don't like their digital currency worldview to be threatened/questioned

>Your metals are worthless
>That's why the government will seize them or people will literally murder you for them

Either way, they're retarded

>> No.50050577
File: 47 KB, 643x461, silver ---- short concentration on comex vs other commodities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its actually not way rarer.. comes out of the ground at a ratio of 1 gold to 8 silver
but its priced like its 1 : 80

youre right but past performance does not gaurentee future returns
if you dont have your head in the sand you'd see that there is some real fucky shit going on in the commodities markets recently
lots of paper promises failing (see the LME and nickle, or comex with rhodium a few years ago)
there is now public eye on the silver supression.
reddit has a sub at 200k members (which is clearly being surpressed and likely has membership over 1 million) not all, but many of these people are buying physical
comex is getting less full
its entirely possible that when comex gets caught with their pants down you wont be able to buy any physical and your SLV will become worth its inherent value (i.e. zero)
id rather buy at prices I know are surpressed than wait for a dip and find out I cant actually buy for this price
but I think you know this.
if i had to guess you are one of their best

>> No.50050592

Sea shells are renewable, mined metals are not. If you lose a piece of silver at sea then it is gone gone, while if you lose a sea shell then you just go for a walk on the beach until you find a new one. Nevermind that sea shells shatter and disintegrate. Come on man, quit beinf disingenuious.

>> No.50050623
File: 105 KB, 400x338, 1616259903456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger what "digital currency" worldview do you think isn't happening? Do you think that the world governments are going to abandon their chokehold on the financial system and we are going back to gold and silver coins? Fuck no. In 30 years the dollar will objectively be digital.

>> No.50050650

At least they had a bull run.

>> No.50050666

If playing metro last light has taught me anything its that getting inebriated with strangers is how you end up getting kidnapped by big russian men. Indulge at your own risk.

>> No.50050704
File: 284 KB, 512x537, silver ---- production per person phrased well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please check my pretty pictures then fren
they (imo) are the most powerful data backed reasons justifying silver investment

seethe and explain pic rel (or any of my other pics in my posts)

>> No.50050711

Holy crap silver is Gold's altcoin. I finally see it.

>> No.50050716
File: 12 KB, 220x293, thealexera-soyjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50050735


fuck kikes

>> No.50050797

>because they wouldn't stop killing your nigger cotton pickers.
based injuns?

>> No.50050858


>> No.50050920

>The only way to make millions off of silver is investing in silver miners
Ok? I dont care about making millions, its a sham and if Ive learned anything from fucking with stock trading its that the house always wins. Id rather take the simple path and just get that which cannot be rugged. Even if the market crashes I'll still have my physical meanwhile everyone elses shit will get reverse split. If the price goes up then I win, if it goes down then I buy more on the cheap. This is the path of no fail. This is the path of solid foundations. While you have your head up in the (digital) clouds I will have my feet firmly planted on the concentrated minerals beneath my feet.

>> No.50050950

>man made governmental bodies =/= The World™
Did you forget that empires rise and fall? Are you unaware that roman denarus has been replaced by the euro?

>> No.50051019

An excellent perspective on the causes of WW2, as well as highlighting interesting similarity to the Russia and China questions.

>> No.50051022
File: 246 KB, 643x850, JESUS-TEMPLE-BU-bar-10oz_front_850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not about the money, its about sending a message.

>> No.50051046

pretty sure Jesus will look more favorably on someone humbly stacking silver vs. some degenerate gambling on stocks/crypto

>> No.50051198
File: 48 KB, 720x442, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50051235

30 pieces of silver earned by honest effort is far better than 30 pieces of silver gotten by treachery.
Gott mit uns.

>> No.50051239

>no you can't use 6k years of history
>it's has to recent history that only I accept as my preset parameters
>no not that way, it's defeats my argument
>look the goalposts are over here now
You'll fit in well here

>> No.50051300

>I will bow to the electronic jew because I am too weak to conceive otherwise
>bow down to the digital jew
>don't try to avoid it
>accept slavery
You deserve everything that happens to you

>> No.50051396

>Jesus brings sword into church to threaten inflationary money changers
>the current world is literally controlled by inflationary money changers
I think he'd be pretty stoked

>> No.50051451

Bought into silver for 11 to 13 bucks an ounce in 2016/17. We're still in the 20 dollar range? Hahahaha We're only up

>> No.50051528

either you are retarded or disingenuous to a degree that can only be detrimental to yourself.
continue arguing with your own made up enemies

>> No.50051593

silver is a long established bane to vampires and ANY undead or cursed creature...

>> No.50051612

Anyone here /oldfags/?
I remember people speculating about $100 silver a decade ago

>> No.50051634

no you just said.. like bottlecaps will be used first?
>You're betting on there being no other items to barter (which is completely retarded)
right there

>> No.50051735

>decade ago

>> No.50051974
File: 2.79 MB, 1389x2000, 1612124860014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50052041

>society is going to collapse because...
>listen it just is okay
Wrong board friend

>the jews are manipulating metals
>but I'll be fine if I hold metals

>> No.50052084
File: 1.09 MB, 1430x1200, silver ---- old cartoon ---- banker trades paper for money - wants the earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only buy physical

>> No.50052128

It's true. Firsties don't know what is hyper inflation.

