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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50052004 No.50052004 [Reply] [Original]

The moment you realize that the entire economy is a fake bubble,
where everything is on paper, you start to understand that a college degree is important
for you individually. (even though their importance is bad for the collective)

>No but you don't learn anything important in college and in formal education! It's just about the paper!
Absolutely, but fiat money is also just fake paper, and so everything else in the west, big corporations (which are the most comfy/bullshit and paying jobs)
care about the on paper data (how many employees they have, their qualifications etc...) so investors
actually start flowing money (most big corporations barely make profit, many actually lose, which is also why they don't pay taxes)
So there is a selection to hire those with a college degree.

I mean, think about it, why would the free market care about you just having a college
degree on your CV? No normal employer would ever care about your bullshit gender degrees from meme university,
but they do, why? Because investors care!

>> No.50052038

people who fall for the "college is a meme" meme are debilitatingly low IQ copers.

t. making $95k a year to write this shitpost from my wfh job

>> No.50052090


>> No.50052148

I've met multiple autistic savants that either dropped out or didn't go to meme university at all, had no problem finding work.

>> No.50052181

I have two AAS degrees and 10 years of experience in a technical field (electronics, optics, lasers). Can I leverage this into a high paying role, or am I doomed to technician level titles/pay grades? Should I just lie on my resume? Are there good diploma mills that would help advance my career prospects? At this point in my life I have no interest in actually going to school again, plus I can't afford it, and don't have the energy to work full time while going to school

>> No.50052212

Yeah if you go to uni for a real degree with job prospects like business, programming or STEM (or if you want 6 digits starting go pure Math) you'll be fine. It's criminal that unis charge for degrees in art, music, niggerterprative dance, etc. Those degrees should be 2 years tops.

But for people who can't handle college there is always trade school.

>> No.50052224

>You can drop out of universty and find a job later on
Imagine my shock! Nobody is saying that you can't get a job without a degree you low IQ nigger retard, but optimally for a bullshit job that pays well, a degree is a most many times.

>> No.50052250


t. making 285k a year to reply to your shitpost from my wfh job WITHOUT a degree

>> No.50052261
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>> No.50052322

They probably make more than you faggot.

>> No.50052368

>I know someone who dropped out of college and he works in trades and shieet, he makes a ton of money.
When will you stop with this Reddit cope? Sure, some do, but most people would be better off with a degree in this type of economy.

>> No.50052437

>/g/ ID
>He still hasn't got it
What about "autistic savant" did you not understand, retard? I'm not even disagreeing with you.

>> No.50052504

Nope, I didn't understand your autistic sarcasm, not even after you half explained it, would you mind to fully explain it?

>> No.50052592

who knew in-home gay sex work was so lucrative

>> No.50053127

>No normal employer would ever care about your bullshit gender degrees from meme university,
>but they do, why?
because it's the kind of degrees HR roasties hold. but in reality if you're not a hopeless retard with best aspirations at 60k / year it won't matter

>> No.50053210

>or if you want 6 digits starting go pure Math

>t. statistician spec cope

>> No.50053316
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the only reason computer science is not #1 btw is that most top notch programmers never bother with a degree

>> No.50053342

>t. making $95k a year t
is this supposed to be some large amount lmao

>> No.50053492
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still not getting your jewish studies "degree" still not supporting your jewish kike status

>> No.50053888

Not far off

OSS Developer at FAANG

>> No.50053978

Why is the median denoted by both the green area and the dot?

>> No.50054050

My job required a degree but I don’t use it directly. Regardless, the first few years of it required a lot of dedication & study on my own time…. Very similar to college.

You will spend your entire career continually learning. It’s not just about “getting a piece of paper “ in college and then stagnating for the next 20 years. It’s about proving you are capable of learning and continuing to do so.

This concept seems to be completely lost on jellyfags who didn’t go to college. “Bu…. But I’m so smart! I’m just lazy!!! It’s all a scam anyways!!”

>> No.50055451

Degrees are important because everyone fucking has them. So what can you do without them nowadays?

>> No.50055472

ask me how do I know you are poor
I bet you are here every day and learned absolutely nothing

>> No.50055871

First day here, and from what I lurked, most of the stuff here is coming from poor day traders or wannabe day traders larping about making 6 figures

>> No.50056057

Starting salary vs all career levels

>> No.50057616

well thats not wrong most posts are shills, trolls or pajeets
it takes some time and skill to learn to differentiate between real frens and shitposters

but really all degrees are traps as are all jobs and careers
biz tells you to get out of the cagie at all costs by either being a business owner tho those posters are few now or by holding assets
protip anon you don't need any paperwork to buy and sell assets on an open market