>> No.50052143
File: 125 KB, 1200x930, silver ---- rare metals by content on earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, you can tell the difference
any shill that sticks around to fight agains real money gets educated and changes their stance
shills forget everything and reiterate their same shit

also on pic rel
rarer than silver (atleast in terms of mining)
costs about 1/100th as much (in bulk on ebay)
cant hurt to stack equal parts silver and bismuth

>> No.50052247
File: 159 KB, 957x861, e8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omg my heckin nazirinos!! Woooow look at that swastika and eagle!!
So based and redpilled!! Yessss daddy hitler fash me harder!!

>> No.50052297

bismuth, lol
stop coming up with a bunch of random shit to buy
if you buy bismuth, who the fuck are you going to sell it to? ever thought of that?

>> No.50052403
File: 145 KB, 965x526, silver ---- how much per person ---- ranking chart whole planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, silver is fungible
you will be judged for your actions regardless of your wealth

itll happen eventually

>> No.50052427

Look at the chart. It has the shittiest price action ever.
Why buy something with such shit performance?

>> No.50052550 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 811x1215, trad_silver_stacked_virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when bitcoin dies silver flies

>> No.50052939

>I moved the goalposts again
>this is you waiting for society to collapse although you didn't ever say it explicitly
This is why your losing
>jews manipulate silver
They manipulate paper
You deserve your poverty and I revel in your misery fagget

>> No.50053514
File: 55 KB, 326x326, 1583078037812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No goalposts have been moved. I've given my case for silver but by going back more than a few hundred years then you are essentially betting on the global financial system to collapse.
>its gonna happen because look empires last 250 years and its been 250 years the science is settled
>but you need to just keep zooming out don't look at contemporary times
If nothing happens in 5 years, then you still won't be proven wrong. Even in 100 years you won't be proven wrong. Because it's impossible to prove "DUDE THE WORLD IS GONNA COLLAPSE" wrong until it happens. Was supposed to happen in 2020 too yet here we are.

What misery am I supposed to feel? I made tons in the last few years. I made a killing selling calls. I flipped tons of assets into commodities that I own in person and physically. I'd be way poorer if I bought metal in 2020 than I am now. Of course you're welcome to unzip the
>haha paper value? Well I don't care about that
Cope even though metals have hilariously failed this year to keep up with inflation
>two more weeks silver bros

This is why you /pmg/iggers need to stay in your fucking containment thread. Your only financial sense is
>two more weeks it's coming guys
You're not investors. You're conspiracists. And that is fine. But this isn't the board for you. Go back to SETF on /pol/

>> No.50053573
File: 5 KB, 320x200, silver_2_year_o_x_usd (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd be way poorer if I bought metal in 2020 than I am now

>> No.50053644
File: 95 KB, 227x326, 1532026514117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowie I am sure upset I put 25k into anything else other than silver at 20/oz in 2020. Thanks for your service though I've made a killing selling premiums

>> No.50053671
File: 446 KB, 763x763, 1651359090634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delicious cope
Keep it up. I enjoy you being wrong moar than you enjoy it
Captcha: 000YH

>> No.50053702
File: 90 KB, 593x610, 1546626506060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. Thanks for selling your bags to me when silver dumps to 14/oz when the market crashes because "OH SHIT THIS IS REALLY THE END" but just stay in your containment thread if you don't wanna talk finance. It's better that way.

>> No.50053718

1: Buy silver
2: walk to river or pond near apartment
3: throw silver in water
4: ????
5: profit

>> No.50053838
File: 1.47 MB, 737x800, 1651101268235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's for you poors. I buy and only buy.
Stay poor. It's fucking delicious

>> No.50055547

>a commodity better adapted for money than metallic money made from silver and gold, it should be adopted
really makes you think, if only there was something else we could use in modern times.

>> No.50055889
File: 1.38 MB, 2560x1500, silver ---- b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever bro if its not for you thats cool
ill admit liquidity will be an issue (maybe not if it gets meme hype) but bismuth has some cool properties and is super rare
if industry uses are discovered youre talking 100x
im literally saying for ever $1 you put into silver put $0.01 into bismuth.
it also looks cool.

>> No.50056277

So you think doxing gun owners will protect all the people without guns?

>> No.50056295

I did buy some bismuth titanate as a desk ornament. About 70g for $12. Was not that impressed

>> No.50056463

he makes a point and you don't have an argument, just some pathetic emotional drivel

>> No.50056521

Boomers will seethe when worthless internet dog coins are worth more than fucking silver

>> No.50056535

Hmmmm yeassss pls fud harder daddyyy

>> No.50058197

Yeah but a loaf of bread will be $50

>> No.50058923

>head to tow

>> No.50059899

I think he means 1.5 K

>> No.50061239

lol had the same thought